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How to do a cloze test?,高考 完形 填 空 时 间 安排: 15分钟左右,Step1 Skip the passage to get the general idea and pay attention to the first sentence.(跳读掌握大意,注意首句),Step2 Reread and choose the best answer for each blank by using some methods.(借助于一些恰当的方法选择最佳答案),Step3 Read the passage again and check the answers.(复读检查),Three steps,2-3分钟,7-10分钟,1-2分钟,Step1:get the general idea,通读文章,把握大意:作者一次就餐经历: “我”在一家餐厅吃饭, 竟然被侦探认为是嫌疑犯, 多亏”我”经常在这家餐厅吃饭,和每个人都很熟,才化险为夷, 平 安无事,Ex.1 Skip(跳读) the passage to get the general idea and pay attention to the first sentence.,Skip the following passage and try to get the general idea of it.,people think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and children keep healthy while playing with others. However, playing sports can have 50bad effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. (08上海),Check the answer,1-5CDBCA 610DBABC 1115DAACD 1620BABDC,Step2: How can you get the right answer for each blank?,Four methods(四种常用的方法):,1、context 上下文语境(注重情境) 2、word distinctions or collocations 词语辨析和固定搭配 3、information given in the passage 利用文章中的信息(原词复现、近义词和反义词等) 4、cultural background and common sense 文化背景和常识,One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant , waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive . Suddenly I 36noticed that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction , 37as if he knew me . The man had a newspaper 38open in front of him , which he was 39pretending to read , but I could 40see that he was keeping an eye on me . when the waiter brought my 41food the man was clearly,(上下文),(词语辨析) (上下文),information given in the passage(原词复现),(上下文),(词语辨析) (上下文),(上下文),puzzled (困惑) by the 42familiar way in which the waiter and I 43chatted with each other . He seemed even more puzzled as 44time went on and it became 45clear that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me . Finally he got up and went into thekitchen 46 . When he came out , he paid his bill and 47left without another glance in my direction .,(上下文),(生活常识) (上下文),Common sense(生活常识),(词组搭配) (上下文),information given in the passage(原词复现),context (上下文),I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had wanted . “Well,” he said , “that man was a detective (侦探) . He followed you here because he though you were the man he was looking for .” “What ?” I said , showing my surprise . The owner continued , “He came into the,(上下文) (生活常识),(上下文)(词义辨析),原词复现(近义词),(生活常识)),kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I must say he looked very much like you ! Of course , since we know you , we told him that he had made amistake.” “Well , its really lucky I came to a restaurant where Im known ,” I said . “ otherwise , I might have been in trouble .”,(上下文),(生活常识)),(上下文),(上下文) (词义辨析),Ex. 2 Reread and choose the best answer for each blank by using some methods. 在把握语篇大意的基础上,借助于 一些恰当的方法选择最佳答案。,1、Information given in the passage 利用文章中的信息(原词复现,近义词或反义词),(1) On August 26,1999,New York city was struck by a terrible rainstorm. Some battled to 3 (call) a taxi or to get on a bus. still others faced the 4 bravely, walking miles to get to work. (NMET2008山东) A. climate B. scenery C. storm D. burden (2) Apparently, although no one wants to be 51 all the time, everyone needs some degree of privacy.( 2007上海) A. noisyB. aloneC. personalD. sociable,C,B,2、Word distinctions or collocations 词语辨析和固定搭配,(1) From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch ,I a note.(08全国2) A. carried B. found C. included D. held (2)Money was always tight, but we had a _over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot _ ,always enough.(08辽宁) A. roof B. hat C. sky D. star,C,A,include sth. in sth 把某物装进,have a roof over ones head有容身之地,(3)Again, I with professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldnt change his mind.(08北京) A. quarreled B. reasoned C .bargained D. chatted,B,quarrel 同某人理论 reason 同某人争论,3.Context 上下文语境(注意:连词的作用),(1)After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced waitress for a few days, I was 37 to wait tables on my own.(08全国) A. promised B. invited C. allowed D. advised (2) Neilson considers herself lucky 58 she suffered injuries.(08江苏) A. and B. but C. though D. when,C,C,连词 表转折; although ,though, yet ,but ,despite the fact that, even so , in contrast ,nevertheless , on the contrary ,however , in spite of ,otherwise, instead 表递近: furthermore, moreover, what is more ,besides ,also ,not only.but also., in addition 表解释: as a matter of fact ,namely ,in other words,4、Cultural background and common sense文化背景和常识,(1) the mother was holding their baby daughter, Ally. The little girl had some food stuck in her throat, and could hardly breathe. Mr. White drove them to . The ambulance was running very fast along the road. A. the best hospital B. the biggest hospital C. the nearest hospital D. the Childrens Hospital,C,It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their1 . This was the beginning of another 2 day in New York City.1. A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices2. A. working B. hot C. same D. ordinary,A. jobs,D. ordinary,Step3 Read the passage again and check the answers.(将所选定的词放到文章中复读检查),Tips: 1、the tense and the voice,the accord between subject and predicate(时态语态,主谓语在上下文 的中是否一致) 2、grammar and collocations(语法和习惯用法的 搭配在上下文中是否逻辑上一致) 3、the connection between sentences and paragraphs (段与段,句与句之间的衔接是否连贯) 4、the meaning of the whole passage(整体上检查 结构、语义及逻辑是否一致,上下文的衔接是否合理),summary,1.浏览全文,掌握文章的中心及脉络 a.应用阅读技能,进行缺词阅读 b.注意首段,末段及每个段落的首句,2.分段落实,逐个填空 a.先填上固定搭配与习惯表达,基本句型等较容易的空格 b.对语境语义还不太明朗的空格要反复推敲,力争突破难点,3.通读全文,检查核对,2-3分钟,710分钟,12分钟,做题三忌: 急于求成,未通读全文便忙于答题,不了解文意,无整体概念边读边填,两眼忙于空白与选项之间,欲速则不达。 只抠字眼,语法,不顾文意,抓不住关键。 断章取义,就题论题,不管前后联系,互不照应,前后矛盾。,完形填空考什么? (2010年湖北高考大纲要求),第二节:共20小题,每小题1.5分。在一篇短文中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。,1.考查的内容、考点的设计以实词(v、n、adj。 和adv、短语等) 的 词汇意义与搭配为主,语法项目基本不考。(因此,能否做好完 形填空试题的关键是:读懂短文、读懂句子)。,2. 通过语境、上下文内容等考查词汇在具体语境中的意义为主; 一词多义的考点增多。,3. 短文的句式结构相对复杂了(如:语序复杂;插入语、同位语、 多重定语、复合句增多);,4. 短文的题材内容多样化, 夹叙夹议、说明文、议论文等短文出现 频率比较高,内容,实词,词汇意义与搭配,读懂短文、读懂句子,语境、上下文内容,在具体语境中的意义,一词多义,句式结构相对复杂,题材内容多样化, 当前完形填空的命题特点,备考策略:平时加强重点词汇记忆,备考策略:平时保持阅读量,养成良好的英语阅读习惯,加大词汇积累,备考策略:注重长难句分析,加强语法知识,培养语感,备考策略:阅读各种题材及体裁的文章,了解各种文章特点,Do a cloze test and think about the methods.,Thank you,


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