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大学英语(专科)课程习题集I. Use of English Directions: In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogs. For each dialog there are 4 choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes each dialog.1. By the way, do you know the National Spelling Bee _.A. No, it is not true.B. No, I never heard of it. C. No, I never heard from it. D. Yes, it is true.2. Lucy, let me help you fix your computer. _. A. No, thanks. I can manage it myself. B. Not at all.C. Perfect. Thats a good job.D. You are welcome. I can control it. 3. - Good morning. Friendship Hotel. May I help you -_.A. Thank you. Id like to make a long distance call to the U.S. B. Yes, please. Thank you anyway. C. I dont think so. Sorry. D. Extension 88588, please. 4.Excuse me, sir. Would you mind answering a few questions _. Are you selling insurance A. Yes, Id love to. B. Well, yes, at the moment I would C. No, Im sorry D. No, Im in a hurry 5. Say, I dont think weve met, have we _. My names Donna. Nice to meet you. Donna. Im Tim Clark. A Yes, I think so B No. I dont think so C Ive heard so much about you D I havent seen you for ages 6. May I borrow your car tomorrow morning Im sorry, but Ill go on an outing first thing in the morning myself. _. A. Do as you please B. It doesnt matter C. Thank you just the same D. Never mind 7. All right. May I have your contact number _ I mean your telephone number. A. Sorry B. What do you want C. Sure. Here you are. D. Please just forgive me. 8. Can you do me a favor My bike is broken. _.A. No, I am in a hurry, you see.B. Well, I dont know how to deal with it anyway.C. I am not favoring in this, sorry.D. Ok, I can lend mine to you if you are in a hurry. 9. How do you think of the show _.A. Well, that is a good idea. Thank you very much!B. If you give me some advice, I will appreciate it better.C. It is a traditional one, I like some fashionable things.D. Sorry, I don not know what you have showed to me. 10. Dont you think Chinese is popular nowadays_.A. Yes, I will learn it harder and harder.B. You are right, Chinese population is really large.C. Well, neither did me.D. Really Thats perfect. 11. Hi. Im your new neighbor. My name is Tom Hanks. A. Oh, you are my new neighborB. Where are you from C. Hi. I am glad to see you. Im Bob Peterson.D. Do you live alone12. Its really very nice of you to bring me the books A. Never mind.B. Im glad to hear that.C. Oh, its nothing.D. I like books.13. Were going on a visit to Korea next week. A. Have a good journey.B. Good bye.C. Wish you happy.D. Youre right.14. Would you like a cup coffee A. Yes, I would have no more. B. No, I dont.C. Thank you. Ive had enough. D. No, just a little.15. Ill be away for a week. Would you mind looking after my cat Not at all. A.I have no time.B. Id rather not.C. Id like it.D. Id be happy to.16. Whats the weather like today A.I like the weather.B. Its not very hot in summer.C. Its raining heavily.D. The weather was very warm.17. Lets go to a movie. A. The movie is excellent.B. What a good idea!C. I have seen it.D. Where is the cinema18. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Bus Station A. You cant miss it.B.I dont know.C. Sure. Go straight ahead and take the second turning on your right.D. You will see it immediately.19. What do you do A. Fine, thank you.B. What do you doC. Im a student.D. Im Wang Hong.20. Can I speak to Mary Jones, please Sorry. There is no one here by that name. A. Sorry, I may dial the wrong number.B. Thats all right.C. It doesnt matter. D. Sorry to trouble you.21. What are you going to do A. Im planning to take the job. B. Yes, I know.C. Thank you for asking me that. D. No, Im not going to do it.22. What do you think of my painting A. All right. B. Im sorry about that.C. I think it is wonderful. D. Thank you for asking me.23. Are you sure that Lily will come today A. This is the least I could do. B. Are you sureC. Im not sure. D. Please tell me if you will come.24. Would you like me to give you a hand A. Not at all.B. Thank you all the same.C. Yes, please. Its very kind of you indeed.D. Sorry to trouble you.25. Would you please to meet my parents now A. Yes, Id love to.B. Nice to meet you.C. Its good.D. How are you26. How do you like the book A. Its not badly.B. I would like to read it.C. Its pretty good.D.I dont like it, either.27. Im fond of playing tennis.A. Do you like sportsB. Playing tennis is fun.C. Which sports do you like bestD. Is playing tennis your favorite thing to do28. Hello, whos speaking, please A. Please guess who I am.B. Im Li Ming.C. This is Li Ming speaking.D. Im your friend.29. Im afraid I have to leave now. A. Im sorry.B. Thats all right.C. Never mind.D. I wish you could stay longer.30. Thank you very much. A. Dont thank me.B. Its a pleasure.C. Thats right.D. No, thanks.II. Multiple-ChoicesIn each of the following sentences, there are 4 choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes each sentence.31. Children need lots of love and _. A. emotion B. sensation C. affection D. feeling32. The meeting only _ for a few minutes. A. lasted B. kept C. maintained D. held33. She welcomed him and _ him of the last time they had met. A. recalled B. remembered C. suggested D. reminded34. Our dresses were the same _ that mine was red. A. except B. expect C. beside D. besides35. Dont argue _ me, John. Just do what I tell you. A. about B. to C. with D. against36. His research has proved t to be of little practical _. A. satisfaction B. value C. goal D. passion37. I _ going to the theatre when I moved out of London. A. gave up B. gave in C. gave away D. gave off38. Our school _ letting children learn at their own pace. A. takes to B. keeps up with C. believes in D. gives up 39. He _ agreed to offer his help. A. reluctant B. reluctantly C. in reluctant to D. was reluctant to 40. I couldnt understand even a (n) _ word she said! A. single B. only C. one D. sole41. Youd better try to make exercise a part of your daily _. A. routine B, route C. routing D, routines42. Dont you feel _ of working at the same place for so long A. tiring B. tire C. tiresome D. tired43. We were so busy that we didnt _ how late it was. A. suppose B. arise C. look D. notice44. When Frank came, I told him I was ill and _ him _. A. take, over B. sent, away C. put, down D. pick, up45. Alice kept perfectly still, _ that the dog might attack her. A. unsteady B. independent C. frightened D. awake46. Letting that prisoner escape was no accident; you did it _. A. intend B. intention C. intentionally D. intentional47. To everyones _ the girl finished the job quite well. A. Satisfied B. satisfactory C. satisfying D. satisfaction48. The necklace that she lost is very expensive. Its of great _. A. valuable B. value C. valueless D. invaluable49. He is an expert in chemistry. We call him a _. A. chemistry B. chemical C. chemist D. chemically50. Two of the attackers were killed, and _ escaped. A. rest B. the rest C. the resting D. the rests51. I cant do my homework with all this noise _ on. A. going B. to go C. gone D. go52. More money should be spent _ health and education. A. with B. in C. on D. to 53. She was deeply _ by the news of her fathers death. A. affected B. effected C. infected D. defected54. Inventors will lose money if they _ worry signal from the markets. A. give B. take C. make D. send55. You must be alert to the _ danger. A. hiding B. closed C. hidden D. covered56. My request that everyone _ seated was ignored. A. remain B. remained C. remains D. was remaining57. I _ my breath as I walked into the darkness. A. stopped B. got C. kept D. caught58. He tried very hard to _ the excited old lady down. A. keep B. calm C. silent D. peace59. The necklace that she lost is very expensive. Its of great _. A. valuable B. value C. valueless D. invaluable60. Dont they know how _ my schedule is A. tight B. close C. strict D. nervous61. She welcomed him and _ him of the last time they had met. A. recalled B. remembered C. suggested D. reminded62. Dont you feel _ of working at the same place for so long A. tiring B. tire C. tiresome D. tired63. When Frank came, I told him I was ill and _ him _. A. take, over B. sent, away C. put, down D. pick, up64. Letting that prisoner escape was no accident; you did it _. A. intend B. intention C. intentionally D. intentional65. Children should be taught to _ their toys with others. A. divide B. separate C. leave D. share66. I couldnt understand even a (n) _ word she said! A. single B. only C. one D. sole67. I didnt _ up until I heard the alarm clock. A. awake B. wake C. awaken D. waken68. His research has proved t to be of little practical _. A. satisfaction B. value C. goal D. passion69. The smile on her face made it all _. A. worthwhile B. unwilling C. gaining D. delighted70. Children need lots of love and _. A. emotion B. sensation C. affection D. feelingIII. Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 questions. For each question there are 4 choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes each sentence.Passage 1If you are invited to an American friends home for dinner, keep in mind these general rules for polite behavior. First of all, arrive approximately on time (but not early). Americans expect promptness. It is OK to be 10 or 15 minutes late, but not 45 minutes late. Dinner might be overcooked and ruined by then. When you are invited to someones home for a meal, it is polite to “bring a small gift”. Flowers or candy are always appropriate. If you have an attractive item made in your native country, your host and hostess would certainly enjoy receiving that as a gift.If you are served some food you dont like or cant eat, dont make a fuss about it. If your host doesnt say anything about what you are eating, then you shouldnt, either. Simply eat what you can and hope that no one notices what you left. If you are questioned, you may have to admit that you dont eat meat (or whatever), but you can also say that you have enjoyed the other foods and have had “more than enough” to eat. Dont make the cook feel obliged(被迫) to prepare something else for you. Be sure to compliment the cook on the food that you enjoyed.Dont leave immediately after dinner, but dont overstay your welcome(做客时间过久), either. When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of conversation, take their behavior as a cue(暗示)to leave. The next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.71. Having been invited to an American home for dinner, youd better arrive _. A. 45 minutes late B. exactly on time C. 10 or 15 minutes late D. 10 or 15 minutes early 72. When you go to an American home for dinner, you can bring _ as a gift. A. an attractive item made by yourself B. a pleasant item made in you homeland C. flowers or candy from your native country D. some food your host and hostess would like73. If you are served some food you dont like, you should _. A. just eat what you can B. force yourself to eat it up C. tell the host that you dont like it D. ask the cook to prepare something else74. Which of the following behaviors is mentioned as polite A. Say sorry about the food you dont like. B. Call your friend the next day to say thanks. C. Stay at your friends home until you are tired. D. Continue your conversation when your friend is tired75. Which of the following is true according to the passage _ A. Leave immediately after the dinner. B. Overstay your welcome. C. Make the fuss about the food you dont like. D. Be sure t praise the cook on the food youve enjoyed.Passage 2Seventeen years ago, Muriel and I began our journey into the twilight. Its midnight now, and I wonder when dawn will break. In her silent world, Muriel is so content, so lovable. If she were to die, how I would miss her gentle, sweet presence!Love is said to evaporate if the relationship is not mutual, if its not physical, if the other person doesnt communicate or if one party doesnt carry their share of the load.Some people find it so hard to understandmy quitting the job. “Do you miss being president” a student asked. I told him Id never thought about it. I enjoyed learning to cook and keep house. It was exciting as my former work had been. No, Id never looked back.People ask me, “How do you do it” Praise helps. Memories help, too. Muriel stocked the cupboard of my mind with the best of them. I often live again a special moment of love she planned with her endless passion about life.Muriel hasnt spoken a coherent word in months-years, if you mean a sentence, a conversation. Would I never hear that voice againThen came February 14, 1995.Valentines Day was always special at our house because that was the day in 1948 that Muriel accepted my marriage proposal. On the eve of Valentines Day in 1995, I bathed Muriel, kissed her good night and whispered a prayer over her, “Dear Lord, you love sweet Muriel more than I, so please keep my beloved through the night.”The next morning I was peddling on my exercise bike at the foot of her bed and reminiscing about some of our happy lovers days long gone while Muriel slowly emerged from sleep. Finally, she popped awake and, as she often does, smiled at me. Then, for the first time in months she spoke, calling out to me in avoiceas clear as a crystal chime, “Love . . . love . . . love.”I jumped from my cycle and ran to hold her. “Honey, you really do love me, dont you” Holding me with her eyes, she responded with the only words she could find to say yes. “Yes, Im nice,” she said.76. Why is it so difficult for people to understand that loving Muriel isnt hard _ A. Because the relationship is not mutual. B. Because Muriel doesnt communicate. C. Because Muriel cannot cook or keep the house. D. All of the above.77. What kind of the job did the writer do _ A. He used to be a sportsman. B. He used to be a president of a university. C. He used to be a housekeeper. D. He used to be a cook.78. What helped the writer to do all the sacrifices(牺牲) _ A. Praise. B. Memories C. Social charity (慈善事业). D. Both A and B.79. What is wrong with Muriel _ A. She could not express herself clearly because of illness. B. She didnt know how to cook. C. She didnt have a lot of happy memories with her husband. D. She was not improving in housework.80. When did Muriel agree to marry the write _ A. On February 14, 1995. B. On February 14, 1948 C. On February 14, 1946 D. On the day of his graduation.Passage 3There are many talk-show hosts on American television, but there is only one Oprah Winfrey.Born on Jan. 29th, 1954 in Mississippi, Oprah Winfrey was extremely bright child. She learned to read at age two and a half. Her parents divorced when she was very young and she was sent to live with her grandmother on a farm. At fourteen, she went to live with her father. He made sure that Oprah read a different book every week and required that she write a book report. Although this may have seemed harsh at the time, it could have given her the love of books she have today. Oprah graduated from Tennessee State University with a major in speech communications and performing arts. In 1978, Oprah was hired as a co-host of a show called People are talking, which began her career as a talk-show host. In 1984, Oprah moved to Chicago to host WLS-TVs morning talk-show, AM Chicago. In less than a year, the name of the show was changed to The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 1986, it became the most popular talk-show in television history. Nowadays in the USA, over twenty million viewers a week watch her show. Her Internet website is paced with topics of interest for her audience. What is her secret to success She did not come from a perfect family. She was not born with wealth, not with the kind of looks that often unlock the doors of opportunity for women in television. Instead, Oprah was born with intelligence, talent and an amazing ability to be herself.She is possibly the most trusted woman in America. Her fans trust her to entertain, inspire, educate, and understand them. To many, Oprah Winfrey is just like their favorite next-door neighbor. No matter whom the audiences are, Oprah still appears to be natural and open. She can usually say what other people would like to say themselves, if only they dared. She is Well-spoken and warm and cares about people.When she speaks, people listen. She is “girlfriend to the world”.81. Though there are many talk-show hosts on America television, Oprah _. A. succeeds in being accepted by the company. B. is so different from them on the television C. asked her father to introduce her to the business D. has applied for the talk-show program82. Which of the following is NOT true about Oprah _ A. Oprah was a clever child. B. Oprah loved reading books. C. Oprah was brought up in a separated family. D. Oprah enjoyed the life on the farm.83. How long did it take Oprah to become a popular hostess since she first join the television business _ A. 6 years. B. 7 years. C. 8 years. D. 9 years.84. Whats the key to Oprah success


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