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新概念英语测试题Lesson 15-16一.Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words.填空。22分 Customs officer: Welcome to England. Are you Japanese? Boys: No, are not Customs officer: you Korean? Boys: No, are not. We Chinese Customs officer: your friends Chinese, ? Boys: Yes, they are Customs officer: And you tourists? Boys: Yes, we are Customs officer: Your passports, Boys: Here are Customs officer: Thank very 二.Write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。12分 fifty-two seventy-five ninety-nine a hundred and one a hundred and five a hundred and ten 三.Make these plural.用复数形式改写以下句子。14分 1 This is my friend These are our friends 2 This is his case 3 This is her hat 4 This isnt my passport 5 This isnt her handbag 6 Is this your coat? 7 Is her passport red? 8 Is my coat smart? 四.Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。9分 1 A tourist游客 lost丧失 his cases and asked you for help帮助. Ask问 him about 关于the colour of them. 2 You are with a group一群 of students and found(发现) 2 tickets. What do you ask the group? 3 You give 2 or 3 books, for example比方, to Someone某人. What do you say说? _ 六.Write questions and answers using our.模仿例句提问并用our来答复。25分Example: books /red What colour are your books? Our books are red.1 shirts /white 2 coats /grey 3 tickets /yellow 新概念英语测试题Lesson 17-18一.Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words.填空。(30分) Mr. Jackson: Please come and our employees You: you, Mr. Jackson Mr. Jackson: This is Nicola and _ is Claire Nicola and Claire: How do you do? You: ? Mr. Jackson: These are very hard-working You: What jobs? Mr. Jackson: Theyre operators. Whats your ? You: Im student. And Im very ,too!二.What are their jobs? Choose and write in the best word. 用括号中正确的词填空。(12分) 1 Whats her job? Shes a . (engineer/ housewife 2 Whats his job? Hes a policewoman/ postman 3 What are their jobs? Theyre policeman/ policemen 4 Whats Michaels job? Hes a . (sales rep/ keyboard operators 5 Whats Marys job? Shes an . (air hostesses/ office girl 6 What are Mike and Jims jobs? Theyre . (sales rep/ sales reps 三.Write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。12分 two hundred four hundred and two six hundred eight hundred and ten nine hundred a thousand and one 四.Write these regular plural words in the correct columns.根据复数的读音将以下规那么的名词复数填入表内。11分 office assistants sales reps employees office girls jobs keyboard operatorsmechanics Customs officers air hostesses engineers taxi driversPlural with a /s/ soundPlural with a/z/ sound Plural with an /iz/ sound五.Write in the irregular plurals of these nouns.写出以下不规那么名词的复数形式。5分 Housewife - man - woman - Postman - policewoman - 六.Complete these sentences using He, She, We or They.完成以下句子,用He, She, We或They填空。12分Example: Those men are lazy. are sales reps. Those men are lazy. They are sales reps.1 That man is tall. is a policeman.2 Those girls are busy. are keyboard operators.3 Our names are Britt and Inge. are Swedish.4 Look at our office assistant. is very hard-working.5 Look at Nicola. is very pretty.6 Michael Baker and Jeremy Short are employees. are sales reps.七. .Write questions and answers.模仿例句提问并答复。15分Example: (mechanics)/sales reps What are their jobs? Are they mechanics or sales reps? They arent mechanics. Theyre sales reps.1 (keyboard operators)/air hostesses 2 (postmen)/policemen 八。What do you say in this situation? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。3分 You are introducing介绍 an English speaker说话者 to two of your colleagues同学. What do you say? 四 选择填空。10分 1. Come meet our employees. A. and B. or C. but D. so 2. women are very hard-working. A. This B. That C. Those D. A 3. What are their ?A. job B. jobs C. jobs D. jobs 4. Are those your coats? . A. Yes,I am B. Yes,they are C. Yes,theyre D. No,they are 5. This is room.A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucys and Lily C. Lucys and Lilys D. Lucy and Lilys 6. Sam and Tom are . A. friends B. friend C. twin D. sales rep 7. is this young man? He is Jim.A. Whose B. Who C. What D. Ho 8. is Jims bike. number is 2576. A. It,Its B. It,Its C. It,His D. Its,It 9 .This is bedroom. It is a nice room.A. girl B. the girl C. girls D. the girls 10. that? Go see.A. Whos,or B. Whose,to C. Whos,and D. who,and七 补全对话。10分A: Come 1 meet our employees,Mr. Richards.B: 2 you,Mr. Jackson.A: This is Nicola Grey and this is Claire Taylor.B: 3 do you do? 4 women are very hard-working? 5 are their jobs?A: 6 keyboard operators. These men are our sales reps.B: They arent very busy.A: 8 is this young man?B: 9 is Jim. Hes 10 office assistant.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lesson 19-20.写出以下形容词的反义词。.单项选择。1. _is a coat on the desk.2.There _ policemen over there.A.are B.is C.am 3._ they mechanics?4._ is something wrong with the car.5.Are there _ buses in the streets early in the morning?.英汉互译。2.There isn3.Who is that old man? _4.这些盒子很轻。 _5.他的手很脏。 _6.怎么啦? _新概念英语测试题Lesson 21-22姓名_ 班级_ 得分_一.请根据课文内容填出以下所缺的空。Paul: Give _ a knife _, Susan.Susan: _ one? This _?Paul: Is it sharp?Susan: No, it isnt _. Its _.Paul: No, not that one. The _ one.Susan: Here _ _.Paul: _ you.二.从两框中挑出反义词写在中间的横线上。large full large-little _ old little new sharp _ _ blunt empty 写出简短的对话。1 (bottle/ large? little?) Give me the bottle, please. -Which one? The large one or the little one?2 (glass/ full? Empty?) _ _3 (box/ new? old?) _ _4 (knife/ blunt? sharp?) _ _三.用正确的动词填空。 give sit meet come see catch1 Heres your shirt, Tim. Catch!2 _ him a clean knife, please.3 Here you are, children. _ down here.4 _ and _ my fathers new car!5 Nice to _ you.四.模仿例句写出以下对话。1 two books/ me/English A: There are two books here. Which one?B: Give me the English one, please.:2 three handbags/ us/ blueA: _B: _3 six ties/ them/ smartA: _B: _4 two cups/ him/ cleanA: _B: _5 two passports/ her/ newA: _B: _五. 完成以下句子,用His, Her, Our或Their填空。Example: Is this Tims shirt? No, its not. _ shirt is whiteIs this Tims shirt? No, its not. His shirt is white. 1 Is this Nicolas coat? No, its not. _ coat is grey.2 Are these your pens? No, theyre not. _ pens are blue.3 Is this Mr. Jacksons hat? No, its not. _ hat is black.4 Are these the childrens books? No, theyre not. _ books are red.5 Is this Helens dog? No, its not. _ dog is brown and white.6 Is this your fathers tie? No, its not. _ tie is orange.六.模仿例句写出相应的对话。Example: books/ (this blue)/that red Give me a book please. Which one? This blue one? No, not this blue one. That red one.1 cup/ (this dirty)/ that clean_2 glass/ (this empty)/ that full_3 bottle/ (this large)/ that small _4 box/ (this big)/ that little_5 tin/ (this new)/ that old_6 knife/ (this sharp)/ that blunt_7 spoon/ (this new)/ that old_8 fork/ (this large)/ that small_新概念英语测试题Lesson 23-24姓名_ 班级_ 得分_一.Read this, fill in the missing words.请根据课文内容填出以下所缺的空。Paul: Give _ some magazines _ , Susan.Susan: _ magazines? These?Paul: No, not _ . The ones _ the table.Susan: These?Paul: Yes, _.Susan: Here _ _.Paul: Thanks.二 Choose the most sensible words and write them it.选择最恰当的词填空。1 Helens computer is on her _. (floor/ desk)2 Her red carpet is on the _. (floor/ shelf)3 Her bottles are on her _ (chair /dressing table)4 His ties are on the _. (stereo/ desk)5 My English books are on the _. (chair/ radio)6 My English books are on the _. (television/ shelf)7 The knifes and forks are on the _ (bed/ table)8 Your trousers are on your _ . (bed/ cupboard)三.Fill in the blanks with me, him, us or them. 用me, him, us或them填空。1 Give the boy these pens. And give _ these pencils.2 Give Ann and me some magazines. And give _ some newspapers.3 Give the man these cigarettes. And give _ some glasses.4 Give the woman this blue book. And give _ that black one.5 Those are my books. Give _ my books, please.四.Write conversations like this.模仿例句写出以下对话。 1 some spoons/ the table? / the shelf?A: Give me some spoons, please.B: Which ones? The ones on the table?C: No, not the ones on the table. The spoons on the shelf. 2 some magazines/ the desk? / the televisionA: _B: _C: _3 some books/ the cupboard? / the deskA: _B: _C: _4 some glass/ the shelf/ the tableA: _B: _C: _五.Complete these sentences using me, him, her, us or them.完成以下句子,用me, him, her, us或them填空。 Example: Give Tim these shirts. Give _ this one, too. Give Tim these shirts. Give him this one, too.1 Give Jane this watch. Give _ this one, too.2 Give the children these ice creams. Give _ these, too.3 Give Tom this book. Give _ this one, too.4 That is my passport. Give _ my passport please.5 That is my coat. Give _ my coat please.6 Those are our umbrellas. Give _ our umbrellas please.六.Write questions and answers.模仿例句写出相应的对话。 Example: glass/ on the shelf Give me some glasses please. Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the shelf.1 pens/ on the desk _2 ties/ on the chair _3 spoons/ on the table _4 plates/ on the cupboard _5 cigarettes/ on the television _6 boxes/ on the floor _7 bottles/ on the dressing table _8 books/ on the shelf _9 magazines/ on the bed _10 newspapers/ on the stereo _ Lesson 23-24 Jan.2rd NAME:一 用me, him, us或them填空1、Give the boy these pens. And give _ these pencils.2、Give Ann and me some magazines. And give _ some newspapers.3、Give the man these cigarettes. And give _ some glasses.4、Give the woman this blue book. And give _ that black one.5、Those are my books. Give _ my books, please.二 把以下名词变成复数1、one _ 2、knife _3、box _4. glass_ 5.bottle _ 6、cup _ _7、tin _8、boy_9、half_ 10、wife _ 11、potato 12、zoo 13、foot 14、tooth 15、woman 16、Chinese 17、sheep 18、German 19、Englishman 20、child 三 用所给词的适当形式填空并完成句子1、Give shethis watch.变为同义句: .2、Give (they) these ice creams.变为同义句: .3、Give ( I ) my passport. 变为同义句: .四 模仿例句写出相应的对话 Example: glass/ on the shelf Give me some glasses please. Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the shelf.1、pens/ on the desk _2、spoons/ on the table _3、plates/ on the cupboard _4、cigarettes/ on the television_ 5、boxes/ on the floor _6、bottles/ on the dressing table _ 7、books/ on the shelf _ 8、magazines/ on the bed _


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