机场英语 世博志愿者专场 英语角 主持4.15

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机场英语 世博志愿者专场 英语角 主持4.15_第1页
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Company LOGO机场英语机场英语4.18英语角英语角LouiVinceCOMPANYLOGOCompany Logo(you are in the hotel lobby)vP:Excuse me,can you holler(叫)(叫)me a cab?Help me to book a cab/book me a cab.vB:Certainly.Sir the cab is waiting for you outside.vP:Thanks!vD:Where are you going sir?vP:To the international airport,please.COMPANYLOGOCompany Logo(After about 30 minutes of driving)vD:Sir,which terminal would you like me to drop you off at?vP:I think its terminal 2 where Air Canada is.vD:Its forty-five dollars.vP:Heres 50 dollars.Keep the change.COMPANYLOGOCompany Logo(at the check-in counter)vA:Hello,next one please.I can help you here.vP:Hi,hows going?vA:Oh,good!What can I do for you?Going anywhere?vP:Yeah,just a vacation for family reunion at Toronto this weekend.vA:Oh,thats great!Must be very excited,huh?vP:Yeah!I havent seen some of my relatives for quite a while.And the amazing thing is my great uncle is also coming to Toronto this time.I havent seen him for years.COMPANYLOGOCompany Logov A:Wonderful!So any luggages today?v P:Well,I have two suitcases and a box that I would like to check-in,please.v A:Sure,Please put your suitcase on the scale.Oh,Im sorry.One of your luggages is overweight.You can either rearrange some of your personal belongings to the other suitcase or you can pay extra to have them checked in.v P:Oh,OK!But Ill like to pay extra for that just to save my time.Also,I have some delicate items in this box.Is there anyway I can have it labeled as fragile or handle with care.COMPANYLOGOCompany LogovA:Absolutely!Ill arrange for special handling by the airline staff.vP:Thanks!vA:No problem!Any carry-ons?vP:Yeah,just one.vA:Thats fine.Do you have anything else you wish to declare?vP:Noh,nothing now.vA:All right!Here sir,this is your boarding pass.Your flight CA201,leaves at 10:45 a.m.and its at gate 16.Boarding time is half hour previous of departure time.Have a nice and safe trip!COMPANYLOGOCompany Logov P:Thank you so much!v A:You are welcome!See you!Oh,actually your flight will be delayed for two hours.Were really sorry for the inconvenience that we brought to you.v P:Oh no,my flight is delayed for two hours?!I need a refreshment.Excuse me,is there a smoking area in the airport?v SA:Yeah,just walk down the hallway and turn right,you will see a smoking sign.v P:Thank you!v SA:No worries.COMPANYLOGOCompany Logo(After more than two hours,finally you are on the plane)vF:Please buckle on your seat belts and remain seated while you are on the plane.And please turn off all electronic devices including cell phones,laptops,etc while the plane is about to take off.vP:Oh hi,would you mind giving me a blanket,a pillow(枕头)枕头),and a glass of hot water!vF:No problem,right away(马上马上).Here you go,sir,and enjoy your flight.COMPANYLOGOCompany Logo(Finally you arrived at Toronto)v P:hey,wheres my luggage?Hi,can you tell me where the last and found department is.I need to report a lost baggage.v SB:Oh,sorry to hear that.Please come with me and I will look into the matter for you.Hi sir,by looking through the computer system,we have confirmed with the Edmonton airport that unfortunately your baggage didnt come with the same flight you took.It will be here with next flight in about two hours.Im really sorry for the trouble that we brought to you.Maybe you can go to check in your hotel now and we will arrange a special delivery to your hotel when the baggage arrives.Besides that,we will refund you 100 dollars for the inconvenience.COMPANYLOGOCompany LogovP:Oh,OK,well,do you know where I can find the Car Rentals.Yeah,I will stay at the Ramada Hotel in downtown(商业区)。商业区)。vSB:Sure,I got it.The car rental is at terminal B where close by all the check in counters.Again,we are sincerely sorry for the troubles we made for you.vP:Thats all right.See you later.=see ya=cya.COMPANYLOGOCompany LogovBYE!


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