(直击高考)2013高考英语 语法重难点系列 专题10 名词性从句考点

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(直击高考)2013高考英语 语法重难点系列 专题10 名词性从句考点 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句(Noun Clauses),引导名词性从句的词叫连词。 名词性从句又分别称为: 主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句主语从句:是在复合句中充当主语的从句,常放在谓语动词之前或者用形式主语it代替,将其本身放在句尾。 例如:1. That he came here just now has been proved. 他刚才来的这里得到了证实。 解析:That he came here just now在谓语has been proved的前面,所以是主语从句。 2. Its true that we are going next week. 我们下星期走是真的。 解析:真正的主语是 that we are going next week,前面的it是形式主语。宾语从句:在复合句中作宾语的名词性从句,通常放在主句谓语动词(及物动词)和介词之后。例如:1. We all know what he is. 我们都知道他是干什么的。 解析:what he is作及物动词know的宾语从句。 2. His worry is about whether he can succeed. 他的担忧是关于他是否能成功。 解析:whether he can succeed作介词about的宾语从句。表语从句:在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在系动词之后,一般结构是:主语+联系动词+表语从句例如:1. His question is where he can buy a house. 他的问题是他能在哪里买房子。 解析:where he can buy a house是联系动词is后面的表语从句。 2. This is why we cant get their support. 这就是我们得不到他们支持的原因。 解析:why we cant get their support是联系动词is后面的表语从句。同位语从句:是用以说明所修饰名词的具体内容的,它与被修饰的词语通常可以划等号。例如:We heard the news that our team had won. 我听说了我们球队获胜的消息。 为了思维的连贯性,此专题我们不以从句的分类来讲,而以连词的分类讲。引导名词性从句的连词主要有以下几类:1.具有词汇意义的连词 (what, how, who, when, where, why,whose, which)2.没有词汇意义的that(that在句中没有如何意义,只起连词的作用)3.if/whether (是否)4.具有双重身份的what5.疑问词+ ever(whatever、whoever、whomever、however、whenever、wherever、whichever)一、具有词汇意义的连词 1. I know when he was born. 我知道他什么时候出生的。 2. Where he lives is known to us all. 他住在哪里我们大家都清楚。 3. My question is how you came to school. 我的问题是你怎样来的学校。 4. He told us why she was late. 他告诉我们她为什么迟到。 5. Please let me know what you are . 让我们知道你是干什么的。 6. Which team will win isnt clear. 哪只队将要赢还不清楚。 从上面的例句我们可以看出上述引导名词性从句的连词都具有词汇意义。 二、that的用法1.I know that your name is Tom. (宾语从句) 我知道你名字叫汤姆。2.The news that they won the match excited us very much. (同位语从句)他们获得了比赛胜利的消息使我们都非常兴奋。3. That he often helps my sister makes me happy. (主语从句) 他经常帮我妹妹使得我开心。4.My demand is that you (should ) try to study hard. (表语从句)我的要求是你们尽力努力学习。 从上述四个句子我们可以看出that在句中不具有任何词汇意义,也不充当任何成分。一)that引导主语从句常用it作形式主语的情况:(should) do.(因为其动词都是表“建议、命令、要求、主张、决定”等)动词原形的虚拟语气。1) 老师建议我们早上早起。 The teacher suggests that we (should) get up early in the morning. (宾语从句)2) 我们决定你们下个星期去郊游。 We have decided that you (should) go for an outing next week.(宾语从句)3) 班长要求我们的家庭作业尽早地交上去。 The monitor demands that our homework (should) be handed in as soon as possible. (宾语从句)3. It+特殊动词+ that从句常见动词有:occur, happen, seem, turn out,come about1)It seems that.(好像。) a. It seems that you object to his idea . 好像你反对他的想法。 b. It seems that he has been to Japan. 好像他去过日本。 2)It happens that.(碰巧。) a. It happens that we all like physics,so we always have much to talk with each other. 碰巧我们都喜欢物理,所以我们常相互有许多话谈。 b. It happened that we went to visit the factory last week too . 碰巧我们也是上个星期去参观的那家工厂。 It doesnt happen that.=It happens.not.(碰巧不。) a. It happened that he was not in yesterday. = It didnt happen that he was in yesterday. 碰巧他昨天不在家。 b. It happened that I didnt have any money on me then,either.= It didnt happen that I had any money on me then ,either. 碰巧当时我身上也没有带钱。 4)It turned out that .(结果是。) a. It turned out that my answer was wrong.= My answer turned out (to be) wrong . 结果我答案是错的。 b. It turned out that it was a sunny day.= It turned out (to be)a sunny day. 结果是个大晴天。5)How does/did it come about that.?(。是怎么回事?) a. How did it come about that you didnt play football ? 你没有踢足球是怎么回事? b. How does it come about that you often come late ?你常迟到是怎么回事? c. I want to know how it comes about that you dont like him.我想知道你不喜欢他是怎么回事。4. Its said/reported/consideredthat从句(据说/据报道/据认为。) a. 据说/认为/报道你是个好医生。 It is said/considered/reported that you are a good doctor. You are said/considered/reported/to be a good doctor.b. 据说他们正在国外踢球。 It is said that they are playing football in a foreign country.They are said to be playing football in a foreign country.c. 据认为那本书翻译成了英语。 It is considered that the book has been put into English. The book is considered to have been put into English.以上句子的考点在绿色部分的变体:主要考句中动词不定式的形式(一般式、进行式和完成式等),如果是一般性的就用一般式,正在进行就用进行式、已经完成就用完成式。二)that引导宾语从句1.一般动词后面直接跟宾语从句 a. He told me (that )you came from Wuhan. 他告诉我他是武汉人。 b.Yesterday we knew (that )he had been to that village three times.昨天我们知道他去过那个村庄三次了。 c. They hear( that ) a hospital will be built in their hometown. 他们听说在他们家乡将修一家医院。3. 动词find(发现、觉得),feel(感觉、觉得),consider(认为)、think (认为),make(使得),believe(相信)等后面有宾语补足语时,it作形式宾语,that从句放在后面。 a. We find it hard that we must finish the work in three days. 我们发现我们必须在三天内完成工作难。 b. Please make it clear to everyone that they are innocent. 必须让人人都清楚他们是清白的。 c. I believe it true that he will come here tomorrow. 我相信他明天要来这里是真的。d. Do you think it fair that he wasnt punished last week ? 你认为他上个星期没有受到处罚公平吗?e. They consider it my duty that I look after my students well. 他们认为我好好照顾我的学生是我的职责。f. I feel it easy that they clean the classroom three times a day . 我感觉他们一天扫三次教室容易。 但是如果宾语从句是what(双重身份)类时,则不可以用ita. We consider what you said (to be)reliable. 我们认为你说的可靠。b. We found what we had learned (to be) valuable. 我们发现我学的有价值。c. Do you think what I bought yesterday (to be)cheap? 你认为我昨天买的便宜吗?except/but/besides that(除之外)是例外1) He works hard in that he wants to go to a good college.他刻苦学习在于他想上一所好大学。2) He stood there still except that his lip moved. 他除了嘴唇在动,一动不动地站在那里。6.宾语从句中that不可省略的使用情况:引导宾语从句中的that 通常可以省略,但是在下列情况下不能省a. 一个动词后面跟有两个或两个以上的宾语从句时 , 最后一个从句前的that不能省 I know (that) you are very clever and that you always work hard. 我知道你很聪明你很用功。b. 当that从句作learn, suggest, explain , agree, prove, mean, feel, state等动词的宾语时 I learn that he has arrived. 我得知他已经到了。 c. 当宾语从句的状语(从句)位于句首时 He told me that every other day he came here. He told me (that) he came here every other day. 他告诉我他每两天来这里。d. 当主句的谓语动词和宾语从句之间有插入语时 He says that , if time permits, he will come to help me. 他说如果时间许可的话,他会来帮我。e. 当宾语从句的主语是非谓语动词或主语从句时 I know that what you need is just a book. 我知道你需要的仅仅是本书。f. 当主句中的谓语动词是固定词组时 He has made up his mind that he will try to catch up with his classmates. 他下决心他将努力赶上他同班同学。7.宾语从句中否定的转移:当主句的主语是第一人称,谓语是think, believe, suppose等表示“意念,信念,揣测”的动词时,宾语从句的否定要提到主句上来,反义疑问句则要根据宾语从句的主谓进行变化。a. I dont think your answer is right, is it? 我认为你的答案不对,是吗?b. I dont believe you can go next year。 我相信你明年不会去c. I dont suppose he will succeed. 我猜想他不会成功。8.宾语从句中的时态:当主句的谓语是一般现在时的时候,宾语从句的谓语用各种所需要的时态。a. I know (that) he lives here. 我知道他住在这里。b. I know when he was born. 我知道他什么时候出生的。c. I hear (that1)he has been a soldier for three years. 我听说他已当兵三年了。d. I can see (that) you are happy every day. 我能看出你每天很快乐。 当主句的谓语动词是一般过去时态时, 宾语从句的谓语动词必须用过去时态的某一种形式。a. He said that he was watching TV. 他说他在看电视。b. I was told when the meeting would be put off. 我被告知会议将延期。 c. She mentioned in his talk that his name was Li Ping. 他在报告中提到他的名字叫李明。但是:即使主句的谓语是一般过去时,宾语从句如果是表示客观真理性的,格言,谚语类时, 其谓语动词仍然要用一般现在时。a. The teacher told us knowledge is power. 老师告诉我们知识就是力量。b. When I was a boy, I knew the earth is round. 当我小的时候我知道地球是圆的。三、if/whether(是否)的用法 四、what:在从句中具有双重身份。即:既引导名词性从句,在名词性从句中 又充当一个成分。 我父母把我培养成我现在的样子。 解析:这里的what相当于the person who/that7. After what seemed five years , he came . After five years,he came. 似乎过了五年之后,他来了。 解析:这里的what相当于the time that8.Finally he went to what is called America. Finally he went to America. 最后他去了叫美国的地方。 解析:这里的what相当于the place that9. I live in what people call Wuhan . I live in Wuhan. 我住在人们称作武汉的地方。 解析:这里的what相当于the place that10. A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland 10 years ago. 一座现代化的城市已在10年前还是一片荒地的地方建起来了。 解析:这里what相当于the place that11. I would like to play what is called rock music. 我想演奏所谓的摇滚音乐。 解析:这里what=the thing that 五,疑问词-ever(无论):这类词既可以引导名词性从句也可以引导状语从句, 在引导状语从句时可以换成no matter +疑问词,而在引导名词性从句时只能用疑问词-ever.难点:1. whoever/whomeverwhoever/whomever在句中相当于anyone who/anyone that,而whomever只作宾语。 2. however 1)不管怎样 However =No matter how you come to school, you must arrive on time. 不管怎样来上学,你都必须准时。2)形容词或者副词要紧跟在后面 a. However hard English is , I want to study it well.= No matter how hard English is, 不管英语多难,我都想学好。 b. However busy he is ,he will come to see me.= No matter how busy he is, 不管他多忙,他都要来看我。 c. However carefully he writes, he always makes some minor mistakes.= No matter how carefully he writes, 不管他写得多认真,他总是犯一些小错误。3. 注意下面这类完成句子题:1)_ (不管发生什么事) , I will go. (what) 答案: No matter what 解析:在做这道题时,许多学生的答案可能会是Whatever. 在这里是引导的状语从句,但 由于是要求用括号内的单词完成句子,所以答案就只能是No matter what 2)_ (不管你什么时候方便), please come to my home .(when) 答案:No matter when it is convenient to you。 解析:在这里就不能是Whenever it is convenient, 理由是括号里给的是when。 七,表语从句的补充:1.This is where he lives. 这就是我住的地方。2.Thats where I first met her. 那就是我第一次遇见她的地方。3. Thats how he studies his lessons. 他就是这样学习功课的。4. Thats why he didnt come. 这就是他没有来的原因。5. This is why he ran so quickly . 这就是他跑得这样快的原因。6. That was when I was fifteen . 这是我15岁的时侯发生的事。根据上面的例句大家注意到了where,how,when,why在引导表语从句时的中文意思。where 的意思是“的地方”、why的意思是“原因”、how的意思是“这样”、 when的意思是“的时候”在这种情况下其句子的主语都是“this”或者“that”,否则他们的词汇意义就会有变。1. My problem is how he can arrive so early. 我的问题是他怎样能那样早到。 2.His doubt is when they will finish the project. 他的疑问是他们什么时候将完成那项工程。 3.What I want to know is why you always sleep in class. 我想知道的是你为什么上课总睡觉。 4.His question is where he must go. 他的问题是他必须去哪里。八、同位语从句在句中作同位语的名词性从句叫同位语从句.它用以进一步说明与它同位的名词所表示的具体内容。常可带同位语从句的名词有advice,belief,doubt,dream,hope,idea,message, news,order,possibility,promise, problem, question, suggestion, thought, truth, view,wish,word等1. The news that they have won the match is true. 他们获得比赛胜利的消息是真的。 解析:that they have won the match是前面news的内容。2. You are sure to live your dream that you can find a good job. 你肯定能实现你找到好工作的梦想。解析:梦想的内容就是找到好工作。3. Do you remember your promise that you will buy me a computer? 你记得你要给我买台电脑的诺言吗? 解析:给我买电脑就是诺言的内容。4. Word came that he would give us a talk. 有消息说他将给我们做演讲。 解析:that he would give us a talk就是前面word的内容。注意:在某些名词(如:demand,advice,suggestion,idea,decision,wish,order等)后面的同位语从句谓语动词要用(should)+动词原形的虚拟语气。1. I like your idea that we (should) do some reading every day. 我喜欢你的我们每天读书的想法。2. The suggestion that they (should)go next week is reasonable. 他们下个星期走的建议合乎情理。3. You must obey the order that you (should) drill on time. 你们必须听从你们准时操练的命令。 九、同位语从句、定语从句的区别1. 同位语从句进一步说明前面名词的具体内容;定语从句则对其先行词起修饰,限制的作用。2. 引导同位语从句的连词没有任何词汇意义,也不在从句中担任成分,但不能省略,而引导定语从句的关系词则代表先行词的词义,在从句中必须担任成分,作宾语时常可省略.试比较:6) 从句 ) 在暖和又常下雨的地方竹子长得很好。 解析:where在后面的句子中作状语。十、与名词性从句有关的常用句型1.There is no doubt that 毫无疑问(同位语从句) There is no doubt that we can succeed only by hard work. 毫无疑问只有通过努力我们才能成功。2. It is no wonder that 难怪(主语从句) It is no wonder that you both often play together. 难怪你们两个常在一起玩。3. There is no possibility that 不可能(同位语从句) There is no possibility that it will snow tomorrow. 明天不可能下雪。 Is there any possibility that it will snow tomorrow? 明天有可能下雪吗?4. There is no deny that 不可否认(同位语从句) There is no deny that China is developing very quickly. 不可否认的是中国正在迅猛发展。soon. 据说/认为/报道/宣布不久将有狂风暴雨。10. Its universally acknowledged that 是大家公认的(主语从句) Its universally acknowledged that America is a superpower. 美国是一个超级大国是大家公认的。11. What they have in common (with)is that (与.)共同之处是(主语从句) What they have in common is that they are all fat. 他们的共同之处是他们都胖。 What they have in common with me is that we are all fat. 他们和我的共同之处是我们都胖。12. It turned out that 结果是(主语从句) It turned out that all of them succeeded. 结果是他们都成功了。13. How does/ did it come about that? 是怎么回事(主语从句) How does it come about that you are so sleepy every day ? 你每天昏昏欲睡是怎么回事?14 .It happened that 碰巧(主语从句) It happened that the Taikonaut Wang Yaping was my neighbour. 碰巧宇航员王亚平是我的邻居。15.It occurred to me that 我突然想到.(主语从句) It flashed upon me that It struck/hit me that It crowded in on me that. It crowded into my mind that. It occurred to me that I still had many words to remember. 我突然想到我还有许多单词要记。16.What struck me most is. 给我印象最深的是. What impressed me most is. What struck/impressed me most is the way he solved the problem. 给我印象最深的是他解决那个问题的方法。高考模拟题再现:1. (2012高考湖北卷80)Things arent always _(appear). 事情往往不是他们看上去的那样。 答案:what they appear (to be) 解析:这里的what既引导表语从句又在从句中作主语。2. (2012高考福建卷)We promise _attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever 答案:C5. office. A. whether B. where C. which D.that 答案:D解析:“他突然想到他把钥匙掉在办公室了”,是句型it occurred to sb. that.“某人突然想到。”。6. (2012高考北京卷)Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt _he could have expressed it differently. A. why B. which C. that D. whether答案:C解析:“Jerry不后悔所做的评判,但他感觉到他本可以用不同的方式来表达的”。考查宾语从句,不差任何词汇意义,所以选that.7. (2012高考山东卷)It doesnt matter _you pay by cash or credit card in this store. A. how B. whether C. what D. Why答案:B解析:“在这家商店你是用现金还是刷卡没关系”。It是形式主语,后面考的是主语从句,根据结构是whether.or.“是。还是。”。8. (2012高考新课标卷)It is by no means clear _the president can do to end the strike. A. how B. which C. that D. what答案:D解析:“总统会采取什么措施来结束罢工还不清楚”。it是形式主语,后面才是一个真正的主语从句,根据结构来看,后面的句子要有一个连词来引导,do后面没有宾语,所以就只能用what,并且do what是“采取什么措施”之意。9. (2012青岛统一质量检测)_is expected that it will be fine tomorrow,when we can do some outdoor activities. A. As B. It C. That D. Which 答案:B


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