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第二章 化学反应进行的方向及热力学初步,1. 热化学 (thermochemistry) 热力学术语 (体系、环境、状态、状态函数、途径、过程、热、功、热力学能) 热力学第一定律 化学反应的反应热 (定容反应热 Qv, 定压反应热 Qp) 热化学方程式 热力学标准状态 盖斯定律 (Hess law) 标准生成焓 (Standard Enthalpy of Formation) 标准燃烧热 键焓 2. 化学反应的方向 自发反应 熵、标准熵 热力学第二、三定律 吉布斯自由能 (Gibbs Free Energy) G 附录14(键能), p322) 化学键断裂 吸热 化学键生成 放热 键焓: 恒温、恒压 键能: 恒温、恒容,例 计算乙烯与水作用制备乙醇的反应热:,C,C,C,C,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,O,O,键断裂 :,H = 4 BECH + 1 BEC=C + 2 BEOH (5 BECH + 1 BECC + 1 BECO + 1 BEOH) = 4 415 + 1 620 + 2 465 (5 415 + 1 231 + 1 343 + 1 465) (查表: p37) = 96 kJ,C2H4 (g) + H2O (l) C2H5OH (l) H = ?,解,键生成 :,4 CH, 1 C=C, 2 OH,5 CH, 1 CC, 1 CO, 1 OH, 自发反应 (spontaneous reaction),在给定条件下, 不需要任何外力作功就能自动进行的化学反应。, 自发反应 vs. H 放热反应 自发反应 ?,吸热反应可自发进行的例子: (1) H2O(s) H2O(l) H = 6.01 kJmol1 (2) KNO3(s) K+(aq) + NO3(aq) H = 35 kJmol1 (3) N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) H = 57.2 kJmol1, 熵 (entropy, S), 熵值越高,无序性越大 熵为状态函数。熵变:S = S终 S始,体系或物质无序性的度量,在孤立体系中,任何一个自发过程,其熵值增加, 热力学第二定律,S vs. 自发性: S孤 0 自发 S孤 0 非自发 S孤 = 0 平衡状态,热力学第三定律 (defined by Ludwig Boltzmann) 在绝对零度,任何理想晶体的熵值为 0。 The entropy of a substance at any temperature can be obtained by measuring the heat added to raise the temperature from 0 K in a reversible process. S = qrev / T (All substances have positive entropy value at temperature above 0 K), 标准熵,在标准状态和指定温度下,1 mol 物质所具有的熵值。一般选 T 298.15 K 作为参考温度,用 Sm 或简写为 S 表示。(附录3, p304 p310) unit: JK1mol1 同一种物质,熵值:气态 液态 固态。 物质的熵值随温度的升高而增大。,例 计算 298K 及标态下, 下列反应的熵变,CaCO3 (s) CaO (s) + CO2 (g),解,S =,= 39.75 + 213.6 92.9 = 160.5 Jmol1K1,S = S生成物 S反应物,SCaO + SCO2 SCaCO3,查表: p304 p310,热力学第二定律 吉布斯-赫姆霍兹方程) For a reaction: Grxn (= Gsys) vs. Spontaneity (自发性) If Grxn 0 非自发反应 If Grxn = 0 反应处于平衡状态 Under standard conditions: Gsys = Hsys TSsys,Calculating Grxn, the free energy change for a reaction (1) from Hrxn and Srxn Example. Calculate G for the formation of methane at 298 K: C(graphite) + 2 H2(g) CH4(g) Solution: C(graphite) H2(g) CH4(g) Hf (kJ/mol) 0 0 74.81 S (J/Kmol) 5.74 130.59 186.2 Hrxn = Hf(CH4(g) Hf(C(graphite) + 2Hf(H2(g) = 74.9 kJ,Srxn = S(CH4(g) S(C(graphite) + 2S(H2(g) = 80.7 J/K Grxn = Hrxn TSrxn = 74.9 kJ (298 K)(80.7 J/K)(1kJ/1000J) = 50.8 kJ (This reaction is spontaneous),Calculating Grxn, the free energy change for a reaction (2) from standard free energy of formation 标准吉布斯自由生成能:在标准状态及指定温度下,由稳定态单质(或非稳定态单质)生成 1 mol 化合物时的吉布斯自由能变。一般选 T 298.15 K 作为参考温度,用 fGm(298.15 K) 或简写为 Gf 表示。(附录3, p304 p310) G = Gf,生成物 Gf,反应物,例 计算下列反应的标准吉布斯自由能变:,4 NH3 (g) + 5 O2 (g) 4 NO (g) + 6 H2O (l),G =,解,(4 Gf, NO + 6 Gf, H2O) (4 Gf, NH3 + 5 Gf, O2) = 4 86.57 + 6 ( 237.2) 4 (16.48) + 5 0 (查表: p304 p310) = 1011 kJmol1,G = Gf,生成物 Gf,反应物,Free Energy and Temperature,H,S,G = H T S,+,+,+,+,+,G,+ or ?,+ or ?,G = H TS,恒压下温度对反应自发性的影响,H,S,G = H TS,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,低温,高温,任何温度下均为自发反应,任何温度下均为非自发反应,低温下为自发反应,高温下为自发反应,“热力学”关于“可逆过程”的定义:如果某一体系经过某一过程,由状态1变到状态2,如果能使体系和环境都完全复原,这样的过程就称为“可逆过程”。 例如,如果某一体系在“等温膨胀”过程中,将体系对环境所做的功储藏起来,这些“功”刚好能使体系恢复到原状态,同时把膨胀过程中所吸收的热全部还给环境,则这个过程就是“可逆过程”。显然,要做到这一点,做功的每一个步骤必须“无限小”,因此需要“无限长”的时间,否则不可能把吸收的热全部还给环境。 实际发生的过程,大部分不是以“无限小”的步骤完成,体系和环境不能完全复原,都是“热力学”的“不可逆过程”,包括无机化学的大多数“可逆反应”。,注释: 关于热力学“可逆过程”,Problem 1. Suppose you want to know the enthalpy change (焓变) for the formation of methane, CH4, from solid (as graphite) and hydrogen gas: C(s) + 2 H2(g) CH4 (g) H = ? We can measure the enthalpy changes for the combustion of carbon, hydrogen, and methane. C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g) H1 = 393.5 kJ H2(g) + O2(g) H2O (l) H2 = 285.8 kJ CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) H3 = 890.3 kJ Draw the energy level diagram and use these energies to obtain H for the formation of methane from its elements.,Problem 2. Nitroglycerin is a powerful explosive that forms four different gases when detonated (爆炸): 2 C3H5(NO3)3(l) 3 N2(g) + 1/2 O2(g) + 6 CO2(g) + 5 H2O(g) Calculate the enthalpy change when 10.0 g of nitroglycerin is detonated. (The enthalpy change of formation of nitroglycerin, Hf, is 364 kJ/mol. Use other information in Appendix III (附录3 ,p304 p310).,Problem 3. Yeast (酵母 ) can produce ethanol by the fermentation (发酵) of glucose (C6H12O6); this is the basis for the production of most alcoholic beverages. C6H12O6(aq) 2 C2H5OH(l) + 2 CO2(g) Calculate H, S, and G for the reaction. Is the reaction spontaneous as written? (In addition to the thermodynamic values in Appendix III (p450 p455), you will need the following for C6H12O6(aq): Hf = 1260.0 kJ/mol; S =289 J/K.mol; and Gf = 918.8 kJ/mol.),Problem 4. Some metal oxides can be decomposed to the metal and oxygen under reasonable conditions. Is the decomposition of silver(I) oxide product-favored at 25C? 2 Ag2O(s) 4 Ag(s) + O2(g) If not, can it become so if the temperature is raised? At what temperature is the reaction product-favored?,补充数据(教材习题): 5. B.E.(Cl-Cl) = 243 kJmol1 8. C(石墨) C(g) 石墨升华热sH(石墨) = 717 kJmol1,


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