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学校: 台儿庄23中学 八年级 10月 17日 第6周 星期五 第 5 节课主讲人: 李秀玲 个人手机: 邮箱: Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B (2a-2e)Learning goals: 【知识与能力目的】1.纯熟掌握如下词汇和短语 : cartoon, culture, appear, famous, successful,become, be ready to, think of, come out, try his best, one of the main reasons2.纯熟掌握如下句型:1):But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. 2):He became very rich and successful. 3):However, he was always ready to try his best. 【语言功能】 1:通过学习美国的文化卡通,并简介代表动物,让学生理解卡通片的历史,从而更加理解和爱慕动画片。2:能阅读与文化有关的文章,学会养成健康的喜好,从而保持精神上的健康.3:培养学生的阅读理解能力,提高辨别是非的能力.【学习方略】1.根据文章题目和所给图片预测(predicting)文章内容.2.通过速读的方式,捕获文章大意。3.通过细读的方式,找寻细节内容。【情感态度】1:理解美国文化,理解卡通的历史。2:通过描述,学习体现喜好以及因素。Teaching and learning steps:Step Pre-reading activities1. PreviewTranslate the following Chinese into English.(1) 有两个大耳朵的黑老鼠。_.(2)但是一种美国文化最出名的象征就是卡通。_.(3) 其中一种重要因素就是Mickey象个一般人。_.(4) 她变得富有和成功。_.(5)然而她总是准备着竭力而为._.(设计意图:课前预习,以学生为主体,让学生积极参与,体验,感知新知识, 以学定教)2. Warming up and leading in(2a)(1): Ask questions: T: What kind of TV shows do you like to watch? And why do you like them?S: I like action movies because I think they are exciting.S: I like soap operas because I think they are relaxing.T:OK, I think different students have your different likes about TV shows. Now look at these pictures. What kind of TV shows are these pictures? T: Do you like to watch cartoons? Whats your favorite cartoon?S1:My favorite cartoon is Monkey King.S2: My favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry.S3: Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf is my favorite cartoon.T: Why do you like it?S: Because it is interesting/funny/educational.T: There is a cartoon character that is well-known all over the world, its Mickey Mouse. I think everyone watched it before. Lets learn something about it.(2): Show some pictures about Mickey Mouse for students. T: What does Mickey Mouse look like?S: It is black and has two large round ears.T: What do you think of Mickey Mouse?S: It is lovely/funny/smart/unluckyT: Do you want to know something more about Mickey Mouse?S: Yes.T: Lets read the passage in 2b on your book page 37. (设计意图:通过谈论2a 问题引出本课所学习的话题, 勾起学生的爱好和爱好。使其渴望理解卡通形象,达到热身的目的,也为下面的语篇阅读做好了文化背景的铺垫。)Step 2: While reading activities1:Fast-reading T: Boys and girls, just now we learned about some cartoons. Now we will learn more about American culture- cartoon.Task 1: Read the passage fast and silently to find the answer to the question.The passage is mainly about _A. What do people think of cartoons.B. Some cartoons about Mickey Mouse.C. Mickey Mouse, a famous symbol in American culture.(设计意图:训练学生迅速阅读文章的能力,并从中获取有效信息,实现对课文的整体感知。)Task 2: Read the passage again and decide the sentences below are true (T) or false (F).(1). Over 60 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.(2). The first cartoon with no sound and music.(3). Mickey Mouse was so popular.2: Careful-readingRead the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas. Give the students three tasks.(读取细节)Task 1: Read the passage carefully and complete the time line on the next page.Steamboat Willie came out in New York.1930sNovember 18,1978Then ask the students to discuss the answers with their partners.Task2: 2c Read the passage again and fill in the facts about Mickey.Mickey MouseWhat does he look like?Who created him?What was his first cartoon?Who is his girl friend?Why is he popular?Then ask the students to show the answers.Task3: Read the passage again and find the answers to the questions.1. What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of? What cartoon character is a symbol of Chinese culture?2. Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man? Why or why not? Do you want to be like him?3. Why did people want to be like Mickey? Do you want to be like Mickey? Why or why not?4. Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey? Why is the character popular?Then ask the students to discuss the answers in groups.Step 4:Post-reading activitiesTask 1: Listen and read after the tape , correct your pronunciation. You can do it better.Task 2: Fill in the blanks in the passage without looking at 2b.(助学45页)When people say culture, we_art and history. But one very famous _in American culture is a_. We all know and love the black mouse _two large round ears-Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago, he first _in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon_in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and_. In the 1930s, he made _ cartoons with Mickey.Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular. One of the _ reasons is that Mickey was like a _ man, but he always tried to _ _ _. In his early films, Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or_, Minnie. However, he was always _to _his best. People went to the cinema to see the “_ _” win. Most of them wanted to be like _.On November 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon _to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Todays cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him. Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickeys?Task 3: Underline the following phrases in the passage. Write your own sentences or questions using the phrases.think of _come out _one of the main reasons _such as _was ready to _try his best _Task 4: Group work:(1) Show students a group of pictures. T: Look, these cartoon characters are my favorite ones when I was a young girl. I like one of them because he was like a hero. He was ready to face any danger and he tried his best to help people.Make a survey in groups of four, describe your favorite cartoon characters. Using the questions: Who is your favorite cartoon character?.And fill in the chart.Who is your NameReasonspopular/famous/successfulone of the main reasons is thattry his/her best tothink of.Personalityhonest, brave, warm-hearted, friendlyBirthplaceHis first cartoon came out inAppearancea black suit, black boots, white gloves, a white cap, big eyes(设计意图:读取细节,任务设立由易到难,学生可以更好的理解与掌握文本,设立不同的阅读任务,学生独立完毕阅读理解,回答相应的问题,并能提出问题, 完毕表格并理解文章中某些重要短语的用法,掌握阅读技巧,培养学生自主探究的精神。)Step 5: Emotional educationCartoons make our life more interesting. Enjoy your happy childhood,Enjoy your life. 动漫让我们的生活更加有趣,享有你快乐的童年,享有你的生活。Step 6: Inquiry into knowledge by translation一:When people say “culture”, we think of art and history.在此句中think of意为_,而think about的意思是_think over的意思是_(1)这首诗poem让我想起了春天。_(2)你在思考什么?_(3)这个问题有点难,请人们认真思考。_二:Over 80 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.Over 意为_相称于短语_(1)我有20多支铅笔。_(2)她们学校有5000多名学生。_三:However, he was always ready to try his best.(1)在此句中be ready to do sth 意为_,而be ready to do sth还可一意为_。例如:在我们班里,李丽总是乐于协助她人。_例如:我们准备工作了。 _(2)try ones best意为_ ,与_ 同义。Try/do ones best to do sth意为_。例如:你应当尽最大努力学习英语。_(设计意图:新课程强调,课堂要以学生为主体,教师为主导。课文中的难点,让学生通过小组合伙学习,观测、讨论并找到解决问题的方案,比教师直接解说灌输效果要好的多。这样设计重在锻炼学生合伙解决问题的能力,必要时教师可以予以一定的点拨,让学生成为课堂的主角。)Step 7: The end-of- class test一用所给单词的合适形式填空。1: One of Edisons important inventions _ (be) telephone.2: We must try our best _ (work) hard.3: In his early films, Mickey was _ (lucky) and had many problems.4: All the players in our team_ (do) a good job and we won the match in the end.5: If you want to be successful, you must try _ (face) many difficulties.二、翻译1. 你喜欢什么样的电影? 喜剧。What _ of _ do you like? I like comedies.2. 她不喜欢京剧, 由于京剧太没意思了。He _ like Beijing Opera, because _ is very _. 3. 她是我最喜欢的演员, 我觉得她很杰出。He is my _ actor. I _ he is _.4. 她觉得喜剧很有趣, 因此常常和朋友去看喜剧。 She _ comedies are very _, so she _ _ to see comedies _ her friends.(设计意图:通过检测,提高的学生做题能力,以学评教, 强化贯彻。发挥学生的积极性,让生教生,教师只适时点拨)Step 8: HomeworkYou must:1、Recite 2b.2、Preview 3a-4. If you can:Write a movie review about your favorite movie.亮点:1. 本节课以学生为主体阅读课型,以任务为中心和以活动为方式的教学措施,在整个教学流程设计上力求充足体现“以学生发展为本”的教育理念,努力构建摸索型的任务型课堂教学模式,并采用师生对话和生生对话等活动加强学生的口语和听力练习,使学生达到交际的目的。2.本课的阅读训练:一方面让学生迅速略读,找出文章大意;然后再让学生带着问题细读,找出文中细节。这些方略的使用有助于逐渐培养和提高学生的阅读能力,为将来的中考打下坚实的基本,然后读后活动设立了不同的任务这些任务活动均有助于学生内化所学内容,够增强学生的思维能力,提高注意力与记忆力,启发联想力和发明力,效果较好。同步预习检测、达标检测也紧扣文本,难易适中。局限性之处:阅读的环节设计比较多,时间比较紧张。使用阐明:读后的活动较多,并且对话、复述、采访用的时间比较多,导致整个教学活动时间较紧,因此教师应充足预设,从而节省时间,完毕整个教学活动。参照答案:Preview:(1): the black mouse with two large round ears(2):But one famous symbol in America culture is a cartoon.(3):One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man.(4):He became very rich and successful.(5):However, he was always ready to try his best.1:Fast-reading :Task 1:CTask 2:(1):F (2):F (3):T2:Careful-readingTask 1:Steamboat Willie came out in New York.Walt Disney made 87 cartoons with Mickey MouseMickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.November 18, 19281930sNovember 18,1978Task 2:Mickey MouseWhat does he look like?A black mouse with two large round ears-MickeyWho created him?Walt DisneyWhat was his first cartoon?Steamboat WillieWho is his girl friend?MinnieWhy is he popular?Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger.Task3:1:American culture. Ne Zha2:Yes , I think so . Because his cartoon is famous all over the world. Yes ,I do.3:Because it is like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger.Yes , I do. Because I want to try my best to live.4:Su Wukong. Because he can face everyproblem in his life and win at last.Step 6: Inquiry into knowledge by translation一:当人们谈到文化的时候,我们想到的是艺术和历史。想到;思考;认真思考(1) This poem makes me think of spring.(2) What are you thinking about?(3) This question is a little difficult. Please think it over.二:80近年前,它第一次出目前动画片威利号汽船上。多,more than (1) I have over /more than 20 pencils.(2) There are over /more than 5000 students in their school.三:然而,她总乐于竭尽全力。(1)乐于做某事,乐意做某事;准备做某事例如:In our class, LiLi is always ready to help other people.We are ready to start our work.(2)尽某人最大努力,do ones best;竭力做某事例如:You should try your best to learn English.Step 7:The end-of- class test一:1:is 2:to work 3:unlucky 4:did 5:to face二1:kind,movies2:doesnt,it,boring3:favorite,think,great 4:thinks,funny,often, goes,with


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