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名词1、 名词的分类专有名词 单数名词表泛指,在前面加a/an. 可数名词:有单数和复数之分 普通名词 复数形式通常加 -s/-es 不可数名词:没有复数形式 物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词 用some/any/a little/a lot of 修饰2、 可数名词复数的变化形式1) 规则变化条件变化例词注意一般情况下在词尾加-sbook bookscat cats-s , -x,-ch , -sh结尾的名词在词尾加-esglass glassesbox boxeswatch watchesbrush brushesch 结尾的名词,在单词中发音为k时,其复数加-s.stomach stomachs部分以-f -fe结尾的名词-f / - fe改为 v再加-es self selvesthief thievesknife kniveslife liveswolf wolves特殊情况:roof roofsscarf scarfsbelief beliefs 辅音字母+ -y结尾的名词-y改为 i 再加 es baby babiesstory storiescountry countriesparty parties元音字母+ -y结尾的名词在-y 后面直接加-sboy boysday days 部分以辅音字母+ -o结尾的名词词尾加 -espotato potatoestomato tomatoeshero heroes特殊情况:radio radiospiano pianoszoo zoosphoto photos2) 不规则变化变化例子注意元音字母发生变化-a改为-eman menwoman womenpoliceman policemenGerman Germanshuman humans-oo改为-eefoot feettooth teethgoose geese单复同形sheep sheepdeer deerfish fishchicken chickenchicken 鸡肉、fish 鱼肉,是不可数名词.强调“种类”= fishes“小鸡”= chickens有些名词常以复数形式出现trousers, socks, gloves, glasses, shoes要表达他们的量,常借助 pair.A pair of trousersTwo pairs of gloves表示”某国人”单复同形a Chinese two Chinese a Japanese two Japanese 词尾加-sa German two Germansan Americantwo Americansmanmenan Englishman two Englishmenan Frenchmantwo Frenchmen其他形式child childrenox oxenmouse mice注意: 有些名词以-s结尾,但表达单数意义。科学名词:physics, mathematics/maths 游戏名称:bowls专有名词:the United States, Niagara Falls 其他名词:news, falls 名词做定语,不用复数形式.e.g. a shoe shop, an apple tree *例外:man, woman作定语时,如果后面的名词是复数,则man, woman也要变。e.g. a woman teacher three women teachers a man doctor many men doctors people, police做“人们”讲时,看作复数,不能在后面加”-s”, 谓语动词用复数形式。family, class是集体名词,既指单数,又指复数,谓语动词可用单数亦可用复数,具体根据语境而定。 不可数名词:一般指物质名词、抽象名词和专有名词,通常没有复数, 其前不用冠词a/an或数词,但可用much, a little, a lot of/lots of, some, any的等修饰。Exercises:Lookattheclouds,sobeautiful!Wow,somanydifferent_,horses,sheep,flowersA.sizesB.shapesC.colorsD.stylesTherearesome_inDaytonArtMuseum.Forexample,nofoodordrinkisallowedinside. A.jobsB.recordsC.rulesD. paintingsYesterday,myfatherboughtmeanewmobilephonesasapresent,butIdontknowhowtouseit.Whynotreadthe_firstbeforeusingitA.expressionsB.applicationsC.advertisementsD.instructionsThese _ have saved many childrens lives.A. woman doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctor-What would you like to drink, _or orange -Orange, please.A. hamburger B. chip C. tea3、 不可数名词的数1) 可以修饰不可数名词的词或短语:a lot of , lots of, some, a little, little2) 数词+ 量词 + of + 不可数名词e.g. a glass of water two glasses of water a cup of tea three cups of tea3) 常用的不可数名词 food, meat, fish, chicken, pork, beef, mutton, orange, milk, tea, coke, water, rice, bread, homework, news, paper, ice, rain, snow, wind, cloud, air, weather, maths, Chinese, English, music, information, fun, work 等.4) 有些不可数名词以复数形式出现时,意思有变化.单数形式复数形式单数形式复数形式work工作works著作water水waters水域time时间times时代good好处goods商品、货物light光lights电灯sand沙子sands沙滩wood木头woods树林cloth布cloths衣服glass玻璃glasses眼镜snow雪snows积雪manner举止manners礼貌5) 有些名词,既可以作可数名词,又能做不可数名词,但含义不同英语可数名词不可数名词beauty美人美丽life生命,生活性命,人名orange橘子橘汁,橘黄色paper报纸,论文,试卷纸Exercises:Mum, Ive heard that we cant eat _ those days. Is it true Take it easy. It is safe to eat cooked meat. A. chicken B. chickens C. a chicken D. the chickenThe students of Grade 7 visited Mikes farm and saw many _ there. A. bird B. duck C. sheep D. rabbitIm so hungry. Please give me _ to eat.A. three bread B. three pieces of bread C. three pieces of breads D. three piece of breadIwantasweetmilk.Putsome_inmycup,please.A.ice B.soup C.salt D.sugar Whatagood_youvegivenme!Thanksalot.Mypleasure.A.information B.news C.suggestion D.advice4、 名词的所有格分类构成方法例子表示有生命的名词所有格在单数后面加-sThe teachers officeLilys photo以加-s的复数名词后加“”The teachers officeBoys games不以-s 结尾的复数名词后加“-s”The childrens palace.用and 连接两个并列的单数名词表示共有时,在后一个词尾加-s;如果不是,则需要分别加在两个名词后面。Lily and Lucys house is big.Lilys and Lucys house are big.表示无生命的名词所有格一般用 “of + 名词”The doors of our class.The color of the cover.The capital of China. l 注意:店铺、医院名称加s,e.g. atthedoctorssomeone, everybody, noone和else,在else后加s,e.g. somebodyelsespencil双重所有格:当表示所有格的名词前有冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词时,常用“名词ofs”形式,这种结构被称为双重所有格,一般表示“所有关系”。anovelofLuXuns鲁迅所有小说中的一本thelargehouseofToms汤姆的那栋大房子thatbagofMarys玛丽的那个包afewfriendsofMrWangs王先生的几个朋友l 注意区别apictureofmybrothers我弟弟所有照片中的一张apictureofmybrother一张我弟弟的照片Exercises: Tomorrow Im going to my _. Its a _. A. aunt ; five minutes walk B. aunts ; five minutes walk C. aunt ; five minutes walk D. aunts ; five minutes walkThis is _ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much.A. Anne and Jane B. Annes and Janes C. Annes and Jane D. Anne and JanesNear our school there are two _.A. shoes shops B. shoes shop C. shoe shops5、常考易错点 名词同义辨析法清楚不同的名词所表达的具体含义,并且能辨析它们之间的一些差异.home,family,house家 problem(主观的疑虑,疑问),question(指客观存在和遇到的问题),trouble(“麻烦,问题”,指客观的并棘手的)问题clothing(不可数名词),clothes(没有单数形式的复数名词),dress(用作可数名词不指男人穿的)衣服 job(强调工作的性质或工种,为可数名词),work(不可数名词,含义更广)工作sound(范围广,大自然的都可以用它),voice(指人的,说话、唱歌),noise(嘈杂声)声音people(指集体,复数),person(指个体,为单数),human(人类)人 常见名词短语 名词的固定搭配是中考英语试题中考查的一个重要方面,所以牢固地掌握一些固定的短语或搭配,对于解答试题是很重要的。如:toothbrush牙刷 lunchroom午餐室 shoestore鞋店 schoolgate校门口summercamp夏令营 nightschool夜校 streetlight路灯 countrymusic乡村音乐flowerbed花坛 papertiger纸老虎 mathsteacher数学教师boyfriend男朋友clothesshop服装店 sportsmeet运动会 goodstrain货车 artsfestival艺术节名词转化某些名词后加y变形容词,表示“充满的”,cloud-cloudy,sun-sunny某些名词后加ful变形容词,表示“性质的”,use-useful,care-careful部分表示人的名词后加ly变形容词,具有赞美意味。Friend-friendly,lovely某些名词后加less表示没有,careless,useless对应练习:1- Where have you been, Tim - Ive been to _.A. the Henry house B. the Henry family C. the Henrys home D. Henrys2 In England, if _is in the middle of the day, the evening meal is called supper.A. foodB. lunchC. breakfastD. dinner3You looked for it twice, but you havent found it. Why not try _ .A. three times B. a third time C. the third time D. once4- They are thirsty. Will you please give them _ - Certainly.A. some bottles of waters B. some bottles of water C. some bottle of water D. some bottle of waters5Mike hurt one of his _ in the accident yesterday.A. tooth B. feet C. hand D. ear6There is some _ on the plate. A. cakes B. meat C. potato D. pears7In England, the last name is the _.A. family name B. middle C. given name D. full name8They are going to fly _ to Beijing.A. Germen B. Germany C. Germanys D. Germans9The_ has two _ .A. boys; watches B. boy; watch C. boy; watches D. boys; watch10The little baby has two _ already.A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths11Whats your _ for being late again A. idea B. key C. excuse D. news12- Its dangerous here. Wed better go out quickly. - But I think we should let _ go out first.A. woman and children B. women and child C. woman and child D. women and children13- You can see Mr. Smith if there is a sign “_ ”on the door of his shop.- Thanks. A.ENTRANCE B.BUSINESS HOURS C.THIS SIDE UP D.NO SMOKING14Are they going to have a picnic on _ A. Childrens Day B. Childrenss Day C. Childrens Day D. Children Day代词1、代词的分类 数分类单数复数人称代词(代替人或物)主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem物主代词(表示所有关系)形容词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs反身代词myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself ourselves, yourselves, themselves 指示代词This, thatThese, those不定代词(笼统的表示人或物)some, any, all, every, each, both, another, one, none, any, much, few, little, something, anything, everything, nothing, somebody, everybody, nobody, someone, anyone疑问代词who(whom), whose, what, which关系代词who(whom), whose, that, which相互代词each, other, one another2、 代词it 的用法1) 指代前面提到过的事物This is my book. It is Jims.2) 代替指示代词 this 或 thate.g. Whats this Its a pen3) 表示时间、天气或季节e.g. Whats the time now Its ten oclock.4) 表示距离 How far is it from your school to your home5) it 的常用句型 its + adj. +for/of sb. to do sth. It was really kind of you to help me . (表示人的性格、品质clever, kind等的形容词,用of sb.)It is important for us to work hard. (修饰事物easy, important的形容词,用 for sb.) Its time to do/for/that 到该做的时间了Its time to get up. 该起床了Its time for lunch. 吃午饭了 It seems that 看起来好像 Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 Its + adj. + that从句 Its necessary that you should present at the meeting.3. 反身代词 反身代词的用法 e.g. This boy is too young to take care of himself. The children made model planes themselves. 反身代词的常用词组_/_ 自学 _ 过得愉快_ 自用、自取(事物,饮料等),请自便 _ 苏醒过来_ 受伤 _ 独自,单独对应训练:The iPad is isnt _. Its belongs to _. A. he ; me B. hers ; mine C. his ; me D. her ; mine The man called his professor for help because he couldnt solve the problem _. A. herself B. himself C. yourself D. themselvesThe dictionary is not _. Maybe its Toms. He is looking for_. A. my ; him B. mine ; his C. us ; ours D. our ; our -Why dont you go to the lecture-room and listen to the talk -I hear there isnt in it. A. something new B. new anything C. anything newD. nothing newWhos that speaking _.A. This is Jack speaking B. I am Jack C. Jack is me D. I am JackMiss Liu asked Tom to read the new words and students to listen to him. A. other B. the othersC. othersD. the other4、 易混点梳理1) a few, few, a little, little表肯定(一点儿,几个)表否定(几乎没有)后加名词a littlelittle不可数名词A fewfew可数名词 2) either、neither、 both、 all 、none 、any词用法例子either两者中的每个、各方There are trees on either side of the street.neither两者都不Neither of the books is good.both两者都,bothandBoth she and I are student.none三者或三者以上都不I know none of them.all三者或三者以上都All of us should go there.any三者或三者以上中的任何一个Which do you like best, tea, coffee or water Any. 3) other、the other、another、others、the other 用法代词形容词单数复数单数复数不定Another另一个Others别的/其他的人或物Another (boy)另一个(男孩)Others (boys)其他男孩们特定The other另一个The others其余那些人或物The other(boy)另一个男孩the other (boys)其余那些男孩4) each、every 词用法例句each表”每个”,强调个体,谓语动词用第三人称单数。指两个或两个以上的人或事。There are trees on each side of the road.Each of us wears a yellow T-shirt.every表”每一个”,强调整体,谓语动词用第三人称单数。指三个或三个以上的人或事。Every student passed the exam.5) none, nothing, no one词用法例句none指人指物There are five people over there. I know none of them.nothing指事物She knew nothing about it.no one指人Did anyone come to see you No one.6) it, one 与that作代词时的区别词用法例句it指代上文提到的同一事物The book is mine. Its very interesting.one泛指上文提到的同类事物中的一个,同类而不同物。Who has a pen I have one.that常用于比较级结构中,代替前面提到的名词,以免重复The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou in winter.7) no 与not的区别no 只作定语,等于not a 或者not any。e. g. I have no pencil. = I have not a pencil. She has no friends in Jiangmen. = She has not any friends in Jiangmen.在标语中,一般用no而不用not。 No smoking / No pets对应训练:1. We have five kinds of schoolbags. Do you like this one Can you show me _ A. another B. each one C. the other D. others2. There is _ milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home. All right. A. much B. many C. little D. few3. There are many trees on _ sides of the street. A. both B. all C. each 4. There are six MP3 players in the box. Two are made in Japan and _ are made in china. A. other B. the others C. another D. others5. -Have you finished your work yet-No, not yet. I think itll take _ ten minutes.A. another B. other C. others D. more5. 解题技巧 代词指人还是指物 代词指代可数名词还是不可数名词 明确指代法: 代词指代特指还是泛指 代词的概念是两者之间还是三者以上 代词指定是肯定还是否定 理清逻辑法 代词所表示的范围 代词表示的是全部否定还是部分否定 上下文提示法对应训练:单项选择-Did Toms parents go to the meeting yesterday-Yes, _ of them did, but _ spoke.A. each, none B. both, none C. neither, both D. both, neitherThisbookonidiomsisinteresting.Idlike_,wheredidyoubuyit,SimonIntheAmazonBookstore.A.it B.this C.that D.oneYoucantake_ofthetwotoycarsandleavetheotherforyourbrother.A.both B.none C.either D.neitherIsthis_ruler No._isoverthere. A.her;HerB.her;HersC.hers;HersD.hers;HerExcuseme,mayIuseyourbicycle_isbroken.Certainly.Butremembertoreturnitbeforelunch. A.IB.MeC.MyselfD.MineSome people like to stay at home, but _ like to go to the cinema.A. another B. other C. others D. other one- Is this your shoe - Yes, but where is _A. the other one B. other one C. another one D. the others When shall we meet again next week- _ day is possible. Its no problem with me.A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. AnyHave you ever seen _ big panda beforeA. a such B. such a C. so a D. a so- _ do you write to your parents - Once a month.A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How farRobert has gone to _ city and hell be back in a week.A. other B. the other C. another D. any other


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