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Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to(第7课时)二 根据句意几首字母提示不全单词1. He like loud music, but he like q_ music.2. Beetthoven was one of the most famous m_ in the word.3. The l_ of the song are very beautiful and sound like poems.4. Which do you p_, the classical music or pop music ?5. He doesnt speak c_, so its very difficult for us to understand him.6. I cant s_ music that is too loud.7. The picture r_ me of my school days.8. He is speaking in a g_ voice.9. You cant tie the horse to the tree with a s_.10. Nothing is difficult if you put your h_ into it.11. Look, the expression on his face s_ that something had must have happened to him.12. My grandpa makes a living by fishing,so he is a f_.13. Uncle Bill does well in taking photos , because he is a good p_.14. W_ you do, you must do it carefully.15. My brother is full of e_ and never feels tired.16. She e_ a letter from the bank this morning, but it didnt come.17. 17.The owner is an h_ man, because he sells real things to people18. .Mid-autumn Festival is one of the Chinese t_ festivals.19. I dont like eating lemon.It t_too sour.20. Mr Wang is busy doing an experiment in the l_.二用所给词的适当形式填空21. Kevin is _ in stamp collection. (insterest)22.They prefer _ (skate) to swimming.23.Guo Feng is one of my favorite _(sing), because he can write his own songs.24.I like music that _(have) great lyrics.25.What about _(listen) to music ?26.The singer has become a great _(music).27.Different _ (kind) of fruits are good for our health.28.My teacher likes the singer who _(play) the piano well.29.they like the singer who sings the words _(clear).30.Have you heard the song _(call) My Heart Will Go On ?31.His teacher suggested _(set) up a sparetime study group.32.Whatever you do, be sure _(see) this exhibition.33. what you said _(interesting) the young man very much.34.His father is a famous _(photograph).35.Zhang Yimous latest film was very _(success).36.Amy Kim is one of the_(good) known Chinese photographers in the world today.37.He asked me to do some shopping. But I preferred _ (stay) at home.38.They should be _ (healthy) than those people.39.He _ (main) told you something about your homework.40.The story _(it) is interesting, but its a little difficult for children.41.I think their _ (discuss) is very good.三单项选择 ( ) 44.Joe said she _ sendig e-mail _ letters.A. preferred,; to writing B. preferred; to write C.prefers;writing D.prefers; to writing ( ) 45.Which would you like, tea or coffee ? Either _ OK, but I prefer coffee _ milk.A. is;with B.is; to C.are;with D.are;to ( ) 46.Peter likes music_ is really loud and energetic.A. that B.who C.whom D./ ( ) 47.The basketball _ I bought yesterday cost me 80 yuan.A.that B.where C.who D.when ( ) 48.This is _ I wanted. A.the one what B.which C.one which D.the one ( ) 49.Who is your new head tcacher this semester ?The woman _ is wearing a red skirt. A.whom B.who C.whose D.which( )50.The old music _ me _the dayus in farance. A.reminds;of B.fills;of C.lets;down D.escapes; from( )51.Shall we go to the muceum ? All right!I hear there are many first-class photographs _. A. on show B.on bord C.on sale( )52.Home With Kids _ many people greaty. A.has interest in B.interested in C.interests D.interesting( )53.The e-mail he sent to me _ that he knew nothing aloud the earthquake that happened in Japan. A.spoke B.suggested C.told D.found( )54.Everybody knows that Jack _ English better than Dick. A.does speaks B.do speak C.did speak D.does speak( )55.Jim is always _ for school. This is the _ news. A.late; lately B.late; late C.later; latest D.late; larest( )56._ you say, I dont agree with you. A.However B.Whenever C.Wherever D.Whatever( )57.That is the beautiful park _ I have _visited. A.which; ever B.that;never C.which; yet D.that; ever( )58.Li Mei is the student _ handwriting is the best in our class. A.whose B.whom C.who D.that( )59.The theme park is about _ ride from the museum. You should start out right now. A.two hour B.two hours C.two hours d.two-hours( )60.Be sure _ late for the meeting. A.to being B.not to be C.not being D.not be( )61.Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the next match ? Yes,they have better players, so I _ them to win. A.hope B.except C.expect D.prefer( )62.Look at the girl _ name is Lucy. A.who B.whose C.which D.whom ( ) 63.My money is not the only thing _ is missing. A.what B.that C.who D.whose ( ) 64.she prefers to eat outside rather than _ at home. A.cook B.cooking C.to cook D.cooks ( ) 65.Never eat food that stays overnight(过夜的),_ it tastes _. A.if; good B.but;well C.even though; good D.even if;well ( ) 66.My mother_ feel tired, so I should help her wash clothes. A.do B.does C.has D.have ( ) 67.How do you like the pictures which _ on show ? I like _ very much. A.is; them B.are;them C.is;it D.are;it ( ) 68. I have a _ holiday this year, and then I can go to Beijing to see you. A.three-months B.three-month C.three months D.three months ( ) 69.She preferred staying at home_ for a walk on Saturdays last year. A.to going B.to go C.than going D.than go ( ) 70.Be sure _ write a letter to me as soon as you get there. A.of B.to C.about D.for ( ) 71.The book_ he bought yesterday is very interesting. A./ B.why C.when D.what四根据汉语及单词提示完成句子72.Kung Fu Panda is one of _(最有趣的) 发films right now. (interst) 73.Many kinds of famous-brand are _(正在展览) in the shopping center.(display)74.This piece of news _(引起了我父亲极大的兴趣)。(interest)75._ youre busy, _ the match(无论你有多么忙,都不要错过这场比赛)。(miss) 80.青少年要远离毒品。Teenagers should _ the drugs. (stay)81.全体师生下月将聚在一起唱“红歌”。 All the teachers and students will _ to sing “red” songs next.(together) 82.这轻音乐使你想起了什么?What does the soft music _ ? (remind) 83.Who is the girl_ (那个正在跟着音乐唱歌的) ?(sing)84.You are the only person _ (老奶奶能够依靠的人).(depend)85._(吸烟能增加癌症的风险) cancer. (increase) 86._(青少年应该远离) the drugs.(stay)87._(说实话),I dont like him very much.(honest)88.This is the notebook _(那个我丢失的) yesterday.(lose)89.She is _(中国最著名的音乐家之一) in China. (one)90.The man _ (使我想起我的英语老师,他们穿着同样的衣服)。(remind)91.I _(期望他能再来)。 (expect)92._ _ _(我没收到我笔友的来信了) for a month. (receive)五书面表达 音乐可以缓解我们的压力,影响我们的情绪。美好宜人的音乐可以使我们热爱生活。用课文中所学的短语和词组运用定语从句写一篇90字左右的文章,写出你对音乐的感受,谈谈你所喜欢的音乐、歌手或乐队。_ 教/学后记:


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