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形容词副词专练1. Fred is studying Chinese in one evening school. (2014 安顺) Is that true? He has told me about it. A. ever B. even C. already D. never2. The song Where did the time go? Tell us that our parents grow old without being noticed.(2014 山西) We should stay with them as _ as possible. A. often B. soon C. little3.ImnothungrybecauseIhave_hadlunch. (2014 沈阳) A.everB.neverC.justD.still4. My sister _ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day.(2014 江西) A. always B. sometimes C. hardly D. never5. If my friends have any problems, my door is _ open to them.(2014 安徽) A. never B. seldomC. sometimesD. always6. _ does your cousin usually go to work on foot?(2014 重庆) He says its good for his health. A. Where B. When C. Why D. How7. Can you catch what I said? (2014 荆州) Sorry, I can _ understand it. A. almost B. probably C. nearly D. hardly8. Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one?(2014 威海) is OK. I dont care too much. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All9. It was raining _when my sister and I got to the museum.(2014 盐城) A. badly B. softly C. hardly D. heavily10. How is Susan?(2015 青岛) Oh, I see her because she lives abroad. A. always B. often C. almost D. hardly11. The movie covers all of Chinese historyIt is _ worth seeing again.(2015 河北)Amainly Breally Cpossibly Dhardly12. I fell off the bike on my way to school. _, I wasnt hurt.(2015 温州)A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Politely D. Recently13. I _ ride a bike to school. But this morning, I walked to school. (2015 天津) A. never B. hardly C. seldom D. usually14. I lost my ticket, but _ the travel agent gave me another one.(2015 南昌)A. actually B. firstly C. luckily D. exactly15. _ did you work out the problem in such a short time? (2015 重庆) With Mr. Lis help. A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. Which16. Alex did the project on community service _ better than his classmates.(2015 上海)A. soB. veryC. tooD.much17. Have you watched A Bite of China recently? (2014 山西) Of course. I do believe Chinese food is _ in the world.A. the most delicious B. more delicious C. delicious18.Johnisgettingverythin.Hedoesnteat_ food. (2014 沈阳)A.manyB.enoughC.fewD.little19. You have to be _ and wait until I finish my work. (2014江西)A. patient B. strict C. honest D. active20. Overseas experience may help make our life . So why not try to study abroad?(2014 东营)A.usualB. usefulC. successfulD. traditional21. Tom, are you boy in your class?(2014 滨州) No, but John is. Im shorter than him.A. the tallest B. the shortest C. the youngest D. the oldest22. Mr. Black used to be busy. But now hes retired and , so he has plenty of time to exercise. (2014 连云港)A. hardB. calm C. freeD. nervous23. Do you enjoy Han Leis songs? (2014 南京) Yes. He is the winner of Im Singer II. I cant think of anyone with a _ voice.A. better B. best C. more D. most24. Of the two shirts, Id like to choose the _ one to save some money for a cap. (2014 杭州)A. cheapestB. cheaperC. more expensive D. most expensive25. How _ Cindy grows! Shes almost as tall as her mother now. (2014 河北)A. cuteB. strongC. fastD. straight26. Ill not be Jacks friend any more. (2014 荆州) Dont be angry. Hes just so , but in fact hes good to us, you know. A. helpful B. direct C. polite D. brave 27. How do you like this house? (2015 兰州) _ Its everything Ive been looking for.A. Terrible!B. Perfect!C. Awful!D. Delicious!28. Mom, Im very _ for all your love. (2015 河北)A. thankful B. careful C. useful D. helpful29. A person who is _ does not tell lies or cheat people. (2015 温州)A. careless B. stupid C. honest D. humorous30. The scarves are all beautiful. I cant decide which one to choose. (2015 南昌) Oh, look at this red one. I think its_.A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. less beautiful31. Lisa was still very weak when she left hospitalBut after a weeks rest, she felt much _ and went back to school(2015 南京)AgoodBbetterCbadDworse32 Dont you think it _ of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars? (2015 常州) Well, I dont think so. We were once young and had the similar experiences.A. creative B. silly C. wise D. curious33Have you heard the news of the traffic accident? (2015 西宁) Yes,many people have lost their lives and the situation is becoming _Aworse and worse Bbetter and better Cmore and more34. We have done much to protect the environment. So the river is getting _ than before. (2015 陕西) A. dirtier B. dirty C. cleaner D. clean35. He has _ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand. (2015 重庆) A. weakestB. weakerC. strongestD. stronger36. Boys and girls, believe in yourselvesThe _ you are, the better grades youll get. (2015 哈尔滨)Amore careful Bmore carefully Cmost carefully37.How often do the students play sports? _.A. Twice a day B. Since last night C. For two hours D. A month ago38. I play basketball every day because I want to play as _ as Yao Ming. A. well B. better C. best D. good39. How often do you exercise? ever. Because I am very busy with my work. A. HardlyB. Nearly C. Always D. Almost40. At the sports meeting, Simon jumped as_ as Daniel. A. high B. higher C. slow D. slower41. Mr. Smith, would you please speak a little more _? Sorry! I thought you would follow me.A. slowly B. politely C. seriously D. clearly42. I _ ride a bike to school. But this morning I took a taxi because I got up late.A. never B. sometimes C. seldom D. usually43. Jane didnt do _ in the exam, but her exam results are _ than it was last year.A. bad; worse B. good; better C. well; better D. well; worse44. Which animal do you like _, a cat or a dog?A. very much B. best C. better D. well45. My brother likes watching TV very much. He stays in front of the TV for _ two hours every day.A. less than B. more than C. little than D. much than46. The boy doesnt speak his sister, but his written work is very good. A. as well as B. so good as C. more better than D. more worse than47. How will the boss be back? In these days. A. far B. soon C. longD. often48. No matter what happens, the fact that Huangyan Island belongs to China will change. A. ever B. never C. stillD. hardly49. I dont think fast food is good for our health, so I _ go to MacDonald. A. seldom B. always C. usually D. often50. Why are you driving so_. Tony? Im feeling sick. Sorry, but the train is leaving in 20 minutes. We have to hurry.A.often B. fast C. hard D. slowly51. The fire last night destroyed many buildings. , no one was killed. A. Actually B. Simply C. Luckily D. Immediately 52.Are you afraid of dogs?Yes. Im _ of them.A. surprised B. terrified C. embarrassed D. excited53. Its dangerous _ with the wild animal. A. for us to play B. of us playing C. for us playing D. of us to play54.Lets go shopping at the new mall.Why not shop online? Its .A. expensive B. more expensive C. less expensive D. the most expensive55. If there is _ pollution, the air in our city will be dirtier. Aless; more Bmore; much Cless; less Dmore; more56. Yummy! The coffee is good. Thats right. It will taste _ with some milk. A. well B. better C. best D. the best57. Peter has good grades in all his subjects, but he never shows off. I agree. He is very _.A. easy-going B. imaginative C. modest D. generous58. Dont just believe the advertisement. That medicine is _ it says. A. as good as B. not as good as C. as well as D. not as well as59. Did you have a wonderful time at the party? Yes, its _ one Ive ever been to before. A. a more excited B. a more exciting C. the most excited D. the most exciting60. Taking buses in Beijing is _ than taking a taxi. A. more cheap B. much cheaper C. a little cheap D. cheaper61. Look! Linyi is _ now than it used to be. A. quite beautiful B. the most beautiful C. very beautiful D. much more beautiful62. Im going to a job interview. I feel a little _. Take it easy. Listening to music can help you relax. A. comfortable B. nervous C. excited D. shy63. I dont feel very _ today.A. good B. well C. nice D. fine64. I think English is as _ as math.A. important B. more important C. most important D. importanter65. John Smith is _ of the two young men.A. strong B. stronger C. the stronger D. the strongest66. The Changjiang River is one of the _ in China.A. longer riverB. longest riverC. longest riversD. long rivers67. The third cake is _ of all, but its too dear.A. deliciousB. most deliciousC. more deliciousD. the most delicious68. I draw _ and my handwriting is _.A. good; good B. good; well C. well; good D. well; well69. There is _ meat in this bowl, but I would like a bowl with _ vegetables. A. more; more B. less; less C. few; little D. many; much70. Of the four seasons, the _time to come to Beijing is autumn.A. good B. well C. better D. best71. We love to go to the country in spring as the flowers smell so . A. well B. nice C. wonderfully D. nicely72.【2019 福建省】More and more people have realized that clear water and green mountains are as as mountains of gold a and silver. A. centralB. specialC. valuable73.【2019 兰州市】How _ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel our football match. A heavilyB. lightC. heavyD. lightly74.【2019 安徽省】The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away. Its really _. A. secretB. directC. amazingD. traditional75.【2019 安徽省】I came to school _ this morning because it was my turn to clean our classroom. A. earlyB. slowlyC. quietlyD. suddenly76.【2019 山东滨州市】The artist is so _ that he can make different changing pictures with sand. A. commonB. carelessC. creativeD. helpful77.【2019 山东滨州市】Confucius Institute (孔子学院) has been set up in many other countries. Yes, Chinese is _ spoken in those countries. I am proud of that as a Chinese. A. hardlyB. widelyC. neverD. seldom78.【2019 江西省】Peter spoke so _ that I could hardly hear him. A. loudlyB. quietlyC. clearlyD. patiently79.【2019 江苏省连云港市】While watching the film yesterday, I couldnt stop laughing at some _ moments. A. humorousB. challengingC. dangerousD. surprising80.【2019 山东省青岛市】My brother has a healthy living habit. He stays up late, and he is an early bird. A. usuallyB. hardlyC. oftenD. always81.【2019 江苏省苏州市】Could you speak in a loud voice so that I can hear you _? A. quicklyB. happily C. slowlyD. clearly82.【2019 江苏省泰州市】-How about the fruit salad? Yummy! It tastes very _. By the way, who made it? A. goodB. badC. wellD. badly83.【2019 浙江省温州市】Betty felt so tired last night that she _ fell asleep in bed after lying down. A. recentlyB. suddenlyC. frequentlyD. immediately84.【2019 湖北省武汉市】Why not ask Bob to join us in the trip to the zoo tomorrow? Everyone in our group loves animals, but he always seems . A. anxiousB. personalC. cruelD. careless85.【2019 甘肃省敦煌市】I could_control my feelings at the moment.The movie reminds me of my childhood. A. reallyB. nearlyC. slowlyD. hardly86.【2019 湖北省孝感市】一How do you like this plan? Its just what Ive been expecting. A. Perfect.B. Terrible.C. MeaninglessD. Awful答案:1.DACAD 6.CDBDD 11.BADCC 16.DABAC 21. ACABC 26. BBACC31. BBACD 36.AAAAA 41. ADCCB 46. ABBAB 51. CBACB 56. BCBDB61.DBBAC 66.CDCAD 71.BCACA 76. CBBAB 81. DADCD 86. A8


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