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SUNGO VALVES GROUP CO.,LTD 管 线 阀 门PIPELINE VALVE浮 动 球 阀 使 用 说 明 书FLOATING BALL VALVE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 管线浮动球阀使用说明书 Pipeline Floating Ball Valve Operating Instruction1、用途和性能规范:Purpose and Specification本产品是我公司按API 6D/API 608设计、制造的钢制管线浮动球阀,适用于液体、气体等介质,在管路上作启闭装置,具有密封结构可靠、先进,流阻小,启闭迅速、灵活,使用寿命长,安全可靠,维修方便等优点,可广泛的用于石油、化工、炼制、钢铁、造纸、医药等行业。This products is our company according to the API 6D/API 608 designs and manufactures of steel pipeline floating ball valve, It is used for liquid,gas etc tubing line open or close.The main advantages include: Reliable sealing structure、Thechnology advanced、Small liquid resistance、Flexible open and close、Long service life、Safe reliabe、Convienient maintance etc. This kind of ball valve is widely utilized in Petroleum、Chemical industry、refinement、Steel and iron、papermaking, medicine etc.产 品 性 能 规 范 表Performance Specification压 力 等 级 pressure levelClass 300 (PN50)公 称 压 力 Nominal pressure 5.0 MPa壳体液压强度试验压力 Shell test7.7阀座高压密封试验压力High-pressure closure5.7低压气密封试验压力 Low-pressure closure0.6适 用 介 质Suitable media水、气、油品等非腐蚀性介质Water,oil, steam, etc non-corrosive media适 用 温 度Suitable temperature-291002、采用的主要标准:The main adoption standard2.1设计制造与结构长度按API 6D/API 608的规定;Design conform to API 6D/API 6082.2法兰型式及尺寸按ASME B16.5的规定;Flange conform to ASME B16.52.3结构长度按ASME B16.10的规定;Face to face conform to ASME B16.102.4阀门的温度-压力额定值按ASME B16.34的规定;Temperature-class conform to ASME B16.342.5检验和试验按API 6D的规定;Test conform to API 6D2.6防火标准按API 607/6FA的规定。Fire safe conform to API 607/6FA.3、结构特点:Structure Characteristic3.1 90度回转,操作扭矩较低,便于实现自动控制。90 degree rotary, Low operating torque, it is easy to realize automatic control.3.2 全通径,流阻小,便于管线清扫。Full port, small resistance to liquid, easy to clean the pipeline3.3 阀杆头部的扁方结构提供了安装与管线平行的水平手柄,可防误安装,且容易识别阀门开或关的状态。 Stem heads flat square structure has provided the installment and the pipeline parallel horizontal handle, can prevent wrong installation, and easy to distinguish the condition which the valves open or close.3.4阀杆下部设计一防飞出结构的整体式凸肩,同时也具有上密封功能,进一步确保了阀杆部位的密封。 The lower end of the stem is designed with an integral collar to be blow out-proof . it also functions as the backseat for assured stem sealing.3.5阀门上设置的防静电弹簧,确保球体、阀杆和阀体之间电流的连续性,避免静电产生火花引起火灾,保证管线系统安全运行。An antistatic feature is provided to ensure electrical continuity between ball ,stem and body.3.6 锁定装置可通过填料压盖和限位块上的小孔方便的安装,以防止人为的或意外因素导致阀门误动作。Facility for mounting a locking device for prevention of accidental valve operation is provided.3.7 一旦发生火灾,阀门的防火结构可使流体的外漏和内漏最小化。Once has the fire, Valves fire-safe structure may keep the fluid minimum leakage of outside and inside. 3.8 阀体与阀盖中法兰设计为金属金属接触形成定止口法兰,以防垫片密封失效引起流体大量泄漏。 Between body &bonnet , the flanges design is metal -the metalic contact forms fixed spigot flange, prevent gasket seal failure to cause the fluid large amount of leakage3.9 经加工的阀体颈部可方便的安装各类执行机构。After processed, the bodys neck can be installed all kinds of actuator.3.10坚固的阀体足以承受流体的温差压力负荷、管线附加应力及振动。The solidity body can withstand the fluids pressure load of temperature difference、pipeline additional stress and vibration.4、主要零部件材质 Main parts materials零 件 名 称parts材 质material零 件 名 称parts材 质material阀 体bodyWCB中 法 兰 垫 片gasketPTFE阀 盖bonnetWCB填 料 packingPTFE球 体ball316填 料 压 盖packing glandWCB阀 杆stemF6a压 盖 螺 钉ScrewA193 B7阀 座seatTFM止 推 轴 承BearingRPTFE中 法 兰 螺 栓 boltA193 B7手 柄 wrenchWCB中 法 兰 螺 母nutA194 2H防 静 电 弹 簧Anti-static spirng3045、安装、保管和使用Maintenance, Installation and Using5.1本阀可任意位置安装,但必须要便于维护、检修和操作。 The valve can be installed anywhere, but it must be easy to maintain, repair and operate.5.2安装前应仔细核对阀门产品上的标志是否符合现场使用要求。 Before installing,should check the products marks whether to meet the field operating requirements.5.3安装前应检查阀门内腔和密封面,不允许有污物附着,符合安装要求方可安装。Before installing, should check the valves inner cavity and seal surface. Dont allow any dirt .should meet the installation requirements. 5.4安装前应检查阀门在开或关过程中,是否有卡阻现象、螺栓螺母是否有松动、填料是否压紧等。Before installing should check the valve in the process of open or closed ,whether there is the phenomenon of jamming、if the bolt&nut is loosening、whether the packing is pressed etc. 5.5本阀门产品应存放在干燥通风的室内,两端通道应堵塞,且阀门处于开启位置,不准堆叠。 The valve should be stored ih the dry and well ventilated room, should be blocked at both ends of the passage and the valve should be totally open,dont allow to stack.5.6长期存放的阀门应定期检查,清除污物,并在机加工表面涂防锈油脂。For the long time storages valves ,should be regular inspected , cleared the dirt and spreaded the anti-corrosive grease on the machined surface.5.7本阀门产品在管线系统运行中只能全开或全关,不允许作调节用。In the pipeline system operation, the valve only can open or close, dont allow to make the adjustment to use. 6、产品结构示意图 Product structure diagram7、可能发生的故障及解决措施:Malfunction& its solution可能发生的故障Malfunction原 因Cause&analysis解 决 措 施Solution阀杆转动不灵活Stem unhandy turning1.填料压得过紧Over tight of the packing2.阀杆表面粗糙度不符合产品图样要求或积有污物Stem surface roughness does not conform to the drawings requirements or the product has the contamination3.阀杆发生弯曲Stem occurs curving1. 适当拧松填料压盖的螺母Adjusting packing gland nut.2. 阀杆表面粗糙度应符合图样规定的要求。清除污物Stem surface roughness should conform to drawings requirements. Cleaning the feculence3. 将阀杆校正修直Adjust the stem.阀座密封面泄漏Leakage on sealing surface1.预紧力不足Preload force insufficiency2.密封面有损伤(如压痕、擦伤等缺陷)Sealing surface has damage( For example:Indentation flaw、abrasion etc)3.密封面之间有污物附着Between sealing surface,there is feculence.4.开关不到位Has not full opened or closed1.重新调整预紧力 Readjust of the preload force2.将密封面加工修整,如损伤严重应更换密封副 Repair sealing surface or replace the sealing pair 3.拆开阀门将密封面上附着的污物冲洗干净Open the valve and clean the feculence.4. 开关状态应与位置指示器的标识一致 Switch should be consistent with position indicators marking阀杆填料处泄漏Leakage on packing1.填料未压紧Packing does not be compressed2.填料数量不够Packing quantity is not enough3.填料保管不善而失效Packing were out of date4.阀杆圆度超差、有划痕、刻线、拉毛等缺陷Stem roundness exceeded tolerance,has defect of scratch、reticle、hacking etc.1. 重新均匀地压紧填料 Recompress the packing2. 增加填料致规定数量Add the packing quantity3. 重新更换填料Replace the packing4. 将阀杆加以修整或重新更换阀杆Repair the stem or replace the stem.中法兰处泄漏Leakage on flange1.连接螺栓紧固不均匀Bolts tightening non-uniform2.垫片损伤或失效Gasket damaged or out of the date3.法兰密封面加工不良Flange sealing surfaces processing unqualified1.重新均匀地拧紧螺栓Tighten bolts evenly2.更换垫片Replace the gasket2. 重新修整法兰密封面Repair the flange sealing surface8


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