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Grade 3 Review,Yanyan primary school Miss Yao,Step 1 warm-up,A. greetings,Hello,hello,How are youFine,fineThank,thank you,Hello,hello,How are you No,no Just so so,Step 2 . Activity1,Review the first book of grade 3,Unit 3,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,-Whats your number?(你是几号) -Three.,-How old are you?(你多大了) -Im nine years old.,Unit 4,red yellow white green blue orange pink purple brown black -what colour is your ruler?(你的直尺是什么颜色的?) -Its white.,unit5,lemon banana apple orange watermelon pear strawberry grape,-what is this/that?(这个/那个是什么?) -Its an apple.,Unit 6,Dad(daddy) Mum(mom) card 卡片 rabbit兔子 balloon气球 plane飞机 bear熊 boat 船,-Happy new year to you. -Thank you. The same to you.,-Whats your name? -My name is Stanley.,Step 3 . Activity2,Review the second book of grade 3,unit1,boy man girl woman pupil teacher doctor nurse new 男孩 男人 女孩 女人 学生 教师 医生 护士 新的 -Whos that boy?(那个男孩是谁?) -Hes Stanley.,-How are you?(你好吗?) -Im fine.,unit2,uncle 叔叔 aunt婶婶 bus 巴士 train火车 ship轮船 kite风筝 panda熊猫 monkey猴子 lovely可爱的 toy玩具,-I have a bus for you. (我有一辆巴士给你) -Thank you very much. (非常感谢),unit3,Grandpa Grandma Father Mother Sister Brother Cousin,-whats your mothers job? (你的妈妈是做什么工作的) -she is a nurse.,-Its time for bed.(是睡觉的时间了) -all right.(好吧),unit4,coat shirt T-shirt dress skirt sweater cap scarf 外套 衬衫 T恤 连衣裙 短裙 毛衣 帽子 围巾 -Which is your coat,Gao Wendi?(哪一件外套是你的,高文迪?) -The brown one.,unit5,water水 juice果汁 milk牛奶 tea茶 pie果派 cake蛋糕 egg鸡蛋 ice-cream冰激凌,-What do you like?(你喜欢什么) -I like banana pies best. (我最喜欢香蕉派),unit6,play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球 run跑 jump跳 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五,-Can you play basketball? (你们会打篮球吗?) -Yes, we can.(是的,我们会) /No, we cant. (不,我们不会),Step 4 group work,Step5 homework,Review these lessons,


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