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Hello! Sam. Nice to see you! 你好!山姆,见到你很高兴!Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴 。Is she our new friend? 她是我们的新朋友吗?Yes,shes Anna. 是的,她是安娜。How was your holiday? 你的假期过的如何?It was great! 很好!Stand up! 起立!Sit down! 请坐!What would you like ? 你想要什么?Id like a burger. 我想要一个汉堡包。Its my favourite. 它是我最喜欢的Can I have some apples and pears? 我可以买些苹果和梨吗?Sure! 当然!This is a small baby. 这是一个小宝宝。This is long, which is short? 这是长的,哪个是短的?We can match them. 我们可以比较他们。Where is my shell? 我的贝壳在哪?Its under your paper. 它在纸下面。Whats he doing? 他正在做什么?He cutting a new letter. 他正在剪一个新字母。How happy I am! 我是多么的高兴!Iv got a name. 我有一个名字。Can we be friends? 我们能做朋友吗?Yes,were in the same family. 是的,我们在同一个家庭里。Lucy has a story to tell. 露西有一个故事要讲。Youd better ask her. 你最好问问她。I have a new book to read. 我有一本新书要读。I must go now. 现在我得走了。Thats great. Lets go together. 太好了,咱们一起走吧。The reading-room is very nice. 这个阅览室很好。I like this room, too. 我也喜欢这个房间。I come here every day. 我每天都来这。Pardon?What did you say? 什么?你刚才说什么?What books do you like reading? 你喜欢读什么书?I like picture books. 我喜欢图画书。Which book would you like to read? 你想要哪本书?Id like to read a book on animals. 我想要读一本关于动物的书。I love animals. 我喜欢动物。Im learning colours. 我正在学习颜色。I become smart. 我变得聪明了。I put the colours in my head. 我把颜色放到脑子里。I know them all by heart. 我把它们都记在心里。Which coloured balloon do you want? 你想要哪个颜色的气球?Yellow. 黄色的。Which coloured parrot do you like? 你喜欢哪个颜色的鹦鹉?I like this blue parrot. 我喜欢这只蓝色的鹦鹉。Which colour do you want to see? 你想要看哪个颜色?Its a nice day,isnt it? 今天是个好天气,不是吗?Yes,it is. 是的,它是。Lots of children are playing in the park. 许多孩子正在公园里玩。they are reading a book. 他们正在读书。36playing on the see-saw 正在玩翘翘板ride a bike 骑自行车have lunch 吃午饭take a photo 拍照片paint a picture 画画listen o music 听音乐What can you see in the park? 你在公园里面能看到什么?I can see an old man and a young boy. 我能看到一个老/人和一个小孩This is cool. 真酷。Ive never been here. 我从没有来过这里。What is big? 什么是大的?The elephant is big. 大象是大的。There is a monkey in the tree. 树上有一只猴子There are some apples on the tree. 树上有一些苹果May I use the scissors? 我能用一下剪刀吗?May I use the sticky tape? 我能用一下胶带纸吗?Here you are! 给你!You are welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。I love paper-folding lessons. 我喜欢折纸课程。So do I! 我也是。My UFO is flying now. 我的UFO正在飞。Whos that boy? 那个男孩子是谁?He is my best friend. 他是我最好的朋友。Whats next? 下一个是什么?Its the rabbit and the turtle. 是小白兔和乌龟。How do you spell the “turtle”? 怎样拼写“turtle”T-u-r-t-l-e.What do you often do on Childrens Day? 你在儿童节的时候经常干什么?I often go boating. 我经常划船。watch TV 看电视see a puppet show 看木偶剧play table tennis 打乒乓球 go swimming 游泳 play hide-and-seek 捉迷藏go bike-riding 骑自行车fly a kite 放风筝feed a bird 喂鸟play the guitar 弹吉他play football 踢足球paint your own face 画脸make a birthday cake 做生日蛋糕light candles 点蜡烛give a present 送一个礼物sing a birthday song 唱一首生日歌make a wish 许一个愿望blow out candles 吹蜡烛cut the cake 切蛋糕eat the cake 吃蛋糕Trow the Shuttlecock 投羽毛球Feather Race 羽毛接力赛Mimic the Animal Sound 模仿动物叫Back to Back Stand 背靠背Three Leg Running 两人三足Musical Islands 音乐岛Kick the Shuttlecock 踢毽子Throw the Beanbag 丢沙包I can colour this picture. 我能给这幅画涂色I can tell you riddles. 我会说谜语。We can say a chant. 我们会说儿歌We can mime the actions. 我们会模仿动作I can make words with these letters. 我能用这些字母拼单词剑桥英语一级B全册生词及自然拼音Unit 1 great 很棒的 holiday 假期 new 新的 worry 担心 animal 动物 same 同样的 spell 拼写 help 帮助 oops哎哟 please 请 listen 听crayon 蜡笔 eraser/rubber 橡皮toilet paper 卫生纸 radio 收音机 pencil-case铅笔盒exercise book练习本 toy car玩具车 glasses眼镜 lemonade柠檬汁 picture book 图画书Unit 2 food食物fruit水果 family家庭 body身体 sports运动 numbers数字 colours颜色 (以上为类别词)zoo动物园 shop商店 park公园 farm农场 beach海滩 bus stop汽车站 Unit 3 menu 菜单 rice 米饭bread 面包burger 汉堡 cake 蛋糕 fish 鱼,鱼肉 chicken 鸡肉 egg 鸡蛋 chips/fries 薯片 juice 果汁cookie曲奇饼干sausage香肠 ice cream 冰激凌 candy 糖块 pumpkin 南瓜 chocolate 巧克力 onion 洋葱 noodles 面条pizza 比萨饼coffee 咖啡Unit 4 old老的 young年轻的 happy高兴的 sad悲伤的 short短的 long长的 big大的 small小的 tall高的 short矮的 quick快的 slow慢的 sorry抱歉的 late晚的 shell贝壳Unit 5 open打开 paint画画,油漆,bend弯腰,clap拍手,get得到,iron熨烫,move移动,nod点头,queue排队,touch摸,visit参观,访问,dress连衣裙,打扮UNIT 6 same相同的,please请, wait等待,sound声音,发出声音,factory工厂, family 家,家庭,friend朋友,bit少量,a bit 一点 way道路,hey喂,嘿just仅,刚刚UNIT 7 reading-room阅览室 picture图片 story故事 cartoon卡通 music音乐 maths数学 hockey曲棍球 badminton羽毛球 basketball篮球 tennis网球 pardon 原谅UNIT 8 learn学习,colour颜色,着色,smart聪明的,balloon气球,parrot鹦鹉,fail失败,tail尾巴,lemon柠檬,red红色, orange橙色,yellow黄色,green绿色,indigo靛蓝色,blue蓝色,purple紫色,pink粉色,white白色,black黑色,grey灰色,brown棕色 white and black 黑白相间的UNIT 9 lots of 许多,大量nice美好的join参加 smell闻 flower花 butterfly蝴蝶 shine照耀现在进行时短语:playing on the see-saw, talking, riding a bike, shining, having lunch, taking a photo, painting a picture, listening to music, smelling the flowers catching a butterflyUNIT 10 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 数字1120, double双重的,zero零,phone电话,classroom教室,birthday生日,page页码,lucky幸运的,flat公寓,mobile可移动的,fax传真,life生活(复数lives) plus加minus减UNIT 11 opposite相反的, cool太棒了,凉快的been ,be动词的过去分词,happy高兴的, angry生气的, new新的, old旧的, big大的, small小的little小的, long长的, short短的, hot热的, cold冷的, fast快的, slow慢的, dark黑暗的, bright明亮的, good好的, bad坏的, left左边的, right右边的back后面的 front前面的 up向上的 down向下的UNIT 12 paper纸, fold折, lesson课程, easy简单的, fun有趣的, UFO不明飞行物, follow跟着, step步骤, piece片, scissors剪刀, sticky tape胶带, stick粘, square正方, circle圆圈, ring戒指, 圈 triangle三角形, rectangle长方形, star星星, pentagon五边形follow跟随Unit13 policeman警察, grandmother奶奶,姥姥,grandfather爷爷,外公 cross穿过, street街道, some一些, best最好的, often经常, spell拼写, turtle乌龟, next下一个, rabbit小白兔, together一起 piano钢琴 guitar吉它Unit 14 present礼物 pet宠物 candle蜡烛 light点燃 wish愿望 blow吹Unit 15 playground操场, throw 投,掷shuttlecock羽毛球,踺球,feather羽毛 race比赛highest最高的 fastest最快的 Unit 16 mime模仿, action动作 try试 pin大头针 luck幸运 lay放置 germ 细菌soap肥皂 roll翻转 trick游戏,计谋发音组合:ee feet bee see meet sleep tree green feel beef feed 发音组合:ea sea beach bean eat jeans leaf meat pea peachreadteateach 发音组合:ar park farmtart cart armchair发音组合:er ruler tiger soccer teacher letter eraser spider mother father brother 发音组合:ir bird cricle dirty first shirt,skirt发音组合:or horse corn cork porter dorm fork horn torch发音组合:ai paint rain fail nail mail pain tail rail发音组合:ou bounce cloud count house loud mouse mouth round sound发音组合:all wall hall fall ball call hallway mall tall发音组合:ow clown town, crowd flower now, how发音组合:ow snow yellow know show 发音组合:air hair pair fair chair stair发音组合:are hare care flare bare发音组合:ear bear pear tear wear发音组合:ear ear fear dear hear year near发音组合:ur turtle purple purse fur surf nurse发音组合:ay play bay day hay ray lay pay 8


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