Definition Reciting

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Dfnion ReciigOratingsystm操作系统:the st of program at jointy cotrol thytem reouces on a omptr。aphical nterce 图形界面: a tyleof tercon betwen theuser andtheomputer involvngahisscren,icons,and soe formof poitg devic uh asa oe。comanbased指令装置:a omputerytm wich iteract iththe ser by commnds ered at a prpt othe sreen。ontrol Uni 控制单元: the part of h roceor which cnol dta transfer betwenhevaiu input andoutp dvices s call theContro nit。C: cetralprocesing nit.Rgsters:a group ofdeices the a used oore iorationithinacmputer f high-seed access。System lock:SB: nivrsl Seiaus.ccmult:a regisr tt hlds th rslto operations pformeby hearithmti ptio the CP。General-purpose compter 通用计算机: coputer ht can eror any computoaltsk fo hc softwares avaiabe. c geralpose computer.Prtable Coputrs便携式计算机: Ancmputer desgned tbe vd el Prtab Cmputes an bechrctered y ze anweiht。lapop膝上型计算机:A small,ortabe computerthat us oneither btteres or ACpowe。I cabe hed on the lap;usuallysafoppy dri;ues lC r pasa seen.PA 个人数字助理:Any forPeroal Dgitl Assitantpixe象素: dvidul ot cmperscree。 The computer cntro te colur anrightss of each pixel.teplat 摸板: apreshpd patn sed s aguid。Spooling假脱机: a wyostoring datatemporariy di uil it can be ocessedy notr at fte syse Prcess 进程: Aprogra or a p of aprora;a crentsence ofsteps undetaenby a prgramtieshre:iometriccontrol:onieserice 在线服务: a pulc dtabase or bulletin oarich abe cced ove oputer tleone ntorkDwnoad下载: edprogrms da from a etral cputr to reo trmial o C.ullin board(电子)公告牌: eleconerecing stem that alow user tore messages eft bprevius usr o vaiet o topic。 All userscan see all meg, nlike e-mail wre themesae i priate。Modem 调制解调器:modator and emoulator: devce at onverts th iitl bt stram used by heomuterint an analo sgnl uital o trnmision ver a telepone lie (molai), and then cnerti ack to dita (dmodulti)。cluste cotroler 串控制器: a ichat cntrol a merofsilar peripheral dvic such as erminal and linkhem o the maicomuermuliplexr=muliplexe 多路转接(转换)器: adevc that merges inforatio frseeal ommunctin hannes itone channl I istwoaydvand is alo to separate out th cmbiesignal nto the indvidua hannesdgial inl 数字信号: ave for or sinalhose ltge aany partclar imwi be at nyoe oa groupof dicrete values(enral twolevel ignl).Protoco协议: an agrement hat covers the proedus seoxchange infrmaio bteen cooraingentities.Analog(nalgue) 模拟的: escibi a smoothy varing signl that hasno discoinities.Diital数字的:he usf dscree digitst reresen aritmetic umbersgial amion 数字传输: thsnigof igitl ignal lon a comunicatiosink.ASCI 美国信息交换标准码: mrican tanddod frinformaon inercan: asandard haacter ndigshem itoduced in 196。 I a 7bitcodealwig128 iffeen bit patens o charatersIN综合业务服务网: ntgratedrvices Digital etwor: a cept delopedby PTTs prvidin one ntwo o tansmit all orms of signltraffic,。g vcead data ovr e sme lines。ircuit 电路:a coinatn f eletricl deviesand cnducor tha om a ndutig patTerminal 终端: aVU see andkeybard used to ineac witcompte。 suay with no cmutig capaity ois ownaplication prorm应用程序:A roramwritten in a higevel language, designed t pfrma pci fucn such acalclat a opanys paroll.ste roram系统程序: Aprora ittefor apatiular ty of hardwre,such soeatingyst an compilers. Thea usualy provie by the anuaturer。Pckge 程序包,插件: A eres of prram wrien freneriapplicatin, e。g ayrol paae, which can baapte byth uset metindividua eedSoftware paages are sodyvaiu vnorsand no necesril by thcopuer mnfcturssorce proram 源程序: T orinligh-lvllanuage rra which hs bonerted to ach odebefre i ayb executed。objec program 目标程序: The result o convrting surc ode into aie cde uing ompier.cplr 编译程序,编译器: A pogram wiccnerssourcproramnto mahne cd.inkge eitor 连接编辑程序: Aytm prga fetces requied syem ines andlinks heto t apptionpogramobet mule.UNIX: an opetig sstmprginaelopedb Belllaboratories i191 o EDP1 micompuers. +: a prorming language combining thor of objeoriend proramming ih teffiny adnotaonal cnvennceo Coperting evionmen 操作环境: tehardwarad operatng ssmbeigusd。desoppblising 桌面出版系统: the useofacomputer systeo erom ny of unctions oarintn hop, icludg pg aout nd dsig,hoiceof fos, nd the incusion olustraon, The opt may be snto aprneror to hi qlty typeeterltedia 多媒体: applicatn fcomuter technogyhat llws e capture, manution,ndretatino differentype f data, e tex, raphics, video,niaton, sound, ec。netok-cmpatil网络兼容的: dsri otre ht an e run on a ntwork with share fl raher tha as standalone piee fC sofwaeail mere 信址合并(程序):a softwr fatue wih alow theuser e in names andaddrses d creatd personalid letters or mats。ouwar 组件: SwaeSuite 软件组: AN 局域网: ocalarea ntork W 广域网:ideaetwokAM 异步传输模式: asynchronous tnsfer mode FDDI 光纤分布式数据接口: Fie-distrbued ata interface meium 媒体, segment片段, oe节点, frm结构 viu病毒: a slelcaing roam,usaldesige to dmage the syste on ichi land。nfer 传染器:soeting th tranmit a coter rseonar 起爆器:A devic ud ts offaoer prcessr eventhacer 电脑黑客,黑客: A prso whoatept to rach the eurity f a compter system ycs fo a remotepin. Thismay f amusemntorfor a moresiise purpose.seuriy sste 安全系统: Asysewhich contros ccess t a copue andmaintains he seity f tat coputervrus sigue病毒签名: thepaiclar fetueofechcmputer vius thtenbe i tobe rcogiz.文件加密: surit mho whrey an agorithm is usedto srmble te dta beor iis writteno dis toprent uauthoriz users reading the dat diect from heik.wor蠕虫:a ntirey sef-rplian irus ich is nothardwae dependent adsprads ova networ computer。radtincreen 辐射屏(罩): scren plae in front of VDUto tecta ue frm possiblharmul radatonfromthe screenOCR 光学字符识别: opticl aacterecognin: arocessn whicha macie scans, ecogize, an encoe imaio prined orted phanmr charcter。doumentmagroessing 文档图形处理: sstm wich taesscnne imes of documens and stres them oncouerfor access, atr than iling thpercoies fhcmen。igtzed ond 数字声音: ond waes ht ae ben convrted intoaeris o bit trigs for digial represntin。diaing p拨号上网: usn amodm o oect a ernal or PCto remoteomputer。rerev 检索: toobtain a spcc reqeste item or set of databy lcag it and returin it to a progra or tters n retrieveiformation fom ysouceofstoage-dsks, tas, rmemry.ifrmation syem 信息系统: acllecton of eople, ardwre,oftwa, dataand rocesthat inrac gnerat iformtin to sport users an oranzaio。MI 管理信息系统:managem inrmn sstem: a (copteiz) ystm forprviinginfration to mnaemnt.SS 决策支持系统:decisnsppo em: a (copuezed)sysem designedt ai managers n day-o-aypeaional decsin.TPS 事务处理系统:trsacton pressing ssm:a sysemwhic prcees the operational transctionof noranizatiorootc 机器人学: A diiline (lyingacos he border etwen artificialintellgne nmecaica engineering)hic s conceed ithuingrbt。ob 机器人,机械人: A prrammable evice onitinof mechanica mniputrs a ssor ogas. The mai goal f rooticsresec s to prvide the robowit a rtificialeye and to us vsual pception to guidea mchaalarm i a fleiblemanrcybg电子人,半机械人: A humanbeing who hacertaiphysolocaprosss aed oontrled bymchanclor elecroc devices.Artiiclntelligence人工智能: the scliecncernedwtthe uiling f couter proram thatrtaks rquiin intelligne whedoe y huansVrtul reality 虚拟现实: an atempto ceate an atiici orld wthicomterto whih user a(apparetly) move about. Thii uualy aeved be ser wearing a helet, which overs th eyesnd rsand snds visuaandoral sgnas the ue. Secia glovs allw the us to aniulate coternerated itemAugmented Ralt 增强现实: A ype o virtul reaity i wc addiona inrmation, thrwiseimperceptie tote hum tem i ade pecepibleand eistred witthedispay of the hsawol。Cber 电脑空间,赛伯空间:loatin hat ext nyin th midsof the paticpan (n as a result of tenology that abe eographicall ditant peopl o nteate commnicte)。Teleprece 遥在,远程出席,远程到场: The iit dirct iteract (oen vicot meaon)wit a pyial real remte vionment rmthfirs or se pern point of iw Theeare nrestrictin on wer thremoeenvironmenan be, orhow lrge themt intrfac dvice T机器翻译: Mchie Translation: Th use of comutr t tanlate nturallanguagesatal laguae understanding自然语言理解: NLU: Naturlanguagunerstanding s a subfeld of artificiaintellgene esearch devted to makin computrs ”understand” tatemet ritten n humanngues epert syste 专家系统: A compter sysem chrelectsth deciion-makng reses of a hman pecalist。 An ert syst comprssa noledg bs, inernceachine,expanation program,kowlerefni pogrand ntura lagugeproceso。nfrece engine 推理机: nfrencemacne: Withine conxto exertsystms,te rtofthe expert sshat perates on te knwege basend produe ifeeces.infere tre 推理树:hestuctur of a set infrencs ch how hw acnclusin as reaced。knowlege bae 知识库: Adaa as hatcontains informatin ut hmaneperiece ina partiularapplicatonnd data rengfrotion oproblemprviusyolvedmputtnl psyoogy计算心理学: discilinying acrossthe rder ofarticial tligene and psyhloy cnerne wth buili comute odes of uma cogitive poeses。 It s aedon alybewente ha mind ad couter proramstelephony 电话学: Telephon itprocs of proming telephoneete tsks usingmon telehony activtiesinclude usigth mputer as a diingdeice for ourlar tlephnestem,as wela paing tlephecsthrugh th ntrne.mutimeda多媒体:an appatonf opute tchnlogy that allowshe ptre,miplation,and resenation o dierent typesf t,e.。text,grhis,eo,nimaion,ound,cfulmotionvideo 全动视频,活动影像: captreand digitize vdeoaeslayed n comper sceen ing t vier theimessioof wthn tlevisi pctue.plugndpla cmaibiy 即插即用兼容性: the abiittconnct oemnufacturr hadwaedicty toanothermanufaturersharare。PC=mliedia persoal coer多媒体计算机:rosofts nimum specficaionfor r wre o be usd for uedia purses。interlcd video 隔行扫描视频:in narowban PAL sstes,aod transittng ll 625 lneso igle TV imagei aie of econd,werbyeach frame o te imae s splitinoto fed f 31. ins。Gaphcs 图形学: a nonhracter ed mthd ofdying nomai a sen, sualy ud fordislayinpices. The bsit fromwich he dsplay i builtp is te pxel。Digl imag ocesing 数字图象处理:he field ofdiitl imaeprocesn refers o procesng digil mag bymasofa igtalmpute。Mchrome gaphic 单色图形: Monohrom graphicisthe simples bitmap image, whc ontainsonlhe oors whit andblack。racle raics灰度级图形: Grscl graphcs dlay a bimap mae usg sades f gay or “gray cals。 Wheas a monochrome gra is siilar t an odfahioned paper c-out silette(侧面影像,轮廓), aray scal grpic s imla a bla-ndwhte phto. he re gay sade ud, h more ralistic the ige appea.trecolrgraph 真色彩图形: A pooraphquay gahic andisplay as anyas 167 milon olors an is caled a 4io rue-olor hic.文中不足之处,请您见谅!6 / 6


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