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2014年中考命题要点强化与新题预测冠词【考点串讲】中考中对冠词的考查主要为: 1冠词的基本用法; 2零冠词的情况; 3习惯用语中冠词的位置及使用。 高频考向一不定冠词a,an 不定冠词an用于以元音音素开头的单词前,而a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前。如:an apple 一个苹果an hour一小时a book一本书a university一所大学泛指某一类人或物。如:A horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动物。表示数量“一”,但没有one强。如:I would like a cup of coffee.我想要一杯咖啡。 用在文中第一次提到某人或某物时。如: Whats this?这是什么? Its a bike.这是一辆自行车。 用于表示时间、速度、价格等意义的名词之前有“每一”的意思,相当于every。如: three times a week用于某些固定短语中。如: a lot of许多,have a cold感冒,have a good time玩得高兴/过得愉快,in a hurry匆忙,take a bus乘坐公共汽车 【例1】【2013,绍兴】Whos that young man on the poster? Justin Bieber,_ excellent singer. Aa Ban Cthe D/ 解析:表泛指,且以元音音素开头。答案:_B_ 【例2】【2012,重庆】 Lin is _ good basketball player in the NBA. Aa Ban Cthe D/ 解析:表数量“一”。答案:_A_ 高频考向二定冠词the 谈话双方都知道的人或物。如:The girl is Lucys sister.这个女孩是露茜的妹妹。用于特指某人或某物。如:The man in the car is my teacher.坐在车里的那个人是我的老师。用在世界上独一无二的事物前。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。用在乐器名称前。如:She is playing the piano.她正在弹钢琴。用在序数词或形容词的最高级前。如:Tom is the tallest in his class.汤姆在他班上个子最高。用在姓氏的复数前,表示“一家人或夫妇二人”。如:The Browns are having dinner.布朗一家正在吃晚饭。用在上文已提到的人或物前。如:Nancy has a cat.The cat is very cute.南希有一只猫,这只猫很可爱。用在表示海洋、江河、山脉、群岛、国家和党派等名词前,或由普通名词构成的专有名词前。如:the Huai River淮河,the United Kingdom英国,the Great Wall长城用在某些形容词前表示一类人。如:the old老人,the young年轻人,the rich富人,the poor 穷人用于the比较级,the比较级及the比较级of两者的句型中。如:The more he thinks of it,the sadder he will be.他越想越难过。Maria is the thinner of the two girls.玛利亚是两个女孩中较瘦的那一个。the用在某个世纪的某个年代。如:in the l980s20世纪80年代用在某些固定短语中。如:at the age of在岁时,all the time一直,by the way顺便说一下,in the end最后,终于,in the morning在早上,on the right在右边,in the middle of在中间【例3】【2013,重庆】 How do you like _ color of my dress? Wonderful!I like it very much. Aa Ban Cthe D/解析:在特指的名词前用定冠词。答案:_C_ 【例4】 【2013,内江】 How is _ film you saw last night? You mean _ one,Lost in Thailand?Thats wonderful! Aa;the Bthe;the Cthe;不填 D不填;the解析:本题两空都应用定冠词the。第一空表示特指,第二空表示在上文中已提到的物。答案:_B_高频考向三零冠词复数名词和不可数名词表示一般意义而不特指具体的人或事物时前面不用冠词。如:Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。在某些专有名词前不用冠词,如国名、人名等。如:China has a long history.中国拥有悠久的历史。在星期、日期、月份、季节、节日前不用冠词。如:October 1st is National Day.十月一日是国庆节。注:若特指某年的某月或某季节时,则要在月份、季节前加定冠词the。如:In the winter of 2010,he moved to China.在2010年的冬天,他搬到了中国。在三餐、球类运动及娱乐活动的名词之前不用冠词。如:He went to school without breakfast this morning. 他今天早晨没有吃早饭就去上学了。Davy likes playing basketball.戴维喜欢打篮球。当名词前有this,that,these,those,every,his,your,some,any等限定词或名词所有格修饰时,不用冠词。如:Jennys sister is my friend.珍妮的妹妹是我的朋友。Those students often play football after school.那些学生放学后经常踢足球。在表示职位和称呼前不用冠词。如:He was elected manager of our company last year.去年他当选为我们公司的经理。与by连用的表示交通工具的名词前不用冠词。如:by bus坐公共汽车by train坐火车注:动词take或介词in,on后接表示交通工具的名词前要加冠词。如:take a bus坐公共汽车on a/the bus坐公共汽车in a/the car乘小汽车用在某些习惯用语中。如:go to school去上学at home在家at once立刻,马上on time按时in trouble陷入困境watch TV看电视on foot步行by mistake错误地day and night日日夜夜at first首先【例5】【2013,滨州】 _ man in a black hat is my PE teacher.He often plays _ football with us. AA;the BThe;a CThe;/ DA;/ 解析:第一个空表示特指,故应用冠词the;球类名词前不能用任何冠词。答案:_C_ 【例6】【2013,丽水】It is a good habit to go to _ bed early and get up early. Aa Ban Cthe D不填解析:go to bed意为“上床睡觉”,是固定搭配,不用冠词。答案:_D_ 【要点强化】【例1】【2013,兰州】 Do you know a spaceship flies at about nineteen kilometers _ second? Athe Ba C/ Dan 解析:用在时间“second”前,表示“每一”。答案:_B_ 【例2】 【2013,长沙】 Mary was born in 1998 and she began to play _ guitar at the age of seven. Aa B不填 Cthe 解析:在西洋乐器名词前应用定冠词。答案:_C_ 【例3】 【2013,大庆】Chairman Xi Jinping had _ friendly talk with US President Obama in _ America. Aa;/ Bthe;/ C/;the Da;an 解析:have a talk with sb.与某人谈话,为固定搭配;表示国家的专有名词前不能用冠词。答案:_A_ 【例4】【2012贵州贵阳】31. Victor can play _ piano. He can join the music club. A. a B. an C. the【解析】考查冠词用法。a用在以辅音(指辅音音素)开头的词前,an用在以元音(指元音音素)的词前。the表示特指或者一些固定用法,比如用在乐器的前面,必须用定冠词the. 根据句意:维克托会弹钢琴,他可以加入音乐俱乐部。答案:_C_ 【例5】【2012福建福州】31. There is no living thing on _moon.A. the B. a C. 不填【解析】考查冠词的用法。世界上独一无二的事物前需要加定冠词the, 如the sun , the earth等。此处句意为:月球上没有生命。答案:_A_ 1【2013天津】21.What do you usually have for _ breakfast? A piece of bread and _egg. A. a;an B.不填;the C. a;the D. 不填;an【答案】D【解析】考查冠词的用法。句意:你经常早餐吃什么?一块面包和一个鸡蛋。第一个空后是breakfast,在一般情况下三餐饭前不用冠词,排除A、C;而第二个空泛指“一个鸡蛋”,排除B。故选D。2.【2013山东威海】26. Do you know _ woman in red?Yes, shes a professor of _ university.A. the; a B. a; an C. the; an D. /;the【答案】A【解析】考查冠词的用法。句意为:你认识那个穿红衣服的妇女吗?是的,她是一所大学里的一个教授。上句中提到了的穿红衣服的妇女表示特指,应该用定冠词the;后句中是泛指一所大学,用不定冠词,因为university是以辅音因素开头的单词,要用不定冠词a。故选A。3.【2013山东莱芜】21. 一 Tony, whats _ matter with you?一 I have _ toothache.A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /21.【答案】B 【解析】考查冠词用法辨析和习惯表达。句意:- 托尼,怎么啦?- 我牙痛。习惯表达:what is the matter/trouble with sb =what is wrong with sb怎么啦?固定搭配:have a toothache牙痛。根据句意和习惯表达,所以选择答案B。4.【2013广西贺州】 31. Simon is _ honest boy. Now he is studying at _ university.A. a; an B. an; a C. the; a D. the; a【答案】B【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意为:Simon是个诚实的孩子。现在他在一所大学读书呢。honest为元音因素开头,an表泛指,用在元音音素前;a表泛指,用在辅音音素前;the表特指;零冠词有特殊的用法,如用在三餐,球类等名词前。故选C。5【2013江苏徐州】1. Lily,there is _ schoolbag near the window. Is it yours?Yes,it is. Thank you!A. a B. an C. the D. /【答案】A【解析】考查不定冠词的用法。句意为“在窗户附近有一个书包”,用不定冠词表示“泛指”。所以选择A。6.【2013江苏淮安】1. Every day, Cathy eats _ apple to keep fit. A. a B. an C. the D. /【答案】B【解析】考查冠词的用法。句意“凯茜每天吃一个苹果保持健康”, apple第一个发音是元音, 因此用不定冠词an, 所以选择B。7.【2013湖南益阳】21._Great Wall is_ longest wall in the world.A. The; the B. A; a C. The; a【答案】A 【解析】考查冠词的用法。句意为:长城是世界上最长的墙。the Great Wall专有名词,前面加不定冠词the;longest为形容词最高级,其前需加定冠词the。故选A。8.【2013湖南娄底】21.My family and I will go to Changsha this summer holiday. Have_ good time. A. a B. an C. the【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语中不定冠词的用法。have a good time表示玩的高兴,过得愉快,故答案应选A。9.【2013 湖南衡阳】22. What can I do for you? I want ipad for my daughter. She needs . A. an, one B. a, one C. an, it【答案】A【解析】本题考查冠词和代词的用法。ipad是以元音音素开头用an,上文出现一个事物,下文再次出现类似事物(两个相同物品)用one。故选A。10.【2013广东梅州】31. _ man in black is from _ England. A. The; theB. The; /C. A; /D. A; the 【答案】B【解析】考查冠词的用法。句意:这名穿黑色衣服的男子来自英国。第一空特指“穿黑色衣服的男子”用the; 第二空后的England是专有名词,其前不加任何冠词。故选B。【新题预测】【上海市徐汇区2014年中考二模】28. Students in the football class usually play _ football when school is over. A) the B) / C) a D) an 【答案】28.B【上海市虹口区2014年中考二模】28. Some naughty boys like to play _ trick on their classmates on April Fools Day. A) a B) an C) the D) /【答案】28. A【上海市金山区2014年中考二模】( ) 28.Although I am not good enough at my subjects, I want to be _ university student in the future.A) /B) anC) theD) a【答案】28. D【南京市高淳区2014年中考一模】1. _ TV drama You Who Came From the Stars tells a love story between a 400-year-old alien and _ attractive human girl. A. A; an B. The; theC. A; the D. The; an【答案】1.D【南京市江宁区2014中考英语一模】1. Nanjing, the ancient capital of the six dynasties, is becoming _ international city and attracts more and more foreign tourists every year. A. aB.anC.theD.不填【答案】1.B【江苏省扬州市2014届一模】1Yangzhou is _attractive city Its such _nice place that many tourists come here every spring A a; a B the; / C an ; / D an; a【答案】1.D【江苏省兴化市2014届九年级中考网上阅卷适应性训练】2What do you want to be in the future Amy? I want to be _ spacewoman like Liu Yang It is_ exciting job A a; a B a; an C the; an D a; the【答案】2.B【江苏省苏州市昆山市2014年中考一模拟】1. -What do you think of_ performance you saw last night? -Well. Ive never seen_ better one. Its worth_ again. A. a; a; seeing B. the; the; to see C. the; a; seeing D. a; the; to see【答案】1.C【江苏省常州市2013-2014学年初中毕业、升学模拟】21. The astronauts were so interested in beauty of nature that they took lots of pictures in space. A. the ; /B. the; the C. /; the D. /;/【答案】21.A【江苏省无锡市崇安区2014届(一模)】1 Do not give up! Perhaps _ tough task needs more of your effort I wont Ill have _ second try anywayA a; a B the; a C a; the D the; the【答案】1.B【鹤壁市2014年初中毕业调研暨中考一模】21. Lets look at the bag. Can you see “s” on the corner of _bag?A. a; A B. an; An C. an; the D. the; An【答案】21.C【2014郑州市九年级第一次预测】21Tokyo will host 2020 Sumner Olympics Really? It will be first Asian city to host the Olympics twice Aa;aBthe;theCthe;aDa;the【答案】21.B


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