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1. The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they should not waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such as computer software,videos and DVDs.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?公共图书馆是否应该提供高科技的东西2. Many parents complain that computer games have no value to their children s studies.On their mental and physical development. What is your opinion?电脑对儿童的学习以及身体和智力的发展都没有好处吗3. Topic: some people think computer and the Internet are important in children s study ,but others think students can learn more effectively inschool and with teachers.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.儿童是和老师一起学习好还是用电脑和网络好?4. Computers are increasingly used in education. In which areas do you think are computers more important and in which areas are teachers more important?在哪些领域电脑更重要,哪些领域老师更重要?5. Some people believe that all the children in school are required to learn at least one foreign language. However, others say that those who are not talented do not have to learn. What is your opinion?所有学生都要求学语言还是只有有天赋的学生才要学、?6. In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a wide range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrowrange of subjects related to a particular career. For todaysystem is appropriate?中学教育应该更广泛还是针对具体的职业?7. Some teachers say students should be organized into groups to study,while others argue that students should be made to study aloneTell the benefits of each study method. Which one do you think is moreeffective?单独学习还是分组学?8. In modem society, many people think primary schools should teach science and technology rather than history and geography, which are useless and boring.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?学校不应该教无聊和没用的历史和地理而应该教科学和技术吗?9. Some people think intelligent students should be educated together with other students. Do you agree or disagree?高智商的学生应该和其他普通学生一起学习吗10. Some people think students should take courses that are decided by the government .others think students should be allowed to focus on subjects that they prefer. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.学生应该自己决定学什么还是按照政府的安排 s world, which11. Children who grow up in needy families are better prepared to deal with problems in their adult life than children who are brought up in wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?穷孩子会比富孩子更好的处理问题吗12. University students should pay all the cost of their studies because university education benefits individuals more than society as a whole. To what extent do you or disagree with this opinion?大学教育可以使个人收益比社会收益更多,所以大学学生应该自己支付所有的费用吗?13. Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more school work. To what extend do you agree?学生被给了太多的自由时间,它们应该被用来做家庭作业吗?14. In many countries, good school and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think universities graduates who become new teachers and doctors should work in rural areas for a few years. What is your view?大学刚毕业的老师和医生应该下乡吗、15Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on children. Do you agree or disagree?每天使用电脑益处多还是害处多?16 Some people believe that children s leisure activities must beeducational, otherwise they are a complete waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?学生的闲暇时间应该是有教育意义的,否则就是浪费时间吗17 Some people think rote learning (memorization of information through frequent repetition) is not useful for school today. To what extend do you agree or disagree?死记硬背没用吗1 、 Topic: The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and theyshouldn t waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such as computer software, videos and DVDs.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?With the advent of new technology, libraries have been given new means ofstoring and retrieving information on media by the age digital devices arewidely used in public libraries and they serve both the library and thereaders.Someone would argue that multimedia facilities are expensive. This may betrue to some extent, because a DVD player is often more expensive than abookshelf. However, with immense storage capacity, these new high-tech mediacan actually save the most valuable resource-space. A computer disc 12 cm indiameter can store a whole Encyclopedia Britannia which, in printed volumes,would occupy a complete shelf section.Furthermore, magnetic and digital media can store information much longerthan traditional means. It takes great care to protect books from moisture,fire or human damage and a book in a library serves readers for only a fewhundred years. But digital files, easily duplicated and restored,can perhapslast forever.Finally, visiting a library with multiple media access is much moreinteresting. Multimedia resources offer readers a dynamic combination of images, sounds and videos. A reader can actually hear Martin Luther Kingcrying out “ I have a dream ” ,or roam about the world with an interactive atlas.To sum up, a public library has been turned by modern technology from aplace of lending and borrowing books into an interactive center for thespread of human knowledge and experience. Governments can invest more inmultimedia facilities by a public library。2 、 Many parents complain that computer games have no value to theirchildren s studies. Ontheir mental and physical development. What is youropinion?In present age society, computers have been playing an increasing importantrole in people s life such as working, studying, entertainment. computergames attract numerous kids, however, in my opinion,these games have littlevalue to them and produce a lot of harmful effects on their physical andmental development.To begin with, intense radiation produced by an operating computer not onlycauses failing eyesight but also poses untold hidden health hazards in thoseyoung children. Another of the most obvious disadvantages is that thesegames are highly addictive, compelling children to sit in front of thecomputer for many straight hours. As a result, they have little time forsports activities and many of them start developing health problems.According to a recent survey, the obesity rate among adolescent agedbetween13 and19 is soaring in industrialized nations as well as in lessdeveloped countries, and one of the contributing factors is the lack ofphysical exercise.For one thing, an increasing amount of time spent in playing games meansless and less time is devoted to their studies. No wonder that teenagershaving this undesirable habit are finding it difficult to meet the deadlinesof their school assignment. For another, being accustomed to the fastchanging images that are inherent in every computer games, they can hardlyconcentrate on any serious subject and their attention span is found to beincreasingly short. Moreover, teenagers are exposed to sexual and violentscenes featured in many computer games.To conclude, computer games are indeed valueless and may exert negativeimpacts on the development of young children. Therefore, it is high timethat parent and schools should be alert to the problem, and restrictchildren s access to those games, only by which we can keep them on thecorrect developing way.3 、 Topic: some people think computer and the Internet are important inchildren s study ,but others think students can learn moreeffectively inschool and with teachers.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.In present society, high-tech have been play an increasing vital role inpeople s life, even in children s study . However, this phenomenon hassparked many debates. A majority of them think more time should be spentwith teachers by children. As far as I concerned, while modern technologiesare important in assisting a child s learning, this learning should beguided and directed by the experience of teachers.A traditional and long-established practice is for children to study andgain knowledge at school, learning skills in various ways taught bytraditional methods. A school is a place where students gather to beeducated and learn from each other as well as formal educators. At school,students development is orchestrated stage by stage ,step-by-step byexperienced teachers, and their acquisition of knowledge is guided andbacked up in a systematic way.Admittedly, there is no denying the fact that computer and the Internet arepopularly used in the field of education ;they can present knowledge in a vivid and novel way. Computer and the Internet can also enable students inenhancing their general understanding of how to solve difficulties in study as well as giving them vital skills in readiness for later life.To sum up ,I don t think overemphasizing the use of computers and Internet is wise .Instead, modern technologies should complement more traditional teaching and learning methods. Only when they are not regarded as areplacement for traditional means, can their functions be developed to theutmost。Topic: Computers are increasingly used in education. In which areas do you think are computers more important and in which areas are teachers more important?In present age society, computers have been playing an increasingly significant role in many areas of life, such as communication, management and science. People doubt that it is also the same situation for education. In my opinion, at a simple level some subjects may be better taught using computers, but to explain important concepts a human teacher is still indispensable.There are some subjects in which a computer can be used successfully to teach. Elementary mathematics, elementary language learning and any area which requires a student to memories basic facts through repetition is well suited to computer learning. The computer can be programmed to provide an endless number of simple questions, and as the student answers these questions the facts are learned and reinforced.However, in the learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer isnot adequate. A computer can evaluate an answer as right or wrong, but itcannot determine why. It cannot find out why a student is making mistakesand then represent important concepts in a different way so the student willunderstand. It cannot determine at what stage in a mathematics problem thestudent has made an error; it can only indicate that the final answer iswrong. Tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught by computers, as there aretoo many variables that a computer can t deal with successfully. In all these cases, a human teacher seems indispensable in class.To sum up, computers are not as a tool. Maybe in the future, with the advent of more new technology, human teachers will be replaced. However, they are indispensable now.Topic :Some people believe that all the children in school are required to learn at least one foreign language. However, others say that those who are not talented do not have to learn. What is your opinion?In this society with all kinds of development and competition, communicationseems to be an vital factor to fulfill one s life. Thus, some people thinkit s necessary for all the students to learn at least one foreign language.While other s opinion run contrary to theirs. I don t think a foreignlanguage should be a compulsory course for children to study, for the reasonthat some of them may not have no interest at all, but not they don t havethe gift to learn.The study of a foreign language-especially English for children at Grade 1-is now a compulsory requirement at all primary schools in Shanghai. With increased globalization, comes increased cross-cultural contact and because of this, it is important for children to master at least one foreignlanguage at an early age so as to important prepare them for this global society. To understand a foreign language is also an opportunity for children to learn about, and to understand a little about another culture orcultures. Also, it is anopportunity to cultivate students talent, developtheir ability in learning and boost their potential for further education.It is irresponsible, and indeed, even harmful, to separate and labelstudents as talented or not in education at such a tender and vulnerable age.Why should the study of a foreign language alone be used as the onlyyardstick to label students as talented or not in education? It is advisableto help all students to understand that the study of a foreign language willbring benefit to their studies and, in the future, their careers.To sum up, I think it is necessary to make students understand theimportance of another language and interest them to learn. But labeling ofstudents as talented or not in the study of languages is not healthy。In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general educationacross a wide range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow rangeof subjects related to a particular career. For today s world, which systemis appropriate?It has always been a controversial issue over whether general educationor specific education is deemed more suitable for children. Even though somepeople argue that the latter alternative could prepare students better forfuture employment, I firmly believe that schools provide a general education.It s an undeniable fact that children would be much better off is theyhave access to abundant knowledge in a diverse range of fields. this isnecessary for them too deal with a multitude of problems they mightencounter in they daily life .for instance , simple mathematicalcalculations would come to the rescue in case of totaling up the bill ;fundamental knowledge of chemical terms would be of huge assistance if youare picking up prescriptions or drugs in a pharmaceutical store ;malfunctioning electrical appliances due to ignorance of basic knowledge ofbasic knowledge of electricity could be quite unsettling ; current affairsincluding momentous events happening in spheres of economy or politicsaround the globe are often considered good conversation-openers in occasionsof social mingling or business dinner .As children grow up, specific education on teaching one or two particularsubjects are thought also useful for them. The jobs available nowadaysincreasingly demand job seekers with one particular skill. It s sensible toplace students on a more focused education once they reach the phase ofsecondary education.However, the general education can board individuals horizons and expandthe knowledge, which are common sense of life.In conclusion, I think general education should be provided more. Some teachers say students should be organized into groups to study, while others argue that students should be made to study aloneTell the benefits of each study method. Which one do you think is more effective?With the development of the society, Students are provided better circumstance to study. Whether they should be divided into groups has sparked much debate. In my opinion, study together is more effective.Group study is strongly advocated by some because it requires the sharing of ideas amongst group members. During group study, students listen to what they fellow students say debate with them is there is a disagreement.Naturally, their communication skills and critical thinking abilities aregreatly enhanced. Moreover, peer pressure can be a positive force which can motivate and challenge the students to do their best. The competitive learning environment also prepares the students for the future reality.However, study alone also offers some unique benefits to the students.First of all, the individual leaner is kept away from the distractingconversation or unnecessary interruptions in a classroom with many students. Then they can concentrate well and make more efficient use of their time. Also, the individual learner can pace his or her own learning and decide for himself/herself when to start or when to stop. This is especially helpful to those intellectually gifted students those may be bored with regular but simple classroom teaching.To conclude, although every individuals has his own preferable way to study, group study is suitable to the majority. If the leaner shares what he knowsIn modem society, many people think primary schools should teach science and technology rather than history and geography, which are useless and boring.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?If knowledge must be divided to two groups, there will be science and art. The issue of which is more important has been causing heated debate for many years.The topic statement clearly plays favorite with sciences while belitting liberal arts, which, in my opinion, is biased and misleading, and may also cause negative influence among the students.However, those people who advocate that only science and technology subjects should be taught at school are ignorant of. They fail to understand the relationships between different subjects and their mutual overlap; they only see the individual trees in the forest, rather than the forest as a whole. A student can not learn science well without a basic knowledge of human evolution and scientific history. In order to learn technology well, a student must from the very basics of geography that deals with the interaction of the diverse physical, biologic and cultural features of the earth s surface.To conclude, anyone who regards one more important than the other is not fully aware of the definition of knowledge. In primary schools, thereshouldn be any prejudice at all towards a series of subjects offered. In many countries, good school and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think universities graduates who become new teachers and doctors should work in rural areas for a few years. What is your view?A major gap still exists between educational and medical facilities in the urban and rural areas. Having seen this, some people suggest that new teachers and doctors work in the rural area for a period. I do not think this is practical suggestion.I would agree that sending new educator and doctors who just graduate from university to the rural area may help them to develop a strong sense of obligation. At least some of they of they will feel it is a pity that therural residents have suffered from poor teaching and medical serviceIn addition to that, experience with poor living and working condition canmould fresh graduates character and make them tougher than before. However the problem with sending university graduates to rural areas can be more overwhelming. The first of all when they are forced to work in poor areas many of them will feel very frustrated. Even if they can finally get used to the underdeveloped facilities there, they will find it almost impossible to readapt to the life in cities when they come back. In the second plac


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