英语(综合教程5)一到三单元{textA以及第一单元单词} 3

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英语(综合教程5)一到三单元{textA以及第一单元单词} 3_第1页
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Unit 1Part 11) If you know from experience that you are the over-anxious type, it is critical that you allot(分配,拨给) a fixed ration of time every day for relaxation.2) We will stand up for our rights,even if we have to go through fire and water(赴汤蹈火) to secure them.3) Good health is a combination of many factors,most of which reside(住,居住,属于) within the individual.4) When the specialists finally announced that her son was deaf and that there was nothing they could do,the woman sobbed(啜泣).5) In his first email the man who called himself Johnson Michael made no mention of(没有提及) where he was from ,nor did he disclose his contact number and address.6) The Vice-Minister of Environment Protection stressed at the meeting that china will not sacrifice(牺牲) environment to foster economic growth.7) Amid a massiv,multi-year mess i came upon(偶然遇见/发现) this old brooch when i was cleaning out the attic.8) To understand what sets the beat of your heart,and why that rhythm(节奏,韵律) is so important,it is helpful to understand what exactly a heartbeat is.9) This set of Dickens is definitely something to value.The paper is fine quality,covers are solid and each volumn(册,本) includes the original illustrations selected by Dickens himself to accompany his words.10) They see you as something of a(可以说是一个) worrier,seeing problems which dont exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them.Part 2l What did you do after you graduated from the State University?- I stayed on as an assistant professor. l Why do you hold the watch to your ear?- I hold it to my ear because I want to hear time tick away. l Hey,Joe.how is your new job?-The salary is not wonderful, but the duties are light. l What is the lesson Little Red Hood teaches children?-The moral of the lesson is not to talk to strangers. l The scenery is gorgeous,isnt it?-Yes, but it cannot hold a candle to HuangshanPart 31) The nasty smell from the kitchen made her stomach churn(胃不舒服欲吐). 2) When she sank into(沉浸于) drunkenness, she was able to forget her sorrow. 3) In the 1500 meters, Martin and Parker came first and third respectively(各自的,分别的). 4) The two hills Shunner Fell from the north and Lovely Seat from the south flank(侧面,侧翼) the famous Butter Tubs Pass. 5) Levi, in gratitude to(对.心存感激) Joshua, gave a party for him. part 4 1 Ambition drives us to excel at what we do,make the most of our opportunities,and to practice our talents to their fullest extent.Selfish ambitions ,on the other hand ,drive us to achievements meant to gritify our own desires regardless of the needs of others.2 In a typical madical discours,after the disease and likely remedy are listed,a case history is supplied by way of illustration so that readers can see the point more clearly .3 Namaste ,a Sanskrit word that translates literally as “I bow to you ”,is engraved (雕刻,使铭记,使牢记)on the wedding rings.It is hoped that the couple who exchange them are committing to the journey inward(内心的,里面的) ,as they make an outward expression of their commitment to each other and the world around them . Part 51. They may have come upon/across documents relating to their early life when they cleared out their dead parentspapers.2. I explained that this piece of news had come out during my long interview with Inspector Drew the night before.3. Its funny ,but when the lights come on/upon,it suddenly seems darker in the park.4. I came across feminist politics while i was at college in Londen in the mid-seventies.5. Utimately,much of the debate comes down to the questions of choice .6. All i could remember when i came around/to was my mothers anxious face.7. When it comes to clothes ,i think the standard has dropped radically in the last five years.8. Frank came through four prisoner-of-war camps with an optimistic mentality.9. They came up with a far better deal than i could have got on my own.10. I can not wait until Christmas comes up and we have fun.Part 6My parents were certain of one thing.they would go through fire and water to make sure i had books around me,despite the small salary we had to live on .As for me ,i would give my mother no peace until she was reading me a story .Not that she minded too much ,for she liked nothing better than to sink into a good book and had the ambition that i should come to share her taste. By way of encouragement,she would read to me in her wonderfully expressive voice as she churned the butter.It is a memory engraved on my heart .To my mind ,television could not hold a candle to(不能与.相比) her storytelling. Having been read to so often when young means that whenever i write anything now i always hear an inward voice speaking the lines ,a voice that i have come to rely upon.Developing a love for reading and writing is a role that parents can play in their childrens lives.Success in school and later careers depends on a large scale on having good reading and writing skills.These days we constantly hear about the important of literacy(读写能力;精通文学) .What does literacy mean ?Its the ability to read and write.Help your children learn to love reading.The key is to start early.Read out loud to your children regularly.Research shows that reading together just 30 minutes a day significantly improves your childs reading ability.Aside from that,another important activity for promoting literacy is using the library .Get a library card for each child ,let them go often to select new books on their own .Check with the librarian to find what is appropriate(适当的).Take the time to look your daily activities and help your child see the connection to reading and writing.Cooking ,reading food labels ,playing word games,and writing stories can be helpful ,too.For children who dont read much,it might take time to get used to reading aloud,and later,silent reading .Give it the time it deserves.You may get tired of reading the same stories again and again but it is that repetition(重复,背诵,副本) that is so important for your child.Children see adults around them writing and reading messages,notes,articles or books.This often makes them want to say their ideas out loud so you can write them down .At preschool age or older,children begin to write ,using their own invented spelling or best guess.They understand that writing helps them share important information and expriences.It is less important for children to spell the words right than it is to enjoy the exprience.Correct spelling can happen a litter later.Part 7 Translation 中文:我的祖母不识字,可是她有一箩筐的神话和传奇故事。小时候,我总是缠着她,要她给我讲故事。而她在忙完家务之后,总会把我抱到膝上,一边讲故事一边有节奏的晃动我。我父母发现了我对故事的浓厚兴趣后,不失时机的引导我进行阅读。他们给我买了许多带插图的故事书,有空的时候就一遍遍的读给我听。慢慢的我认识了很多字,能够自行阅读了。英文:Although my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stock of myths and legends. When I was young I gave her no peace, constantly asking her to tell me stories. After she had finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm. Having noticed my interest in stories, my parents lost no time in(不失时机) initiating me into reading. They bought many storybooks with illustrations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again. By and by I had a vocabulary large enough to read on my own. Unit 2Part 1 1) Loss of appetite(食欲) can be a result of minor infections or health conditions such as coughs ,fever,or indigestion.2) In societies where family lives are decisively centered upon the wage system ,it is not surprising that unemployment can have a destructive(破坏性的,毁灭性的) effect upon families.3) An advertising agency is a service business dadicated to creating ,planning and handing advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion(推销) for its clients.4) Many processed(已加工过的) foods are made with saturated fats,large amounts of sodium and suger .These type of foods should be avoided,or at least eaten sparingly.5) My suede shoes were saturated(浸透的,极湿的) with water during a storm.Now they have drived,the suede has lost its softness.6) Blogging is ,to my mind ,a complete and utter(完全的,十足的) waste of time .Our time could be better spent on writing well-reflected articles in subject areas where we have more knowledge.7) Yesterday villagers watched in excitement as a 100-tonne crane hoisted(提升) their new community hall into place.8) I find it disturbing that the media keeps referring to(涉及) my marriage,since i got divorced ten years ago.9) Experiments confirm an observation experienced by most people:One can forget some information at one point in time and yet be able to retrieve(重新获得) it at a later point.10) Jimmy Carter asked large business to hold down prices and labor unions to avoid new wage demands .Unfortunately(不幸地),his words had litte effect.Part 2l What were Peter and Tom doing when you came back from work ?-Peter was chasing the dog and Tom was riding the wooden horse in the gerden.l What did the passers-by do when an old woman fainted on the street?-They all looked on except one young man. He took her to the hospital instantly.l How did you get your money back from the company?-I laid charges against the company and won the case.l What should we do if we want to stay competitive?-If we want to stay competitive, first of all we need to modernize our factory.l Where did the local farmers get water for crops?-They got irrigation (灌溉水)water from the dammed rivers(水坝).Part 31)Except in the oases(绿洲) the desert is almost devoid of(没有,丝毫)vegetation(植被), although some stunted(发育不良的,长得矮小的), thorny(多刺的) shrubs(灌木丛) grow in the western Sahara. 2)The fruits growing wild in the coastal(沿海的,海岸的) forest are edible(可食用的)3)The national security agency made recommendations(建议) for improving safety standards in airplanes / to improve safety standards in airplanes.4)The Beatles enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled(无比的,空前的) by any previous pop group.5)The emergence of language was a defining factor in the evolution(演变,演化)of modern humans.Part 4 1. Excluding other factors such as quality and price,products which are attractively packaged are bound to attract more consumers,particularly children and young people .Packaging has become an important way to boost/of boosting(增加提高)the sales of products.2. In the eyes of some businessmen,consumers health comes second to(不如.重要)profits.They sell chicken infected with(感染) salmonella and crabs with traces(极微量,踪迹) with antibiotics(抗生素).3. It can be hard to go vegetarian(素食者).The important thing is to make changes you feel comfortable with,at your own pace.While stopping consuming any products for which animals are bred(breed的过去式,生育 繁殖) and slaughtered (屠杀动物以食用)may be ideal(理想的,完美的),even a slight reduction in meat consumption(消费) is a step in the right direction.Part 51) It took them a very long time to get over(克服) the shock of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.2) I got to(逐渐) thinking about his childhood and how different it must have been to mine.3) There was an abrupt drop in the temperature.we found it hard to get through(度过) the remaining days in the out-of-the-way village.4) They had to get over(攻克) one or two technical problems before filming could start.5) We can get by(勉强度日) on our income at the moment,but well need more money when the baby arrives.6) Mason always felt horribly embarrassed when people started to cry ,and tried to think of an excuse to get away(逃避,躲开).7) We would have come straight here,except our flight got in(抵达)?too late.8) We have really got to get this book out(出版)? by the end of the year.9) My brother and i used to argue a lot but we get along fine now that we have got married and have our own children.10) Yesterday i managed to get away? with parking in a “no parking ”zonePart 61. I asked her why she didnt make use of her talent and sing a pop song on the graduation day.2. Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin, died a miserable (悲惨的痛苦的)death.3. We still have to learn how to live a harmonious life, not only with other people but also with the environment.4. Breathing a deep breath, he ran up to take the penalty(罚金,罚款) kick.5. I dreamed a bad dream last night in which I was running through the forest, and being chased by a bear.6. My friend smiled a bitter smile when I asked her whether shed found all the money shed lost.7. Black people have a hard fight to fight(进行艰苦斗争) before they win real equality.8. People with mood disorders (混乱,骚乱)often sleep a troubled sleep. They toss(辗转) and turn, restlessly occupied with negative thoughts.Part 7 The majority of us do not want to exclude(将.排除在外) meat from our diet and put up stubborn(固执) resistanceto those who look on meat eating as devoid of(没有,丝毫) any justification.Ought we to change our minds and bow to(屈服,服从)their point of view?For it must be admitted that they have some potent(有效的,威力大的) arguments in their favor.Among the drawbacks(缺点,缺陷) they can point to is the problem of animal wastes contaminating(污染) the environment.There is also the heightened(增加) risk of food poisoning from infected(感染)meat .The only way to deal with such problems,vegetarians argue,is to change our eating habits so that vegetables no longer come second to(不如.重要) meat.*Although diets of the Chinese have historically(从历史上观点说) consisted largely of plant-based foods,the availability and consumption of meat has increased sharply .Step outside of the luxurious Beijing Hotel in downtown Beijing and turn to your left - toward Wangfujing Street - to find your first McDonalds.Continue down Wangfujing for half a mile to find two,yes two ,more McDonalds spaced between Kentucky Fried Chicken and Popeys .Every restaurant on the trip offers Coke or Pepsi to wash down your fried meal ,and every food court is packed with willing customers.Indeed(的确) ,the demand for western foods in China is great.And the result of the quickly-changing dietary(饮食的) habits of the Chinese people is evident in their increasing body weight and the prevalence(流行) of obesity.some figures indicate that the Beijing adult population is well over 65% overweight .The Chinese Nutrition Society has adopted a food guide remarkably (显著的,非常的)similar to the USDA food guide pyramid ,encouraging healthy portions(部分) of meat and dariy -despite the Chinese having one of the world s largest known national prevalence(流行,普遍,广泛) of lactose(乳糖)intolerance(?).The Chinese plight(境况)is of grave concern to medical researchers.Weve sucessfully failed in America.Weve lost all battles(战役,斗争) ,to date,against obesity(肥大,肥胖) and diabetes(糖尿病) .Blame it on refined(精炼的) sugars,condemn(?)meat ,criticize saturated fats or rebuke(指责)carbohydrates(碳水化合物) .Perhaps its the commercialization(商品化,商业化) and convenience(便利) of food itself that should bear the blame.Is it too late for the Chinese people?Part 8Translation 中文:一项又一项的研究发现,食物和一些慢性病之间有密切关系。例如,某些慢性病危险的降低与多吃以植物为基本成分的食物有关。因此,在过去的十年里,美国饮食协会敦促美国人减少动物脂肪的摄取,增加水果,蔬菜和谷物的消费。同时,美国农业部发布了包括食物指导金字塔在内的文件,鼓励人们每天至少吃三道蔬菜和两份水果、。但是,许多美国人还是没有按照这些建议去做。英文:Study after study has uncovered the fact that there is a close correlation between food and a number of chronic diseases. For example, a decreased risk of certain chronic diseases is associated with an increased consumption of plant-based foods. Therefore, in the past decade, the American Dietetic Association has urged Americans to reduce their intake of animal fats, and to boost consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Meanwhile, the United States Department of Agriculture has released a document containing the food guide pyramid, which encourages a minimum of three vegetable and two fruit servings per day. However, many Americans still dont meet / listen to these recommendations.Unit 31) Mary invited us to her birthday party last week ,and we received the written invitation yesterday .2) It is known to all that facts are eloquent(有说服力的,雄辩的) ,speaking louder than words.3) The presidential candidate refused to concede(不情愿的承认) defeat(失败,挫败) in election(选举,当选) and planned to demand a recount(重新计算) in some districts(区域,地方,行政区) .4) It is often vital fora leader to listen to different views on an issue,even if these views are contradictory(矛盾的,对立的) .5) Who ,after all,has not worn(磨损) a mask on occasion that suggests happiness and contentment(满足,满意) but conceals(隐藏,隐瞒) pain and frustration ?6) A survey shows that fewer wealthy people feel guilty(愧疚的) about making luxury-goods purchases and more of them are proud to be recognized as rich.7) It is difficult to generalize(概括,归纳) about students who are gifted because their characteristics(特征,特色,特质) and needs are so personal and unique .8) We often get caught in(不巧碰上,陷入) heavy traffic during the rush hour ,when it takes a long time to move forward even an inch.9) Unfortunately ,the apartment complex(复杂的,合成的) does not allow pets ,so my dog has to stay with my parents for now(暂时,目前) .10) Speaking at an international conference,Dr.Young pointed out that police officers should use force only as a last resort(作为最后一着) and that the amount of force must be in proportion(比例,部分) to the threat(威吓,恐吓) they encounter(邂逅,碰见) .Part 2Shall we book a table in the smoking area or non-smoking area?1) -Non-smoking area. Johns very intolerant(无法忍受的) of people who smoke.What do you think of Jenny?2) -She is an interesting character, and a bit of a mystery(神秘,秘密,神秘的事物) to me.Why do some women today prefer to use the abbreviation(缩写,缩写词) Ms.instead of Miss or Mrs.?3) -Because it does not reveal(透露) their marital(婚姻的,夫妇的) status(身份).Where would you like to go on vacation ?4) -We are planning on trekking through the Malaysian Rain forest. What did George say when you asked him about his problem?5) -He muttered(低声嘟囔) something under his breath that I couldnt understand.What do people need to wear when handing dangerous chemicals?6) -They may need to wear protective rubber gloves and clothing. What did the chairperson say at the youth crime prevention workshop(专题讨论会)?7) -The chairperson said sometimes unemployment tempted(诱惑,引起) the youth into criminal activities.How do you know that Xiao Wang likes James so much?8) -Though she never admitted it, the look on her face when I mentioned James name gave her away(出卖了她,泄露了她).Part 31) Throughout history, people have been intrigued(激起.的兴趣) by the question of whether there is intelligent(智能的) life elsewhere in the universe(宇宙,世界).2) The hill farmers lot has never been easy and in recent years has been assailed(攻击,质问,着手解决) by a series of major crises(危机,危险期,紧要关头).3) As with most people in his family, Grey is a great talker when hes in the mood to(想做某事,有想做某事的兴致) talk.4) Few people find it necessary to condemn(谴责) white lies on the grounds that(由于,以.为理由) they are not real lies. 5) All the evidence of your qualifications and skills that backs up (支持,鼓励)the claims(主张) you make in your rsum should be included.Part 41) In general(大体上,通常), everything that irritates(刺激,使兴奋) us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. To disregard(忽视,漠视) what the world thinks of us is not only arrogant(自大的,傲慢的) but also utterly (完全地)shameless.2) Eddie was adamant(固执的,坚持的) that his son should never indulge(沉溺于) in vain wishes; he believed that it was absurd for his son to pursue a romantic but utterly impractical (不切实际的)career in the future. 3) Those considering an adventurous safari(旅行) in Central Africa should be aware that there is an extremely small, but nonetheless(仍然,不过) present, risk of encountering(邂逅,) bandits(强盗,土匪) on the road. Thus they should decide for themselves whether such potential (潜能)risks will be personally acceptable to them and their companions(同伴朋友). Part 5 1) In some remote and underdeveloped of the country ,children have t


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