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乐学教育-您值得信赖的专业化个性化辅导学校 乐学教育个性化辅导授课案ggggggggggggangganggang纲 教师: 学生: 时间: 年 月 日 段一、 授课目的与考点分析:二、 LESSON123-124 和 LESSON125-126二、 授课内容:Lesson123-124词汇学习 Word study1. during prep. 在.期间 during+n. during the summer vacation 在暑假2. trip n. 旅行 trip to+地点 到.旅行 A trip to Japan 日本之旅 A round trip 来回票/往返旅行3travel v. travel around the world 周游世界 travel to+地点 到.旅行 traval n. the travels of Marco Polo 马可波罗游记(1)旅行;游历:If he had a lot of money,he would travel around the world.假如他有很多钱的话,他将会周游全世界。(2)行进;(被)传送:Light travels faster than sound at the speed of 300,000 kilometres per second.光速比声速要快,为每秒钟30万公里。The news didnt travel so fast .这消息传播得不快。2offer v.(1)(主动)给予;提供:We offered some coffee to the guests.我们为客人们提供了咖啡。(2)提出;出(价):Ill offer you 30,000 for the house.这所房子我愿出3万英镑买下来。(3)(主动)表示愿意,提议:I could lend you some books,Jane offered.“我可以借你一些书,”简自告奋勇地提议。3grow v.(1)生长;成长:His hair has grown too long.他的头发长得太长了。The trees have grown quickly.树木生长得快。(2)使生长;留(须发):He grew a beard during the trip.他在旅行时留了胡子。We grew a lot of roses in our garden.我们在自己的花园里种植了大量的玫瑰花4. beard n. 胡须(络腮胡子)mustache n.小胡子(八字胡) beard v.对抗,顶撞【谚语】beard the lion/lair in his den 老虎头上拔毛/太岁头上动土。5. job n.工作 work n./v. job只能做名词,而work既可以做动词,也可以做动词 a part-time job 兼职; do a good job 干得好,干得漂亮 失业: lose ones job/ out of work课文讲解1What a beautiful ship!多漂亮的轮船啊!what引导的感叹句通常是由 What a(n) 形容词 名词构成的。2Thats right.对。这句是对上面附加疑问句的回答。上面一句虽用否定形式提问,但回答则根据事实来决定是用肯定或是否定形式。Thats right是肯定的回答,相当于Yes, it is(那正是我)。3grow a beard,留胡子。4shave it off,把胡子刮掉。 it指 a beard。5定语成分standing behind the counter和 repairing the road是现在分词短语,作后置定语,分别修饰 The man, The woman和The men。I served yesterday 和I saw yesterday 是定语从句,分别修饰the man, the woman和the men。此处关系代词 whom省略了。I bought yesterday和I found in the garden是定语从句,分别修饰 the book, the books和 the kitten。关系代词 which或 that 省略了。语法 Grammar in use定语从句中的省略.当关系代词代表主语并且从句中的谓语动词是(现在)进行时态时,关系代词及助动词be均可省略。假如关系代词在从句中代表宾语,则往往可以省略。此外,定语从句可用介词结尾。请分别看以下的例句:The woman standing behind the counter served me.站在柜台后边的那位妇女为我服务招待了我。This is the book I bought yesterday.这就是我昨天买的那本书。The man I served was wearing a hat.我招待过的那个人当时戴着一顶帽子。Thats the ship we travelled on.那就是我们旅行时乘的船。Thats the man I told you about.那就是我告诉过你有关情况的那个人。练习:一.翻译下列句子:50HY1. 他爸爸上个月失业了。His father lost his job last month.2. 当我长大了,我想周游世界。I want to travel around the world when I grow up.3. 我可以请你喝杯咖啡吗?May I offer you a cup of coffee?4. 你干得漂亮!Youve done a good job. (这里最好是用现在完成时,强调对现在的影响。)5. 不要在老虎头上拔毛。Dontbeard the lion/lair in his den.二、在下面的句子中天上相应的关系词:1) She is the only girl _ I love. (填that,可以省略。因为先行词girl 由 the only 来修饰,所以引导词只能用that。又因为先行词girl在_ I love充当宾语,所以可以省略)2) Who _ broke the window has run away.(填that, 不可以省略。因为先行词是who,引导词只能用that。先行词在_ broke the window充当主语,不能省略)3) All_ should come have come already. (填that,不可以省略。因为先行词是all,引导词只能用that。先行词在_ should come 充当主语,不能省略)4) Fancy is not the girl _ I used to know.(填that, 可以省略。因为先行词在主句,Fancy is not the girl 中充当表语,引导词用that。先行词the girl 在定语从句_ I used to know中作宾语,可以省略。)LESSON125-126重点单词讲解:water v./n1) v. 浇水给花浇水好吗?Would you water the flowers? 2)n. 水(不可数名词)我想喝杯水。I want to drink a glass of water. 一滴水a drop of waterterribly adv. 非常,很他忙得要死He is terribly busy. dry adj./v.adj. 干燥的,干的(反义词是wet)这个罐子可保持咖啡干燥This can will keep coffee dry. v. 把弄干我用暖炉烘干衣服I dried my clothes by the heater. 那衬衫在阳光下很快就可以晒干。The shirt will soon dry in the sun. nuisance n. 讨厌的东西或人What a nuisance! 好讨厌!你那吵死人的立体音响实在令人讨厌。Your noisy stereo is real nuisance to me. mean (meant, meant) v. / adj. v. 意味着,意思是红灯表示停止的意思。The red light means “stop”mean to do 打算做你不是存心这么说的吧?You dont mean to say so! adj. 卑鄙的It is mean of sb to do某人做真卑鄙那个男孩把蛋糕都吃光了,实在卑鄙The boy was mean to eat all the cakes.adj. 吝啬的,小气的他很吝啬He is mean about money. surprise n. / v. 1. n. 惊奇,意外的事to ones surprise让我惊讶的是,她已经是两个孩子的妈妈了。To my surprise, she was the mother of two children.2)v. 使惊讶,使吃惊你总是让我吃惊。You always surprise me. surprised adj. 吃惊的,感到惊讶的be surprised at sth 因感到惊讶You will be surprised at his progress.你会对他的进步感到惊讶课文讲解Cant you come in and have tea now, Peter?-Cant you? 难道你就不能吗?否定疑问句表示说话人强烈意愿和看法。你就不能过来帮我一把吗?Cant you come and give me a hand? 难道你不相信我吗?Dont you believe me?你出去看看自己的车吧!Go out and have a look at your car. Not yet. I must water the garden first.yet 是用在否定句当中表示还-Are you the boss?-Not yet.言外之意:I will be the boss some day.否定疑问句的回答不受否定形式的影响,回答时只根据事实,是事实就用yes, 不是事实则为No.但在翻译时要注意yes和no的译法。你不跟我来么?不,我要跟你去的。-Wont you come with me? -Yes, I will. water 用作动词,在构词法上属于转化,即词由一个词性转为另一个词性,词义随之变化。衣服还没有干。The clothes are not dry yet. 冬季衣服不易干。Clothes do not dry easily in winter. Do you have to water it now?have to 必须,不得不否定式,疑问式的构成要借助助动词do.我必须等他吗?不,不必。Do I have to wait for him? No, you dont have to.must 则不需要再借助助动词我必须现在就见他吗?Must I see him now? Yes, you must. No, you neednt . Im afraid I must. Look at it! Its terribly dry.Im afraid 后面可以跟从句作宾语。这事恐怕我做不了。Im afraid I cant to do this. 恐怕我又不能及格。Im afraid Ill fail again. 恐怕他今天不能回来。Im afraid he cant be back today. What a nuisance! 是对Peter所说的“Its terribly dry”这句话的评价。Last summer it was very dry, too. Dont you remember? I had to water it every day.last summer,去年夏天,是一个过去时间,所以句子要用一般过去时。Dont you remember? 否定疑问句。had to 是have to 的过去式,说明过去必须做的事情。昨天早上我只好早早起来,赶汽车。I had to get up early yesterday morning to catch the bus. Well, Ill have tea by myself.well 语气词,“那么“,表示遗憾。by myself “独自“,没有别人陪伴或协同做某事,相当于alone.你需要我的帮助吗?不,我可以自己做。Do you need my help?No, I can do it by myself.你要和你父母一起去上海吗?不,我自己去。Are you going to Shanghai with your parents?No, Im going by myself.That was quick! Have you finished already?already “己经“,通常用于肯句,经常与完成时态连用。与yet 相对,yet用于否定句和疑问句。你买车了吗?没买呢。Have you bought a car yet?No, not yet. 是,我已经买了Yes, Ive already bought one.你弟弟中学毕业了吗?没有/是的,已经毕业了Has your brother finished middle school? No, not yet.Yes, hes already finished.Yes. Look out of the window.look out of 从往外看我向窗外看,外面一片漆黑。I looked out of the window. It was very dark. Its raining! That means you dont need to water the garden. mean “意味着,意思是说“后接宾语从句。这就意味着我再也见不到他了。That means I can never see him again. 他没通过考试,这意味着他不能上大学了。He failed the exam. That meant he would not be able to go to the college.That was a pleasant surprise. It means I can have tea, instead.surprise “令人惊奇的事“It means 与上句的用法相同instead = instead of watering the garden三、本次课后作业: 四、学生对于本次课的评价: 特别满意 满意 一般 差 学生签字:五、教师评定:1、 学生上次作业评价: 好 较好 一般 差2、 学生本次上课情况评价: 好 较好 一般 差 教师签字:乐学教育教务处 主任签字: _


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