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Ive had this bike for three years【学习目标】1、正确处理并充分利用自己的废旧物品。2、会运用现在完成时。【学习重点与考点】会运用现在完成时谈论身边的物品。【课前自学指导】(一)翻译下列短语和句子。1、特殊的地方_ 2、音乐厅_3、至少_ 4、最多_通过预习,你还发现有哪些问题_【学习过程】(一)导入并出示学习目标(二)自主学习情况交流在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(三)合作探究:1、将在你们城镇或城市能找到的地方找出来。2、听录音,完成1b和1c.3、阅读听力材料。 (三)学习成果展示:根据图片试着复述故事。(四)总结,今天我们学习了_(五)课堂检测 用所给词的适当形式填空:1I_ already _(see) the film. I _(see)it last week.2. “_ he _ (finish) his work today?” “Not yet.”3. My father_ just_(come) back from work. He is tired now.4. “Wheres Li Ming?”“He _(go) to the teachers office.”5. Shanghai _(be) a small town hundreds of years ago.Now it _(become) a large city.6 .I _(work) here here since I _(move)here in 1993.7. So far I _ (make) quiet a few friends here.8. How long _ the Wangs _( stay) here【课后作业】1、 根据第四课时的课前自学指导进行预习;2、 完成节节练。第四课时节节练(一) 单项选择(基础题)( ) 1. I can sing the song in English. _.A. So I can B. So can I C. I can so D. Too can I( )2. - Why dont you buy one of the scarves for your mum?-They are not _.A. beautiful enough B. enough beautifulC. too beautiful D. beautifully enough( )3. The food in the restaurant is good_ the price is too_.A. and high B. but high C. but expensive D. because low( )4. I think a dog is a good pet for _ child.A. a 6-year-old B. an 6-year-old C. a 6-year old D. a 6 years-old( )5. Everyone should do _best to win the match.A. ones B. the C. his D. their( )6. Where is Bruce? Is he at home?I think he _ school.A .has gone B. has been C. has gone to D. has been to( )7.I have never been to European countries. What about you? _.A. So do I B. So have I C. Neither do I D. Neither have I( )8. Yesterday he _ to work, so he wasnt late.A. by taxi B. by a taxi C. take a taxi D. took a taxi( )9.How long have you studied English? _.A. For 5 years B.5 years ago C. Since 5 years D.5 years before( )10. Has the train _ yet?A. got to B. reached C. arrived D. arrived at( )11. The teacher asked _.A. whats your name B. what was your nameC. what your name is D. what your name was( )12.Do you mind if I stay here a little longer? _.A. No, you cant B. Yes, you may C. Certainly not D. Yes, not at all( )13. How long has his brother _ the book?A. kept B. bought C. lent D. borrowed( )14. Ive never seen such a fine picture _.A. ago B. before C. yet D. later( )15. Has the foreigner been to many interesting places in Beijing?Yes, but he has not _ been to many other parts of China.A. already B. still C. yet D. never(二)完成句子(提高题)1. They have ever been to an English-speaking country. (改为一般疑问句) _ they ever _to an English-speaking country?2. We need to have a good rest. (改为否定句)We _ _ to have a good rest.3. She has been a flight attendant for two years. (划线提问)_ _ _ she _ a flight attendant?4. His father has been to America twice. (划线提问)_ _ _ has his father _ to America?1. Linda is taller than any other girl in her class. (改为同义句) Linda is _ _ girl in her class.【课后反思】_ _


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