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英语歌曲歌词正文 第一篇:英语歌曲歌词1.(Lady Antebellum)由女主唱Hillary Soctt、男主唱Charles Kelley以及吉他/键盘手Dave Haywood组成。在第43届乡村音乐协会奖颁奖典礼上,Lady Antebellum现场演绎了Need You Now。结果,该单曲的数字下载量飙升162,至15.7万次,创下了自2021年尼尔森音乐统计开始记录数字下载量以来最高一周记录。这首在第53届格莱美奖独领风骚的乡村大热曲,取得2021年billboard排行榜年度歌曲第二名的好成绩。一曲带有60年代R&B灵魂乐和富于感情表达的70年代的独特风格的音乐穿梭在格莱美激动之夜。英文歌词Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor Reaching for the phone cause I cant fight it anymoreAnd I wonder if I ever cross your mindFor me it happens all the time Its a quarter after oneIm all alone and I need you now Said I wouldnt callbut I lost all control and I need you now And I dont know how I can do without I just need you now Another shot of whiskey cant stop looking at the door Wishing youd come sweeping in the way you did beforeAnd I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time Its a quarter after oneIm a little drunk and I need you now Said I wouldnt callbut I lost all control and I need you now And I dont know how I can do without I just need you nowGuess Id rather hurt than feel nothing at all Its a quarter after oneIm all alone and I need you now And I said I wouldnt callbut Im a little drunk and I need you now And I dont know how I can do without I just need you now I just need you now Oh baby I need you now中文歌词此刻我需要你记载美好回忆的照片都散落在地板上伸手去拿电话因为我再也无法抗拒我想知道我是否偶尔浮现在你的脑海对我来说这是很经常发生的已是凌晨一点十五分我独自一人 此刻我需要你说过我不会打电话但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你没有你 我无所适从此刻我只需要你又喝了一杯威士忌不可遏制地向房门张望期待你翩翩而至就像以前你做的那样我想知道我是否曾经浮现在你的脑海对我来说这是经常发生的已是凌晨一点十五分我现在微醉 此刻我需要你我说过我不会打电话但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你没有了你 我无所适从此刻我只需要你我宁愿遍体鳞伤也不愿麻木不仁已是凌晨一点十五分我独身一人 此刻我需要你我说过我不会打电话但是我微醉了 此刻我需要你没有你 我无所适从此刻我只需要你此刻我只需要你哦,宝贝 此刻我只需要你歌词讲解Picture perfect memories,scattered all around the floor. 记载美好回忆的照片,都散落在地板上Scatter 分散,散开Friends and family scatter like dry leaves, drifting to different cities and countries.朋友与家人像干树叶般地飘落到不同的城市与国家。 scattered 分散的,散乱的They try to round up a scattered herd of cattle. 他们试图把分散的牲口赶在一起。Reaching for the phone, cause I cant fight it anymore. 伸手去拿电话,因为我再也无法抗拒。Reach for 伸手去拿His mouth was too dry to speak but he could not reach for the water now. 他嘴里干得说不出话来,但是此刻他不能伸手去拿水来喝。I wonder if I ever cross your mind, for me it happens all the time 我想知道我是否偶尔浮现在你的脑海,对我来说这可是经常发生的。Cross your mind 出现在脑中,想起Do I ever coross your mind? 我有走进过你的心吗? Cross my heart 我发誓Cross my heart,I really love you 我发誓,我真的爱你。Another shot of whiskey 又喝了一杯威士忌Whiskey 威士忌 whisker 胡须My mom is a cat whisker collector, Im her sole supplier. 我妈妈是位猫须收藏家,我是她唯一的供应商。 Id rather hurt than feel nothing at all 我宁愿遍体鳞伤也不愿麻木不仁Would rather do than do宁愿也He would rather play for a whole day than work for a while. 他宁愿整天玩也不愿工作一会儿。2.一首Creeping Up On You 来自Darren Hayes的情不自禁爱上你。戴伦海斯温柔动人的嗓音,诠释着一首首耐人寻味的抒情歌曲,得到了全球歌迷的肯定及支持,而这首Creeping Up On You却是独特的假声,俏皮的慢摇,让我们一起来品尝浪漫疯狂的初恋味道。英文歌词Creeping up on you is the wrong thing to doI found your address and got your phone number too Visit all the stores where you buy all your clothes Been to secret places you think nobody knows If I had to live without you. Nobody could I need to be around you, watching you (Chorus) No one else can love you like I do Feel it when Im creeping up on you I know that it wouldnt be right if I stayed all night Just to peep in on you. Creeping up on you Ive been hanging around all the places you hauntSpying on your friends to find out what you want Drinking from the glass that you left on the bar Follow you around driving home in your carDo I have to breathe without you? Cause nobody could I need to be around you, Watching you (Chorus) I know this must be wrong. It cant go onThis kind of thing is taking all my sanity and making me a mockery This must be wrong. It cant go onSo wont somebody free me from this misery? Bring my baby closer to me? (Chorus) (Repeat) Cause no one else can love you, no no, like I doI know you feel me peeping in on you, watching everything you do Cause no one else can love you, no, like I do No one else should love you, no, like I do Baby creeping up on you, watching everything you do Yeah cause no one else can love youNo no one else should touch you. No one else can love you Touch you, love you, be with you. No 中文歌词悄悄靠近你是一个错误。我找到了你的住址和你还有你的电话号码 到过所有你买衣服的商店,还去过你认为除了你没人知道的隐秘地方 如果我不能和你生活在一起,那么别人也休想我要在你左右,凝视你(副歌)没有人可以像我这样爱你。感觉这情份,当我悄悄靠近你的时候我知道那不一定对,若我守望一整夜,只为偷偷看看你,悄悄靠近你我曾在你滞留的地方不停地徘徊过,向你的朋友打听你想要什么喝你在酒吧喝过的杯子,在你开车回家的时候尾随你我必须在没有你的时候独自呼吸吗?因为没人可以我要在你左右,看着你(副歌)我知道这绝对是错的。再不能这样继续下去了这种事让我意乱情迷,自己都觉得自己荒唐这肯定不对。不能再继续可是没有人把我从这场痛苦中解脱出来吗?让你离我更近些?(副歌)(重复)因为没有其他人可以爱你,没有,没有,像我这样我明白你能感觉到我在偷看你,注视着你的一举一动没有其他人可以爱你,没有,像我一样没有人应该爱你,没有,像我一样宝贝,我悄悄靠近你,观察着你的一举一动耶,别人休想爱你,别人休想碰你,别人休想爱你,碰你,爱你,和你在一起。休想 歌词讲解Creeping up on you is the wrong thing to do情不自禁爱上你是一个错误Creep 爬行You should creep before you leap. 学跳之前要先会爬。Creepy令人毛骨悚然的,爬行的I dont like our new manager. Hes really creepy . 我不喜欢新来的经理,他令人毛骨悚然。If I stayed all night,just to peep in on you守一整夜,只为暗中观察你Peep 既可以作名词,也可以作动词:窥视,偷看I got a quick peep at him through the crowds. 我从人群中很快地扫了他一眼。Ive been hanging around all the places you haunt我曾在你滞留的地方不停地徘徊过Hang around 闲荡,徘徊Ill hang around until you let me in the gate. 我会在外面徘徊,直到你为我打开大门。haunt n. 栖息地,常去的地方 v.常出没于,经常去某个地方,出没,萦绕Everytime I see you in my dreams I see your face,its haunting me. 每晚在梦中与你相见,你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦萦。Spying on your friends to find out what you want向你的朋友打听你想要什么Spy v. 暗中监视,当间谍(常与介词on搭配使用) n. 间谍 Im sure my neighbors spy on me. 我肯定邻居暗中监视我。His assignment was to follow the spy. 他的任务是跟踪这个间谍。This kind of thing is taking all my sanity这事情让我意乱情迷And making me a mockery甚至让我自己觉得自己可笑Sanity 名词 明智;精神正常,通情达理 We need to keep our sanity. 我们要保持清醒。嘲笑 make mockery of, mock They made a mockery of him. They mocked him 他们把他嘲弄了一番。Wont somebody free me from this misery?没有人把我从这场痛苦中解脱出来吗?Free from 使摆脱,解放,免于Exercise can keep us free from disease. 锻炼能使我们摆脱疾病。 Misery 痛苦,悲惨,不幸War brought misery and ruin to the people. 战争给人们带来痛苦和毁坏。类似意思的单词还有:pain、suffering、agony、sore、misfortune、sorrow, and so on第二篇:英语经典歌曲歌词歌词colin 1988年 汉城奥运会手拉手Hand in Hand we see the fire in the sky 看见空中的火焰we feel the beating of our hearts together 感觉到我们的心一起在跳动this our time to rise above 这是我们的时刻,让这团火焰缓缓升起we know the chance is here to live forever 我们知道机会永远会在这里for all time 永远hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手all across the land 穿越五大洲we can make this world a better place in which to live 我们能让这个世界变得更美好hand in hand we can 我们心连心start to understand 开始去了解breaking down the walls that come between us for all time 打破在我们之间的那道隔阂的墙every time we give it all 每次我们的给予we feel the flame eternally inside us 我们能感受到心中那永恒的火焰lift our hands up to the sky 举起我们的手the morning calm helps us to live in harmony 早晨的平静使我们变得融洽for all time 永远She Groove CoverageShe hangs out every day near by the beach Havin a harnican fallin asleep She looks so sexy when shes walking the sand Nobody ever put a ring on her hand Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea She is the story the story is she- 1歌词colin and direction of a given sound. For instance, if I walk around you, you will be able to locate my voice while I am talking to you. And if I drop my keys and pick them up, you can determine whether my voice is coming from below, or from a source that is right next to you. By use of virtual sound sources, a variety of effects can be applied enhancing your experience of being in a different place. In addition to the effects conveyed by the separate sound sourcesThe River of Babylon 波尼M合唱团by the rivers of babylon there we sat down when we remembered zion by the rivers of babylon there we sat down yeah we weptall kinds of atmospheres can be created, wrapping you upin a virtual environment. It can be noisy.Ok this is about an hour? Or meditative.It can be almost anything you wanted to be. Even a kiss.You now have a brief sample of how the 3-D synthesis can be used in a musical context.The special and movable sound scene gives you a pleasant, relaxing, almost meditative experience. Close your eyes.Lean back in a comfortable chair and set your imagination free.- 3God Is A GirlRemembering me, 曾记得,Discover and see 我寻遍寰宇,All over the world, 终于发现,Shes known as a girl 她作为一个女孩被我们所知。 To those who a free, 对自由的人们而言,The mind shall be key 这个思想至关重要啊。 Forgotten as the past 被遗忘的事情就让它过去吧,Cause history will last 因为历史将会延续。God is a girl, 上帝她就是一个女孩- 4歌词colin Reaching for a love that seems so far Over seas and coast to coast So I say a little prayerTo find a place I love the most And hope my dreams will take me there Where the fields are green Where the skies are blue to see to see you once again you once again,my love To hold you in my arms Over seas and coast to coast To promise you my love To find a place I love the most To tell you from the heart Where the fields are green to see Youre all Im thinking of you once againMy love Im reaching for a lovethat seems so far I try to read,I go to work, So I say a little prayer Im laughing with my friends And hope my dreams will take me there But I cant stop toWhere the skies are blue keep myself from thinking to see you once again,my love Oh noOver seas and coast to coast I wonder how, To find a place I love the most I wonder why,Where the fields are green I wonder where they are to see you once again,my love The days we had,the songs Say a little prayer we sang together Dreams will take me there Oh yeahWhere the skies are blue And oh my love,Im holding on forever to see you once again Reaching for a love that seems so far Over seas and coast to coast So I say a little prayerTo find a place I love the most And hope my dreams will take me there Where the fields are green Where the skies are blue to see you once again to see you once again, My love my love歌曲:Pretty boy()演唱:M2M (Marit Larsen & Marion Raven) 曲长:4:38一个无心却总伤了别人的心的人!愿我能原谅我自己!无心却总伤心!I lie awake at night 深夜静静思量- 6歌词colin Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you to 我的 呆子呆子 我爱你 Oh my pretty pretty boy I do 我的 呆子呆子 我的Let me inside 让我进去 Make me stay 让我一直Right beside you 住在你心里Oh pretty boy 哦呆子 pretty boy 呆子 pretty boy 呆子Say you love me too 说你也爱我Oh my pretty pretty boy I want you 我的 呆子呆子 我爱你Like I never ever loved no one before you 爱我 我从未这么深爱一个人Pretty pretty boy of mine 呆子呆子 是我的Just tell me you love me too 请告诉我 你也很爱我Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you to 我的 呆子呆子 我爱你 Oh my pretty pretty boy I do 我的 呆子呆子 我的Let me inside 让我进去 Make me stay 让我一直Right beside you 住在你心里歌曲:Pretty boy() 演唱:M2M (Marit Larsen & Marion Raven) 曲长:4:38Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesnt stop the pain If I see you next to never How can we say forever Wherever you go Whatever you do- 8Rhythm Of The RainLyrics by Kevin Boul LK歌词组 Pop分队Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain telling me just what a fool Ive been. I wish that it would go and let me cryin rain- 9歌词colin (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) Tell her to find me an acre of land Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Washes the grave with silvery tears) Between the salt water and the sea strand (A soldier cleans and publishes a gun) Then shell be a true love of mine Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Generals order their soldiers to kill) And gather it all in a bunch of heather (And to fight for a cause theyve long ago forgotten) Then shell be a true love of mine Are you going to Scar borough Fair Parsley sage rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine music Are you going to Scar borough Fair Parsley sage rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine (Oh the side of a hill in the deep forest green)The Day You Went Away M2MWell I wonder could it be When I was dreaming about you baby You were dreaming of meTell her to make me a cambric shirt(Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme Without no seams nor needle work Then shell be ture love of main (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) Tell her to find me an acre of land(On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Washes the grave with silvery tears) Between the salt water and the sea strand (A soldier cleans and publishes a gun) Then shell be a true love of mineTell her to reap it with a sickle of leather (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme And gather it all in a bunch of heather(And to fight for a cause theyve long ago forgotten) Then shell be a true love of mine Are you going to Scar borough Fair Parsley sage rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine ENDCall me crazy Call me blindTo still be suffering is stupid after all of this timeDid I lose my love to someone better And does she love you like I do- 11歌词colin when they played id sing along, it make me smile. those were such happy times and not so long ago how i wondered where theyd gone. but theyre back again just like a long lost friend all the songs i love so well. every shalala every wowo still shines. every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre starting to sing so fine when they get to the part where hes breaking her heart it can really make me cry just like before. its yesterday once more. (shoobie do lang lang) looking bak on how it was in years gone by and the good times that had makes today seem rather sad, so much has changed.it was songs of love that i would sing to them and id memorise each word. those old melodies still sound so good to me as they melt the years away every shalala every wowo still shines every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre startingto sing so fine all my best memorise come back clearly to me some can even make me cry just like before. its yesterday once more. (shoobie do lang lang) every shalala every wowo still shines. every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre starting to sing so fine every shalala every wowo still shines. every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre starting to singyou are not alone歌词colin did you have to go leave my world so cold everyday i sit and ask myself how did love slip away something whispers in my ear and says that you are not alone for i am here with you though youre far away i am here to stay you are not alone for i am here with you though were far apart youre always in my heart you are not alonelone lone why,lone just the other night i thought i heard you cry asking me to come and hold you in my arms i can hear your prayers your burdens i will bear but first i need your hand then forever can begin everyday i sit and ask myself how did love slip away something whispers in my ear and says that you are not alone for i am here with you though youre far away I am here to stay you are not alone i am here with you though were far apartHello darkness, my old friend, Ive come to talk with you again, Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping,youre always in my heart for you are not alone oh.whisper three words and ill come running fly.and girl you know that ill be there ill be thereyou are not alone i am here with you though youre far away i am here to stay you are not alone i am here with you though were far apart youre always in my heartyou are not alone(you are not alone)for i am here with you(i am here with you) though youre far away(though youre far away) i am here to stayyou are not aloneyoure always in my heart i am here with youheart.though were far apart heart. always say my heartfor you are not alone not alone oh. you are not alone you are not alone say againyou are not alone you are not alone not alone, not aloneyou just reach for me girl in the morning in the evening not alone, not alone you and me, not alone oh, together, together.- 1415 -第三篇:歌曲歌词歌曲歌词爱我专辑曲目最爱还是你没开口的话 怎样才能懂我好想把画面倒带回头你留在我心中 熟悉的表情每个温暖纯白的记忆 穿越了距离拥挤的人潮 没有人知道我偷偷想你嘴角就会笑不要说对不起 也不要问原因就让世界不停的向前别忘记从前最爱还是你 这是我的决定像宇宙相对的星互相吸引慢慢就会靠近还是要爱你时间会证明我爱你的勇气牵着你的手 才知道是永久拥挤的人潮 没有人知道我偷偷想你嘴角就会笑不要说对不起 也不要问原因就让世界不停的向前别忘记从前最爱还是你 这是我的决定像宇宙相对的星互相吸引慢慢就会靠近还是要爱你时间会证明我爱你的勇气牵着你的手 才知道是永久这一次我放弃了所有只为能再与你相遇最爱还是你 这是我的决定像宇宙相对的星互相吸引慢慢就会忘记还是要爱你时间会证明我爱你的勇气牵着你的手 才知道是永久一辈子不放手爱我不明不白的一个闷热下午忽然梦见你的脸过分清楚褪色的墙袭击了我的床铺我的呼吸想念着你的特殊狂风暴雨之中我是勇敢的树等待你会疲倦停在我的保护失去多久才够接受爱的残酷为何你要放弃了这全部亲爱的我只求拥抱你一秒让心跳解释没有了你不能跳再一次因为你把自己燃烧哪怕这世界毁灭我也只要你 爱我音乐不停在房间掩饰孤独也停不了你声音那些起伏放下一切我还是会不幸福因为未来没有你不叫幸福狂风暴雨之中我是勇敢的树等待你会疲倦停在我的保护失去多久才够接受爱的残酷为何你要放弃了这全部亲爱的我只求拥抱你一秒让心跳解释没有了你不能跳再一次因为你把自己燃烧哪怕这世界毁灭殆尽我只要分开我打坏我看看我的好任凭你感觉我对你的戒不掉再一次把心动用你来套牢交换一辈子等你我都嫌太少爱我亲爱的我只求拥抱你一秒让心跳解释没有了你不能跳再一次因为你把自己燃烧哪怕这世界毁灭我也只要你 爱我亲爱的我只求拥抱你一秒交换一辈子等你都嫌太少爱在一起用直觉 想着你的思念这个季节 只能有晴天温暖流窜在 你和我之间心跳的频率相连梦在我的指尖 点到就能成真是你(是我) 才让我发现要比你还强烈 要比梦还更耀眼我们的爱 让幸福更完美爱在一起 手高高举起让全世界看见这份美丽什么表情 离不开你的眼睛我们之间 充满勇气爱在一起 随时想着你牵着你 才能自由飞行贴上约定 不管过去和未来的日期尽管爱在一起分开以后想喊你却没敢开口最后只有流着泪看你走我想问我是否只愿意就这样放手既然无法挽留只好接受从今以后你要寂寞多久谁能给予你我这般的温柔也许是多虑了你离开我会过得更快乐可对于软弱的我回忆就足够分开以后每当想到你歌曲歌词爱我专辑曲目最爱还是你没开口的话 怎样才能懂我好想把画面倒带回头你留在我心中 熟悉的表情每个温暖纯白的记忆 穿越了距离拥挤的人潮 没有人知道我偷偷想你嘴角就会笑不要说对不起 也不要问原因就让世界不停的向前别忘记从前最爱还是你 这是我的决定像宇宙相对的星互相吸引慢慢就会靠近还是要爱你时间会证明我爱你的勇气牵着你的手 才知道是永久拥挤的人潮 没有人知道我偷偷想你嘴角就会笑不要说对不起 也不要问原因就让世界不停的向前别忘记从前最爱还是你 这是我的决定像宇宙相对的星互相吸引慢慢就会靠近还是要爱你时间会证明我爱你的勇气牵着你的手 才知道是永久这一次我放弃了所有只为能再与你相遇最爱还是你 这是我的决定像宇宙相对的星互相吸引慢慢就会忘记还是要爱你时间会证明我爱你的勇气牵着你的手 才知道是永久一辈子不放手爱我不明不白的一个闷热下午忽然梦见你的脸过分清楚褪色的墙袭击了我的床铺我的呼吸想念着你的特殊狂风暴雨之中我是勇敢的树等待你会疲倦停在我的保护失去多久才够接受爱的残酷为何你要放弃了这全部亲爱的我只求拥抱你一秒让心跳解释没有了你不能跳再一次因为你把自己燃烧哪怕这世界毁灭我也只要你 爱我音乐不停在房间掩饰孤独也停不了你声音那些起伏放下一切我还是会不幸福因为未来没有你不叫幸福狂风暴雨之中我是勇敢的树等待你会疲倦停在我的保护失去多久才够接受爱的残酷为何你要放弃了这全部亲爱的我只求拥抱你一秒让心跳解释没有了你不能跳再一次因为你把自己燃烧哪怕这世界毁灭殆尽我只要分开我打坏我看看我的好任凭你感觉我对你的戒不掉再一次把心动用你来套牢交换一辈子等你我都嫌太少爱我亲爱的我只求拥抱你一秒让心跳解释没有了你不能跳再一次因为你把自己燃烧哪怕这世界毁灭我也只要你 爱我亲爱的我只求拥抱你一秒交换一辈子等你都嫌太少爱在一起用直觉 想着你的思念这个季节 只能有晴天温暖流窜在 你和我之间心跳的频率相连梦在我的指尖 点到就能成真是你(是我) 才让我发现要比你还强烈 要比梦还更耀眼我们的爱 让幸福更完美爱在一起 手高高举起让全世界看见这份美丽什么表情 离不开你的眼睛我们之间 充满勇气爱在一起 随时想着你牵着你 才能自由飞行贴上约定 不管过去和未来的日期尽管爱在一起分开以后想喊你却没敢开口最后只有流着泪看你走我想问我是否只愿意就这样放手既然无法挽留只好接受从今以后你要寂寞多久谁能给予你我这般的温柔也许是多虑了你离开我会过得更快乐可对于软弱的我回忆就足够分开以后每当想到你就会低下头紧握着手不知过了多久我相信你就会有一样的辛酸难受都曾经深爱过谁有谁能舍得在离开你之后想快乐也只是一种强求一个人怎么过都是愁懂得拥有却未必能让你为我停留最后只剩遗憾拉住我不放手造飞机造飞机 造飞机 来到青草地我们说好分开多远都要再见回到旧日的山丘看一看从前阳光还是灿烂的夏天照出泪光闪闪的笑脸满天乌云渐渐不见的画面仿佛是画出了美好的明天就算遇到伤心在眼前也要努力把梦想实现造飞机 造飞机 曾经欢笑青草地有过放手飞翔的自由才有回来重逢的时候飞上去 飞上去 飞到蓝天白云里风中张开启程的双手 带着祝福 我们一直 往前走阳光还是灿烂的夏天 照出泪光闪闪的笑脸就算遇到伤心在眼前 也要努力把梦想实现继续爱上你想不到我的话都还没说完你转身SAY GOOD BYE手中惊喜变遗憾约好了每年一起过圣诞节怎么秋天才刚告别却已经开始在想念戏看一半 咖啡才来 座位上你已不在这结局算不算感慨LOVIN YOU一张张的幸福 在墙上那么清楚I NEED YOU绝没有人可以取代 彼此的付出OH I WANT YOU从遇见你的第一天真爱就一直存在微笑叹息 吵闹安静全都是你 最诚实的眼睛每个你 我慢慢搜集记录在心底 好好珍惜相信怀疑 坚持放弃我没有任何理由 不让自己继续爱上你只欠一句我爱你你微微的笑温暖我的心让我有了冲劲动力于是我又鼓起了勇气决定要疯狂爱上你千千万万的爱意等不及凉风徐徐的提醒我和你只欠一句我爱你没胆亲口告诉你想要照顾你好好疼你只差一句你答应点头说你也愿意和我在一起手牵着你紧紧抱着你盛夏的回忆再偷偷想起你就是剩下的唯一我站在这里用最真的心想对你说请相信我们之间的距离手牵着你紧紧抱着你吻到一公里之外最想要保留的就是现在决定彼此相爱时的对白一对真心掀起了狂海让爱飞起来我要吻你吻到一公里之外等待 喧闹 鼓噪的人海爱 就 爱我的依赖 都停不下来我要吻你吻到时间都停摆甩开 荒腔走板的节拍爱all night我的口袋 装满了你的爱I can see the first leave fallingI have your arms around me把 你的微笑贴在爱的告示牌让全世界的人见证 这份爱回马枪请快点卸掉你善良的外衣也不要唧唧喳喳说个不停宠你被你说成没了出息 没道理这个季节的天气好到不行想忘记你的美丽出去旅行刚刚出门又中了你的暗器短信说你想我回去难道你非要让我这样左右不定我已分不清什么是爱情什么是游戏你用回马枪在我身上徘徊不要用古人的兵法来跟我实验虽然每一次我都装做已无所谓哪一天 才终结你用回马枪让我的心疲倦不要再问我来世还会再爱谁一个人沿着古老城墙走一遍才发现 这一次 真的很累冬季恋曲以为梦你某些 哭泣的场景已经离开我去远行忽然感觉


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