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牛津小学英语5A Unit 4 Halloween 教学案例江宁区实验小学 任梦菲一教学内容牛津小学英语(译林版)5A Unit 4 Halloween Part A本段对话分别发生在客厅和商店,Ben以及家人正在讨论万圣节以及为万圣节派对准备物品。二教学目标1. 知识目标:(1) 能掌握单词Halloween, need, tomorrow, vase, mask, pumpkin, lantern, horse, change能听得懂,会说,会读What (else) do we need? We need 等句型。(2) 能正确朗读语篇,获取语篇信息。2能力目标:(1) 能初步运用本课所学句型What (else) do we need? We need .(2) 培养阅读能力,掌握阅读技巧。3情感目标: 通过对本课的学习,加深对万圣节及西方文化的了解。三教学重点与难点1. 重点词汇:Halloween, need, tomorrow, vase, mask, pumpkin, lantern, horse, change 重点句型:What (else) do we need? We need .2. 能正确朗读和理解课文。3. 难点: 单词Halloween和词组pumpkin lantern的发音。 初步了解掌握句型:What do you like? I like . Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 掌握有关万圣节的背景知识。四教具与学具多媒体课件,单词卡纸,人物头像。五教学过程Step1:Free talk1教师了解学生T: Boys and girls, lets begin our class. Im your new English teacher today. Firstly, lets know each other. May I have your name? How old are you?Who is he/she? Do you like.?What can you do?【设计说明】通过与学生之间的自由对话,既复习了前三个单元的重点句型和知识,也为进一步引出教师个人信息做下铺垫。2. 教师自我介绍并出示PPT:T: Now I know sth about you. Look, this is my name card. I will tell you something about me. If you have the same thing, stand up quickly and say “Me too”,ok?Im Chinese.My English name is Cherry.Im 25.Im an English teacher.I like singing songs. I can dance. I like dresses.I like maskss.T:Do you like masks? What masks do you like? Can you guess what masks I like? (教读horse)Look, is this a mask, too? (教读pumpkin lantern)If we want to make a pumpkin lantern, what(else) do we need? Ill give you 20s to discuss in your groups.Ss: We need 【设计说明】通过Me too的游戏,既活跃了课堂气氛,让学生了解了新老师的信息,也引出了接下来的话题。Step 2. Presentation and practice1. 通过mask和pumpkin lantern,引出Halloween以及介绍文化知识。T: Look,Ive got a mask and a pumpkin latern, what festival is it about? Can you guess?S: Halloween.T: Clever! Halloween is a famous western festival. Do you want to know it?(出示PPT介绍Halloween) Do you know how to prepare for a Halloween party? Lets follow our friends Ben and his family. Ok?Can you say sth about the picture? Lets talk in two.(Who, Where, When)(同桌间用自己的话描述图片)T: Yes, Ben and his family are talking about sth. What are they talking about? Lets watch a cartoon and find the answer.(观看动画)T:Ill give you A,B,C choices. Which one is right?S1: B A Halloween party.2. Read and circleT: Right. Look, they need things for the Halloween party. What things do they need? Read the passage on page30 quickly and circle what they need.S: 3. Read and findT: Well done, boys and girls. Look, Mum and Ron are in a shop now. They want to buy things for the Halloween party. Who is in a shop, too? Yes, an assitant.(教读assistant)If you are the assistant, what can you say? Now discuss in your groups.(小组内讨论营业员会问的问题)T: What exactly does the assistant say? Lets read and find the questions.(快速浏览课文,用划出营业员说的话)T: Lets check. The first one is?S1: Thank you. Heres your change.T: what does change mean? Here are two choices. Which one is right?S: Something about money.T: How do you know? Yes, pay attention. When meeting an unfamiliar word, you can contact the context.4. Read and fill in the blanksT: What do they buy in the shop? Lets read the passage on page31 and underline the answers. Use the key words or phrases to fill in the blanks.(细读课文,用划出所买物品,并摘抄关键词或短语,完成表格)T: Lets check the answers. I have a question. What masks does Ron buy? (教读horse)T: Youre wonderful. This time, lets listen and repeat. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. (跟读课文,模仿录音中的语音语调)T:Lets read it again. Try to find some words you dont know how to do or sth you dont understand. You can read it by yourself or read in different roles.(选择喜欢的方式读课文,并找出不会读的单词或不懂得地方。)T: After reading, lets retell. Here are three levels. Easy,normal,hard. You can choose one from it. Pay attention. The pumpkin laterns stand for how hard it is. (复述课文)Step3 Consolidation T:Ok. You did a good job in retelling. Well have a Halloween party on Oct.31st. Try to make a plan and then filling the blanks in your groups. Pay attention, you should choose one way to report. Here are some phrases and sentences for you.Step4 Homework 1. Read A fluently.流利阅读课文.2. Act Part A in your groups.组内练习表演A部分内容。


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