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精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除正方动词动词含义宾语举例Abide by/comply with 遵守the law/ related rulesAcquire 获取knowledge/ skillsAfford提供job opportunitya sense of achievementAllocate分配allocate money/resources toBoost提升,增加efficiency/crop yieldCensor 审查films/booksTackle/combat/address解决a problem/a situationConserve 节约使用resources/ fresh waterFoster/nurture/cultivate培养creativity/skills/interestCurb遏制crime/nuclear weaponCurtail 削减expense/budgetsDemolish拆掉buildingsDisplay展现talent/abilities/potentialDisseminate/propagate传播ideas/thoughtDraw on借鉴the experience of other countriesRaise/heighten/elevate提高citizens awarenessthe standard of livingEliminate 消除poverty/injusticeEnhance/Better增进,美化The cityscape / infrastructureEnlarge扩大The market for productsEnrich 丰富ones knowledge/ biodiversityEnsure确保social stability/ ethnic unityEstablish建立a system / an institutionExpand扩大ones outlook / domestic demandExploit/utilise开采,使用,开发Natural resources/ones potentialExplore探索outer space/ other culturesFulfil 实现,完成fulfil ones potentialfulfil ones dream/ taskGenerate(大规模地)产生employment opportunities/electricity/tax revenueImplement实施a policyIntegrate/incorporate结合incorporate students suggestion into curriculum designIntensify强化regional cooperation/cultural interactionLower降低costs/expectationsMaintain维持close links/social orderMotivate给动力motivate students to think independently motivate employees to work harderMould 塑造ones characterOptimise优化the distribution of resourcesthe management of sth.Override比更重要例句:at this moment, the governments concern about poverty overrides its other concerns.Perform/conduct从事scientific researchMultiply成倍增加peoples choice/employees earningsPose对构成(挑战、威胁等)pose a threat/challenge to Preserve保护某种资源natural resources/cultural heritagePromote/facilitate促进,推动Healthy lifestyle/cultural exchanges/sustainable developmentPursue追求maximum profitRecycle循环利用waste/rubbishReform 改革,改造a system/ ciminalsReinforce/consolidate/strengthen增强family bonds/economic ties/ethnic solidarityRelease释放stress/prisonersRelieve/ease/alleviate减轻poverty/traffic jamRemove消除the barrier/discriminationSafeguard保障(后面多跟抽象概念)political and social stabilitynational cohesionShift转移ones attention tofocus toAccelerate/ speed up加速pace of life/economic growthStimulate激发imagination/creativitySynthesise有机结合synthesise the asian and western culturesTranscend 超越(某种界限)national boundaries/racesUpgrade升级the facilities/skillsValue/treasure/cherish珍视the cultural heritage/the local customs中立或反方动词Cause产生,导致(雅思作文中一般跟坏现象)Misunderstanding/psychologicalStrain/a vicious cycle Corrupt毒害The minds of childrenDegrade降级The quality of sth.Deplete 消耗Natural resources/ the ozone layerDisregard无视Traditions/the lawDistort歪曲Facts/truthDisturb扰乱Social orderAggravate/exacerbate导致进一步恶化Economic recession/environmental pollutionErode侵蚀The cultural identity of a nationOnes confidenceFuel激化Antagonism/conflictsGive rise to 导致(某种广泛存在的负面现象)Unemployment/inflation/ debate/alienation from one anotherHinder/impede/obstruct阻碍The development of.Impose把某事物强加于某人Impose their own will on their childrenImpose high tax onInfringe on侵犯Citizen rights/ intellectual property rightsInvolve涉及Uncertainties/ the recognition thatIsolate孤立,隔绝A nation/ prisonersJeopardize/undermine危及,破坏(后跟抽象宾语)Ones future/ economic prospectsPunish/penalise惩罚Criminal actsRestrict/constrain限制Ones freedom Rethink 反思Their policy/their strategySap/dampen消弱(自信等抽象名词)Ones confidence/ ones enthusiasm/ the market demandSeek谋求Hegemony/opportunitiesSpoil破坏(原本很好的东西)The cityscapeStifle扼杀Creativity/potential/economic and social reformStretch过度使用Stretchto limit(是固搭)Stretch natural resources to the limitSuccumb to 屈从于Temptation/ peer pressureTarnish玷污Ones reputation/ones imageViolate侵犯The law/citizens rights剑桥范文中常见动词短语Appeal to对.有吸引力These TV shows are designed to appeal mainly to viewers aged between 16 and 25.Bring about 带来Together these factors brought about the Greek financial crisis.Carry out实施,从事Due to the growing public concern, more research on the green house effect has been carried out.Clash with 与冲突The latest report clashed with the media coverage of the event last year.Cope with应对,处理=handleIn some businesses, employees find it difficult to cope with the stress at work.Dispose of 处理掉We forget that this is a source pollution and difficult to dispose of; therefore, governments need to raise this awareness in the general public.Draw on借鉴Those who have spent some time traveling to other places have a boarder view of life and better personal resources to draw on.Give priority to 把放在优先位置The government should give priority to the development of the economy rather than to the national defence.Grapple with 努力解决某个问题The city government has been grapple with unemployment.Interfere with 干扰,干涉Supervisors should try not to let their personal worries interfere with their work.Lose track of 对失去了解,控制Those who get addicted to junk food tend to lose track of their weight.Make sense合理In todays media, some reports simply do not make any sense. Interestingly, people just keep listening to or reading them.Make up for弥补To the master, no amount of money can make up for the death of a pet.Opt for sth./ opt to do sth.选择(去做某事)Due to the stiff competition at work, an increasing number of people have opted for early retirement. Participate in参与Parents should encourage their children to participate in group discussions as that will make children more co-operative individuals.Refrain from克制(不去做某事)It would be difficult for children to refrain from playing a video game once they get addicted to it.Differ from 与不同This product differs from other products in cost and performance.【精品文档】第 5 页


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