English Study

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over the moon 欣喜若狂premarital sex 婚前性行为extramarital relationships 婚外恋The order was issued to provincial courts on Wednesday,in regard to 关于capital punishment 死刑at the appointed time 在约定的时间1. (尤指正式的)约会C(+with)+to-vI have an appointment with them in the evening.1. (土地、货币等)增值(+in)Land will continue to appreciate.appropriated store moneyJustice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。Her artificial manner made me sick.她那装腔作势的样子令我恶心。Con artist 骗子the right of assembly集会权overseas teacher 外籍教师with an assumption of indifference装着满不在乎的样子heaven body 天体atmospheric pressure大气压力This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby.这个医院附属附近的那所医学院attain to manhood 到达更年期aural material 听力材料is fully automatic 全自动的Wisdom is the badge of maturity.智慧是成熟的象征。blood bank 血库a morally bankrupt society道德沦丧的社会overcome the language barrierThe Amazon Basin 亚马逊流域beam with joy 眉开眼笑It is not worth a bean.它一点价值都没有The visiting team 客队Behave yourself!规矩点!Her beloved broach was nowhere to be found.她心爱的饰针找不到了。betray the secret 泄露秘密Please wait a bit.请稍等片刻。the blackest crimes 令人发指的罪行She was in the bloom of youth.她风华正茂。in the boiler room 在锅炉房A time bomb 定时炸蛋break the bonds of convention 打破传统的束缚the phone booth 电话亭She was considered a born movie star.她被看成是天生的电影明星。Anne and Diana are bosom friends.安妮和黛安娜是心腹之交。The complexities of interpersonal relations bothered her.人际关系的复杂情况使她困惑不已。She bowed her thanks.她鞠躬致谢She is admired for the great breadth of her learning.她由于学识极其渊博而受到崇敬。bride and bridegroom 新郎和新娘brush teeth 刷牙The bulk of 大多数的(可数)she seems a social butterfly 她像一个交际花The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly.丑陋的毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶a log cabin. 一个小木屋里2. 【俚】能手,内行,专家 a shark at bridge 打桥牌的好手Provided (that) there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.假如无人反对,我们就在这里开会during prime time 在黄金时间to be precise/to be exactmassage parlor 按摩院All her motions were graceful.她的一举一动都很优美signed a treaty 签署条约do division 做除法conservation of mass质量守恒I ought to have told you in advance.我应该事先告诉你。Guard of honor 仪仗队a filter-tipped cigarette有滤嘴的香烟3. 【体】(赛跑终点的)线带the SThe two runners broke the tape togetherworked as a casual laborer 临时工Welcome to my humble dwelling!欢迎到寒舍来!Prose 散文verbal skill运用语言的能力the importance of industry and economy 勤俭节约的重要性The girl became homesick after a weeks stay at her aunts.女孩在姑妈家住了一个星期就想家了Eat, drink, and be merry - thats his philosophy.吃喝玩乐,那就是他的人生哲学Be equivalent toI have no leisure for playing cards.我没有闲暇玩牌。What do you usually do in your leisure time?你通常在空闲时间做些什么?a simultaneous interpreter同步口译员social status 社会地位The cards were ranged in alphabetical order.卡片以字母顺序排列。public transport 公共交通系统gaze round 由于好奇惊讶in comparison withstanding jest: 老牌的笑靶儿 经常受嘲笑的人back number: n. 过期的报纸或杂志We used to go there when we were courting.我们谈恋爱的时候常去那儿The taxi-driver blasted the horn continuously.出租车司机不停地按喇叭Anne and Diana are bosom friends.安妮和黛安娜是心腹之交Cultivated ones mindfilial piety孝道She has a fervent desire to win.她有着强烈的获胜欲望。immovable property不动产an impious son逆子when his corrugated brow relaxed 愁容舒展compendium of knowledge 知识的宝库Viewed apart, what she said sounds right.单独看,她的话似乎不错Life isnt all cakes and ale, you know.要知道生活并非都是吃喝玩乐.bright white clouds flitting rapidly aboveshorthand 速记cooked taro(芋头)and water caltrope(菱角),They explored every avenue but could not find a solution.他们寻求各种途径,但仍找不到解决办法。vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋go through the official channels 通过官方渠道a magnetic field 磁场The spider was spinning a web.蜘蛛在结网。Shes a flip young thing.她是个不懂礼貌的小姑娘His integrity stood out in relief from the corruption of certain officials.某些官员腐化堕落,相形之下他的廉正更引人瞩目。4. 【口】玩弄;戏弄(+with)Stop fooling with her affections.不要再玩弄她的感情了。5. (食物)营养价值高的;油腻的;味浓的I dont like rich food.我不喜欢油腻的食品6. Ill believe you are a coward for yourself, but not a cowardly betrayer of your best friend.Hereafter 今后This has gone beyond the gauge of her tolerance.这已超出她的忍受范围。a dubious match胜负难测的比赛a mimic battle一场模拟战2. 非真的,假装的mimic tears假装的眼泪Her skin is quite irritable.她的皮肤相当过敏。There is every likelihood that shell come.她极有可能来这儿。a narcotic clinic戒毒诊所The rain bucketed down.大雨倾盆。she cried buckets 泪流满面Her eyes are the most catching I have ever seen.她的眼睛是我见到过的最迷人的。schedule of classes 课程表lead an inactive life过蛰居生活in a very roundabout way.I told the jeweler to inscribe the ring with my name.我叫珠宝商把我的名字刻在那只戒指上。She sewed up the rip in his sleeve.她缝好了他衣袖上的裂口。2. The candidate lost the election by a whisker.该候选人以微弱劣势失去了竞选bloom in the spring 在春天开花My stomach palls with it.这东西我吃腻了。Fasten these receipts with a paper clip, please.请用回形针将这些收据夹住。The article was clipped from the Newsweek.这篇文章是从新闻周刊上剪下的。go gold(指唱片)销售逾百万张3. Rub the lotion on(to the skin).(在皮肤上)搽上涂剂.5.Wipe the lotion onto your face.你在脸上搽些护肤液.1. (地位等)低下的,卑微的He was not ashamed of his lowly origins.他并不以自己出身低微为耻。2. 谦卑的,恭顺的He was a gentle, lowly, and unassuming man.他是个温和、谦卑、不摆架子的人。deduct a tax from ones wages从工资中扣除税款Shall we change the plan? No dice, well stick with the original one.我们变动一下计划好吗?不行, 我们要按原计划行事.2. She smoothed suntan lotion over her arms.她轻轻地把防晒油涂在胳膊上3. 3.Moisten the cloth slightly before applying the lotion.先把布稍弄潮湿再使用此溶液.4.Rub the lotion on(to the skin).(在皮肤上)搽上涂剂.5.Wipe the lotion onto your face.你在脸上搽些护肤液.A revision of that dictionary 那本词典的修定版smack ones lips咂嘴2. 改变意见;让步She wont budge from her opinions.她绝不会改变自己的意见。Rivulets of sweat streamed down his cheeks.津津汗水顺着他的两颊流下。We regard dandelion as an emblem of hope.我们把蒲公英看作希望的象征2.He welshed on his debts.他赖帐不还。zero degree longitudean edifying book.这是一本陶冶情操的书。adjust the antennaHe was first of all an extremist secondly he was pretty dishonest.首先他是一个极端主义者;其次他很不诚实。The two react upon each other.这两者互相影响。Belgium granted asylum to the political refugees.比利时给予政治难民避难权It was an affront to common decency.这是对社会礼仪的公然冒犯。earns a livelihood by sewingLaw is the bulwark of society.法律是社会的保障。A unit of currency 货币单位Darwins theory of evolution达尔文的进化论passed an ordinance 通过一条法令She earns a livelihood by sewing.她靠缝纫谋生。He traveled afoot.他徒步旅行。He promenaded back and forth on the ships deck.他在船的甲板上来回散步。pay the bills for utilities付水电费She gave the young man a languishing look.她含情脉脉地看了看那个小伙子。The faucet is leaking.水龙头在漏水she would have died for him.她宁愿为他而死。ardent love炽热的爱情She always babbles about trifles.她老是唠叨些琐事。Flour is bolted to remove the bran.面粉经筛选去掉麦麸。It is difficult to imagine the magnitude of the universe.宇宙的广大很难想像。Hes mentally defective.他心智不健全。1. 【口】十足,非常We had a spanking good time at his country house.我们在他的乡间别墅玩得非常高兴。Inasmuch as 既然The pay increase is the key point of contention.加薪是争论的焦点。By my calculation He subscribed to Readers Digest.他订阅读者文摘。My fathers words are inscribed on my memory.父亲的话我铭记于心。This bread is a little bit stale.面包不太新鲜。goes to confession 做祷告The Missouri River is the chief tributary of the Mississippi.密苏里河是密西西比河的主要支流。foreign merchandise 外国商品The bride was attired in white.新娘穿一身洁白的礼服。The first part of the ascent is not steep.开始一段上坡路并不陡峭。This child is quite a handful.这孩子相当难弄。orphan home 孤儿院resist the lure of money 拒绝金钱的诱惑The boy scouts 童子军My clumsy answer hurt her feelings.我笨拙的回答伤了她的感情。The company is advertising for typists in the newspapers.那家公司在报纸上登广告征聘打字员a footstep away 一步之遥light industry 轻工业curb inflation 抑制通货膨胀The date of the meeting was advanced by four days.会议提前四天召开。Dont be alarmed. I am no robber.别慌,我不是强盗。Windfall 被吹落的果子,横财in alphabetical order 按字母顺序Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signalThese novels mirror life in todays Japan from various angles.这些小说从不同角度反映了当代日本的生活。2. He is always prompt in answering letters.他总是迅速回复来信。Dont inflict your ideas on me.别把你的想法强加于我。that presumptuous young man 那个自以为是的年轻人Its not cricket to cheat at cards.打牌时作弊是不应该的。a life of wild orgies花天酒地的生活The statue symbolizes patriotism, progress and peace.这尊雕像象征着爱国、进步与和平。go sledging 滑雪She moved with grace.她风姿秀逸。lower the tariff on imported car 降低进口汽车的关税 Box-office receipts 票房收入1. (戏院,列车,教堂等座席间的)通道,走道He followed the usher down the aisle.他跟着领座员沿着通道走过去。She is full of grumbles.她牢骚满腹。She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence.她从不乘人不在时说别人的坏话。Theres no absolute standard for it.它没有绝对的标准。Accent the word energy on the first syllable.energy这个词重读第一音节。The actor achieved fame when he was only nineteen.那位演员十九岁时就成名了。Weightlessness 失重状态The date of the meeting was advanced by four days.会议提前四天召开She is alert to every sound and movement.她对每一个声音和动作都很警觉。Working hours are limited by statute.工作时间有法令限制。2. Sprinkle a spoonful of bran onto the stew to increase the fibre content.往炖煮的食物上加一匙麦麸,以增加其纤维含量。the objective reality客观现实3. He likes to eat chips fried in lard.他喜欢吃猪油煎土豆片。4. 使(时间)过得愉快;轻松地消磨(+with/by/away)She beguiled her days with reading.她以阅读消磨时日。She twined the flowers into a garland.她把这些花编成花环。These are things which can not be staled by repetition.这些东西不会因为重复而失去新意。The windfall 意外之财1. Put these words in alphabetical order.把这些字按字母表顺序排列起来.We have several alternates on our team.我队有几名替补队员。Dont answer back like that!不许这样顶嘴!All her luggage was in readiness for the trip.她这次旅行的行李已准备就绪。The sets, props and costumes were all ready.布景、道具和服装都已准备齐全。an aristocracy of scientists科学界精英Forests and jungles have thick vegetation.森林和热带雨林中有茂密的植被。The dresser drawer was partitioned into four compartments.梳妆台的抽屉隔成四小格。The pain of the disease caused him habitually to furrow his brow.病痛使他习惯性地紧皱眉头。alternate rain and sunshineShe can be a very tiresome child at times.她这孩子有时会很烦人的。5.He gets up at the crow of the rooster every day.他每天鸡鸣即起The rooster bristled his crest2. Flour is bolted to remove the bran.面粉经筛选去掉麦麸。a canned cod 鲟鱼罐头cheat at cards 打牌时作弊excessive and arrogant self-confidenceWould it be presumptuous of me to ask you to contribute?可否冒昧请求你出一份力?petticoat government女性当政Can I have a tissue? 给我一张面巾纸?Coupon 优惠券played possum 扮负鼠She heard a lamb bleating in the distance.她听到一只羊在远处叫。The child sickened with whooping cough.那孩子得了百日咳Guarding angel 守护天使The blink of an eye 一眨眼的功夫acrobatic stuntspassed an ordinanceassets and liabilitiesThe trees formed a canopy over the yardThe novelist characterizes his heroine as capricious and passionate.这位小说家把女主人公刻画成反覆无常而又多情的人.The dome of the church is under repair.教堂的圆顶在修The roof was braced with four poles.屋顶由四根柱子支撑。In May 1968 there was a massive wave of student riots.一九六八年五月曾发生过大规模的学生骚乱。My clumsy answer hurt her feelings.我笨拙的回答伤了她的感情。Dont inflict your ideas on me.别把你的想法强加于我。This puts a different hue on the matter.这么一来,事情的性质就不一样了。He is an associate editor of the newspaper.他是报纸的副主编。What association do you have with the color green?绿色会使你产生什么联想?This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby.这个医院附属附近的那所医学院。She formed a strong attachment for him.她对他产生了热烈的爱慕之情。The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise.州长因没能履行一项竞选时的承诺而受新闻界抨击。Hes recovering from an attack of flu.他的流行性感冒快好了。attractive forces between molecules分子间的引力Writers Guildthe virtues of hard work and thriftcharitable funds慈善基金Ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper and cloves are common spices.姜、 肉豆蔻、 肉桂、 胡椒、 丁香都是常用的香料.every conceivable means一切能想到的方法1. 魅力;有魅力的东西USBrian has a fascination for girls.布赖恩令女孩子着迷。Im going to cram school now. *cram意为“填鸭式补习”。We exchanged a few civilities.我们相互寒喧了几句。Its neighboring country demanded sovereignty over the island.它的邻国要求对该岛拥有主权。1. (总称)同行朋友;会友Gthe banking fraternity银行界的同僚Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.个人清洁对于健康和仪表同样重要。Income controls were used only as a short-term expedient.采用控制收入的办法只是作为一时的权宜之计。The walls of the banqueting hall were hung with tapestries.宴会厅的墙上挂着绣帷。He was arrested on a charge of armed robbery.他被指控犯武装抢劫罪而遭逮捕。improve the sanitary conditions of the slums.改进贫民窟的卫生条件。a sequence of clubs梅花顺子It was a coincidence that he was born on his mothers birthday.他在他母亲生日那天出生,真是巧事。They wore lipstick and rouge.她们涂了口红和胭脂。Ann was cast as the wife.安妮被选派扮演妻子的角色。The sight of blood turned her stomach.一看到血就使她感到恶心。He was gesticulating wildly at me, but I could not understand what he was trying to tell me.他使劲向我做手势, 可是我不明白他的意思.He maintained his dignity throughout the trial.在整个审讯过程中他始终不失尊严。The actor became famous overnight.那位演员一下子成了名。the Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部The young girls hair trailed over her shoulder.年轻姑娘的长发披肩。There is ivy trailing all over the wall.常春藤蔓生整个墙面。They made a trail of protests against the decision.他们对该项决定提出了一连串抗议。The old woman looked at him in confusion.老妇人用迷茫的目光打量着他。a pretentious person一个自命不凡的人guide you through the labyrinth of 指点迷津a musty room一个有霉味的房间musty ideas陈腐的观念Anne and David are an ill-assorted pair.安妮和戴维是不相配的一对。pastoral poetry田园诗marginal notes旁注a chink in the wall墙上的裂缝This drug will counteract the effects of poison.这药能消解毒性。He hung his coat on the wooden peg.他把上衣挂在木钉上。Continual fevers weaken the vitality.连续发烧会使人元气大伤。It is difficult to judge a person by his exterior.依据外表难以评判一个人。syndrome n. 综合症The play has a very complicated plot.这出戏的情节相当复杂。He put some food into the ice chest. 他把一些食物放进冰箱里。I used to act out of blind impulse when I was young.我年轻时常凭盲目的冲动行事。Womens underclothes are a common fetish.女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物.Famine and war still afflict mankind.饥荒与战争依旧给人类带来痛苦。A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly.毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。Crops are very scanty this year.今年庄稼歉收Stop dawdling 别嬷嬷唧唧Look sharp! Do not dawdle about like that.快点!别这么磨磨蹭蹭了。I noticed a subtle change in his attitude.我注意到他的态度发生了微妙的变化。a subtle poison慢性毒药Never underestimate your opponent.千万不要低估对手。The peddler bawled his wares in the street.小贩在街上叫卖货物。A good bawl made her feel better.痛痛快快哭一场使她好过些了。He liked the relaxed cadence of his retired life.他喜欢退休生活的悠闲的节奏。Danny chose the taxicab because driving was about the only marketable skill he possessed.丹尼选择开出租车因为开车差不多是他拥有的唯一可以出售的技术。1. There is a great deal of friction between the management and the work force.劳资双方之间存在大量矛盾.munch an apple津津有味地吃苹果Dont pass up this chance to win a million dollars.不要放过这赢取一百万元的机会。The house was mortgaged to the bank for fifty thousand dollars.这所房子抵押给银行借得五万元。He complimented her on her new dress.他称赞她的新衣服漂亮。Dont intrude in a family dispute.不要介入家庭争端。He tried to intrude his opinions on me.他想把他的意见强加给我。He was nothing but a nuisance and a rascal.他是一个十足的讨厌鬼和恶棍。Peeling bags of potatoes is really a chore.削一袋又一袋洋芋皮真是苦差使。Egg tart 蛋塔Women are entitled to maternity leave. 妇女有权享有产假。1. Its not worth haggling over a few pence.为几便士争论不休实在不值得.a prominent attorney2. Rule out that entry in the ledger, the transaction was cancelled.那项交易已取消了,请从分类帐上划去那笔帐目。3. 1.Its not worth haggling over a few pence.为几便士争论不休实在不值得.


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