【南方新中考】中考英语 第一部分 语法知识盘点 第5讲 介词检测复习 人教新目标版

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【南方新中考】中考英语 第一部分 语法知识盘点 第5讲 介词检测复习 人教新目标版_第1页
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【南方新中考】中考英语 第一部分 语法知识盘点 第5讲 介词检测复习 人教新目标版_第2页
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【南方新中考】中考英语 第一部分 语法知识盘点 第5讲 介词检测复习 人教新目标版_第3页
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最新资料推荐第5讲 介词考点1表示时间的介词 ()1.(2014年滨州)A ship from South Korea sank into the sea _ April 16, 2014. Ain Bon Cat Dfor()2.(2013年德州)You dont want to visit any other mountain if you have seen wu yue, but you wont wish to see even wu yue _ returning from Mount Huangshan. Aabout Bbefore Csince Dafter()3.(2013年南充)Michael Jordan is a great American basketball player.He was born _ 1963.A.on Bat C.in()4.(2012年宿迁)The charity walk begins _ 9:00 am.Dont be late. No problem. Ain Bat Con Dto考点2表示地点、方位的介词 ()1.(2014年天津)Cambridge is a small city _ the east of England.A.between Bwith Cin Dunder()2.(2013年雅安)They arrived _ Shanghai _ a cold morning. Ain; in Bin; on Cat; on Dat; in考点3表示方式、手段的介词()1.(2013年重庆)You can improve your English _ practicing more. Aby Bwith Cof Din ()2.(2012年毕节)Her mother goes to work _ bus every morning. Aby Bat Con Din考点4介词及介词短语的辨析()1.(2014年杭州)They usually go shopping_ their lunch break. A. against Bamong Cbetween Dduring()2.David suddenly felt nervous._, it was his first time to go on stage.A.At least BAfter all CAt once DAt all()3.(2013年宜昌)Not only the young but also the old are getting interested _ WeChat (微信) They can communicate more freely. Aby Babout Cin Dfor ()1.(2014年重庆B卷)What time do you usually go to school, Jack?_ about half past seven. AOn BIn CAt DFor()2.(2014年北京)I sometimes help my mom with her housework _ Saturdays. Aat Bin Con Dto()3.(2014年安徽)_ the exam, well say goodbye to our dear teachers, classmates as well as our beautiful school. AIn BFor CAfter DThrough ()4.(2014年铜仁)Well play basketball _ Class 3 tomorrow. Aover Bagainst Cto Dfor()5.(2014年连云港)A persons life is like a road _ lots of difficulties.Yes, so we need positive energy.A.by Bwith Calong Dduring()6.(2014年东营)On May 10th, a horse was found running happily _ the busy street in Beijing.A.at Bof Cin Dfrom()7.(2014年嘉兴)Some workers in that factory have to work _ night. Aat Bfor Cwith Damong()8.(2014年威海)We are leaving tomorrow.We will be away _ next Friday. Afrom Buntil Con Dsince()9.(2013年茂名)The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated _ different ways _ the same time in different places every year.Aon; in Bin; at Con; at()10.(2013年湛江)What did you have _ breakfast this morning?I had some bread and a glass _ milk.Afor; of Bof; for Cfor; for Dat; of()11.(2013年广州)I couldnt do it _ your great help.Thanks a lot! Awith Bwithout Cfor Dto()12.(2012年深圳)What will you do _ the summer holiday? I think I shall watch London Olympic Games.It will _ in August.Aduring; be held Bat; hold Cduring; hold Dat; be held()13.(2012年河源)_ an Englishman, John is looking forwards _ the 2012 Olympic Games. AOf; in BWith; for CFor; at DAs; to ()14.(2012年茂名)The girl went to see the boy play the piano _ plane _ a rainy night. Aon; at Bby; on Cby; at()15.(2012年湛江)When did the fire take place? It took place _ Sunday morning. Aon Bat Cin Dof ()1.Its time _ the weather report.Turn on the radio, please. Ato Bin Cat Dfor()2.We should protect the animals _ danger. Aon Bin Cof Dat()3.Has Mary been back? Not yet.She will come back _ the evening of June _. Aat; first Bto; thirtieth Con; the twelfth Don; the nineteen ()4.It is not polite to enter others rooms _ knocking on the door. Aby Bwith Cwithout Dfor()5.Do you often go swimming _ Sunday mornings? Yes.Why not _ with me this Sunday? Aon; go Bin; to go Con; going Din; going ()6.The teachers hope all of us can hand _ our homework _ time every day.A.up; in Bout; on Con; in Din; on()7.On my visit to Australia, I feel Australians are similar _ us in many ways. Awith Bin Cto Dat()8.In America, people start celebrating the New Year_ 31st December. Ain Bat Con Dfor()9.How can I get more information about the donation to Yaan?You can email Mr.Wang _ yaanearthquake. Aon Bin Cat Dby ()10.Wow! Ten students in our class will celebrate their fourteenth birthdays _ October. Ain B.on Cat Dto()11.The chemicals in the vegetables and fruit are bad _ our health. Afrom Bwith Cof Dfor()12.We are planning to have a surprise party _ her fifteenth birthday. Aat Bin Cfor Dwith ()13.Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to the Peoples Hospital? Walk along this street _ the end and youll find it on your left. Ain Bto Cby Dat()14.Id like a cup of black coffee.What about you, Maggie? I prefer coffee _ sugar. Athan Bfor Cwith Dto()15.The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims _ Tuojiang River after supper.Aover Bthrough Cto Dacross()16.Hurry if you want to be _ for the beginning of the movie.A.at times Bin time Call the time Dfrom time to time()17.We offered him our congratulations_ his passing the college entrance exams.Aat Bon Cfor Dof()18.Were all here _ Lily.Wheres she? Shes gone to the library. Abeside Bbesides Cexcept Dof()19.Who has taken my book _ mistake?Aby Bwith Cof Dfor()20.Whats the matter_ Mr.White?He is wet through.His car ran _ the river.Awith; into Bfor; in Cwith; to Dto; at第5讲介词考点实战演练考点11B句意:2014年4月16日,韩国的一艘船沉入了大海。具体的月份、日期及年份前面用介词on,故选B。in后面接月份、年份、季节;at接具体的几点几分;for接一段时间。2Dabout关于,大约;before在之前;since自从以来;after在之后。根据句意“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”可知选 D。3C在年份前介词用in,故选C。4B表示在早晨或者下午的整点都用介词at。句意:“慈善步行活动在早上九点举行。别迟到了。”“没问题。”故选B。考点21Cin the east of在的东边(范围之内)。2Barrive意为“到达”,是不及物动词,表示到达大的地方用介词in,表示到达小的地方用介词at;表示在具体的某一天或某个特定的上午、下午或晚上时,要用介词on,故选B。考点31A“介词bydoing sth.”表示“通过方式”。根据句意“你可以通过多加练习来提高英语。”可以判断用by,故选A。2A句意:她妈妈每天早晨坐公共汽车去上班。by bus为固定搭配,意思是“乘坐公共汽车”。考点41Dagainst反对,对抗;among在之间(指三者或三者以上);between在之间(指二者);during在期间。根据句意“他们通常在午饭期间购物。”可知选D。2Bat least 至少;after all 毕竟;at once 立刻,马上;at all总而言之。由句意“大卫突然感到紧张不安。毕竟这是他第一次登台。”可知选B。3Cbe (get) interested in 为固定短语,意为“对感兴趣”,符合句意“不仅年轻人而且老年人对微信都感兴趣。”“(利用微信)他们可以更自由地交流。”故选C。真题体验感悟15CCCBB610CABBA1115BADBA模拟巩固提升15DBCCA610DCCCA1115DCBCD1620BBCAA最新精品资料整理推荐,更新于二二二年四月四日2022年4月4日星期一08:46:37


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