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苏教版初中英语语法(-10-05 10:03:32) 转载标签: 杂谈中考复习系列一 词汇一、中考对词汇的考察重要集中在如下几种方面:1、能对的拼写大纲词汇表中的常用单词;2、掌握大纲词汇表中所列所有单词的词文,并理解其词类(词性);3、理解构词法的基本知识,并根据此知识判断常用词的合成词与派生词的词义和词类,例如:drive driver, use useful;4、对的理解现行教材课文中浮现过的短语与习语;对的使用及辨析其中比较常用的短语和习语;5、理解词类转化,例如:water (n.) water (v.)二、词汇考察点分项阐明:1、掌握大纲词汇表,理解词类1)大纲词汇表中所列的词汇基本上为1至6册课本中所列的四会单词(即书后单词表中不带任何符号的单词)。规定同窗们把所列单词的词义完全掌握。在此基本上,理解其词类(词性)。特别注意要在情景中运用该词,而不是孤立地去记忆某个单词。2)针对大纲词汇表中的常用单词,一定要能做到对的拼写。该项知识常以单词拼写的形式来考察学生,但一般无难题,基本属于送分题。出题范畴重要是大纲中的一、二级词汇,也有也许浮现非大纲词汇,但一般为常用词汇,尽管不在大纲中浮现,却一般在课文中浮现过。请看如下几道例题:1. Shanghai is a large c t in China.2. Adam often helps me a lot. He is my best f nd.3. I cant carry the box. Its too h v .4. The man is very poor. He had no m n to buy food.5. -How often do you play football? - Tw a week.6. My grandparents like growing flowers. They w t the flowers everyday.7. Summer is the hottest s son in the year.8. - Can you sp the word?- Yes. T-A-B-L-E, table.9. He was so excited that he couldnt f l asleep last night.10. Everyone had a good time at the party. It was a p_ _ _ s _ _ _ evening.( Key 1. city 2. friend 3. heavy 4. money 5. twice 6. water 7. season 8. spell9. fall 10. pleasant )3) 理解英文的词类:英语中的单词根据词义、句法作用和形式特性所作的分类。共有十类:名词、代词、数词、冠词、形容词、副词、动词、介词、连词、感慨词。词类英语名称(简称)意 义例 词名词Nouns (n.)表达人、事物时间、地点或抽象概念的名称Johnroom冠词Articles (art.)用于名词之前,协助阐明名词的含义a anthe数词Numerals (num.)表达数量或顺序ninefirst代词Pronouns (pron.)替代名词、数词以避免反复themeverything形容词Adjectives (adj.)表达人或事物的属性或特性goodinteresting副词Adverbs (adv.)修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表达行为特性或性状特性almostbravely动词Verbs (v.)表达动作、状态或性质standbe介词Prepositions (prep.)用于名词或代词之前,表达名词、代词与其他词之间的关系nearfrom连词Conjunction (conj.)连接单词、短语、从句或句子andbut感慨词Interjection(interj.)表达说话时的语调或感情hellooh在上述的十大词类中,名词、代词、形容词、副词、数词、动词等具有明确的意义,可以在句中独立充当句子成分,称为实义词。介词、连词和冠词只能起联系或辅助的作用,都不在句子中担任任何成分,称为虚词。感慨词一般不构成句子的一部分,一般作独立成分。2、理解构词法的基本知识 在英语中,一种单词往往与其他词在构造上有联系,把这些联系的规律总结出来就是构词法。构词的措施重要有派生、转化和合成等三种。1) 派生法 在一种单词前或词尾加上一种词缀,从而变成一种新词的措施叫做派生法。加在单词前的词缀叫前缀,加在单词后的词缀叫后缀。1常用前缀 前缀意义例词un-不unknown未知的unhappy不快乐的 dis-不,否认dislike不喜欢 discover发现 re-再,反复retell复述 mid-中mid-night半夜 mid-term期中 mis-误会misunderstand误会bi-双bicycle自行车 il-不,非illegal非法的 in-不,非informal非正式的 im-不,非impossible不也许的 ir-不,非irregular不规则的 inter-间,互相international国际的 tele-远telephone电话2常用后缀 后缀意义例词-er动作者,人teacher教师-or动作者,人visitor参观-ian人musician音乐家-ess女性actress女演员-ese人,语言Chinese中国人,汉语-ese (地方、人)的Japanese日本(人)的-hood身份、状态childhood童年-ity(抽象名词) ability能力-th过程,成果death死亡-ness状态、性质happiness快乐-ship状态、身份friendship友谊-tion动作、状态action行为-ure动作、成果pleasure快乐-an(地方、人)的Canadian加拿大人(的)-ed 有,像talented有才华的-en的wooden木制的-ern (表达方向)southern南方的-ful布满meaningful故意义的-less 不、无useless没用的-ly地carefully细心地-en使变得weaken削弱、(使)变弱-fy使化satisfy(使)满意-ize,-ise使化modernize(使)现代化-teen 十几thirteen十三-ty几十thirty三十-th第ninth第九(二)转化法转化法是指基本不变化单词的词形,而将其转用为另一词类词。单词转化后的意义常与转化前的意义有密切的联系。 May I have a look ? 我可以看一看吗?(动词转化为名词) Let him have a try. 让她试试。(动词转化为名词) Can we book the tickets ahead? 我们能提前定票吗?(名词转化为动词) The hall can seat thousands of people. 大厅能坐数千人。(名词转化为动词) She had to busy herself with housework. 她不得不忙于家务活。(形容词转化成动词) Youd better empty the bottle first. 你最佳把瓶子先倒空。(名词转化为动词) Its necessary to know the difference between right and wrong. 有必要懂得对错之间的区别。(形容词转化成名词) They often help the poor. 她们常常协助穷人。(形容词转化成名词) We began to drive north. 我们开始向北行驶。 (名词转化成副词) There were lots of ups and downs in his life. 她的毕生中有许多的起起落落。(副词转化成名词)(三)合成法 把两个或两个以上的单词合成为一种单词,这种构词法成为合成法。1合成形容词 He is a white-collar clerk. 她是一名白领职工。 He is an open-minded leader. 她是一名思想开明的领导。 What a kind-hearted girl! 多幺好心的女孩! This is a good-looking a table. 这是一张好看的桌子。 Taking a taxi is time-saving. 乘坐出租车很省时。 He has heard the heart-breaking news. 她已经据说了这个令人心碎的消息。 Its dangerous to walk on this ice-covered road. 行走在这条被冰覆盖的路上是很危险的。 How much is the hand-made model? 那个手工制作的模型多少钱? Chinese people are hard-working. 中国人民是勤快的。2合成名词 This is our classroom. 这是我们的教室。 Do you often play basketball? 你常常打篮球吗? Her handwriting is much better than mine. 她的书法比我的要好得多。 The waiting-room is quite crowded. 候车室里相称拥挤。 The water in the swimming-pool is clear, like a blue mirror. 游泳池里的水很清澈,像一面镜子。 Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。 He plants lots of flowers in his green-house. 她在温室里种了许多花。 They are playing games on the playground. 她们在操场上做游戏。 The get-together will begin at 8:00 pm. 联欢会将于晚上八点开始。 He is my brother-in-law. 她是我的姐夫。 Im not a good-for-nothing. 我并不是一种无用之人。 The plant is called forget-me-not. 这种植物叫含羞草。3合成动词 Please air-dry the paper. 请将纸风干。 He is undergoing great suffering. 她正在遭受巨大的痛楚.。 Its hard to white-wash the huge wall. 粉刷这面大墙是很难的。 The man was blacklisted. 这个人被列入了黑名单。4合成副词 She lives downstairs. 她住在楼下。 If you look eastwards, you can see the sea. 如果你往东看,可以看到大海。3、对的理解现行教材课文中浮现过的短语与习语;对的使用及辨析其中比较常用的短语和习语;1)初中阶段比较常用的短语:同窗们应当根据自己手头的现行教材,将1至6册中浮现过的常用短语进行归纳总结,对于其中比较容易混淆的短语要弄清晰它们之间的区别。2)初中阶段比较常用的习语有:1. too to2. so. that3. Its time for sb. to do sth.4. both. and.5. eitheror6. neither nor7. not until8. not only but also9. as as10. not as (so) as11. It takes sb. some time to do sth.12. Its good (bad) for13. as soon as14. used to do15. some others16. be angry with17. be different from18. one the other19. take sb. to a place20. Thank you for doing sth.21. get ready to do sth.22. one of23. get on well with 24. sb. spend on25. buy for26. be interested in27. Youd better28. ask sb. (not) to do sth.29. enjoy doing30. be good at4、理解词类转化在英语中,不少词可以属于几种词类,如water( 水、浇水;名词和动词);work(工作;动词和名词),fast(快;形容词和副词),since(自从;介词和连词)等。三、巩固练习 根据句意补全单词中所缺字母,使补全后的句子通顺、合理。l. What colour is Anns skirt? Its r_d.2.We often play g_mes after school.3.Put your r_ler and your pen in the pencil-box.4.My parents work f_ ve days a week.5.There are a lot of cars and buses in the str_t.6.Dont open the wind _ . Its cold outside.7.How do you usually go to school? By b_ k _.8.There are a lot of flowers in the g _ d _.9.Winter comes after a _ n.10. Trees turn gr_n in spring.11. L_sson One is easy.12. Can you make a c_ke?13. This box is small. Give me a b_g one.14. A d_g is running after a cat.15. We cl_n the classroom every day. 根据句子意思完毕单词,单词的第一种字母已给出1.If you are ill , you must go to h_ .2.We all know Beijing is the c_ of China .3.D_ ,25th is Christmas Day .4.We can see s_ at night when its fine .5.You can come here b_ 8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow .6.I hope you have a good time on you j_ .7.Could you tell me w_ the nearest post office is ? 根据句意用括号内所给单词的合适形式填空1.There are two _in the basket. (egg)2.This is my pencil. That one is _. (your)3.Who is _, Tom, Mike or Jack ? (tall)4.We live on the _ floor. (twenty)5. I can see three _ on the desk. (pen)6. This room is _. It isnt yours. (our)7. “Can I borrow your ruler?” “Certainly. Here _ are.” (your)8. Lin Lin is the _ in our class. (young)9. We live on the _ floor. (seven)10. Li Lei is _ than Lin Tao. (old)11. The Changjiang River is the _ river in China. (long)12.Wei Hua gave me two_ yesterday.(book)13.That pen isnt yours. Its _ .(her)14.The _ lesson is very easy.(six)15.John is _ than Sam.(tall)16.Can you help _ with my English? (I) 根据汉语提示完毕句子1、我用了两个小时修车。It _ me two hours _ _ the bike.2、直到妈妈回来时,她才完毕作业。He _ finish his homework _ his mother came back.3、她和我都不是教师。 _ he _ I am a teacher.4、她从小就对数学感爱好。 He became _ in maths when he was _.5、你最佳乘火车。Youd _ _ a train.6、是时候上车了。Its time to _ _ the bus.7、珠江是中国的第三最长的河流。Zhujiang river is _ _ _ _ in China .三、巩固练习参照答案 根据句意补全单词中所缺字母,使补全后的句子通顺、合理。1. red 2. games 3. ruler 4. five 5. street 6. window 7. bike 8. garden9. autumn 10. green 11. Lesson 12. cake 13. big 14. dog 15. clean 根据句子意思完毕单词,单词的第一种字母已给出1. hospital 2. capital 3. December 4. stars 5. between 6. journey 7. where 根据句意用括号内所给单词的合适形式填空1. eggs 2. yours 3. the tallest 4. twentieth 5. pens 6. ours 7. you 8. youngest9. seventh 10. older 11. longest 12. books 13. hers 14. sixth 15. taller 16. me 根据汉语提示完毕句子1. took, to mend/ repair/ fix2. didnt, until3. Neither, nor4. interested, young5. better take6. get on7. the third longest中考复习系列二 名词、代词和冠词一、中考对名词、代词和冠词的知识规定:对名词的考察重要集中在:1、对的辨认可数名词和不可数名词;2、掌握可数名词复数形式的构成;3、对的判断某些常用名词在特定语境中的可数和不可数特性性;4、掌握名词所有格的基本形式及一般用法。对代词的考察重要集中在:1、掌握人称代词主格、宾格形式及其重要用法;2、掌握名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的形式、区别及其重要用法;3、掌握反身代词的形式、意义及其重要用法;4、掌握常用不定代词的一般用法;5、掌握批示代词的一般用法,并理解其在上下文中的指代用法;6、掌握疑问代词的基本用法。中考对冠词的考察重要集中在:1、掌握定冠词、不定冠词及零冠词的基本使用规则和常用习常用法:2、掌握a与an的基本用法。二、名词考察点分项阐明:表达人、事物、地点或抽象概念等名称的词,叫做名词。有关名词,我们必须掌握名词的数和名词的格。(一)名词的数1、可数名词1)可数名词的的复数形式英语可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。表达一种人或事物用单数,表达一种以上的人或事物用复数。该词形变化分为规则变化和不规则变化两种。名词特性变化规则发 音例词一般单词词尾+s清辅音后 发scups, desks, gates,元音与浊辅音后发zhens, bags, days以s, sh, ch, x结尾词尾+es发izclasses, watches, boxes以o结尾词尾+es发ztomatoes, heroes, potatoes浮现较晚的事物,词尾+sphotos, radios, zoos, pianos以辅音+y结尾变y为i 加es发izstories, babies, cities以元音+y结尾词尾+s发zboys, keys, days以f或fe结尾变f或fe为v加es发vzleaves, knives, lives例外:roofs, proofs, handkerchiefs2)、有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,如: 变化 例词元音发生变化manmen, womanwomen, footfeettoothteeth, mousemice词尾发生变化childchildren单、复数同形sheepsheep, deerdeer, fishfish, ChineseChinese, Japanese-Japanese复合词中重要词变为复数looker-onlookers-on, new-comernew-comers, grand-childgrand-children复合词中无主体词在最后,加sgrown-upgrown-ups,stand-bystand-bys由man 或woman 构成的复合词前后两词皆变为复数woman-teacherwomen-teachers,man-doctormen-doctors以 is结尾的外来词,变is为esbasis-bases, crisis-crises, emphasis-emphases,3)、常以复数形式浮现的名词:people(人),clothes(衣服),trousers(裤子) glasses(眼镜) ,这些名词作主语时,同窗们应特别注意它们的谓语,用复数。4)、有些名词看似复数形式,事实上是单数。这一点是同窗不易掌握的,应特别加以记忆。如:news(消息),maths (数学),physics(物理)2、不可数名词不可数名词一般是物质名词和集合名词。物质名词无法分为个体的事物,一般不能与不定冠词连用,自身不能表达具体的数量,如water, coffee, time, money, bread, work,等;抽象名词表达的是可感觉却触摸不到的性质、动作、状态、感情等抽象的概念,如kindness。1)、不可数名词无复数,作主语时常当作单数。2)、常用how much, much, a little, little, a lot of, some, any等来修饰不可数名词。3)、有些名词既能用作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,但意义不同单 词意 义不可数名词可数名词dress女服(统称)a dress 一件女服fish鱼肉a fish 一条鱼glass玻璃a glass 一种玻璃杯tin锡a tin 一听罐头paper纸a paper 一张报纸(二)名词的所有格名词的所有格表达名词的所有关系,意思为“的”。名词所有格的构成措施是:1、在名词后加“ s”。如:Lilys, Marys等。2、以-s或-es 结尾的复数名词只加“”, 如:Teachers Day , two weeks holiday,而不以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,仍按惯例加s 。如:Childrens Day。3、表达一件东西为多人共有,只需在最后一种人的名字后加“s”。若表达各自所有,则需在每个名字后都加“s”,如:Lily and Lucys computer. 莉莉和露茜的电脑。(两人共有),lilys and Lucys computers. 莉莉和露茜的电脑。(并不共有),4)、名词所有格可以用来表达地点。 如:my uncles 我叔叔家。5)、表达无生命东西的名词所有格,一般以“of +名词”的构造来表达。如:如:the end of the year 岁末,the colour of the flower 花的颜色三、代词考察点分项阐明:代词是为了避免反复而用来替代该词的词。英语是一种不喜欢反复的语言,当文中第二次提到同一种名词时,一般都要用相应的代词来替代。 英语代词可分为八大类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词、批示代词、疑问代词、关系代词、和连接代词八种。(一)人称代词、物主代词和反身代词:(见下表)人称代词主格Iyouhesheitwetheyyou宾格meyouhimheritusthemyou物主代词形容词性myyourhisheritsourtheiryour名词性mineyourshishersitsourstheirsyours反身代词myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfourselvesthemselvesyourselves1、表达“我”、“你”“她(她、它)”、“我们”、“你们”、“她(她、它)们”的词,称为人称代词。人称代词有人称、数和格的变化。其变化形式如下:单 数复 数主 格宾 格主 格宾 格第一人称I我mewe我们Us第二人称you你youyou你们you第三人称he她himthemshe她herit它it2、表达所有关系的代词叫作物主代词,也叫代词所有格。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词在句中只能作定语,相称于一种形容词;名词性物主代词在句中可作表语、主语和宾语,相称于一种名词。3、自身代词是表达“自己”的代词,也称为反身代词。其形式有:单数复数第一人称myself我自己ourselves我们自己第二人称yourself你自己yourselves你们自己第三人称himself她自己, herself她自己, itself它自己(二)、few, a few, little, a little的用法:含 义语 气修饰或替代的名词few很少几种否认复数可数名词a few有几种肯定复数可数名词little很少,不多否认不可数名词a little有一点肯定不可数名词(三)、常用不定代词的一般用法:1、由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词,如果有形容词修饰,该形容词必须后置。There is nothing wrong with the radio.这收音机没有毛病。 I have something important to tell you.我有重要事情告诉你。2、both / all / none all的意思是“全体”,“所有”可代表或修饰三个以上的人或物;both指“两者都”; none “没有”表达三者或三者以上都不,后常跟介词of。3、every / each every单数名词 “每一种” 强调共性,作定语,形式上为单数。each “每一种” 强调个性,作定语、主语、宾语和同位语,常与of连用。4、both / either / neither both “(两者)都” ,作主语时,看作复数;作定语时,后跟名词复数。 either “两者中任何一种” ,作主语时,谓语用第三人称单数;作定语时,后跟名词单数。 neither “(两者)都不”,具有否认意义,用法同either。5. another / the other / the others/ others another +单数名词, “另一种” one the other “一种,另一种” the other +复数名词 = the others “其她的人或物” (指拟定范畴内剩余的所有) others “别人”(四)批示代词的一般用法: 表达“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”等,批示意义的代词称为批示代词。批示代词有this, that, these, those, such, same等。1、This, that, these those的用法: This(these)常用来指在时间或空间上较近的事物, these是this的复数形式;that(those)常指在时间或空间上较远的事物,those是that的复数形式。2、such和same的用法: such常在句中作主语、定语和表语,表达“这样”。 same可用作主语、表语、宾语和定语,意为“同样的”,same前必须加定冠词the。I have never seen such a good place.我从未见过这样好的地方。I never heard such stories as he told.我从未听过她讲的那样的故事。We are in the same factory. 我们在同一家工厂。Ill do the same as you.我将与你做同样的事情。(五)疑问代词的基本用法: 疑问代词是指 5个“wh”,:who(谁), whose(谁的), whom(谁),what(什么), which哪个)1、who在句中一般用作主语和表语,whom作宾语。在口语中,常用who替代whom,但是若前面有介词,还是用whom.Who is the girl in red? 那个穿红衣服的女孩是谁?Whom are you waiting for? 你们在等谁?With whom did they play basketball? 她们和谁一起打篮球?2、which常表达在一定范畴之内的选择,what则没有这种限制,如: Which do you prefer, orange juice or coke? 橘汁和可乐,你喜欢哪个? Which of them come from Canada? 她们中谁来自加拿大? What do you like to do in your spare time? 你在业余时间都做什么?四、冠词考察点分项阐明: 在英语中,有一类词是汉语中没有的,那就是冠词。冠词常位于名词之前,用来修饰名词并协助阐明名词的含义。冠词是一种虚词,不能单独使用,必须与名词连用,置于名词之前。冠词分为不定冠词(a, an)与冠词(the)两种。而定冠词用于特定的单数或复数名词之前,表达特定的人或事物,相称于“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”。(一)、不定冠词 不定冠词主用于单数可数名词前,表达“一种”或“一类。”1、a用于以辅音“音素”开头的单数可数名词前。2、在月份、星期及morning, afternoon, evening, night, day等名词前有修饰词时,一律用a。 Smith arrived in Beijing on a rainy day. 史密斯在一种下雨天达到了北京。 He died in a cold February. 她死于寒冷的二月。3、不定冠词an常用于元音发音开头的词前。 如:an apple, an hour, an honest boy, an English car. 注意: a useful dictionary(二)定冠词定冠词用于特定的单数或复数名词之前,表达特定的人或事物,相称于“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”。定冠词的常用用法有:1、用来指独一无二的物体: The sun rose at six oclock. 太阳在六点升起。2、用于再次提及的名词前。There is a cow under the tree. The cow is yellow.树下有一头牛,牛是黄色的。3、用来指说话者双方心目中都懂得的特定的人或事物。This is the book you wanted. 这就是你要的那本书。4、用于单数可数名词前,泛指一类。The horse is an animal.马是动物。5、用于序数词前、表达方位的名词和形容词最高档前。 如:the first, the best , in the south等6、在复数姓氏前加the,表达一家人,常当作复数。 如:The Browns are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer. 布朗一家人今年夏天将要去上海渡假。五、巩固练习(一)选择填空1. Does Mr. Brown like Chinese . A. food B. foods C. any food D. some food2. There a dictionary and two notebooks on the desk. A. is B. are C. has D. have3. The old man has two . A. son-in-law B. sons-in-law C. son-in-laws D. sons-in-laws4. We should keep clean. A. toothes B. tooths C. our tooths D. our teeth5. Lucy has been to many times this year. A. his uncle B. his uncles C. uncles D. her uncles6. didnt visit the farm. A. One of the boy B. One of the boys C. One of boy D. One of boys7. No news good news. A. is B. seems C. are D. has8. This is table. A. his teachers MarysB. his teacher, Marys C. his teachers Mary D. his teacher, Mary9. After climbing 2 hours, we had rest. A. a few minutes B. few minutes C. a few minutes D. few minutes10. These are my _ . A. box B. a box C. boxes D. the boxes(二)、用合适的代词填空1. My father did not want of the two shirts and asked to be shown .2. is Tom like? Oh, hes short and fat.3. Her parents are workers. Her classmates are from peasants families.4. Mother told the boys,“Please help to some fruit.”5. All these are fine books. You can read of them.6. They are learning from .7. Lucy dances better than girl in the school. Jim jumps higher than boys in his class.8. He lent me a few books, but of them is easy enough for me. He lent me a few books, and of them are easy enough for me.二、用合适的冠词填空(不填处用“”表达) by train. Huanghe River for while go out for walk at foot of half hour Mr. Smith came here just now There is old man in the village. Old man is seventy. earth turns round sun. We often have lunch at home. I wish you happy life. harder you study, better you get the marks. man with book in his hand is our new class teacher. It was raining again! What day! Who is going to take place of Mr. Smith next term ?六、巩固练习参照答案(一)选择填空1 A 2A 3 B 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C(二)、用合适的代词填空1. either, another2. what3. both; all4. yourselves5. any6. each other7. any other; any of the other8. none, all(三)、用合适的冠词填空(不填处用“”表达)1. 2. the 3. a 4. a 5. the6. an 7. A 8. an, The 9. The, the 10. 11. a 12. The, the 13. The, a 14. a 15. the中考复习系列三 数词、形容词和副词一、中考对数词和形容词知识规定:中考对数词的考察重要集中在:1、掌握1-100的基数词和序数词的构成及其重要用法;2、掌握年、月、日、时的基本体现方式及其与之相应的介词搭配;3、掌握平常交际活动中波及到的数字的体现措施;4、理解数词的某些特殊用法。中考对形容词和副词的考察重要集中在:1、掌握比较级和最高档的一般构成规则;2、掌握比较级和最高档的不规则变化形式;3、掌握比较级和最高档的基本句型及其用法;4、掌握形容词做表语和定语的用法;5、掌握常用副词在句中的位置,并理解其意义。二、数词考察点分项阐明:数词分为基数词和序数词两类,表达数量多少的数词是基数词,如one(一),two(二),seven(七)等,表达顺序次第的数词叫序数词,如the first(第一),the second(第二),the seventh(第七)。在对数词进行复习的时候,同窗们一方面要会读会写所有基数词和序数词,以及与数词有关的时间体现法。对数词的考察,中考常采用单选题及听力题。(一)、序数词一般由基数词加-th构成,100以内的基本的序数词如下:(二)、序数词的构成及用法:1、如下几种序数词较为特殊: first(第一) second(第二) third(第三) fifth(第五) eighth(第八) ninth(第九) twelfth(第十二)2、以-ty结尾的基数词变为序数词的构成措施是:先将十位整数的基数词尾的-ty变成-ti,然后再加-eth. 如:twenty twentieth (第二十) eighty eightieth (第八十)3、基数词“几十几”变成序数词时,仅将个位数变成序数词,十位不变。 如:thirty-two thirty-second (第三十二) seventy-five seventy-fifth (第七十五)4、序数词的缩写形式,在阿拉伯数字后加上序数词的最后两个字母构成。 如:fifth 5th second 2nd5、序数词前一般要用定冠词the。6、hundred, thousand, million, billion等词在构成具体的数字时用单数形式。只有在体现笼统的多数时才加s,构成复数形式,前面不能加具体的数字。如:three hundred seats 三百个座位 hundreds of 数以百计的,成百上千的 thousands of 数以千计的,成千上万的millions of 数百万的 billions of数十亿的(三)与数词有关的时间体现法:1、钟点表达法: 顺读法如:1:15 one fifteen 3:30 three thirty 倒读法(用past / to表达) 如: 1:15 a quarter past one 3:30 half past three 7:56 four to eight表达钟点只用基数词,并且钟点前用介词at。2、日期表达法: 英语中日期的排列顺序是:星期、月、日、年如: 3月17日,星期一 Monday, March the 17th, . 在具体某一天前用介词on3、世纪、年代表达法 (在)90年代 (in) the n


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