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第三节 船长阅读练习1. Failing to identify pre-shipment damage and neglecting to make appropriate notations on bills of lading will deprive the carrier of his rights,limitations and immunities under the contract of carriage and may prejudice Club coverAssertions are sometimes made by cargo interests that rust on a particular shipment is normal and will not affect its market valueSuch comments should be disregardedIn all cases where a steel cargo is found to be rusty,it is imperative that remarks are made on the bills of lading,irrespective of the apparent severity of the rustThe bills of lading should also be claused to reflect any physical pre-shipment damage to the steel and/or wrappers(bends,tears,crimps,dents,deformation,crushing)Selecting the most appropriate clauses to describe pre-shipment damage is not always easy,and the attending surveyor should be consulted for adviceWhere possible,the clausing should list the identification marks of the damaged GOODs,failing which the number of coils or packages should be quantifiedPercentage estimates regarding the number of damaged pieces should not be givenIf it is not possible to identify the damaged GOODs specifically,the words“some”or“several”may be acceptableAny differences found between the ship and shore tally or ship and bill of lading figures must be noted on the bill of lading in the usual manner1.The clausing on B/L is to reflect and make notation of _ the cargoes and/or their wrappersAall damages incurred during the carriage by sea toBall possible damages to and/or losses ofCphysical pre-shipment damages toDpre-shipment damages toD2.The pre-shipment rusts for which there are assertions made by cargo interests that they are normal and would not affect the cargos market value shall _Abe claused on the Bill of LadingBnot be claused on the Bill of LadingCbe disregardedDnot be disregardedA3.The proper topic of this paragraph is _AThe Principles for Clausing on Bills of LadingBLosses of and Damages to Steel CargoesCLegal Actions to Be Taken When Losses of and Damages to Cargoes IncurredDThe Functions of Clauses Made on Bills of LadingA4.This paragraph is most likely compiled to protect the interests of _Athe carriersBthe shippersCthe merchantsDthe cargo ownersA2. MV Magellan was inbound from Rotterdam to berth 207 at Southampton Container TerminalAt 0530 the pilot boarded the ship at the Nab Tower pilot stationThe pilots and the masters passage plans were exchanged and the ships pilot card was given to the pilotThe passage continued along the East Solent,during which time there were various VHF radio conversations between vessels and Southampton VTS,about restricted visibilityThe VTS officer gave the pilot a countdown from 5 to 2 cables to the Gurnard buoyThis was given so that the pilot could judge the timing of the wheel-over manoeuvre for the 141 turn into the narrow Thorn ChannelThe wheel-over occurred at about 0652 and the ship began to turnAt this time,the W Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys,which are at the entrance to Thorn Channel,could not be seen because of restricted visibilityVarious helm and engine movements were made during the turnHowever,when W Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys appeared,the pilot realized that the ship was in the wrong position for the heading she was onDespite further helm and engine orders,the vessel grounded soon after,at 0700It was not until about 0710 that the escort harbor launch informed VTS of the groundingWith the assistance of two tugs,the ship was refloated near the time of high water,and she safely berthed at 12321.MV Magellan applied wheel at _ to turn into the narrow Thorn ChannelA0530B0652C0700D0710B2.The important navigational mark or marks at the entrance to the Thorn Channel is(are)_ASouthampton Container TerminalBthe East SolentCthe Nab TowerDthe W Bramble and NE Gurnard buoysD3.The suggestion of a countdown from 5 to 2 cables to the Gurnard buoy is _Afor the pilot to judge easily when the wheel should be used to make the turn into the narrow Thorn ChannelBto remind the pilot that the depth around there is not sufficient for MV MagellanCto inform the pilot that the visibility around the buoy is reduced furtherDto request the pilot that further consideration should be given to the wheel-over manoeuvre for the 141 turnA4.It can be concluded that the cause of the grounding was that _Athe Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys were disappearedBthe VHF radio conversations between vessels and Southampton VTS,about restricted visibility,were insufficient and improperCThorn Channel was too narrowDthere was an error of judgment by the pilot during the execution of the turn into Thorn ChannelD3. The endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill does not make the bill negotiable or give the transferee any additional rightA person to whom a nonnegotiable bill has been transferred by delivery and agreement to transfer title to the bill or to the GOODs which it represents acquires the title to the GOODs as against the transferorThe transferee may also notify the carrier of the transfer to him,and the carrier is then obligated directly to the transferee for any obligations the carrier owed to the transferor immediately before the notificationMore specifically,the carrier is liable to the owner of GOODs transported under a nonnegotiable bill,subject to the right of stoppage in transitBesides having to be the owner of the GOODs covered by the nonnegotiable bill,the claimant in such a case must have actually relied in GOOD faith on statements made by the carrier on the billThe carrier is liable for having stated on the bill that he received GOODs when in fact he had not,and for having delivered the GOODs in a quantity,kind,weight or condition other than as stated on the billIn general,the carrier must deliver the GOODs on demand of the consignee named in a nonnegotiable bill of ladingHowever,on the endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill,the GOODs may be delivered to a party entitled to their possessionThe carrier is liable toward the person having title to,or a right to possession of,the GOODs for delivering them to a party not entitled to their possession1.The endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill transfers _Athe title to the GOODs from the transferor to the transfereeBthe title to the GOODs from the transferee to the transferorCin no way the title to the GOODs from the transferor to the transfereeDthe GOODs to the party entitled to their possessionC2.The transferee of a nonnegotiable bill acquires the title to the GOODs _Aby taking delivery of the bill and entering into an agreement to transfer title to the bill or to the GOODsBby having the carrier actually delivered the GOODs to himCby having the transferor endorsed the nonnegotiable billDin no wayA3.In the event of a nonnegotiable bill has been actually transferred,if the carrier stated on the bill that he received GOODs when in fact he had not,_ is liableAheBthe transferorCthe transfereeDthe person having title to,or a right to possession of,the GOODsA4.If the GOODs were thus transferred,and the carrier delivered the GOODs in a quantity,kind,weight or condition other than as stated on the bill,_Ahe is liableBhe is not liableCit can not be determined whether he is liable or notDwhether he is liable or not is to be determined by the law of the ships flagA4. 162007 0900 LTMASTER SIDUSDEAR CAPTAINQUOTESAILING INSTRUCTIONS FOR YR VESSELTHIS IS RSPLATOU,OSLOSUBJ:FIXTURE OF YR VSLYOU ARE KINDLY REQUESTED TO PROCEED TO SAN NICOLAS(POSITION S 15 14,W O 75 14)TO LOAD BLAST FURNACE PELLETS FOR KAOHSIUNG,TAIWAN(POSITION N 2237,E 12015)STOWAGE FACTOR 0.461 CUBIC METERS PER METRIC TONNE ACCORDING TO TIME CHARTERER SHOUGANG HIERRO PERU SALAYCAN:16 OCT/26 OCTQUANTITY:FULL CARGOTERMS:ACCORDING TO TIME CHARTER NYPE:FIOAGENT LOAD PORT:CONSORCIO EMPRESARIAL AGNAV SATELEPHONE(0051)330-6605 FAX:(0051)330-2664AGENT DISCH PORT:TO BE COMMUNICATED TO U SHORTLYREPORTS:ETA MUST BE SENT“MINIHIERRO”LIMA AND TO SAN NICOLAS 5 DAYS IN ADVANCE,AND CONFIRMED 48 HRS AND 24 HRS BEFORE ARRIVALSPECIAL ATTENTION:WHEN CONTACT MADE WITH THE RADIO STATION OAS AT SAN JUAN,A PRE-STOWAGE HATCH LIST WITH SEQUENCE OF LOADING TO BE SENT TO LOAD PORT NOT LESS THAN 48 HRS IN ADVANCETHE RADIO STATION WILL ALSO COMMUNICATE BERTHING INSTRUCTIONSON ARRIVAL SUPPLIER REQUIRES YOUR PRE-STOWAGE PLAN PRIOR TO LOADING,TOTAL CARGO,ESTIMATED HATCH TONNAGE,LOADING SEQUENCE,FUEL WATER AND STORES ON BOARD,DRAUGHT,STABILITY AND TRIM ON FINISHING LOADINGDEBALLASTING:ALLOWED AT BERTH PROVIDED CLEAN SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY PORT AUTHORITYSURVEYS:HOLDS TO BE INSPECTED BEFORE LOADING CARGO OFFICER TO ACCOMPANY INSPECTORON AND OFF HIRE SURVEYS REQUIRED ACCORDING TO CHARTER PARTYFURTHER INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW SHORTLYBEST REGARDS ROTASJ/KNMEND QUOTE1.The nominated agent for the Vessel at the loading port is _AMINIHIERROBCONSORCIO EMPRESARIAL AGNAV SACSAN NICOLASDSAN JUANB2.The BERTHING INSTRUCTIONS will be obtained from _Athe agent at the loading portBdischarge port authorityCfurther instructions to follow shortlyDthe radio station OAS at San JuanD3.On and off hire surveys should be carried out _Ain accordance with the charter-partyBas per further instructionsCby the cargo officer on boardD48 hours prior to arrival at the loading portA4.According to this fixture,_Athe vessel is not liable for the expenses of loading and dischargingBthe cargo will be discharged at San NicolasCthe freight of this voyage is likely to be charged as per measurement tonnage of the cargoDthe canceling date of this fixture is 16 OctA5. A Passenger Ship Safety Certificate shall be issued for a period not exceeding 12 monthsA Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate,Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate and Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the Administration which shall not exceed five yearsAn Exemption Certificate shall not be valid for longer than the period of the certificate to which it refers(i)When the renewal survey is completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate,the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(1)for a passenger ship,a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(2)for a cargo ship,a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(ii)When the renewal survey is completed after the expiry date of the existing certificate,the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(1)for a passenger ship,a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(2)for a cargo ship,a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(iii)when the renewal survey is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate,the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(1)for a passenger ship,a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of completion of the renewal survey;(2)for a cargo ship,a date not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal survey1.The valid period of an Exemption Certificate for Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate shall be _Alonger than five yearsBshorter than five yearsClonger than 12 monthsDshorter than 12 monthsB2.When the renewal survey is completed within one month before the expiry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate,the new certificate shall be valid _Afrom the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificateBfrom the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificateCfrom the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the dateDfrom the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding five years from the dateB3.When the renewal survey is completed on a date which is 99 days before the expiry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate,the new certificate shall be valid _Afrom the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificateBfrom the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificateCfrom the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the dateDfrom the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from that dateD4.It can be concluded that the actual period of validity of a new Passenger Ship Safety Certificate is less than 12 months if the renewal survey is completed _A4 months before its expiry dateB3 months before its expiry dateC2 months before its expiry dateDafter its expiry dateD6. An aircraft lift on board RFA Argus was loaded beyond its safe working load of 18.4 tonnesThere were no injuries to any personnel,or material damage to the ship or its equipmentDuring a planned stay in port,500 compressed CO2 cylinders were required to be landedThese were normally stowed on a lower deck and needed to be transferred to the weather deck before being taken ashoreBefore the vessels arrival in port,the planned operation was discussed between various officers and senior ratings,one of whom was to supervise final discharge of the cylinders from the shipOnce in port,a senior rating gave instructions to three juniors to transfer a number of cylinders to the weather deckHe then left them alone to load the cylinders onto the platform of an aircraft liftThe cylinders weighed 19.95 tonnes,which was greater than they had been instructed to loadIn addition to this excess weight they added a fork lift truck weighing 5.5 tonnesThe lift was then raisedWhen it reached the weather deck,the lift was unable to stow at the correct levelWhen investigated it was discovered that the load of both CO2 bottles and the fork lift truck was greater than its safe working load(SWL)and this had prevented the locking cleats at the flight deck(weather deck)engagingThe lift was taken out of service for testing and inspection1.The safe working load of the aircraft lift is _ tonnesA18.4B19.95C5.5D500A2.The aircraft lift was overloaded by a weight which is _ more than its SWLA1.55B3.95C5.5D7.05D3.It was the _ that had prevented the locking cleats at the flight deck(weather deck)engagingAfork liftBCO2 bottlesCoverloaded weightDthe three juniorsC4.It is implied in the passage that _Athe lift should be raised slowly to avoid the accidentBthe aircraft lift on board RFA Argus should be driven by super powerCthe senior rating should give instructions in more detail to the three juniors to transfer a number of cylinders to the weather deckDif the unloading operation was supervised by an officer who has sufficient experience of the loads,lifting equipment and the overall operation,the accident would had been avoidedD7. Coastal conditionsThe area described in the volume presents the mariner with a generally adverse combination of navigational factors which are outline belowLocal TopographyThe Dover Strait is shallow and only is 18 miles wide at its narrowest pointPassage through the strait is further constricted by a series of narrow banks,running NE-SWThe seabed is also littered with wrecksNatural ConditionsThere are strong tidal streams in the straitSea level may differ from that predicted and in particular may be lower than expected due to negative tidal surgesThe area is also subject to gales and poor visibilityRisk of CollisionThere is a high risk of collision caused by the density of vessel traffic on passage through the strait,including deep-draught vessels,and crossing traffic,including ferries and high speed craftMine danger areaThere are two areas off the N coast of France,which remain dangerous because of mines lied in the war of 1939-1945Due to the lapse of time the risk to surface navigation is now considered to be no more dangerous than that the ordinary risks of navigation but a very real risk still exists with regard to anchoring,fishing or any form submarine or seabed activity1.The crossing traffic in the Dover Strait is probably running _ANE-SWBSE-NWCN-SDE-WB2.According to the passage,the risk of collision in the Dover Strait is caused by _Agales and poor visibilityBa series of narrow banksCthe density of vessel traffic on passage through the strait and crossing trafficDa generally adverse combination of navigational factorsC3.It is inferred that _Aalthough the tidal streams in Dover Strait is strong,there were few ships sunk in itBmost of the wrecks in Dover Strait were deep-draught vessels,ferries and high speed craftCthe wrecks are not dangers to surface navigationDthere were many ships sunk in Dover StraitD4.It is implied in the passage that _Amine is not a danger to surface navigation in Dover StraitBthe width of Dover Strait is not so narrowCthe natural conditions in Dover Strait are too serousDcollision with deep-draught vessels or ferries or high speed craft in Dover Strait is hardly avoidableA8. The contract of carriage of GOODs by sea is usually concluded as between the shipper and the carrier,either directly or through their respective agentsConsequently,by virtue of the historic principle of privity of contract,only the shipper and the carrier have the right to take action against one another under the contract of carriageThe only clear exception to the rule was where the party having the right to sue assigned that right under a separate agreement to another partyOn the other hand,when GOODs are sold(as they typically are)prior to shipment,the terms of sale generally result in the risk in the GOODs passing from the seller(the shipper)to the buyer(the consignee or endorsee,in the case of a bill of lading,or the party entitled to take delivery under a waybill)when the GOODs cross the ships rail in the port of loadingTherefore,although the law recognizes that the shipper alone has the right to sue the carrier in contract for subsequent cargo loss or damage occurring while the carrier had charge of the shipment,the shipper is not usually the party who actually suffers that lossFrequently,also,depending on the terms of sale,the shipper will no longer be the owner of the GOODs at the time when the loss or damage occurs,and so will be unable to sue the carrier in tort1.The contract of carriage of GOODs by sea is usually concluded as between _Athe seller and the buyerBthe shipper and the consignee or endorseeCthe carrier and the consignee or endorseeDthe shipper and the carrierD2.When GOODs are sold prior to shipment the risk in the GOODs passes _Afrom the shipper to the carrierBfrom the seller to the buyerCfrom the carrier to the shipperDfrom the buyer to the sellerB3.It is concluded _ that only the shipper and the carrier have the right to take action against one another under the c


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