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过热蒸汽温度论文:基于ARM的过热蒸汽温度的控制系统的研究【中文摘要】目前,随着技术的发展,嵌入式系统广泛应用于工业控制领域。它是一种面向具体应用的专用计算机系统,并将硬件、实时操作系统和应用软件相结合,它具有高性能低功耗的特点,已成为当前控制领域研究的重要方向之一。针对当前过热蒸汽温度控制系统的时变性、非线性、大滞后以及在不同工况下,需要调整PID参数才能取得满意效果的问题,本论文结合当前控制器的发展趋势,提出了基于ARM的过热蒸汽温度控制系统控制器的总体设计思想和硬件实现。首先通过对过热蒸汽温度控制系统被控对象的特性及当前控制策略进行研究,结合模糊控制提出了参数自整定串级模糊PID的控制策略,运用Matlab的SIMULINK功能,建立模型进行仿真实验,结果表明它的参数具有自调整能力、抗干扰能力以及超调性方面完全可以满足过热蒸汽温度控制系统的要求。硬件电路设计方面,本文围绕ARM9S3C2410处理器搭建最小系统,根据需要对外围电路进行扩展,其中包括人机交互模块。信号采集处理后输入到S3C2410自带的10位ADC的接口,经数据处理后,通过扩展的D/A模块完成控制信号的输出。最后简单介绍了实时操作系统C/OS-的移植及软件设计流程。本文所设计的基于ARM的过热蒸汽温度控制系统性能优良,完全能够满足系统控制的需要,同时该控制器人机界面友好,在工控现场能更好的实现被控对象的监控。图52表4参52【英文摘要】At present, with the development of technology, embedded system are widely applied in the industry control field. It is a special computer system with the high-performance and lower power consumption character, integrating hardware, real-time operating system and applying software, and it has become to one of the important direction in the control area.The superheated steam temperature control system has the characteristic of time-varying, nonlinearity, large delay and the PID parameter need be modulated under different conditions. Aiming at solving these question, the whole design ideology and hardware realization of the superheated steam temperature controller based on ARM, are presented in this paper.Firstly, the paper studied the control strategy and object controlled in the superheated steam temperature control system, integrating fuzzy control, then the self-tuning cascade fuzzy PID controller algorithm was proposed and simulated in the Matlab SIMULINK environment. The results are demonstrated that the parameter has well Self-tuning capable, and its anti-interference and overshoot ability can completely meet the demand of the superheated steam temperature control system.The hardware circuit was designed based on the SAMSUNG ARM9 S3C2410 processor. A minimum system was set up, and then enlarged the peripheral circuit for actual need, including the man-machine interaction module. The signal acquainted and processed entry to the 10-bit ADC module of S3C2410 and output the control signal with D/A module. The transplantation of the real-time operating systemC/OS-and software design process are introduced at the end.The design of super superheated steam temperature control system based on ARM in this paper has better anti-interference capacity of adaptation, as well as the good control quality and robustness which can meet the system control needs. Meanwhile, the friendly human-machine interface is the characteristic of this design, which realized the monitoring of the controlled object. Figure 52 table 4 reference 52【关键词】过热蒸汽温度 串级PID 参数自整定 模糊控制 ARM9【英文关键词】Superheated steam temperature cascade PID self-tuning fuzzy control ARM9【目录】基于ARM的过热蒸汽温度的控制系统的研究摘要5-6Abstract61 绪论11-131.1 选题背景及意义111.2 国内外研究现状11-121.3 本文所做的工作12-132 过热蒸汽温度系统控制方案研究13-392.1 概述132.2 过热蒸汽温度控制对象的特性13-192.2.1 静态特性13-142.2.2 动态特性14-192.3 控制方案选择分析19-232.3.1 单回路方案192.3.2 串级控制系统19-232.4 参数自整定串级模糊PID过热蒸汽温度控制系统设计23-352.4.1 模糊PID23-282.4.2 参数自调整的模糊PID控制器的设计28-352.5 参数自整定串级模糊PID的过热蒸汽温度控制系统仿真研究35-393 基于ARM的过热蒸汽温度控制系统设计39-533.1 整体硬件设计393.2 基于ARM9 S3C2410的最小系统设计39-463.2.1 电源模块40-413.2.2 晶振及系统复位电路41-423.2.3 存储器扩展模块42-443.2.4 JTAG接口电路设计44-463.3 控制器外围电路设计46-523.3.1 信号调理电路46-473.3.2 D/A转换模块47-493.3.3 LCD显示电路模块49-503.3.4 USB接口电路503.3.5 键盘接口电路50-513.3.6 UART接口电路51-523.4 本章小结52-534 系统软件设计53-654.1 嵌入式操作系统(Embedded Operating System)53-544.2 C/OS-移植简介54-594.3 系统主要程序流程图59-655 结论65-675.1 结论655.2 展望65-67参考文献67-71致谢71-72作者简介及读研期间主要科研成果72


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