冀教版五年级上册英语 Unit 1 阶段过关卷二(Lessons 4~6)

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冀教版五年级上册英语 Unit 1 阶段过关卷二(Lessons 4~6)_第1页
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Unit 1 Going to Beijing阶段过关卷二(Lessons 46) 时间:30分钟满分:100分基础达标测一、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)()1. A. hungryB. thirstyC. like()2. A. woman B. behind C. man()3. A. play B. reading C. eat()4. A. talk B. may C. sing()5. A. where B. who C. would二、根据图片和首字母提示写单词,完成句子。(10分)1. I like c very much. 2. Id like some w . 3. Would you like some t ?4. Look at this p . 5. This is a b . 三、选词填空。(10分)hungry drink like thirsty candy1. Dont_ too much. 2. Would you_ some noodles?3. I want some _. 4. Im _. I want to eat something. 5. Im _. I want to drink something. 四、单项选择。(15分)() 1.Would you like some juice?_. A. Yes, pleaseB. Yes, I doC. No, please() 2. I _ these shoes. A. likeB. likesC. like to() 3. They _ singing now. A. isB. amC. are() 4. _ is hungry?A. WhoseB. WhoC. Where() 5. Its 7:30 now. Lynn is_ breakfast. A. has B. haveC. having五、判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)()1. They are playing football. ()2. Im hungry. I want to eat something. ()3. Please dont eat or drink. ()4. Id like some candy. ()5. The two boys are talking. 六、补全对话。(10分)Joe: Today is Saturday. What is your mother doing?Mike: 1. _Joe: 2. _Mike: He is playing with his toys. Joe: What is your father doing?Mike: 3. _Joe: 4. _Mike: He is listening to the radio. Joe: What is your dog doing?Mike: 5. _A. My dog is sleeping. B. My father is watching TV. C. My mother is cleaning the floor. D. What is your brother doing?E. What is your grandfather doing?七、按要求完成下列各题。(15分)1. Please stand up. (变成否定句)_2. I read a book. (变成现在进行时)_3. He is singing. (对画线部分提问)_4. Would you like some juice?(作肯定回答)_5. What is he doing? (回答问题)_八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Look! This is my classroom. My name is Andy. Im writing a story. Tim is listening to music. Jenny and Lynn are singing a song. They are very happy. Mike is drawing a picture. Look at Rose. She is reading a book. ()1. They are on the playground. ()2. Andy is writing a story. ()3. Jenny and Tim are singing a song. ()4. Lynn is drawing a picture. ()5. Rose is reading a book. 九、写作。(10分)仿照范文,用现在进行时写一段话。范文:Its Sunday morning. Tims mother is cooking in the kitchen. Tims father is reading a newspaper. Tim is washing his hands and face. What is his pet dog doing? Oh, he is sleeping now. 提示词:play football, fly kites, run, sing, dance_Unit 1 Going to Beijing阶段过关卷二(Lessons 46)一、1. C2. B3. B4. B5. C二、1. candy2. water 3. tea4. picture5. boy三、1. drink2. like 3. candy4. hungry5. thirsty四、1. A2. A3. C4. B5. C点拨:根据关键词now可判断,此句考查现在进行时态,故选C。五、1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F六、1. C2. D3. B4. E5. A七、1. Please dont stand up. 2. I am reading a book. 3. What is he doing?4. Yes, please. 5. He is sleeping. (答案不唯一)八、1. F2. T3. F4. F5. T九、范文:There are many people in the park. Some men are playing football. Some children are flying kites. They are very happy. A young man is running. Some old men are singing a song. Some old women are dancing.


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