九年级上册英语词组表学好这10个词组九年级英语Unit 1 动词短语全搞定!

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九年级上册英语词组表学好这10个词组九年级英语Unit 1 动词短语全搞定!_第1页
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九年级上册英语词组表学好这10个词组九年级英语Unit 1 动词短语全搞定!_第2页
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九年级上册英语词组表学好这10个词组九年级英语Unit 1 动词短语全搞定!_第3页
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九年级上册英语词组表学好这10个词组,九年级英语Unit 1 动词短语全搞定! 人教版九年级英语的短语很多,很多同学在学习的时候不善于总结和归纳,不能自己举例造句,因此掌握不透彻,不完整,考试总是不够理想。梦想君是九年级的英语老师,在教学中总结和归纳了各个单元主要的考点短语,今天给大家展现的是第一单元的动词短语,恰好10个,每一个造2个例句,期望还没有掌握透彻的同学能从中得到部分启示!1. ask .sth.央求,向要Your keys were ask for it.你的钥匙找到了,跟王老师拿吧。Tom always asks his parents for money though he has grown 即使长大了,却老是问父母要钱。If you are in trouble,ask me for help.你假如陷入困境,向我求援。2. have conversations with sb.In order to practice your spoken English,you have to have more conversations with your classmates.为了练习英语口语,你得和同学们做更多的对话。It is necessary to have lots of English conversations if you want to study abroad.假如你想出国留学,做大量的英语对话练习是有必须的。3. read aloud大声朗诵Reading aloud in the morning is a good way to improve our English.早上大声朗诵是提升英语的一个好方法。Do you often read aloud in your English classes?英语课堂上你常常大声朗诵英语吗?4. .give a report作汇报My father is going to give a report on Chinese medicine tomorrow.我父亲明天要做一个有关中医的汇报。Could you please give us a report on Chinese culture this weekend?这个周末给我们做一个中国文化方面的汇报好吗?5. fall in love with爱上了Many visitors fall in love with this city as soon as they arrive here.很多游客一到这座城市就爱上了它。The handsome boy fell in love with the girl as they met for the first time.这个英俊的男孩和这位女孩一见钟情。6. connectwith把和连接或联络起来There was nothing to connect him with the crime.她和那起犯罪毫无关联。First,please connect your mobile phone with the computer.首先请把你的手机连接到电脑上。7. pay attention to注意When you learn pronunciation,please pay attention to the shapes of your teachers mouth.学习发音时要注意老师的口形。You must pay attention to the traffic while crossing the streets.过街时必需注意车辆。8. look up查(字典)If you dont know the new words,you can look them up in the dictionary.假如你不懂新单词,你能够。In order to get more information about the city,she has looked up many maps.为了获取相关这个城市的信息,她已经查阅了很多地图。9. make mistakes犯错误Its not a bad thing to make mistakes sometimes.|有时犯些错误不是坏事。He is so careless and always makes mistakes in his spelling.她是那么粗心,老是拼写错误。10. talk to同说话Be serious while your your parents are talking to you.父母跟你说话时你要严厉。Id like to talk to my parents about my problem.我想跟父母谈谈我的问题。


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