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课题(2分) What Time Is It? 学生(2分)小学四年级教学目标(6分)1、知识目标:(1)能够听,说,认读主要句型:“ What time is it? Its.oclock. Its time to/for”(2)能够理解主要句型并在现实生活中灵活运用,力求做到语调自然,语音准确。(3)能够比较熟练地表演课文对话。2、情感目标:(1)教育学生要合理安排时间,按时作息。教学重点、难点(3分)1、能够听,说,认读主要句型:“ What time is it? Its.oclock. Its time to/for”2、对话中一些习惯表达法的理解,如: “ Oops. ” “Im ready. ”教学准备 (2分)准备多媒体课件、音频和视频。教学过程(25分)教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图一 Warm-up1. Free talk: T: Look at the clock. What time is it?T: Its time for .T: Yes, Its time for English class. Are you ready?(启发学生回答)2、Guessing Game根据会变换的时钟猜测下一次显示的时间,猜错的话其余学生要说“ Oops. ”Ss: Its.oclock.Ss: Its time for English class.Ss: Yes, Im ready.运用上英语课这个真实的情景自然地渗透了本课Lets talk中的第三个片段,真实体现一个学习的过程,也为下面的教学作铺垫。教学过程(25分)教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图二.Presentation1. Lets talk talk about the picturesT:(出示课文图,把句子内容遮住)Today were going to talk about Mikes timetable. Look at Picture One, where is Mike? At home or at school ?Can you guess what time is it? Look at picture two, what time is it? And Its time toLook at picture three, is mike still at home? Can you see the clock on the wall? What time is it? And its time forYes,you are right.板书重点句子并带读。Picture 1: Its _. Its time to _.Picture 2: Its _. Its time to _.Picture 3: Its _. Its time for _.通过教师和学生一起讨论图片,预测他们讲些什么。培养学生观察能力和预测能力。让学生带着任务有目的地去听录音找出答案,检查学生在听力方面的掌握 教学过程(25分)教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图三、Practicea. read after the teacher.b. read together.c. read in groupsd. read with your partner.e. act out the dialogue (teacher and students make a demo)f. give students sometimes to practice ,then ask some of them to show to the class.T: Class, today lets divide into 2 groups. One is Time To Group, the other is Time for Group. Group 1 when you see Time to,you stand up and chant. Group 2, when you see Time for, you stand up and chant. Lets see who can do better? Are you ready?将全班分成两大组,利用学生的竞争意识去提高参与课堂活动的主动积极性,一来活跃课堂气氛,二来将难点Time To &Time For渗透到练习中,使学生印象更加深刻,提高学习效果。反复问Are you ready?引导学生说出Im ready.教学过程(25分)教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图四、extension五、Sum-up六、Homework(1)学生两人一组,一人拿时间卡片,一人拿单词卡片。俩人每人抽一张卡片,根据卡片的内容造对话:T:You all did a good job. Class , what do we learn today? Mike is late for English class,is that good? Of course not. Whatever we do, we should be on time and in time. Try to remember: Time is life. Which group is the winner today?Design a timetable and talk about it with your partner .S1:What time is it?S2:Its 7:00.S1:Its time for breakfast.S2:Yes.S1: What time is it?S2: Its 7:00.S1: Its time for English.S2: No. Its time for breakfast.通过上面的拓展活动,教育学生合理安排时间,在适当的时间做合理的事情。培养学生严格的时间观念,养成守时、守纪的好习惯


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