6 /6 劳务协议书Labor Service Agreement甲方(单位名称): Party A (Company Name): 甲方签字代表: 地址: 时间: 乙方(劳务者姓名): Party B (Service provider Name): 性别: 身份证/护照号码: 联系电话: Gender: ID/Passport No.: Tel No.: 家庭住址: Home Address: 时间: 根据国际劳劳工标准和有关规定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本劳务协议,共同遵守本协议所列条款。According to the International Labor Law and relevant regulations, after equal negotiation, Both parties agree to sign and comply with this labor service agreement第一条 乙方承担的劳务内容为: 开拓市场,完成销售任务 。Article 1 Party Bs Job duty is:Develop market, Finishing the sales task 第二条 乙方的工作地点为:越南 ,根据甲方工作需要,经甲乙双方协调一致,可变更工作地点。Article 2 Working location of Party B is: Vietnam which can be changed on the basis of mutual agreement as per Party As business requirements.第三条 本协议期限为自 2014 年5 月 5 日生效,至2017年 5 月 5 日终止。Article 3, The Agreement period is from 2014.05.05 to 2017.05.05 . 第四条 在协议期间,甲方的责任和义务是:Article 4 During the agreement period, Party As responsibilities and obligations are:1、甲方按照工作当地规定安排乙方合理的休息时间,休息日如有特殊情况安排工作的,甲方需同乙方商议,并征求乙方同意。 1. Party A shall arrange Party B reasonable time for rest in accordance with the local regulations. If there is special work arrangement, party A need negotiate with party B, party B agree to work on resting days.2、甲方每月以货币或转账形式支付乙方工资报酬,月工资为 元。详见附件:薪资考核说明2. Party A pay remuneration with currency or bank transfer to Party B monthly, RMB Each month. Details kindly check the attachment 3、甲方不为乙方办理社会保险统筹,由个人自行解决。3. Party A doesnt include Party B for social insurance,it can be handled by party B.第五条 在协议期间,乙方的责任和义务是:Article 5 During the agreement period, Party Bs responsibilities and obligations are:1、应向甲方提供真实的身份证/护照原件及本协议的个人信息,如有虚假,甲方可随时解除此协议,并扣除所有工资。1. Should provide true original ID/Passport and related personal information to Party A. If untrue, Party A can terminate the agreement at any time and deduct all pay.2、应服从公司安排的6天工作制,按时上下班,不能无故缺勤、旷工,遵守甲方规章制度,按时按质完成甲方交付的工作任务,甲方有权利对乙方完成劳务情况进行检查、监督、验收。2. Shall obey the arrangement work 6 days/week of the company, work on time, no unexcused absences, absenteeism, obey rules and regulations of Party A, complete tasks delivered by Party A on time and with good quality. Party A has the right to inspect, supervise for Party Bs working status.3、如有工作失职、违反公司规章制度、提供劳务达不到要求等,甲方有权解除此劳务协议。3. If there is dereliction of duty, violation of company rules and regulations, or fail to meet requirements of job, Party A shall have the right to dismiss the agreement.4、由于自身身体原因所造成的病亡及自然生老病死等,甲方不负赔偿责任.4. Party A shall not be liable for the disease caused due to Party Bs own health reasons, death and natural illness etc. 6、 乙方负有保守甲方商业秘密的义务。6. Party B shall have the obligation to conserve Party As trade secrets.第六条 发生下列情形之一,本协议终止:Article 6 The agreement terminates if one of the following circumstances occurs:1、本协议期满的;1. Expiration of this Agreement2、乙方由于健康等个人原因不能履行本协议义务的;2. Due to the health and personal reasons, Party B is unable to perform the obligations under this Agreement3、本协议因以下情形解除的:(1)甲方因经营情况变化、调整等,有权提前一周通知乙方解除本协议。(2)乙方提出解除协议,应至少提前30 日;(3)双方协商一致解除协议。3, The agreement is cancelled due to the following circumstances:(1) The operating conditions changes and adjusts, Party A have the right to notice Party B about terminating this Agreement 30days in advance.(2) Party B cancel the agreement, should be at least notice Party A one month in advance;(3) Mutual agreement to cancel the agreement.4.未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得以任何形式直接或者间接地全职或者兼职受雇于他人或者自营,从事于甲方业务相同或者相近似的工作,或在甲方工作期间从事与本公司经营无关的活动。如果乙方擅自从事上述活动的,甲方有权解除本协议。Party B cant do any full-time or part-time work which is similar to party As business scope, for some else company or for party B directly or indirectly without the paper approval from party A. Party A can cancel the agreement ,if party B do the mentioned activities.5.乙方严重失职,营私舞弊,严重损害甲方利益,甲方有权解除本协议。Party B do gross neglect of duty, malpractice, serious injury to party A, party A can cancel the agreement.6.乙方不能胜任本工作,或者连续3个月绩效考核不合格。Party B cant do the work well , or cant pass the performance test within 3 months.第七条 本协议终止后,乙方应在30日内将有关工作向甲方移交完毕,如给甲方造成损失,应予赔偿。Article 7 After termination of this Agreement, Party B should complete transferring work to Party A within 30 days. Party B shall pay for damage caused to Party A.第八条 乙方同意在本协议有效期间,因自身原因发生的医疗费用自理,未能提供劳务期间,甲方不支付劳务报酬。Article 8 Party B agrees that pay himself for medical expenses caused due to his own reasons during the effective period of this Agreement. If during this period party B fails to provide working service, Party A does not pay 第九条 因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,双方协商解决。Article 9 Two parties shall negotiate to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement 第十条 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自甲方签字并盖章、乙方签字后生效。 Article 10 This agreement shall have two originals and each party will have one. Since Both Parties signed, and Party A sealed, this agreement takes effect.附件-Attachment-薪资考核说明Performance assessment and remuneration specifications1, 薪资说明:Remuneration specification: 工资跟销售任务成正比原则,2014年销售任务 万美金,工资 人民币,销售任务完成之前按,按80%比例发放,任务完成之后,年底结算余下的20%。According to the proportional principle between wages and sales task, 2014年sales task 1,000,000 USD,wages:6000 ¥, party A will provide 80% wages, before finishing the sales task, party A will provide the balanced 20% at the end of the year ,after party B finishing the sales task. 2014销售任务 万美金,从5月份至12月份合计8个月,每个月平均任务金额: 万美金。2014 Sales task : USD, from May,2014 through December,2014. 8 months totally, monthly sales task : USD.2, 甲方的日常工作要求Daily working request from party A. 每月有效项目信息不少于3个Available project info should be more than 3 every month 每月出差天数不少于15天。Business trip days should be more than 15 days every month3, 出差待遇方面:Business treatment from party A: 出差费用:不超过 万越盾每天( ¥),Business trip fee: less than VND/day 商务费用由越南办事处提供,不包含佣金。Customer fee can be provided by Taikai Vietnam office, not include commissions