重点短语(必修 4 Unit 5 Theme Parks)(讲义)

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重点短语(必修4 Unit 5 ThemeParks)(讲义)高中英语 I重点短语(必修4 Unit 5 Theme Parks)1.学习短语的基本含义和用法。2灵活运用所学的短语,学会用所学短语造 句。1. 重点:短语 be famous for, get close to, come to life, no wonder, be unique to 等的用法。2. 难点:come to相关的短语和wonder相关 的用法。【短语学习】1. be famous for 因而闻名Guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery.桂林因其美景而闻名。He is famous for his novels.他因他的小说而闻名。辨析例句be famous for因而闻名Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.杭州因西 湖而闻名。be famous as作为而闻名This area is famous as a green tea producing place.该地区作为绿茶产地而闻名。be famous to被所知道He is famous to the people here.他被这里的人所 共知。be famous in在出名Beijing Duck is very famous in the world.北京烤 鸭在世界上很出名。be well-known for 以闻名be well-known as作为而闻名be well-known to 为所熟知be well-known in 在闻名用适当的介词填空。(1) France is famoushis fine food and wine.( 2He is famoushis great inventions.3He is famous(a great inventor.)Mark Twin was famousa chil dren-story writer.答案:(1)for (2)for (3)as(4)as思路分析:be famous for因而闻名;(3)(4) be famous as 作为而闻名。2. get close to 接近be close to 靠近 keep close to 紧跟 keep a close eye/watch on 严密监视;密切注视stand / sit / live close to 站得 / 坐得 / 住得离I couldnt get close enough to see what was happening.我不能走到跟前看究竟发生了什么事。First get close to him and then make friends with him.先接近他,再跟他交朋友。She is in a hopeless situation, which we will keep a very close eye on.她正处于无望的处境,我们将密切关注。be closely connected with 与有密切联系This case is closely connected with thatyoung lawyer.这件案子和那位年轻律师密切相关。 完成句子。Some diplomats seem(接近)despair.(2)A toy factory nearby(关闭)this year.答案:(1)close to (2)closed down思路分析:(1) be close to表示“接近,靠 近”之意,此处表示,一些外交官似乎已经到了 接近绝望的状态。close down意为“关闭,倒闭”,此处 close为动词,其所对应的形容词为closed,表示 “关着的,关闭的”之意。3. come to life活跃起来;苏醒过来 come to (oneself)苏醒过来 come to light被发现;被知晓 come back to life 苏醒过来;复活 when it comes to“ 当谈及The match finally came to life in the second half.比赛在下半场终于精彩起来。When the children heard that their teacher came to life, the whole class came to life at once.当孩子们听说老师苏醒过来时,整个班立刻 活跃起来了。When it comes to literature, he comes to life immediately, and his talent for literature has recently come to light.当谈到文学时,他马上来了精神,他文学方 面的才能近来已被发现。bring sth.(back) to life 使生动;使灰复生机live / lead alife 过着的生活 make a life 生活;享受生活After the earthquake, the villagers tried their best to bring the village back to life.地震后,村民们尽力使村庄恢复生机。用come短语的适当形式填空。(1) Sheis the best when itcooking.(2) The robber knocked him unconscious,and when hehe was lyingalone in the dark.(3) Dont cry because it;smile because it happened!答案:(1)comes to (2)came to himself(3) came to an end思路分析:(1)when it comes to当谈到的时候,该结构常用于引出话题。come to oneself苏醒。抢劫者把他打晕了,当他醒来的时候,正独自躺在黑暗 中。(3)came to an end 结束。4no wonder难怪;不足为奇No wonder (that) . = Its no wonder(that) 难怪; 不足为奇do / work wonders 创造奇迹wonder to do sth.惊讶(奇怪)做某事 wonder whether (if) / when / why / how.想知道是否/什么时候/为什么/怎么With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园哪里的旅游业就会有所发展。No wonder youre tired, youve been walking for hours.难怪你累了呢,你一直走了好几个小时。There is no doubt that.毫无疑问There is no point (in) doing sth. 做某事无 意义There is no possibility that.做没有可能性There is no need to do sth. 没有必要做某 事He is the best student in the school. There isno doubt that he can get the first prize.他是学校里最好的学生,毫无疑问他会获得一等奖。There is no need to worry; everything will be all right.没有必要担心,一切都会好起来的。If we have finished our work, there is no point in staying any longer; we may as well go home.如果我们的工作干完了,再待下去就毫无意 义了;我们还是回去的好。Lucy was Lilys sister!.She reminded me so much ofLily.A. No doubtB. No wonderC. Of courseD. Above all答案:B 思路分析:根据上句及下句的关键词reminded,so much可知,看到露西我就想起莉莉(两者有很多类似之处),现在知道了露西和莉 莉的关系,“我”才恍然大悟。no wonder难怪;no doubt毫无疑问;of course当然,当然可以;above all最重要的是。5. be unique to 是特有的unique adj独一无二的,仅有的;独特的The area has its own unique language, Catalan.这个地区有自己独特的语言,加泰罗尼亚语。That trend is not unique to Thailand. 那并不是泰国独一无二的趋势。She is in a quite unique position, as her job is different from anyone elses.她处在一个相当独特的岗位上,因为她的工 作与别的任何人的都不一样。This is a custom unique to that country.这是那个国家独有的风俗。无等级形容词如unique(独一无二的),dead(死了的),mistaken (错误的),right(正确 的),impossible (不可能的),super (顶级的,超 级的),superior (优秀的,更高的),senior (高级 别的,年长的)等,不能和more,most,very, rather等词连用,但是可以和quite连用,因为 quite 相当于 completely oThis kind of friendly and harmonious atmosphere isto our company, andyou canexperience it in any other place.A. superB. superiorC. seniorD. unique答案:D思路分析:句意为:这种友好和谐的气氛只 有我们公司有,在其他任何地方你都感受不到 的o super顶级的,超级的;superior优秀的, 更高的;senior高级别的,年长的;unique独一 无二的。1. In terms of teachers, the school is very good. However, when itbuildings, the schoolis poor.A. refers toB. speaks ofC. comes toD. talks about2 The children the moment theyheard that there would be a three-day holiday. Some of them even jumped up with joy.A. moved offB. came to lifeC. settled downD. held theirbreath3. You shouldnt stay at your office allday;nature is good for your health.A. getting close toB. getting awayfromC. getting along withD. gettingtogether with4. We can produce clothesafterthe fashions of different markets or according to buyers samples.A. modelledB. designedC. requestedD.made答案:1.C 2. B 3. A 4. A思路分析:1. 句意:从教师的方面看,这所学校是非常 好的。然而,就建筑而言还比较弱。when it comesto意为“ 一谈到;就而言”,固定搭配。A项refer to “提到,涉及”;B项speak of “谈 到” ;D项talk about “谈论”(虽符合句意,但无when it.to 搭配)。2. 考查短语动词。句意:一听说要放假三天,孩子们一下子就活跃起来了。有些人甚至高 兴得跳起来。come to life “活跃起来”。move off离开,起程,出发”;settle down “安静下来,定 居” ;hold onesbreath “屏住呼吸”。从题干中 Some of them even jumped up with joy. 可知,其 他三项与题意不符。3. get close to 接近;get away from 逃开,躲开;get along with与和睦相处,进展;gettogether with与 欢聚。根据题意选A项。4. 句意:我们能按不同市场的流行款式或 客户来样,制作不同款式的衣服。be modelled after仿造。


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