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READING: Qu Yuan and the Dragon Boat Festival 屈原和端午节Qu Yuan was born about two thousand ago in China. He loved his country very much. His job was to give advice to the king. The king always took his advice. However, the king died and the new king did not listen to him.屈原出生于大约2000年前的中国。他热爱他的祖国。他所做的就是进谏皇帝。皇帝也常常采纳他的建议。然后,老皇帝逝世后,新皇帝并不常听他的。Later, the new king lost a battle because he did not take Qu Yuans advice. The country was in danger. Qu Yuan was very sad. He jumped into a river and died. It was the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of that year. 后来,由于新皇没有采纳屈原的建议导致一场战争的失败,国家处于危亡的境界。屈原很沮丧。他跳河而死。那一天,是阴历五月的第五天。Today, people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember him on that day every year.现如今,人们每年都会在那一天通过吃粽子以及举行龙舟比赛来纪念他。ASK AND ANSWERIn pairs,talk about what you would like to eat, like this:S1: Would you like some _?S2: Yes, please. I like rice dumplings/moon cakes/biscuits/dumplings/pudding. No, thanks. I dont like _. Id rather have a piece of bread. a biscuit(s). some sandwich(es). noodle(s).生1: 你们想吃_吗?生2: 好的,我喜欢吃饺子/月饼/饼干/饺子/布丁。 不,我不喜欢_。 我更想要一块饼干。 一些三明治。 面条。 =Reading: Indoor and outdoor activities室内外运动Sing a song: Play and work玩乐和工作He likes singing.She likes dancing.We love music.We really love music.Fun! Fun! Fun!他喜欢唱歌。她喜欢跳舞。我们喜爱音乐。我们真的喜爱音乐。有趣!有趣!有趣!He enjoys running.She enjoys swimming.We love sports.We really love sports.Go! Go! Go!他享受跑步。她享受游泳。我们喜爱运动。我们真的喜爱运动。去吧!去吧!去吧!We love playing.We really love playing.We dont forget working.We really enjoy working.我们喜爱玩乐,我们真的喜爱玩乐。我们不能忘记工作。我们真的享受工作。Play and work.Work and play.We love both.We love both.玩乐和工作。工作和玩乐。我们都喜爱。我们都喜爱。常见病症的表达:A headache头疼A stomach ache胃疼Toothache牙疼A cold感冒A fever发烧A sore throat喉咙疼READ AND SAYPeter loves helping people. He is good at sports. In 15 years time, Peter will be tall and strong. He will be 175 centimetres tall. He will not wear glasses. He will put out fire. S1: I think Peter will be a fireman in 15 years time.S2: Yer, I agree.皮特喜欢帮助别人,他擅长运动。在15年后,他将变得高而强壮。他身高会达到175厘米。他将不戴眼镜,他将去灭火。生一:我觉得皮特15年后会是一个消防员。生二:恩,我同意。Jill loves listening to music. She is good at singing. In 15 years time, Jill will be tall and slim. She will be 168 centimetres tall. She will weight 52 kilograms. She will be good-looking. S1: I think Jill will be a teacher in 15 years time.S2: No, I dont deagree. Shell possibly be a singer.吉尔喜欢听音乐。她很擅长唱歌。在15年里,她会长高并且苗条。她的身高将会是168厘米,体重52千克。她将很好看。生一: 我觉得吉尔15年后会做一个教师。生二:我不觉得。我觉得可能会做歌手。Read a poem:What will you be? What will you be, Ben?What will you be?I will be an astronaut.Thats what Ill be.你将成为什么,本?你将成为什么?我将成为宇航员。那就是我的将来。What will you do, Ben?What will you do?Ill fly a spacecraft.Thats what Ill do.你将做什么,本?你将做什么?我将驾驶宇宙飞船。那就是我要做的。What will you see, Ben?What will you see?Ill see all stars.Thats what Ill see.你将看到什么,本?你将看到什么?我会看到所有的星星,那就是我会看到的。What will go with you, Ben?What will go with you?Youll go with me, Kitty.Youll go with me.什么会跟你一起走,本?什么会跟你一起走?你会跟着我,凯蒂。你会跟我一起走。When will we come back, Ben?When will we come back.Well come back at night.Thats when well come back.什么时候我们回来,本?什么时候我们回来?我们会在夜里回来,那就是我们回来的时候。=Look and readMiss Gao is writing a notice to all new students about their uniforms in summer.高老师正在写一个通知。这是面向所有学生针关于夏季制服的消息。Rose Garden School玫瑰学园To all new students:致全体学生Uniforms in summer夏季制服All students must wear summer uniforms in September, early October, late Apirl, May and June.所有学员须在九月、十月初、四月末、五月以及七月穿夏季制服。Boys must wear white shirts with the short sleeves, blue shorts, black belts, white socks and black shoes.男生必须穿白衬衫、蓝短裤,系黑皮带,穿白袜和黑鞋。Girls must wear white dresses with the short sleeves, blue belts, white socks and black shoes.女孩必须穿短袖白裙子,系蓝腰带,穿白袜和黑鞋。All students must wear red scarves.全体学生必须戴红领巾。Listen and saySchool life in summer夏天校园生活1. In the school gardenMany flowers grow in the garden. Many bees and butterflies fly around.在花园花园里生长着很多鲜花。很多蜜蜂和蝴蝶飞来飞去。2. In the playgroundNot many students like playing in the playground because it is very hot.在操场因为天气太过炎热,操场上没有很多学生。3. In the liberaryMany students like studying in the liberary. It is air-conditioned.在图书馆很多学生喜欢在图书馆学习,因为有空调。4. In the canteenMany students like having ice cream and soft drinks after lunch.在餐厅很多学生喜欢在午餐后吃冰激凌,喝饮料。LOOK AND READMiss Guo is reading a book to prepare a quiz for a class competition.为了准备班级竞赛的小测试,高小姐正在读一本书。The oceans海洋Almost three quarters of the Earth is water. Many fish and sea animals live in the streams, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans on the Earth.地球表面约四分之三是水。很多鱼类以及海洋动物生活在小溪、河流、湖泊、海洋之中。Whales, dolphins and sharks are sea animals. Whales are the largest animals on the Earth. Dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals. Sharks are one of the most dangerous animals.In the oceans, you can find starfish and sea horses. They are interesting and beautiful sea animals.鲸鱼、海豚以及鲨鱼都是海洋动物。鲸鱼是地球上最大的动物,海豚是最聪明的动物之一,鲨鱼则是最危险的动物之一。在海洋中,你能看到海星以及海马,它们都是很有趣并且美丽的海洋动物。People also get food from the oceans. The seafood we eat is from the oceans. Fishermen use nets to catch fish and prawns in the deep sea.人们也能从海中获得食物。我们所吃的海产品是来自于大海之中。渔夫们通过渔网去捕捉深海中的鱼类以及虾类。The oceans are important to all animals on the Earth. We must keep them clean. We must stop polluting them.海洋对于所有的地球上的动物都有着极其重要的意义。我们要保证清洁,禁止污染。=LOOK AND READForests森林A forest is a large area of trees. Forests are very important because they provide shelter and food for birds, animals and insects. Birds make their nests in trees. Small animals and insects build their homes in the hollows of trees. Leaves, flowers and fruit are their food.森林由大面积的树木组成。森林之所以重要,是因为它们为鸟类、动物和昆虫提供了居所和食物。鸟类在树上筑巢,小动物和昆虫则在树洞中栖居。树叶、花朵以及果子都是它们的食物。People in some countries cook food with wood. They get wood from forests.在有些国家,人们用木柴做饭。他们从森林中获取木材。We cut down trees to make houses, furniture and paper. Many animals in forests die because they lose their homes and food. We must stop cutting down forests.我们砍伐树木去建房、制作家具以及造纸。森林中的很多动物因为失去住所和食物而死亡。我们应当停止砍伐森林。LISTEN AND SAYWe get wood from trees. We can use wood to make paper.我们从树木获取木材。我们用木材造纸。We get plastic from oil. We can use plastic to make cups.我们从石油中提取塑料。我们用塑料做杯子。We get oil, metal and clay from the ground.我们从大地上获取石油、金属以及泥土。We can use metal to make spoons. We can use clay to make plates.我们可以用金属制作调羹。我们能用泥土烧制盘子。We get wool from the sheep. We get cotton from plants. We can use wool and cotton to make clothes.我们从绵羊身上获取羊毛。我们从植物中获得棉花。我们用羊毛和棉花做衣服。We get glass from sand. We can use glass to make bottles.我们从沙石中获得玻璃,我们用玻璃制造瓶子。=Project: Fire by Alice and PeterMany, many years ago, people used a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire. They used fire to cook meat and to get light and heat.很多很多年以前,人们用木棍,大块木头以及干树叶来生火。它们用火来烧煮肉类并且获得光和热。Today, people use fire in many different ways. At home, we use fire to cook food and boil water. In factories, workers use fire to melt metals to make things of different shapes. Factory workers also use fire to make glasses.如今,人们在许多不同的方面用到火。在家里,我们用火来做饭烧水。在工厂里,工人们用火熔化金属,以制造出各种形状的物品。工人们也用火来烧制玻璃。Fire can be very dangerous. Every year, hill fires burn a lot of trees. This is because there are many careless people. They leave burning cigarette ends or do not put out their barbecue fires. People may be seriously injured or even lose their lives and homes in a fire. We must be careful with fire.火可能很危险。每年,山火都会烧毁大片树木。这是由于很多粗心的人。他们扔下未熄灭的烟头或者在离开时没有熄灭野炊的火。一场大火,人类可能被重度烧伤,甚至失去生命和家庭。我们必须谨慎火源。Writing: Fire drill rulesREAD AND WRITEThere will be a fire drill at Rose Garden School. Miss Guo is thinking about things that may happen during the fire drill. She wants to write some rules for her students.玫瑰学园将举办一场消防演习。郭小姐在思考各种演习中可能发生的事故。她想为她的学生们写下注意准则。What may happen during the fire drill?消防演习中会发生怎样的状况?Some students may pack their school bags before they leave the classroom.一些学生可能收拾完书包之后才离开教室。Some students may run down the stairs.一些学生可能跑下楼梯。Some students may not remember to meet in the playground.一些学生可能不记得要在操场集合。Some students may not queen up in the corridor.一些学生可能不在走廊中排队。Complete Miss Guos fire drill rules.Fire drill rules1. You must not pack your school bags before you leave the classroom.2. You must not run _.3. You must _.4. You must_.Keys:2. down the stairs3. remember to meet in the playground4. queen up in the corridor=Buses公交Many people like travelling by bus. In the past, all passengers had to buy tickets from a bus conductor. He or she collected money from the passengers and put it in a bag. Nowadays, on many buses passengers do not have to buy tickets from a bus conductor. They put their money in a fare box or use a public transportation card instead.很多人出行喜欢乘坐公交。在过去,乘客需要从售票员处购票。他(她)从乘客手中收钱并且放入一个小包中。现今,很多公交不需要通过售票员购票,乘客将钱放入投币箱中或者使用公交卡。In the past, there were only single-decker buses. Nowadays, some buses are double-decker buses. In the past, there were no air-conditioned buses. Nowadays, most of them are air-conditioned.在过去,只有单层公车,而现在,很多都是双层的公交车。在过去,没有空调公交。而现在,大多数都安装了空调设备。In the past, none of the bus drivers were women. All of them were men. Nowadays, some of the bus drivers are women, but most of them are still men.在过去,没有女性公车司机,所有的都是男性,现在,有些司机是女性,但是大多数仍然是男性。Notes:1 fare box 投币箱2 In the past, none of the bus drivers were women.在过去,没有女性公交车司机。 句中的none表示否定意义,后面的动词不用否定形式。3 in the past常与一般过去时连用;nowadays常与一般现在时连用。READ A STORYKitty and Ben were in the park. They flew their kite happily. At first, the wind blew gently. The leaves moved slightly. The clouds moved slowly.凯蒂和本在公园,他们快乐的放着风筝。起初,微风徐徐,树叶轻摇,云朵慢移。Suddenly, the wind became stronger. The clouds moved qucikly. The strong wind blew their kite away. Kitty and Ben went home immediately.突然间,风力变得强劲起来,云快速地移动着。强风将风筝都要吹跑了。凯蒂和本赶紧回了家。Kitty and Ben watched TV at home. The wind became a typhoon and blew fiercely. Trees fell down. Ships and boats sank in the sea.凯蒂和本在家看电视。那场风已经转变成了台风,猛烈的刮着。连树木都吹倒了。海上船只也沉没。The typhoon passed quickly. Kitty and Ben walked carefully in the street. They saw some street cleaners cleaning the street.台风很快就过去了。凯蒂和本小心地在街道上走着,他们看到了很多清扫工已经开始打扫街道了。=有一天,Clifford的爸爸决定教他一些本领:挖洞、怎样从垃圾箱里找到有趣的东西。可是邻居们好象都不喜欢,他们只好作罢。正在那时,一辆摩托车疾驰而过。奇怪的是,爸爸跟在后面拼命的追。为什么呢?快看故事吧!本文适合小学六年级学生阅读。1. One day, Clifford misses his Dad. He runs as fast as he can to see his Dad.一天,Clifford想他的爸爸了。于是他一路尽可能快地飞奔去看他爸爸了。2. His Dad is so happy to see Clifford again. He still thinks of Clifford as a puppy. He says, My boy, let me teach you some skills!Clifford的爸爸很高兴能再见到儿子。他还是把Clifford当成小孩儿。他说:“宝贝儿,我来教你些本事吧!”3. Cliffords Dad is a good digger. He shows Clifford how to dig a hole. Clifford的爸爸可是刨洞高手呢。他展示给Clifford看如何刨洞。4. Clifford digs a hole. His Dad says, Its a nice hole! But the neighbours dont like it. Clifford has to fill the hole up.Clifford很快学着也刨了个洞。他爸爸夸道:“嗯,干得不错!”可是邻居们可不这么认为。Clifford还得把这个洞给填补回去。5. Next, Cliffords father shows him how to find interesting things in trash cans. 接下来,Clifford的爸爸又教他如何在垃圾筒里找好宝贝。6. Clifford has a better way. But the neighbours dont like it, either. Clifford cleans up the mess.Clifford学得很快。可邻居们还是不喜欢他的这项技能。Clifford不得不再把翻得乱七八糟的垃圾给整理回去。7. Just then, a motorcycle goes by. Cliffords Dad hates noisy motorcycles! He chases it.就在这个时候,一辆摩托车从旁边经过。Clifford的老爸最讨厌这种吵吵闹闹的摩托车了!他拼命追赶它。8. Clifford is afraid his Dad could get hurt. Clifford runs ahead of the motorcycle. Suddenly, the motorcycle is climbing a hill. Cliffords Dad starts to rest.Clifford担心爸爸会受伤,所以自己跑到摩托车前面去。突然,摩托车往小山坡上开去了。Clifford的爸爸终于跑不动,开始停下来休息了。9. Cliffords Dad is tired, so Clifford gives him a ride home. It is a very good visit. Clifford的爸爸累坏了,于是Clifford让老爸骑在自己背上回家了。这真是次不错的探亲经历呀!


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