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七(下)重点短语Module 1.People and Places1.为某人买某物buy sb sth=buy sth for sb2. 等待 wait for3.在学校旅行 (be) on a school trip 4.长城 the Great Wall 5.与某人交谈talk to sb 6.玩的很开心have a good/great time7.吃冰淇淋 eat an ice cream8.拍照 take photos=take pictures9.躺在阳光下 lie in the sun10.吃午餐 eat lunch=have lunch11.给某人某物send sb sth = send sth to sb12.非常享受enjoy .a lot =enjoy very much13.此刻 at the/this moment14.做不同的事情do different things 15.喝下午茶have afternoon tea16喝一杯have a drink17.去剧院 go to the opera18.看芭蕾舞表演 watch a ballet19看电视watch television20.玩电脑游戏 play computer games21穿衣服 get dressed22.打电话回家 call home 23.拜访朋友 see friends=visit friends24.谢谢某人做某事thank sb for sth/doing. 25.在。之前in front of /in the front of 26.写信给。write to 27再见 see you soon = see you later 28享受(喜欢)做某事enjoy doing sth 29 沿。走 walk up Module 2 Spring Festival 1.打扫房间 clean the house 2.煮饭 cool the meal 3. 学舞龙 learn a dragon dance 4.做灯笼 make lanterns =make a lantern 5.扫地 sweep the floor 6.为。做准备get ready for 7.春节 Spring Festival 8.在工作 at work 9扫去、除去 sweep away 10 坏运气 bad luck 11.好运气 good luck 12.把漆成红色paint. .red/white 13.用装饰decorate .with 14.理发 have a haircut 15.给某人某物 give sb sth 16.穿上 put on 17.吃晚饭 have dinner 18.一种 a kind of 19.在午夜 at midnight 20.结束做某事 finish doing sth 21.一年到头 all the year round =all year 22.在除夕夜 on Spring FestivalEve 23.在春节 at Spring Festival Module 3 Plans 1.起床早get up early2.在周末 at the weekend3.复习考试 revise for the test4.查看邮件check ones email5.做作业 do ones homework6.参加聚会go to a party7.听音乐listen to music8.待在床上 stay in bed9.打乒乓球 play table tennis10.进行野餐have a picnic11.买衣服 buy/shop for clothes12.上钢琴课 have a piano lesson13.登上长城 walk up the Great Wall14.期待做 look forward to doing15.游览 do some sightseeing16.参观故宫 visit the Forbidden City 17.坐飞机去 go by plane/ take a plane to18.中国文化Chinese culture19.交朋友 make friends (with)20.享受太阳和大海的乐趣 enjoy the sun and the sea21.端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival22.躺在沙滩上lie on the beach23.待在旅馆里stay in a hotel24.在周六早on Sunday morning, on the morning of25.到达 get to, arrive in/at26.出去 go out27.去骑自行车 go cycling28.环游世界travel around the world1. 在将来in the future2. 未来生活life in the future, future life3. 有线电视cable TV4. 卫星电视satellite TV5. 移动电话cell phone6. 没有人(用) no one (uses)7. 用电子邮件交作业 send homework by email8. 我不确信Im not sure.9. 在家学习 study at home10. 通过电脑与老师交谈talk to teachers on computers11. 用粉笔写黑板 write on the blackboard with chalk12. 常年 all year13. 变暖/冷get warm/cold14. 在北极at the North Pole15. 大风和大雨heavy rain and strong winds16. 用太阳能供暖use the sun to heat homes17. 在因特网上 on the Internet 18. 做无聊的工作do dull jobs19. 在世界上 in the world 20. 每周三天 three days a week 21. 我梦想中的学校 my dream school Module 4 Life in the future22. 用做useto do 31.许多空闲时间lots of free time23. 将有坏天气There will be bad weather. 24. 将没有老师.There wont be teachers.25.使用某物做某事 use sth. to do sth. 27.通过电子邮件: by email28.暴雨 heavy rain 29.强风 strong winds 30.长假 long holidays 32.大large -小 small 33.贵expensive便宜cheap 34.舒适comfortable -不舒适 uncomfortable 35.简单easy -困难 difficult 36.好的good -坏的 bad 37.有趣的interesting -无趣的boring 38.轻的light-重的heavy 39.新的new -旧的old 40.热的hot -冷的cold 41.暖的warm -凉爽的cool 42.长的long -短的short矮的 43.强壮的strong -弱的weak Module 5 My hometown and country1.比大的多much bigger than 2.华南地区 South China 3.在.东/南部in the east/south of 4. 500米长/宽500 metres long/wide5.回答问题answer questions 6.有多少人口? Whats the population of?7.上海有人口. Shanghai has a population of. 8.的人口 the population of /haspeople9.一座古城an old city 10. 700年的历史seven hundred years old11.在东/南/西/北in the east/south/west/north of 12.来自be/come from 13.在康河畔on the River Cam 14.以闻名be famous for 15.的首都the capital of 16.一个有人口的城市a city with a population of 17.矮/高山low/high mountains 18.带有 7百万人口with 7 million people 19.高楼tall buildings 20.在沿海on the coast 21.英国的一个地区a region of the UK 22. 1000米高1000 metres high 23. 336公里长336 kilometres long Module 6 The Olympic adventure 1.擅长做某事 be good at doing/ do well in 2.比危险more dangerous than3.你最喜欢什奥运项目? Whats your favourite.?4.迎奥运,学英语 English for the Olympic Games 5.来自中国的学生students from China 6.居委会 neighbourhood committee 7.去前往leave for 8.到达某地get to sw = arrive at+ 学校。超市。办公室/ arrive in + 国家。城市,= reach sw 9.到家get/arrive home 10.对某人来说做某事难. Its difficult for sb to do.11.上英语课have an English class 12.上学迟到be/arrive late for school 13.其他学生other students 其他所有学生the other students 14.在前面in front ofbehind 15.说的响亮/轻speak loudly/ quietly 16.听的清楚hear clearly 17.安静的听listen quietly 18.学的快/好/差/马虎learn quickly/well/badly/carelessly 19.多于,超过more thanover 20.需要做need to do 21.想要做want to do 22.快速学英语learn English quickly 23.奥运游客the Olympic visitors/ visitors to the 24.带四处参观take/showaround 25.流行的课popular lessons 26.仔细检查check .carefully 27.盒式录音机cassette player 28.直到才 notuntil 29.喜欢和/ like and, 不喜欢和dont likeor Revision Module A1.在圣诞节 on Christmas Day 2.坐在桌旁 sit at the table3.讲故事 tell a story 4.思考think about5.理发have a haircut 6.为节日准备get ready for festival7.在街上 in the street 8.一只袜子的形状in the shape of9.添满 fill with 10.在11月底 at the end of November12.得到小玩具 get small toys 13.被称为be called14.一个非常特别的庆祝活动 a very special celebration15.装饰 make decorations 16.穿新衣 put on new clothes17.扫地 sweep the floor 18.打扫房间 clean the house 19.烧饭cook a meal /do some cooking 20.吃大餐 have a big mealModule 7 Planes, boats and trains1.最长的旅程 the longest journey 2.乘公共汽车去go to by bus/ take a bus to3.走路去walk to /go to 某地 on foot4.住得离远 live far from 5.离学校近 be close to 6.这是上学的最佳途径.the best way to school 7.旅行的最的方式 the way to travel8.在世界上 in the world 9.最快的火车 the fastest train10.从到 from to 11.在八分钟内 in eight minutes12.花费大约半小时到达学校 take about half an hour to get to school.Take + 时间/金钱 to do sth. 花费 时间或金钱 去做某事 回忆spend用法:13.旅行的最佳方式 the best way to travel 14.旅行的最远 travel the farthest15.距离 a distance of 最危险的旅程 the most dangerous journey16.三千两百多万乘客 more than 32million passengers 17.火车费 train fare 18.数百万 millions ofHow much 多少钱/ 多少数量(询问不可数物体)How many 多少数量(询问可数物体)How far 多远的距离(询问路程)How Long 多长时间(询问路程花费的时间)The shortest, quickest, cheapest way to go to school:去学校最短、最快、最便宜的方式One of the busiest international airlines: 最繁忙的国际航空线之一。Module 8 My past life1.在中国 in China 2.启蒙学校 the first schoolBe born in + 地点/年/月/季节/Be born in + 国家/省/市/镇/村/ I was born in Shandong province.Be born on + 具体某一天3.在小城镇 in a small town 4.出生在湖南省 be born in Hunan Province5.村庄的名字 the name of the village 6.小学 the primary school 7.严格但很友好 be strict but friendly 8.对某人友好 be friendly to Be unfriendly to sb 对某人不友好9.对严格 be strict with sb 对某事严格be strict in sth10.循规蹈矩的 be well-behaved 11.淘气的 be naughty12.中国科学家 Chinese scientist13.剑桥大学的教授 the professor of Cambridge University14.他什么性格?What is/was he like?他们什么性格?What are/were they like? 你什么性格?What are/were you like?她长得什么样?what does she look like ?15在美国东海岸 on the east coast of the USA 16.许多事情要做 have lots of things to do17.做某事很高兴Its great to do sth 在那里玩很高兴. Its great to play there.18.两个美国总统 two presidents of the USA19.我最喜爱的电影明星的海报 posters of my favorite movie stars20.有鱼的池塘 a pond with fish in it 21.有七百万人口的城市 a city of 7million people=a ctiy with a population of 7 million22.有一台电视的大起居室a big living with a TV23.有许多树的大花园 a big garden with many treesThere be 句型 + with 用法: There is a big house with a big tree. 有一所大房子,里面有棵大树。24.最后一次 the last time 25.回去 go back 26.你家的房子怎么样? What was/is your house like?Module9 Story time 从前once upon a time/long ,long, ago =many years ago2. 去乘(骑)go for a ride 去兜风 Go for a walk 去散步3. 捡起pick up 4. 向四周看look around 5. 变成change into Enjoy doing sth. 享受做某事。 Be lost=get lost 迷路 all around the world 世界各地。 Fairy tales 童话 应门:answer the doorIn pieces 成碎片的。 6. 赶快hurry up 7. 敲knock at/on 8. 往里看look into 9. 跳离jump out of10. 指向point at/to 11. 睡着be asleep 12. 再三.反复again and again 13. 开始,起初 at first = at the beginning 14. 以开始begin with 15. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 16匆忙赶往某地- hurry to - 17. 冲出- rush out of- 讲故事的顺序:First-next-then-finallyModule10 Life historyNational day 国庆节 Labour day in may 五一劳动节 Spring festival 春节 womens day 妇女节 1. 用英语in English 2. 在岁时at the age of =at + 数字3.度假.在假期on holiday 4.走开,离开go away5. 来到中国come to China 6. 开始上学start school 13. 毕业finish school Ride a bike to school =go to school by bike 骑自行车上学Walk to school = go to school on foot 走路上学 Do some sport 做运动7. 骑单车上学ride a bike to school 8.听收音机listen to the radio 9. 看电影watch movies 10. 在沙滩上on the beach 在海边 11. 下象棋play chess 12. 决定做某事decide to do sthA writer of plays and poems : 一名剧作家兼诗人 14. 有孩子have children 15. 搬到move to Travel by car 乘车旅游 travel by train 乘火车旅游16.开始做start doing 完成做某事finish doing sthone of the most famous writers :最有名的作家之一。 In the world 在世界上Module11National heroes 民族英雄 1. 认为think of 2. 昨夜last night 4. 从事work on 5. 从 到fromto Open a museum 开办一所博物馆6. (做某事)非常难Its very difficult to do 7. 穿过go through 8. 越过go over 9. 几天前a few days ago 10. 返回return to 11. 被叫做be called 12. 岁的38-year-old send into 把。送入13. 第二天the next day 14.年后11 years later 15. 想成为want to be 16. 地面上on Earth 17. 通过电视on TV 18. 挥手(致意)wave to 19.国旗the Chinese national flagModule12 A holiday journey1. 在度假on holiday 2.玩得开心have a great/good time 3.在同一天on the same day 4.第二天the next day 5.问好say hello to. 6. 买东西,购物do some shopping. 7. 和。一起玩play with 8. 去散步go for a walk9.(人)花费时间/金钱做- spend - on sth / spend - (in ) doing sthTake time/money to do sth 10在机场:at the airport 11.去游泳;go swimming 12.听音乐会listen to a concert复习常见不规则动词过去式:go -went come -came taketookSpend-spent send-sent have/has-had get got Begin-began swim-swam buy bought seesaw Do/does-did is/am-was are-were 补充:规则动词过去式:marrymarried hurryhurried 总结所知特殊疑问词:when什么时候-询问时间,where 哪里-询问地点, why 为什么询问原因,How 怎样询问情况如何,扩展:how old 多大年龄,how often询问多久一次,how long 多长时间,how far 多远, how much 多少钱/多少数量(不可数名词), what 什么- 询问什么事情,扩展:what tbink of 认为怎么样? What like :性格怎么样? What.look like : 长得怎么样? Whats the population: 人口多少?补充:


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