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,a fisher and a business man,story,。,One day a fisherman was lying on a beautiful beach, with his fishing pole propped up in the sand and his solitary line cast out into the sparking blue surf. He was enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun and the prospect of catching a fish. 一天,一个渔夫躺在沙滩上,旁边架着鱼竿,鱼线甩在蓝色的大海里,随着闪闪发光的海浪不停地涌动。他惬意地享受午后阳光,等着鱼儿咬钩。,You arent going to catch many fish that way .said the businessman to the fisherman .You should be working rather than lying on the beach! 你这样可掉不到几条鱼。”商人对渔夫说。“你应该认真点,而不是躺在沙滩上休息。,The fisherman looked up at the businessman, smiled and awkwardly replied ,And what will my reward be? 渔民抬头看了看商人,笑着回答:“那样做我能得到什么回报啊?”,“Well, you can get bigger nets and catch more fish! ” was the businessmans answer. “那样你会有钱买个大的渔网,捕到更多的鱼。”商人回答他。, And then what will my reward be ?asked the fisherman ,still smiling .“那样做又会得到什么回报呢?”渔夫依然笑着问。,The businessman replied ,You will make money and youll be able to buy a boat, which will then result in larger catches of fish! 商人回答道:“你会赚钱,然后你就能买一艘船,这会让你达到更多的鱼!”,And then what will my reward be ?asked fisherman again.“然后我又能得到什么回报?”渔夫又问。 The businessman was beginning to get a little irritated with the fishermans questions . You can buy a bigger boat ,and hire some people to work for you! he said.商人开始对渔夫的问题感到恼火。“你可以买更大的船,然后雇人为你工作!”商人说,And then what will my reward be?“ repeated the fisherman.“那么然后呢,我能得到什么?”渔夫重复问道。 The businessman was practically angry. “ Dont you understand? You can build up a fleet of fishing boats ,sail all over the world ,and appoint all you employees catch fish for you !”。 商人生气了。“你难道不明白么?你可以建立起自己的捕鱼船队,到世界各地去,让你的工人给你捕鱼!”,Once again the fisherman asked ,And then what will my reward be?“ The businessman was red with rage and shouted at the fisherman ,“Dont you understand that you can become so rich that you will never have to work for your living again !You can spend all the rest of your days sitting on the beach ,looking at the sunset .You wont have a care in the world!“,渔夫再次问道:“这么做我会得到什么呢?”商人气得面红耳赤,冲渔夫喊道:“你怎么就不明白?你可以变得非常富有,再也不用赚钱工作了!你的后半生都可以坐在沙滩上看日落,不用在乎周围的世界!”,The fisherman ,still smiling ,looked up and said ,And what do you think Im doing right now?,渔夫依旧微笑着,抬头看着商人说道:“那你说我现在在干什么?不就是坐在沙滩上看日落吗?,On occasion , many people have been working hard in their whole lives in order to lead a happy life and . They work hard , earn money and save it while hoping money can buy happiness.,But this story tells us ,in fact, our attitudes to life are wrong at the beginning. What we expectantly get from work? The businessman in the story cant answer the question at last . We are mere play an part in the socialization. Maybe we should stop the work step properly and dont forget the most important things in our lives. Happiness is up to your attitude.,有时,很多人一生都在拼命工作,目的就是要获得幸福和快乐的生活。他们努力工作、赚钱、攒钱,希望钱能够买来他们的幸福。 但是这个故事告诉我们,实际上我们对生活的态度从一开始就是错误的。我们工作期望得到什么?故事里面的商人一直没有能够正确的回答这个问题。我们只是在扮演一个参与社会的人,也许我们应该适当地把努力工作的脚步停一停,不要忘记我们生活中最重要的那些东西。是否快乐,取决于你的态度 。,THE END,Thanks,


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