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2021/6/71How to write a literature reviewTeam members:Hua ShixianRuan Chaohui,Huang Rizhen,Zuo Bo,Chen Ling2021/6/722021/6/73 According to the Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia,A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge and or methodological approaches on a particular topic.Literature reviews are secondary sources,and as such,do not report any new or original experimental work.2021/6/742021/6/752021/6/761.2021/6/77 2021/6/78 2021/6/79(4)Strategies for writing the literature review Find a focus:not just simply list your sources and go into detail about each one of them,one at a time.Construct a working thesis statement:argue for a particular perspective on the material Use evidence:interpretation must be backed up with evidence to show that what you are saying is valid.Be selective:Select only the most important points in each source to highlight in the review.2021/6/710Summarize and synthesize:Remember to summarize and synthesize your sources within each paragraph as well as throughout the review.While the literature review presents others ideas,your voice(the writers)should remain front and center.2021/6/711 We cannot imagine one can fulfill the writing of a literature review without referring to any bibliography.In other words,to make a literature review more convincing,the writer has to have some cited sources in his or her literature review.2021/6/712How to quote As for the writing of a literature review for his or her graduation paper,one needs to do the following:A.Cite and quote when necessaryB.Use in-text citationsC.Number of cited sources(at least 20)D.All cited sources must be listed in the bibliography.2021/6/7135.Order of Citations1)Chronological:earliest latest2)General to specific:remotely related closely related3)Different approaches:one approach+another+still another approach59-132021/6/71459-142021/6/71559-15 Stylistic Variations in Science Lectures_A.Pang and Wright(2005)broadened the linguistic focus to include some pedagogical and sociolinguistic aspects of lecturing,such as setting,level of formality,participant roles,and lecture topics._B.Most research on the lecture method has been conducted in a native-speaker context._C.The role of vocabulary in mediating instruction has recently attracted the attention of applied linguists._D.A number of studies have so far examined the ways information is presented in lectures;and recommendations for improving the study skills of native speakers have been proposed(e.g.,North et al.,2000;Murphy,2002;Hall,2005)._ E.Lee(2006)has examined function of definitions in science lectures._ F.Only a few researchers have considered the special problems foreign students may have with lectures given in English(Ding,1999;Young&Wilson,2003;Richards&Flower,2007)._ G.Young and Wilson(2003)concentrated on the linguistic aspect:either on how messages were encoded,or on the aspects that might cause decoding problems for native speakers.2021/6/71659-16 Stylistic Variations in Science Lectures B.Most research on the lecture method has been conducted in a native-speaker context.D.A number of studies have so far examined the ways information is presented in lectures;and recommendations for improving the study skills of native speakers have been proposed(e.g.,North et al.,2000;Murphy,2002;Hall,2005).F.Only a few researchers have considered the special problems foreign students may have with lectures given in English(Ding,1999;Young&Wilson,2003;Richards&Flower,2007).G.Young and Wilson(2003)concentrated on the linguistic aspect:either on how messages were encoded,or on the aspects that might cause decoding problems for native speakers.A.Pang and Wright(2005)broadened the linguistic focus to include some pedagogical and sociolinguistic aspects of lecturing,such as setting,level of formality,participant roles,and lecture topics.C.The role of vocabulary in mediating instruction has recently attracted the attention of applied linguists.E.Lee(2006)has examined function of definitions in science lectures.2021/6/71759-176.Verb Tense in Citation Verb Tense in Citation Author prominent Information prominentThe usage of verb tenses in literature review is based on the information that authors want to emphasize.Typically,priority information with the present tense;the priority of a specific study,use past tense.2021/6/71859-18Information prominent:Present 2021/6/71959-19Author prominent:Past2021/6/72059-20Author prominent:present perfectWhen authors emphasize the research or study of several authors,we often use the present perfect tense.2021/6/72159-21Author prominent:Attitude and tense(1)Note:The attitudes of the authors to the previous studies cited also affect the choice of verb tenses.If the results of the past are very important,or directly related to the author engaged in research work,the authors will choose the present tense,otherwise,use the past tense.2021/6/72259-22Author prominent:Attitude and tense(2)2021/6/723Some TipsReview the previous studies,in chronological order.When narrative using the past tense,and comment use the present perfect tense.use fuzzy and speculation language.The main subject is the third person,sometimes using the first person plural.The comparison or evaluation language would be better.To definite the purpose of the literature review.To review the latest developments部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!


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