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小升初英语 数词专项一 数词的种类 数词分基数词和序数词 基数词是表示自然数列的词, 例如; one , two ,three ,four.序数词是表示先后顺序的词, 例如: first, second , third,fourth二 基数词和序数词的表示法1基数词单词的拼写:112为单词,1319都以后缀-teen结尾,20至90这样的整十数都以后缀-ty结尾,其他基数词中间加连字符号“-”再按照上述的变化进行。例:21twenty-one 56- fifty-six 85eighty-five三位数的构成为:几+百+and+末两位(或末一位)数例:132one hundred and thirty-two205two hundred and five千以上的数字的读法:从后面往前,每三位数作为一个单位,分别为thousand, million.32, 548, 652, 读作:thirty two million, five hundred and forty eight thousand, six hundred and fifty two2. 序数词=基数词+th (1、2、3为 first, second, third)。但以下几种情况要注意:1) fifth (第五),eighth (第八),ninth (第九),twelfth (第十二)2) 以ty结尾的基数词变词尾为tieth例:twentytwentieth, ninetyninetieth3)复合序数词只需要将相应基数词中最后一位变成序数词,其余不变。例:第二十一twenty-first第二百四十五two hundred and forty-fifth三 基数词序数词的用法1. hundred, thousand, million 与数字连用,表示一定量的具体数字,不用复数,但表示不定概念可用复数例:three hundred people, millions of people2. 基数词表示时刻。例:7点 seven oclock, 7:20 seven twenty3. 给某些事物编号例:Lesson One=the first lessonBus No. 2 7月1日=July I (July Ist)1996年6月3日=June 3, 1996=June the third, nineteen ninety-six4. 有关分数表示法。分子是基数词,分母是序数词。当分子大于1时,分母就用复数。例:Ive read one-fifth of the books.Ive finished three-fifths of the words. 5. 有关倍数表示法两倍用twice, 三倍以上用数词+times, 要注意倍数在句子的位置。例:The door is three times the size of this.6. 十位数字(个位为零)的基数词以复数形式出现时,表示年代、年龄例:She is a good-looking woman in her forties. (forties 指4049岁之间)四 数词实练习题解析:1. The English for 10,440 is .A. ten thousand , four hundreds and forty B. ten thousand, four hundred and fortyC. ten thousands, four hundred and forty D. ten thousand and four hundred, forty 本题在于掌握千以上数字的读法,在千、百前面有数字,不加复数;百位、十位中间加and ,每三位为一组,再加相应的单位即可2. of the workers in the factory is about two hundred, of them are women workers.A. The number, first-third B. The number, one-thirdC. A number, half D. A number, three quarters 分数表达法前文阐述已经很多,应表示为one-third. 要区分the number of 与a number of , the number of 指“的数量” ,谓语动词用单数;a number of 意为“许多”,谓语动词为复数3. - Can you write the number eighty-five thousand , six hundred and twenty-six?- Yes, it is .A. 85662 B. 85626 C. 85006 D. 85000千以上的数字,从后往前三个数为一个单位,即从85之后顺次写出三个数即可,即626,连在一起即为85626。 4. About of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.A. fouth-fifths B. four fifth C. four fifths D.fourths-fifth 分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1,分母用复数,因此它的表达法为four-fifths5. The road is overmeters long.A. six hundred and fifty-twoB. six hundreds and fifty twoC. six hundred, fifty twoD. six hundred, fifty and two百、千、百万等词与数字连用不用复数,因此不加s。其次表示百位数时要在百位和十位之间(无十位,则在百位和个位之间)加and ,再次在个位与十位之间要有连字符“-”6. Januaryis New Years Day.A. one B. two C. the firstD. the second某月的几号要用序数词表示,读时序数词前要加the 。7. Take the turning on your night. A. nine B. ninth C. nineteen D.nineth根据题意判断本题考第几个转弯处需用序数词BBBCACB 1-5 D C A A D6-10 A B C B D五专项练习 1. There aredays in a week.A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven 2. I think that thecentury (世纪) will bring us more hopes.A. twenty-one B. twentieth-first C. twenty-first D. twentieth-one 3. - How many students are there in your school?-the students in our schoolover two thousand.A. The number of ; is B. The number of ; areC. A number of ; is D. A number of ; are 4. The new student is inA. Class 2 B. Class Second C. 2 Class D. class 2 5. -How many teachers are there in your school?- ,but Im not sure.A. Hundreds B. Hundred C. Hundreds of D. One hundred 6. of the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and of them are women teachers. A. The number, two-thirds B. The number, two-thid C. A number, half D. A number, three-quarters 7. - Dad , when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago.- I am sorry, Jean. But I think I will have aholiday soon.A. four-days B. four-day C. four days D. four day 8. Fan Zhiyis transfer to Dundee Football Club at the end of last year aroused (激起)Chinese peoples interest.A. thousand of B. thousand C. thousands of D. thousands 9. This story happened onA. 1989, Oct 21st B. Oct. 21st ,1989C. 21 Oct, ber , 1989 D. 21st of Octber, 1989 10. Seven five can be written A. five sevens B. five to sevenC. seven fives D. five past seven


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