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The Standard of Shop Drawing For Steel Structure钢结构详图设计标准第一章 General Note总则The standard is applicable for steel structure work such as bridges, ocean platform, architecture, etc., The standard should be carried out unless especial requirements of Owner. The standard forced to define the common of shop drawings. Shop drawings of specific project may vary with facilities and fabrication capacity of shop. The intent of the standard is to make detail design of steel structure and management standardization, high quality and unification.本标准适用于桥梁、海洋工程、建筑等钢结构工程。自本规定颁发后,如业主无特殊要求,均需按本规定执行。本规定对车间图纸的共通部分做了强制规定,具体项目的车间图纸内容可随工厂的设备及制造能力的不同而变化。本规定的目的是使钢结构详图设计和管理标准化、高质量化及统一化。第二章 Primary Requirements基本要求2.1 The Significance of Detail Design详图设计的重要性Any fabrication and assembly of steel structure should equip technical personnel who have excellent diathesis. Shop drawing design branch is its core. The quality of shop drawing will direct affect the branch of fabrication, purchasing, QC, etc. It will bring great influence to schedule even.任何钢结构的制造和安装都需要有一支素质优良的技术人员队伍。深化设计部门是其中的核心。深化图纸的质量将直接影响到制造、采购、质检等部门,甚至会对工期产生重大影响。2.2 Content of Detail Design详图设计的内容The chief task of detail design is to plot initial design of steel structure put forward by architect and structural engineer to detail of construction. It contains connection strength design, shop working drawing, assembly drawing, parts drawing, material bill, typesetting drawing, etc. It may vary with various requirements of project. It must contain data and note required by fabrication. The design personnel can show the fabrication requirements such as cutting of members, hole-punching manner, bolts, weld joint through drawing paper, lineation, sizes and notes.详图设计的主要任务是将建筑工程师和结构工程师提出的钢结构初步设计进一步绘制成施工详图,工作内容主要为连接节点强度设计、车间加工图、安装布置图、零件图、材料清单、排板图等内容,具体可能随项目的要求不同而有所改变。详图内必须包含制造所必须的数据和说明。设计人员可通过图纸、线条、尺寸和注释等,标明构件的切割、打孔方式、螺栓、焊缝等制造要求2.3 Process Relation between Detail Design and Fabrication, Assembly详图设计与制造、安装等的工艺关系Detail design is very important segment in project. It restrict and promote with every craft branch. Design personnel should fully know the recent specification, shop fabrication and field erection requirements. It should not only know the physical property, other speciality and structure where connected with steel structure, construction method, procedure, but also understand the bid of steel structure and contract definition. Relevant design will not meet steel structure fabrication enterprise requirements until wholly mastering the knowledge above.详图设计是项目中极为重要的环节,与各工艺部门之间是相互制约相互促进的关系。详图人员必须充分了解最新的工程规范、工厂制造和现场安装的要求。不仅需要了解钢材的物理特性、其它专业与钢结构相连接处的构造及施工方法、施工流程,还需要懂得钢结构工程投标和签订合同等方面的知识。只有充分具备了以上知识,相应的设计才会满足钢结构制造企业的要求。2.4 Software软件Checking computations of structure and point analyse.结构验算和节点分析 SAP、MIDAS、ANSYS、EXCELGeneral drawing普通图 AutoCADDetail drawing详图 X-STEEL、AutoCAD、SOLIDWORK第三章 Drawing and Numbering System图纸及编号系统3.1 Unit System单位制 All drawings released to base shall be metric sizes. If contract document defines that it must be inch sizes, dimension metric sizes and inch sizes on the drawings.所有下发至基地的图纸全部采用公制尺寸。若合同文件规定必须使用英制尺寸,则图纸上应同时标注公制和英制尺寸。3.2 Sheet Size and Layout图幅尺寸和布局3.2.1 Drawing size and suggested location图纸大小及推荐使用部位A0:840*1188 general layout总布置图 A1:594*840A2:420mm*594mm member drawing构件图 A3:297mm*420mmA4:210mm*297mm parts drawing零件图3.2.2 Clearance of inner and outer sheet boundary内、外图框间距:A0:left border左边界50mm ,rest border其余边界20mm A1:left border左边界40mm ,rest border其余边界15mmA2:left border左边界25mm ,rest border其余边界10mm A3:left border左边界20mm ,rest border其余边界5mmA4:left border左边界15mm ,rest border其余边界5mm3.2.3 Content of header area图标区内容 Header area usually adopts company standard title which contain all requirements defined by Owner and locate at the right lower of the drawing. It can be properly revised if Owner have additional requirements. The header area should contain the information of project and version, technical personnel, company information. Space 50mm75mm room to review and signet at the left of title.图标区一般情况下采用公司的标准图标,应包含业主明确的所有要求信息并布置在图纸的右下方。如业主另外有要求可适当修改。图标区要包含项目信息 、版本信息、技术人员、公司信息等内容。图标左侧要预留尺寸为50mm75mm左右的空间以供审图盖章使用。3.2.4 Figure color and setting图形颜色及设置The lineation of inner and outer sheet boundary is black, the title district is uniform style(unless additional requirements of Owner).内外图框的线条均采用黑色,图标区采用统一格式(除非业主另有要求)3.2.5 Drawing medium图纸媒介a.Electronic documents and final shop drawings submitted to Owner is TIFF or PDF approved by Owner.提供至业主方的电子文档和最终加工图为业主同意的TIFF或PDF格式。b.Hard copy should be printed half. Print all when applicable(half is preference).复印件应缩半打印。若规范要求,则全纸打印(首选缩半打印)。c.The final copy version should meet every code: paper, vellum, film. The electronic document to be made for CD is better and may be used for respective contract.最终的复印版本应符合每个规范:纸张、仿牛皮纸、底片或胶片。制作成CD的电子文档是较好的而且可以使用在各自的合同上。3.3 Drawing Scale图纸比例尺a.Set shop drawing scale as follows:车间图纸比例尺设定参考如下 plan平面图 A1 1:50 1:100 1:150 1:200 1:300 1:500 1:600 1:1000 elevation立面图 A1 1:50 1:100 1:150 1:200 1:300 1:500 1:600 1:1000 joint standard drawing节点标准图 A1 1:2 1:5 1:10 1:20 1:30 weld standard drawing焊接标准图 A1 1:5 1:10 1:30 1:50 lifting standard drawing吊装标准图 A1 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:60 1:150 curtain wall steel structure standard drawing幕墙钢结构标准图 A1 1:20 1:30 1:50 1:100 1:150 1:200 elevator steel structure standard drawing电梯钢结构标准图 A1 1:20 1:30 1:50 1:100 1:150 1:200 stairs steel structure standard drawing楼梯钢结构标准图 A1 1:20 1:30 1:50 1:100 1:150 1:200 application, galvanizing standard drawing涂装、镀锌标准图 A1 1:20 1:30 1:50 1:100 1:150 1:200 detail详图 A1 1:5 1:10 1:30 1:50 A3 1:5 1:10 1:30 1:50 local detail局部详图 A1 1:2 1:5 1:10b.In principle, one paper type of project can but use uniform scale.项目的一个图纸类别原则上只能使用统一比例c.In principle, it can but dimension actual sizes in drawings. It may dimension actual numerical value only when unavoidable.图纸内原则上只能标准实际尺寸,在非不得已情况下可标注实际数值。3.4 Font and Lineation字体以及线体a.Font variety is restricted in 12 type except sheet boundary.(number, English is Romans; Chinese is Song typeface or HZ1; aspect ratio of letter is 0.7)除图框外,字体种类限制在12种之内(数字、英文Romans,中文宋体或HZ1,文字宽高比要设定为0.7)b.Define the height of letter as follows.字体高度按下表规定the height of letter字体高度(mm)Application适 用 对 象general drawing一般图A1drawing name图纸名3.5title of axis, size between axis, direction, lifting direction轴线名、轴间尺寸、方向、吊装方向3main dimension, member mark, common, special matters need attention, member list主要尺寸、构件号、共通事项、特别注意事项、构件清单2.5secondary dimension, various main dimension, local detail dimension次要尺寸、各种主要标注、局部详图标注detail详图A1member mark, main locating axis构件号、主定位轴线3main component and numbering of main parts which connected to main component, node number, main dimension, section title, index dimension, direction, piece list title主部件以及与主部件连接的主要部件的编号、接点号、主要尺寸、断面名称、索引标注、方向、零件表名称2.5secondary component dimension and size, various main dimension, common次要部件的注记以及尺寸、各种主要标注、共通事项 font not include in sheet boundary不含图框内的字体 c.All thickness of lineation must be uniform, range from 0.1mm to 0.25mm.各种线的线粗必须统一,控制在0.1mm0.25mm之内d.The type of line usually takes the default of X-steel. Define the following specification only when drawing with CAD: heavy line for object border, 0.25mm for the typing line width; fine dotted line for object dashed, 0.10mm for the typing line width; single dash dot line for object centerline, 0.15mm for the typing line width; fine line for dimension line, 0.13mm for the typing line width.线型一般均采用-steel默认线型及比例。若仅采用CAD制图时,暂做以下规定:物体边界采用粗实线,打印线宽0.25mm;物体虚线采用细虚线,打印线宽0.10mm;物体中心线采用单点划(细)线,打印线宽0.15mm;尺寸线采用细实线打印线宽0.13mm。e.fine line for outer sheet boundary,0.10mm for the typing line width; heavy line for inner sheet boundary, 0.35mm for the typing line width外图框采用细实线,打印线宽0.10mm;内图框采用粗实线,打印线宽0.35mmg.the height of text文本的高度:the annotations district: 3.0mm for title; 2.5mm for content附注区:题头3.0mm;内容2.5mm;the header area: 3.0mm for drawing number; 2.5mm for scale, version, date, etc; 2.0mm for the rest, 0.15mm for the typing line width; Letter should be clear when printing half.图标区:图号3.0mm;比例、版本、日期等信息2.5mm;其余2.0mm打印线宽应为0.15毫米;当图纸缩半打印时,文字应清晰可见。h.General, apply small font to piece mark assembled in shop, and apply big font to all texts.车间内装配用的零件标号通常采用小字体,大写字体通常用于所有文本。i.Member title with double underline spaces the first underline 1mm and spaces the second underline 2mm; 0.3mm for the first underline thickness, 0.13mm for the last.构件名称必须带双下划线,离第一条下划线1mm;第一条下划线粗0.3mm,第二条下划线0.13mm,二者间距1mm;j.Section must be with single heavy underline, 0.3mm for the thickness, 1mm for the clearance of word line.剖面必须带单条粗下划线,线粗0.3mm,字线间距1mm.3.5 Size Dimension尺寸标注a. Indicate altitude with meter and millimeter for other size. Do not show unit in drawings.除高程以米计以外其余尺寸以毫米记,图中不标注单位。b. Provide arrow dimension at the end of size. Space at least 1mm between dimension line and dimensioning position.尺寸端部统一规定采用箭头标注,尺寸线与标注部位至少预留1mm的间隙c. Dimension should be layered. The first layer is member locating point dimension, the second layer is member length and the third layer is locating of local detail on members, the fourth layer is dimensioning of local detail. Dimension line should avoid cross.尺寸要分层标注,第一层尺寸为构件定位点尺寸,第二层为构件长度,第三层为局部细节在构件上的定位,第四层为局部细节的尺寸标注。尺寸线应尽量避免交叉。d. Dimension in the same series should be aligned in line.同一系列的尺寸应整列对齐。e. In principle, the arrow at the end of dimension line is 1.5mm(general drawing) or 1.2mm (detail drawing).尺寸线端部的箭头原则上为1.5mm(一般图)或1.2mm(详图)f. Dimension Splice position and eccentricity size as follows:节点板位置以及偏心尺寸按下图要领标注 g. Dimension detail size as follows(n is greater than or equal to 3):细部尺寸按下列要领标注。(n要大于等于3) h. Azimuth and the direction of diagrammatic presentation方位以及图示方向 3.6 Drawing Number图纸编号a. See building project drawing number system as follows. Drawing number consists of drawing title, category code name and serial number.建筑工程图纸编号系统(见下表) 图纸编号由图纸名称、种类代号加节号(一部分为层号)以及序号构成。Drawing Name图纸名称Drawing No.图纸编号Remark备注Layout of bolt at toe柱底螺栓布置图A+code number+序号Detail is contained.含详图Plan平面图F+floor mark+code number+楼层号+序号Layout of prepared hole and embedded parts is contained.含预留孔布置图、预埋件布置图Elevation立面图E+truss name+code number+桁架名+序号桁架名参阅附图Joint standard drawing节点标准图TS+code numberTS+序号Weld standard drawing焊接标准图坡口标准图TWS+ code number TWS+序号lifting standard drawing吊装标准图TKS+ code number TKS+序号elevator steel structure standard drawing电梯钢结构标准图TEV+机号+序号curtain wall steel structure standard drawing幕墙钢结构标准图TCW+floor mark+ code numberTCW+楼层号+序号ALC steel structure standard drawingALC钢结构标准图ALC+floor mark+ code numberALC+楼层号+序号stairs steel structure standard drawing楼梯钢结构标准图TKF+stairs name+ code numberTKF+楼梯名+序号application, galvanizing standard drawing涂装、镀锌标准图TPS+floor mark+ code numberTPS+楼层号+序号Detail of main truss column head or other column head主桁架柱头以及其他柱头详图section+C+ code number节+C+序号分类方法参阅附图Detail of main truss inclined piece(vertical plane)主桁架斜杆(垂直面)详图section+T+ code number节+T+序号Detail of main truss horizontal member主桁架水平杆件详图floor+G+code number楼层号+G+序号Detail of beam梁详图floor mark+B+ code number楼层号+B+序号All kinds of trabecula is contained.含各类小梁Detail of interlaminar column层间柱详图floor mark+P+ code number楼层号+P+序号楼层号以柱头所在的楼层为准Detail of embedded parts预埋件详图floor mark+EMB+ code number楼层号+EMB+序号Detail of horizontal inclined piece水平小斜撑详图floor mark+H+ code number楼层号+H+序号Detail of vertical inclined piece垂直小斜撑详图floor mark+V+ code number楼层号+V+序号楼层号以柱头所在的楼层为准Steel casting铸钢件N+steel casting mark+ code number N+铸钢件号+序号Stairs楼梯K+stairs mark+ code numberK+楼梯号+序号b.Shop Drawing Numbering System桥梁工程图纸编号系统(见下表)Prefix前缀Contents Description内容描述WDWelding Detail 焊接详图或标准图WSWork Sheets(calculation and layouts used to prepare shop drawings; not to be reviewed as shop fabrication )工作表(用于准备加工图的计算书和方案图;不需要送审)TDTypical details and layouts(details and layouts to prepare shop drawings; not to be reviewed as shop fabrication drawings)典型详图和方案图(用于准备加工图的详图和方案,不需要送审)GNGeneral shop notes and typical details(lists appropriate notes for welding, paint, etc.) 车间制造的注解和典型详图(对焊接、涂装等列举一些适当的注释)BGBasic girder diagrams ( Web and flange cutting diagrams)基本大梁图(腹板和翼缘切割图)WCWeb camber details ( camber cutting and splicing of webs)腹板预拱度详图(预拱度切割位置和腹板拼接)FSFlange splicing details( assembly and splicing of flanges).翼缘板拼接详图(翼缘板装配和拼接)。WC或BG图应包含腹板至翼缘的焊接FWField work sheets ( used to obtain field dimensions and/or show required fieldwork, including field reaming and drilling) 现场工作表(用于标示工地工作的相关尺寸和/或工地铰孔和钻孔等工作)HCHorizontal curve diagrams ( final line curve diagrams per piece with horizontal ordinates shown)水平曲线标注方法(标注每段曲线在水平线上的最终横、纵坐标)XGirder job standards( parts details for I girders, box girders and tub girders)主梁零件标准图(工字梁、箱梁和槽式梁的零件详图)ZStringer job standards纵梁零件标准图MMiscellaneous job standards(parts details, rolled beams, cross frames, diaphragms, etc.) 杂项零件标准图(零件详图、轧制小梁、横梁结构、横隔板等)SB or SDSub-assemblies(Parts, shop or field assembled, as units prior to incorporating into a shipping piece or the structure)组件(将多个零件在工厂或现场拼装成的船运部件或结构件)EAnchor bolt plans, field bolt and erection framing plans (location of shipping piece marks). Note: these are not erection procedure plans.锚固螺栓平面布置图,现场安装螺栓平面图和结构安装图(带标记的船运部件位置),说明:这些不是安装工艺图SAShop assembly diagrams(line assembly reaming, unit assembly, etc.工厂拼装图(画出装配的铰孔,装配的组件等)1 thruDetails of girders, cross frames, stringers, diaphragms, etc. 梁,横梁结构,纵梁,横隔板等的详图SPShipping procedures(detailed procedure to ship unique pieces)船运工艺(特殊构件的详细船运工艺)WPWelding procedures( used to show required welding procedures; to be submitted and approved separately from shop detail drawings)焊接工艺(用来明确焊接工艺的要求;应分别根据车间详图提交审核)Note: Prefix typically followed by numerical identification 1,2,3,etc.注释:前缀通常是通过数值诸如1,2,3来确定。Shop Detail Drawing Numbering Sequence桥梁工程加工图编号顺序There should be a logical sequence in shop detail drawings that will aid the reviewer and shop personnel. The approval review process will be expedited if all structure drawings are organized in a common sequence. The prefixed drawings should be located within sets in the order shown in shop drawing numbering system.加工图应遵循逻辑的编号顺序,以便为审图者和生产人员服务。如果所有的结构图按常用的顺序整理完整,审图过程就可以加快。图纸的前缀应根据前面的图纸编号系统里的相关条目进行设置。Numbered drawings should be sequenced similarly to the following example:已编号的图纸顺序应和下表类似:Description描述Drawing No. 图号Bearing Detail支座详图1Girders梁 2G1A2AC,2BC,2C*3G2A34G3A45G4A56G1B67G2B78G3B89G4B9Cross Frames, Diaphragms&other Misc.横梁结构,横隔板以及其它杂项103.7 Marking System for Shipping Pieces桥梁工程构件编号系统Identifier名称Description描述GGirder大梁(用于翼缘、腹板的构件)BGBox Girder钢箱梁(封闭的箱形构件)TGTub Girder平梁(敞开的箱形构件)SStringer纵梁(型钢构件)DDiaphragm横隔板(介于主要构件或板块间的单个滚压形式)CF,K,XCross Frame剪刀撑(介于主要构件之间的组合构件,这些构件主要为宽翼缘截面,角钢等)L or LBLateral Bracing横向支撑(所有水平面,对角支撑)MSMiscellaneous杂项(无法归类的船运散件)DUDeck Units桥面单元(通常指铁路桥上附带钢板的平面梁)ABAnchor Bolt锚固螺栓BPBronze Plate铜板BRBrackets牛腿(悬臂形式)EBElastomeric Bearing弹性支座FB or BFloor Beams平面梁(扎制型钢或焊接工字梁)PPPreformed Pad预制垫LPLeveling Plate水平测量用钢板MPMasonry Plate砌筑板PPin销RPRocker Plate平衡板SPSole Plate基础板WWasher垫圈WDWeld Detail Drawing焊接详图(用在有许多焊接详图的复杂结构)Fracture critical pieces may be prefixed F, such as FG, FBG, FTG, etc. This is optional and may be used by a Fabricator to differentiate this material. The above letters may be prefixed with the sheet number on which the piece is detailed, serving as a self-indexing system, and suffixed with a numerical identification. Longitudinal main members shall be suffixed A, B, C, etc. in addition to their numerical suffix.临界脆断构件可以加前缀“F”,诸如FG,FBG,FTG等等。这是可选择的,可以由制造商自己采用以辨别这种材料。以上字母可以根据图表编号加前缀,也能根据数值的辨别加后缀。纵向的主构件,除了它们的数值后缀外,还可以加后缀A,B,C等。*Use letters as suffix when details require more than one drawing.*当详图需要不止一张时,用字母作为后缀。Note: Certain projects may require deviation from the Shop Detail Drawing Numbering System Sequence, dependent upon the Fabricators requirements. Also, WS, TD, GN, WC&FS drawings may be prepared and submitted with other necessary sheets/information (E&WP) prior to balance of detail drawings on large projects in order to begin with fabrication of these pieces. Partial submittals must be complete enough to allow checkers to adequately cross-reference information and avoid requiring later re-checking.注释:具体项目也可能根据制造商的需要进行调整使加工图编号系统,这样顺序有可能产生偏差。同时,在一些大的项目中,为了在一开始就方便零件的装配,要先准备和提交WS,TD,GN,WC和FS图纸 连同其它必要的图纸/信息(E和WP),目的是及时完成以上图表以便让复核人员能充分地相互对照,避免事后再次检查。3.8 Building Project Member Numbering System建筑工程构件编号系统Number member according to follow principle, the category code name of member is the same to drawing numbering.构件根据以下原则编号,构件的种类代号采用与图纸编号相同的种类代号。)main column主要柱 section number+C+elevation number+serial number节号+C+立面号+序号)main horizontal member of truss主要桁架水平杆件section number+G+elevation number+serial number节号+G+立面号+序号)main horizontal member of truss主桁架水平杆件floor number+G+elevation number+serial number楼层号+G+立面号+序号4)beam, interlaminar beam梁、层间梁 floor number+B+design mark+serial number楼层号+B+设计记号+序号 M+floor number+B+design mark+serial number M+楼层号+B+设计记号+序号5)interlaminar column层间柱floor number+P+design mark+serial number楼层号+P+设计号+序号6)horizontal inclined brace水平小斜撑 floor number+H+design mark+serial number楼层号+H+设计号+序号7)vertical inclined brace垂直小斜撑 floor number+V+design mark+serial number楼层号+V+设计号+序号8)embedded parts预埋件 floor number+EMB+serial number楼层号+EMB+序号3.9 Plan建筑工程平面图It contains axis, member, member mark, bill of material(member mark, sectional dimension, material, node number), the end of shop, field splice, bracket length, plane brace, elevation brace(dashed line)and direction, direction of assembly, elevator, stairwell, curtain wall, part section, note.内容包括轴线、构件、构件号、材料表(构件号、截面尺寸、材质、节点号)、工厂端点、工地拼节点、牛腿长度、平面支撑、立面支撑(虚线表示)及方向、安装方向、电梯、楼梯井、幕墙、局部剖面、注记。3.10 Elevation建筑工程立面图It contains axis, member, member mark, bill of material(member mark, sectional dimension, material, node number), the end of shop, field splice, bracket length, elevation brace, etc.内容包括轴线、构件、构件号、材料表(构件号、截面尺寸、材质、节点号)、工厂端点、工地拼节点、牛腿长度、立面支撑等。3.11 Detail建筑工程节点图It contains node number, node detail drawing, specification of gusset plate, specification of bolt and quantity, bolt length. It contains lifting ear, lifting hole, concrete press-in hole, steam hole.内容包括节点号、节点大样图、节点板规格、螺栓规格及数量、螺栓长度。要领包括吊装耳板、吊孔、砼压入孔、蒸气孔。3.12 Standard Abbreviation 标准缩写 See annexed table 3.见附表3第四章Standard of Model Building X-STEEL建模标准4.1 Set of Parameter参数设置4.1.1 Server服务器 Use correct server name if multiple user.如果是多用户,使用正确的服务器名称。4.1.2 Autosave自动存盘 Modify the path of autosave to users list. Transfer the title of autosave to title district.修改自动存盘路径到用户的目录下。并将自动存盘图标调到图标栏中,set XS_AUTOSAVE_DIRECTORY=%XS_RUNPATH%autosave , The set is very effective when users are many and model is big.当用户比较多,模型比较大的时候,此设置非常管用。4.1.3 Clearance between gusset plate and beam节点板与梁的间隙 REM SET XS_ALLOW_SHEAR_PLATE_CLASH_FLANGE=TRUE,remove REM去掉REM4. Set of Bolt Symbol and Material Symbol螺栓符号、材质符号设置 Bolt mark螺栓记号 Show bolt as follows according to its diameter:螺栓根据直径的不同,以下表记号表示Name名 称Mark记 号M16M20M22M24 Show material mark as follows:材质记号如下表所示 Name名 称Mark记 号A


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