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.wd.季景沁园保洁服务投标书Quotation of the cleaning for jijingqinyuan Building 北京市鑫聚园物业管理 BJ xinjiyuan Cleaning Company.联系人:Contactor: fanny chang 联系 :Mobile Phone: 13011115258日期:年月Date: Jan /2007目录一、鑫聚园物业管理公司简介- -3二、营业执照副本复印件-3三、人员培训-4四、现场作业流程及紧急情况处理-8五、清洁作业程序-9六、保洁服务工作标准-20七、现场督导流程描述-20八、与招标方沟通渠道的设计- -21九、为承托服务所提供的优致服- 22十、报价-22一、北京市鑫聚园物业管理简介北京市鑫聚园物业管理是集保安、保洁、园林绿化为一体的专业物业管理企业,多年来为创造企业品牌、培养了一大批专业的管理人才和技术骨干,在为客户提供服务过程当中获得了业主的一致好评。目前,我公司担负着海淀区百花苑写字楼、国都证券大厦、百力文科技大厦和朝阳区水景花园别墅区、丰台区风格雨林联排别墅区、天鸿集团宝汇苑小区、汇达公寓等工程进展全方位的物业、保洁服务管理。自公司成立以来提倡以先进的物业管理理念和模式经营,全力专注于写字楼、公寓楼、高档住宅、商务办公楼的物业管理和专项保洁服务。公司的服务理念是“以人为本,客户至上,公司的服务宗旨:“以质量求开展、以服务争市场、以信誉赢客户。我们愿为每一位业主提供最真诚和完美的服务,创造高雅和谐的办公、生活环境。公司竭诚为业主及客户提供最优质的服务,愿意承接具有挑战性的物业进展管理,用我们的真心和汗水赢得业主和广阔客户的信任。北京鑫聚园物业管理全体员工衷心希望为您提供优服务,我公司愿真诚与您合作,给您创造一个良好的物业环境。三、人员培训Training员工培训是企业运作的重要环节,没有高素质的员工,就不能有高质量的保洁服务。为树立公司品牌及企业形象,提高服务质量,因此要造就高素质的员工就必须用严格的培训来标准和约束。所以,我们对员工进展企业战略培训,灌输公司远景与未来、企业文化、让员工认识企业、了解未来。对职业道德、仪容仪表、礼节礼貌,专业技术及服务意识等进展一系列标准化培训。从而使被动性服务转变为主动性服务。Training is the most important tache for corporation operation. Without high diathesis employees, here is no high quality cleaning services. Rigid training brings up high diathesis employees to erect corporation image, to improve service quality and execute criterion and obligations. Thus, we train our employees by using corporation strategic training: inbreathe companys future vision, company culture, to know the company, understand the future. We form. a series of standard training on occupation morality, appearance, etiquette and courtesy, specialized technique and service consciousness. Therefore, training changes services from passive to active. 公司还特别对员工进展消防理论及消防实践、防风抗雨等业务培训,使员工能增强应变能力,适应社会及客户的要求。Our employees are especially trained in fire protection theories and fire drills, operation training in strong wind and heave rain situation. Those training will help to reinforce our employees abilities under emergency, and to adapt the society and guests request.Part 1 the training plan of management personnel第一局部管理人员培训方案Training steps 培训步骤Training items 培训内容1.Pre-job training 岗前培训2. Post training 岗值培训3. On-the-jobTraining 岗位培训4.Regular training 日常培训 Systematic training on the companys rules and regulations 公司规章制度的系统化培训 Study of management theories管理理论的学习 Training on relevant program documents &guidelines of quality system and quality objectives 质量系统与质量目标的相关文件和准则的培训 Understanding of modern science & knowledge like computer 了解现代化科学和技术如电脑 Duties of the posts that trainees hold 培训者相关岗位的职责培训 Training on work processes, methods and operation specifications of various cleaning items多种清洁工程的工作程序,方式和操作标准的培训 Correct methods to use machines & equipment, tools and materials 机器设备,工具物品的正确使用模式 Training on professional skills and practical applications of the posts that trainees hold 培训者本岗位专业技术和实际运作 Training on rules of safely operation and knowledge of fire control安全操作和防火知识的培训 Study of professional skills and technical promotion of the posts that trainees hold学习专业技术知识提高本岗值工作 Outline of relevant posts and technical training 掌握相关岗值和技术培训的概要 Study of relevant laws and regulations 学习相关法律法规Implementing the guideline of integration theory with practice and carrying out further training of senior technical personnel designated by the company 结合实际开展综合理论概要培训并落实由公司任命的老技术员工的深入培训。Part 11 the training plan of cleaning employees 第二局部保洁员工的培训方案Training steps培训步骤 Training items 培训内容1.Self education of employees 员工自我教育2.Posteducation 岗位教育3.Posttraining 岗值培训4.Regular training 日常培训Personnel rules of Beijing Jiarong Cleaning Services Co., Ltd. 北京鑫聚园物业服务人事规章Education on professional ethics 专业道德教育Regulations of Beijing Jiarong cleaning services co., ltd. On the appearance & manners of employees 北进鑫聚园物业服务员工礼仪礼貌规定Study of safety & security measures (coordinated by party A)学习安全防卫措施配合A局部Study of basic cleaning knowledge 学习 基本保洁知识Study of how to use machines, tools and materials 学习怎样使用机器,工具和物品Study of safe operation rules and education on the sense of fire control 学习安全操作守则,培养防火意识Study of quality standards 学习质量标准Study of how to clean the glass, maintain the stainless steel & copper ware and how to maintain and clean the marble, granite and ceramic tiles 学习怎样清洁玻璃,保养不锈钢和铜器,并且学习怎样清洁和保养大理石,石榴石和瓷砖-Carrying out further training of senior technical personnel designated by the Co. 完成由公司任命的老技术员工的深入培训Part III Maintenance and usage of cleaning equipment 第三局部维护和使用清洁设备1. Water absorption machine 吸水机1. Inspect its appearance when getting from the warehouse, such as case, switch, power cable, base and float of the water absorption machine, power on the machine and check its working condition and normal suction pressure. Stop operation right after finding any fault and report to the direct leader in time. 从库房取出时应从外观上检查一番,例如,外壳、开关、电源线、底座及吸水机的滑轮、插上电源并检查它的工作状况和吸力。一旦发现任何异常立即停顿操作,并直接上报主管。2. When moving the machine, dont pull the suction pipe and power cable by hand to avoid breaking. Move the machine forward by pushing the handrail, but pay attention not to press the handrail by force or sit on the machine, to avoid damaging the base of the machine. 移动机器的时候,不要拖拉吸管和电线防止断裂。推动扶手实际气象现移动,但是注意不要大力压扶手或坐在机器上,防止对及气体座造成损伤。3. Check if the power switch and on-off switch of the machine are tuned off before powering on the machine.在通电源前检查电源开关和启动-关闭开关是否关闭。4. Take care of the working voice of machine at all times during water absorption operation. Stop it immediately after hearing beep voice or abnormal noise, and check the operation condition of machine. Remember not to absorb too much water to prevent water from entering into the absorption motor and causing unnecessary loss. 在操作吸水机时随时留心机器的声音。听到“哔声和其他不正常的声音时立刻停顿,并边查机器操作情况。紧记,不要吸入过多的水,以免水渗入马达而造成不必要的损失。5. In case any fault is found during usage of the machine, dont open it for private repair. Remember to send the machine back to the warehouse timely or ask professional personnel for repair 如果机器在使用过程中发生故障,不要翻开他自行修理。立即将它送回库房或请专业人员来维修。四、现场作业流程及紧急情况处理1现场作业流程上班签到各自签字领班点名上班签到各自签字领班点名 各自上岗作业勤作业、勤巡回、勤检查 班后会议一天的工作总结及好人好事表彰 班前会特殊事情的交代及本卷须知 2特殊紧急情况处理程序2.1目的: 为特殊、紧急情况提供程序准则,保证控制过程符合规定要求。2.2职责发生特殊情况的区域领导现场职务最高者负责现场筹划、指挥,并报告上级主要负责人及相关部门,负责与其它部门的协调、调配。2.3工作程序2.3.1现场指挥1现场临时指挥:当发生特殊紧急情况时,区域领导立即承担现场指挥职能,根据现场情况,布置人员分别通知有关部门和上级领导。2在上一级领导赶到现场后,接替负责指挥,原临时指挥者负责配合,报告情况,继续参加现场处理工作。2.3.2现场处理原则1总指挥应组织员工首先抢救伤病人员生命,在保证人员安全的情况下,尽可能减少财产损失和环境污染。2注意保护现场,除公安、消防、医务、主管领导、在岗人员等,其余人员不得进入现场。3防止私自承受媒体采访,在未得到上级领导指示前,不得擅自发表任何声明,防止不必要的错误传播。2.3.3配合事故的调查1在公安机关、政府有关部门或上级领导进展事故调查时,有关人员应如实反映事故真实情况,并提供证据。2不要随意散布影响正常调查的消息和议论。3不得销毁证据。2.3.4编制事故报告1由事发现场的最高主要领导负责编写事故报告。2报告内容:时间、地点、岗位、相关人员、事故原因、事故过程、造成的损失情况、教训、纠正措施。3事故报告应报公司最高领导,由其确认。涉及刑事犯罪的,由公安部门处理。4一般性事故,应对所采取的纠正措施由主管部门进展特别验证,以证明其确实有效。5保存相关记录和报告。五、清洁作业程序Cleaning Service Procedures1. Floor waxing 地面打腊1) Tools preparation: 准备工具Floor cleaning machine, water absorption machine, wringer, yellow warning card, black plate, white cloth, wax mop, perching knife, mop, rain boot, door baffle-plate, wax cleaning agent, bottom wax, adhesive tape, warning line, waxing machine, surface wax 洗地机、吸水机、榨水车、黄色告示牌、黑盘、白色布假设干、腊拖、小铲刀、地拖、雨鞋、隔板、洗蜡剂、底腊、胶带、维护绳、打蜡机、表层蜡等。2) Procedures: 程序First completely clean the floor. 首先将地面完全清洁干净。Blend the wax-cleaning agent with hot clean water (proportioning according to different degree) and spread the mixture on the floor to be cleaned. 将热水与洗蜡剂依不同程度按不同比例配合混合并均匀抹在将要清洁地地面上。After4-5 minutes use the floor-cleaning machine to clean completely and remove the old wax. 45分钟后用洗地机完全的清洁地面并去除旧蜡。Use the water absorption machine to completely absorb spots of old wax remaining on the floor. 用吸水机将地面上剩余地旧蜡污点吸除。Wipe the floor immediately with clean mop. 即刻用干净拖把清洁地面。Clean once more with clean water, then clean off the floor by water absorption machine and mop. 再用清水清洁一便,然后使用吸水机和拖把将地面请干净。When the floor becomes dry, pour and amount of bottom wax into the waxing machine, lie the waxing mop flat on the floor and move it left and right at an uniform. see, to spread the bottom wax evenly on the floor. 等地面干后,将一定量的底蜡倒入打腊机,在地面上平铺蜡拖并均匀的向左向右有序的推动将底蜡均匀的分部在地面上。When the bottom wax becomes dry, spread the surface wax and polishing wax on the floor in the same way as mentioned above.等底蜡干了以后,用上述一样底方法在地面上打上表层蜡和抛光蜡。Fill in the working record and statistic of detergent consumption 填写工作记录,统计清洁剂使用量。3) Precautions: 防范:Split the working area by warning card before starting work, to avoid damage caused by entrance of passersby. 用警示牌将工作区域分隔起来,以防过路者闯入造成损伤。Spread white cloth at the gate and starting point before dew axing, in order to avoid the wax cleaning agent to damage other areas and cause repeat work. 打腊前将白布铺在大门及清洁起始点,以防洗蜡剂给周边区域带来损伤而造成重复劳动。Put on rain boot when washing floor, to prevent from slipping down. 清洗地面时穿上雨鞋以防滑倒。Pay attention to keep the machine-washing speed not too quickly, in order to avoid residual wax due to roughness of the floor. Wipe the floor with mop as quickly as possible to prevent the dirty wax Resold frication. 注意保持洗地机转速不要太快以免因地面粗糙而造成旧蜡剩余。用拖把立刻清洁以防脏蜡溶解现象。Clean the corner and kick board timely. 及时的将墙角和墙边清洁干净。Keep the wax pouring distance short when spreading the second and third time wax. To avoid any dim wax print remaining on the floor. 在打第二第三次蜡时,倾倒蜡要保持尽量短的距离以免在地面上形成黯淡的蜡斑。Soak the waxing mop into clean water when finished, to avoid it becoming dry otherwise the waxing effect shall be influenced. 工作完毕后将打腊拖浸泡在清水中防止因蜡变干而起的反响。Wipe and clean the cleaning equipment in time, report at once when abnormal case happens to machine. 使用后立刻清洁擦拭机器设备,一旦发现机器异常立刻汇报。4) Standards: 标准:Waxing quality of the corner area shall as same as the center area brilliant and dazzling, 墙角上蜡质量与地面中心位置一样闪亮。There is no residual smudge, old wax, footprint or scratch. 没有参与污迹、旧蜡、脚印和刮痕。2. Polishing of waxing floor上腊抛光1) Tools preparation: 准备工具:Polishing machine, vacuum cleaner, floor mop and polishing wax 抛光机、吸尘机、地拖和抛光蜡2) Procedures: 程序: Clean dust on the waxing floor with vacuum cleaner. 用吸尘机清洁上蜡地面的灰尘。 Wipe off spots remained on the waxing floor with damp cloth 用湿布抹去上蜡地面上残留的斑点。 Polish by the polishing machine together with the polishing wax 使用抛光机和抛光蜡抛光。 Clean the floor by floor mop with appropriate static dedusting agent 使用地拖配上静电除尘剂清洁地板。3) Precautions: 防范: The quantity of polishing wax must be appropriate抛光蜡的使用量必须恰当 Spray the static dedusting agent on the floor mop in advance, and use the mop when the dedusting agent completely becomes dry 预先在地拖上喷上静电除尘剂,等待干后使用 Polishing must be done orderly to avoid any missing point 抛光必须按程序操作以防遗漏点3. Cleaning of carpet 地毯清洁1) Tools preparation: 准备工具:Single-brush cleaning machine, water absorption machine, vacuum cleaner, carpet detergent, billboard, blower, hand scrubber, scrubbing brush, water bucket, carpet brush, carpet powder and so on 单刷清洁机、吸水机、吸尘机、地毯清洁剂、告示牌、手刷、硬毛刷、水桶、地毯刷、地毯粉等2) Procedures: 程序:Dry cleaning: 干洗: Remove dust completely from the carpet to be cleaned by vacuum cleaner first. 首先用吸尘机将地毯完全除尘。 Partial cleaning shall be done to the area where is seriously fouled (with scrubbing brush)对特别严重的粗糙面使用硬毛刷局部清洁。 Pour the diluted detergent into the electronic foaming box and start the cleaning machine 将稀释好的清洁剂倒入电动起泡机并启动清洁机。 When finishing cleaning and the carpet is completely dry, use the vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet again, and then spread the carpet powder to remove peculiar smell 清洁完毕地毯完全干后,使用吸尘机再次清洁地毯并撒上地毯粉去除特殊气味。Spot cleaning: 污点清洁: Remove dust completely from the carpet to be cleaned by vacuum cleaner first. 首先用吸尘机将地毯完全除尘。 Partial cleaning shall be done to the area where is seriously fouled (with scrubbing brush)对特别严重的粗糙面使用硬毛刷局部清洁。 Pour the diluted detergent into the clean water box of 3 in 1 carpet cleaning machine and carry out spot cleaning 在三合一清洁机的清水盒中倒入稀释过的清洁剂开场污点清洁。 Place the blower on the appropriate position to dry the carpet 将风干机放置于恰当的位置上吹干地毯。 Clean the carpet again by vacuum cleaner when the carpet is completely dry 等地毯完全干后用吸尘机再次清洁地毯。3) Precautions: 防范: White cloth must be laid on the area that people passing by frequently, which can be removed only when the carpet is completely dry. 将白布平铺于人们常走动的区域,只有等地毯完全干后才可撤除。 Change the position of blower after a certain time period in order to speed up drying of carpet. 每隔一段时间将风干机转移一个位置以加速地毯风干时间。 To use the high/ low foaming carpet detergent in a correct way高/低泡地毯清洁剂的正确使用。4) Standards: 标准: Clean, neat and without smudge.干净、整洁、没有污点。4. Cleaning of washroom卫生间清洁1) Cleaning procedures: 清洁程序:Entrance door mirror table-board lavatory partition walls floor(1) 大门 (2)镜子 (3)台面 (4)马桶 (5)分隔间 (6)墙 (7)地面2) Cleaning steps: 清洁步骤:(1) Entrance door 大门Place the billboard of “Work Processing on the working area.将“工作进展中的警示牌放置在工作区域。(2) Mirror 镜子2.1) Use dry wipe cloth or glass scrubber to clean the mirror according to glass cleaning procedures按照镜子清洁程序使用干布和玻璃刮进展清洁。2.2) Inspect the leaning degree from different point of view when completion 从各个不同角度检查清洁程度。(3) Table board 台面3.1) Spray the all purpose detergent at the ratio of 1: 40 onto the surface of a soft fiber cloth. When the dirt on the table on the table-board has been washed out, use a damp cloth to wipe off the detergent. 将比例为1:40的全能清洁剂喷洒在一块软化纤布外表。当台面外表污渍去除后,用一块湿布抹去台面残留的清洁剂。3.2) Use a soft fiber cloth with sprayed detergent to brush the wash basin, rinse the detergent with water and then wipe the internal wall of the wash basin by a dry cloth.使用一块喷洒过清洁剂的软化纤布擦拭洗手盆,用水冲洗干净并用一块干布擦干洗手盆内壁。3.3) Wipe the water tap with a clean towel, pay attention to clean side and back areas of the tap. 用一块干净毛巾擦拭水龙头,注意清洁水龙头的反面及侧面局部。3.4) Add the soap solution the half place of the container.将肥皂液添加至容器一半的位置。(4) Urinal 小便池4.1) Wear rubber gloves and spray the all purpose detergent with a ratio of 1:40 onto the surface of special soft fiber clothe. 带上胶手套并在一块专用的软化纤布上喷上比例为1:40的全能清洁剂。4.2) Scrub the internal wall of the urinal. Pay attention to clean the covering bowl, water outlet and sewage outlet, wash out with water after scrubbing. 擦拭小便池内壁。注意清洁遮挡的半球体、出水口和下水口,擦拭后用清水冲洗。4.3) Use the special fiber cloth with sprayed detergent to wipe the outside wall of the urinal.用喷洒过清洁剂的专用化纤布擦拭小便池外壁。4.4) Wipe the galvanized parts with a dry cloth.用一块干布擦拭电镀件局部。(4) Lavatory 马桶4.1) Wash out the ordure in the lavatory first首先冲去马桶内的污物。4.2) Pour the all purpose detergent at a ratio of 1:40 into the lavatory and soak 5 minutes for disinfection 倒入比例为1:40的全能清洁剂浸泡5分钟进展消毒。4.3) Scrub the internal wall of lavatory with the special brush, pay attention to clean the water outlet and sewage outlet, wash out the detergent after scrubbing. 用专用刷刷洗马桶内侧,注意清洁出水口和下水口,刷洗完后冲走清洁剂。4.4) Wipe the lavatory seat, cover board, hinge and outside wall by special cloth sprayed with detergent for disinfection purpose. 对马桶坐垫、盖板、垫板连接处和外壁用喷有清洁剂的专用布擦拭消毒。4.5) Wipe various galvanized parts with a dry cloth and make them polished and without any spot对于各种电镀件局部用一块干布擦拭不留任何斑点。4.6) Open the cover board and lavatory seat after cleaning 清洁后将马桶盖板和坐垫上翻翻开。4.7) Replace the disposable bag in the wastebasket, check the toilet paper and replace a new one if necessary. 更换垃圾同内的垃圾袋,检查厕纸对需要更换的换上一卷新的。 (5) Partition 分隔间Use a damp cloth to wipe the partitions and partition doors accordingly from top to bottom, from left to right and from front to back. 用一块湿布按从上至下、从左到右、从前到后的顺序擦拭分隔间和分隔间的门。(6) Walls 墙6.1) Use a damp cloth to wipe the walls in an annular route accordingly from top to bottom and from left to right, pay attention to clean higher and top parts of wall. 使用一块湿布按照从上到下、从左到右的环形路线顺序擦拭墙壁,注意清洁墙面的较高和较低处。6.2) Wipe the outside of soap solution container and hand drier with a damp cloth 用一块湿布擦拭肥皂溶液容器和风干机。(7) Floor 地面Use special wet mop to wipe the floor from inside to outside of the washroom从里到外使用专用湿拖把清洁厕所地面。7.1) Cleaning tools: 清洁用具:Glass scrubber, dry cloth, damp cloth, soft fiber cloth, special wiping cloth, all purpose detergent, rubber gloves, lavatory brush, special mop 玻璃刮、干布、湿布、软化纤布、专用擦拭布、全能清洁剂、胶手套、厕所刷、专用地拖。7.2) Quality standard 质量标准A. There is no spot or scale on the table-board, mirror or portion; the mirror is clear and bright. 镜子与台面的全部或局部没有污点和水垢;镜子干净明亮。B. All galvanized parts are clear, bright and without scale.所有电镀物件干净,明亮没有水垢。C. The urinal and lavatory are without dust, dirt or peculiar smell.小便池和马桶没有灰尘、污垢或特殊气味。D. There is no residual water or scale on the floor or wall.地板墙面上没有残留的水或水垢。E. The articles for guest use are in sufficient supply and convenient to take.顾客使用物品总是充足且方便取用。7.3) Remarks 备注During cleaning, if the area to be cleaned is being used by a guest, cleaning of which shall be postponed according to the cleaning procedures and wait until the guest leaves.清洁过程中,如果将要进展清洁的区域正被客人使用中,按照清洁程序延迟清洁并等待客人离开。5. Cleaning of office area 办公室清洁1) Tools preparation: 准备工具:Vacuum cleaner, disposable bag in big or small size, wiping cloth, water bucket.吸尘机、大或小垃圾袋、抹布、水桶。2) Procedures: 程序: Clean the carpet of office area correctly according to the usage of vacuum cleaner. 按照吸尘机使用方法正确的清洁办公室地毯。 Remove dusts on the stone material floor and clean it.去除石质地面上的灰尘并去除。 Dump trashes in the waste bin and replace the disposable bag.将垃圾倒入垃圾桶并更换垃圾袋。3) Precautions: 防范: Consent must be got from office people before dumping the waster bin. 在倾倒垃圾桶前必须取得办公室人员的同意。 There must be someone present when cleaning the office; otherwise it is not allowed to do any cleaning work. 必须在办公室内有人时才可做清洁;否则清洁工作是不被允许的。 Ask the guests consent in advance before cleaning and say “hello to guest actively. 在清洁前需向客人征求同意并主动向客人说“您好。 Inspect the usage of facilities at all times and report the problem (if any) in time.随时关注器材设备使用情况并如有任何问题时及时上报。6. Cleaning of corridor of public area 公共走廊清洁1) Tools preparation: 准备工具:Mop, dust cleaner, wiping cloth, water bucket, static dedusting agent, all purpose detergent, disposable bag in big or small size. 拖把、除尘器、抹布、水桶、静电除尘剂、全能清洁剂、大小垃圾袋。2) Procedures: 程序: Give a whole inspection to everywhere of the corridor, in order to know the key emphasis in work.将过道整体的检查一遍,以便确认工作重点。 Dump the disposable bags of big or middle sized waste bind in time and replace them.将中型或大型的垃圾及时的捆绑丢弃并更换垃圾袋。 Clean the dust on the floor of corridor by a dust cleaner sprayed with static dedusting agent, the average cleaning frequency is once ever half and hour, move the dust cleaner toward only one direction, otherwise it is not allowed.使用一个喷洒了静电除尘剂的清尘器清洁过道,清洁频率为每半小时一次。清尘器使用时只能向一个方向推,否则时不被允许的。 Clean the reading windows for propaganda standing on the two sides of the corridor, door rails and glass at all times.不连续的清洁走廊两边宣传阅读栏的玻璃和门把手以及门玻璃。 Clean the residual water or dirt on the floor, especially for the entrance of washroom or office. 清洁地面上残留的水和污渍,特别是卫生间及办公室的大门入口处。3) Precautions: 预防: Special attention must be paid to the e


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