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副词 一.概念: 副词是用来修饰形容词,副词,动词或句子的词。二.副词的分类:1.时间副词:是确定时间句子的重要标志,要重点掌握。一般现在时:often, always, usually, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, never, once/twice a week/month/year, every morning/afternoon/eveningeg: He often goes to school by bus.一般过去时:yesterday, last month/year, ago, just now, in 1990eg: I came to Kunming last month.一般将来时:tomorrow, next week/month/year/Monday, this afternoon, in a few minuteseg: I will be back in a week.现在进行时:now, at the moment, these dayseg: We are learning English in Henderson these days.过去进行时:at this time yesterday, at that time(when,while做连词时引导的时间状语状语从句) eg: Xiao Qiang was having a shower at this time yesterday.现在完成时:recently, lately, already, yet, ever, just, so far, (for+时间段, since+时间点)eg: They havent finished their homework yet.过去完成时:already/yet/just/before/never/until与过去的时间连用, by+过去时间点eg: He had learn to play piano when he was twelve years old.2.地点副词:只需记住地点副词和动词连用前一定不能加介词back, inside, outside, here, there, home, anywhere, nowhere, somewhere, upstairs, downstairs, near, away, in, off, up, go to back go back arrive to home arrive home 3.方式副词:A:大部分是由”形容词加ly”构成:proudly, carefully, truly, terribly, busily, quickly, happily, loudly, suddenly, luckily, badly, easily,B:本身既充当形容词,又充当副词:high, fast, hard, late, early, near, again (highly表示程度,“高度地,地位,评价或身份高”;hardly表示否定,“几乎不”,相当于rarely;lately表“最近”,多用于现在完成时;nearly表示“几乎,差不多”)4.程度副词:修饰形容词或副词原级: very, quite, rather, too, much, so 易考形式:too+形容词或副词原级+to do sth=not+形容词或副词原级+enough to do sth.eg: She is too young to go to school.=She isnt old enough to go to school.He runs too slowly to catch the bus.=He doesnt run quickly enough to catch the bus.so,易考形式:so+形容词或副词原级(+a/an +单数可数名词)+that (such + a/an+单数可数名词+that+)enough, 易考形式:形容词或副词原级+enough to do sth修饰形容词或副词比较级:much, even, a little, a bit, a lot eg: He runs much more quickly than me.5.疑问副词:when, where, how, why, who, whom, whose, what, 疑问副词常用来构成特殊疑问句。对频度提问:How often 答语: Once a day/week/month对一段时间提问:How long 答语: For/About+一段时间,Since+时间点+ago对距离提问:How far 答语: About+一段距离对将来的一段时间提问:How soon 答语: In +一段时间6.关系(连接)副词: when,where,why,how,常用于引导从句。三、副词的用法 副词是用来说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词,主要用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或句子。1. 作状语,用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或句子。Please look at the blackboard carefully. 请仔细地看着黑板。 The car is quite expensive. 这辆轿车相当昂贵。 Unluckily, he missed the train. 很不幸得,他错过了火车。2. 作表语,表示方位上的变化。 He will be back soon.3. 作宾语补足语 I saw him out with his mother. 我看见他和他母亲一起出去了。四、副词的位置1. 一般副词作状语时,放在谓语动词之后。如果谓语动词后带有宾语,则放在宾语之后。 They are laughing happily. 他们在高兴地大笑。 Im doing my homework carefully. 我在认真地做作业。2. 频度副词作状语时放在be动词或助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前。 She is never late for school. 她上学从不迟到。We often go out for a walk after supper. 晚饭后我们常常去散步。3. 某些副词为了强调上下句的衔接,放在句子之前。 Suddenly she ran out of the house. 忽然她冲出房子。4. enough修饰形容词和副词时,要放在所修饰词之后。 He got up early enough to catch the bus. 他起得足够早,可以赶上汽车。五、副词比较等级的用法(1)比较级和最高级变化形式规则变化:A类副词比较级是直接在前加more或mostproudlier more proudly proudliest most proudly B类副词直接在其后加er或estHighhigherhighestHarder-harder-hardestHigh-higher-highest不规则变化:原级比较级最高级wellbetterbestbadlyworseworstlittlelessleastmuchmoremostfarfartherfarthestfurtherfurthest(2)易考形式: 肯定形式:as+形容词或副词原级+as eg: He is as good as Lei Feng. He runs as quickly as Liu Xiang. 否定形式:not as(so)+形容词或副词原级+as=less+形容词或副词原级+than+eg: He isnt as(so) good as Lei Feng.=He is less better than Lei Feng. He doesnt run as(so) quickly as Liu Xiang.=He runs less quickly than Liu Xiang.He doesnt write as carefully as his sister. 他写字不如他妹妹细心。 看见than就用比较级 in, of, among+比较范围,用最高级副词最高级前一般不加定冠词the。 Which do you like best? 你最喜欢那一个?注:不是以ly结尾的就一定是副词,如friendly, lonely, lovely, motherly, early易混点清单一、how long, how soon, how often, how farHow long have you been in China? For three months. 你来中国有多久了?有三个多月了。How soon will he come back? In five minutes. 他多快才能回来?五分钟后。How often do you visit your grandparents? Once a week. 你多久去看望你的祖父母一次?一周一次。How far is it from your home to your school? About two kilometers. 你家离学校有多远?大概二公里。二、hard, hardly hard 意为“努力地,辛苦地”“剧烈地,猛烈地”,是程度副词;hardly意为“几乎不”,是否定副词。 Its raining hard.雨下得很大。 I can hardly understand his words. 我几乎听不懂他说的话。三、too much和much tootoo much=much修饰不可数名词 too much beermuch too=too 修饰形容词或副词原级 much too tiredtoo much 修饰不可数名词,与too many 相对,too many修饰可数名词。 Theres too much rain in summer. 夏天雨水实在太多了。 The car is much too expensive. 这辆小轿车实在太贵了。四、too, also, as well, either,too, also, as well用与肯定句中too, as well 放于肯定句句末also放于be动词助动词之后,实义动词之前either用于否定句句末He likes English, too. 他也喜欢英语。I can also swim. 我也会游泳。I dont know French, either. 我也不懂法语。五、too, enough, so too意为“太,很”,用于“tooto”结构,表示否定意义“太而不能”;enough意为“足够”,用于“形容词/副词原级+enough to”结构,表示“足够能”;so意为“如此”,用于“sothat”结构,表示“如此以至于”。 Hes too young to go to school. 他太小了不能去上学。 The coach is big enough to hold fifty people. 这辆长途汽车足够大,能乘50人。 The park is so beautiful that we cant stop taking photos. 这个公园是如此的美丽以至于我们照片拍个不停。六、already, yetalready常用于肯定句子;yet常用于否定句和疑问句句尾。 I have already finished my homework. 我已经完成我的作业。 Have you heard from him yet? 你已经收到他的信了吗?七、ago, beforeago表示以现在为起点的“以前”,和表示时间概念的词组搭配使用,常在一般过去时的句子中修饰动词。before 是指以过去或将来的某一时刻为基准的“以前”,也可泛指以前,常用于现在完成时、过去完成时和一般过去时的句子里。The meeting began five minutes ago. 会议五分钟前开始了。I have never been to Suzhou before. 我以前从未去过苏州。八、 everywhere, somewhere ,anywhere, nowhere,形容词修饰复合不定副词和形容词修饰符合不定代词一样,置于其后 eg: somewhere interesting用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He thinks _ of others than of himself. (much)2. Bob never does his homework as _ as Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.(care)3. Of the two students, Linda draws _ (beauty).4. He got up late, _, he caught the train at last.(luck)5. Have you seen my book _?(somewhere)选词填空1. It seems that I have met you somewhere _. (ago; before)2. Have you _ finished reading the novel? No, I havent finished it _. Im _ reading it now. (still; yet; already)3. Although he is _, living in a _ house, he never feels _. (alone; lonely)4. He was _ tired that day that he went to bed early. (too; so)5. You cant eat _ meat, you are _ fat. (much too; too much)1. My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining _.A. badlyB. hardlyC. probablyD. heavily2. This morning Jack came to school _ than _ student in his class.A. much late; anyB. much late; any otherC. much later; anyD. much later; any other3. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should keep calm and go to an open area as _ as possible.A. slowlyB. quietlyC. widelyD. quickly4. Helen learns to dance three times a week. Now she dances _ Anita does.A. so good asB. as well asC. as good asD. so well as5. Did you watch the basketball match last weekend? Yes, I did. It was covered _, and I think it was wonderful.A. liveB. aliveC. livingD. lively6. The electric fan can _ blow away the terrible smell in the room, can it? Its hard to say, but you may have a try.A. easilyB. hardlyC. quicklyD. finally7. Daniel is a careful driver, but he drives _ of my friends.A .more carefullyB. the most carefullyC. less carefullyD. the least carefully8. Who writes _ in your class? Ricky.A. more careful B. the most carefulC. more carefully D. the most carefully9. Do you believe some special dogs can do things _ man? A. as good as B. as well as C. as soon as D. as careful as10. Can you work out the physics problem? Sorry, I can _ understand its meaning. A. almostB. quiteC. nearlyD. hardly11. She sang _ beautiful that everyone screamed. A. such B. so C. very D. quite12. Amy makes fewer mistakes than Frank. She does her homework _.A. more carefully B. more carelessly C. more careful D. more careless13. Daniel plays chess _, if not better than, David.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as14. I hate vegetables. I _ eat them. But theyre good for your health! You should often eat them. A. seldom B. often C. usually D. always 15. _ will your father come back? In a week. A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How often 16. Have you finished decorating the Christmas tree? Its _ finished, but theres still something to improve. A. sooner or laterB. more or lessC. no longer D. a moment later17. They are going to have a picnic _ next week. A. sometimeB. some timeC. sometimesD. some times18. Its difficult to live in a foreign country, _ if you dont speak the language. A. exactly B. naturally C. usually D. especially19. What do you think of the bridge? I have never seen _ before.A. so a long one B. so long one C. such a long one D. a such long one1. Our family has bought a car so we can travel _ than before.A. most easilyB. less easilyC. easilyD. more easily2. Peter jumps _ than any other boy in our school. Im sure he will be the winner in the high jump.A. higherB. longerC. fasterD. farther3.I havent seen Bob for a long time.I havent seen him, _.A. tooB. eitherC. instead4.Ms Lin is very popular among the students.Yes. Her classes are _ lively and interesting.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. hardlyD. never5. English is _ too difficult for me. I cant learn it well. Dont give up. Nothing is difficult if you work hard.A. seldomB. neverC. alwaysD. usually6. You speak English much _ than before. Thank you. A. well B. better C. best D. good 7. Good news for all Chinese middle school students in the countryside. They dont have to pay for school _. A. any more B. no more C. so far D. no longer8. Remember to e-mail me. All of us hope to hear from you _. A. quickly B. so on C. fast D. quick 9. Health is very important to us. We should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of _ rich food. A. too much B. much too C. very much D. too many 10. _ is “Lucky 52” shown on CCTV-2? Every week.A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How many times11. Here is a present for you, Jack. Wow! It looks _ nice. A. truly B. nearly C. really D. hardly 12. They all looked _ at the teacher when he told them the good news.A. sadly B. happily C. carefully D. angrily 13. Eating carrots is good for our health. But I dont like them at all and I _ eat them.A. always B. sometimes C. usually D. never14. Though he has studied _ at Russian for ten months, he can still _ speak the language.A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard15. Can you tell me _ it is from here to downtown? Yes, its fifteen minutes by bus.A. how much B. how long C. how far D. how soon 16. The old woman lives _, but she never feels _. A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone 17. Id like to take a trip to China during my spring holiday. Can you give me any ideas about _ to go? I can tell you about the places Ive visited. A. when B. where C. how D. why18. Write _ and try not to make any mistakes. A. as careful as you canB. as carefully as you canC. most careful D. more careful1. Have you received a letter from Jim _? A. yetB. justC. never D. ever2. Hi, Bob! I cant find my English book. Have you seen it _? Sorry, I havent .Why dont you ask Jim? Perhaps hes seen it. A. somewhereB. everywhereC. nowhereD. anywhere3. Its _ a beautiful stamp. A. quite B. too C. very D. so4. you will realize the importance of mastering a foreign language _ in the future. A. some time B. some times C. sometimes D. sometime5. What do you think of the football match? Wonderful! The Chinese football team has never played _. A. better B. best C. worseD. worst 6. The wind is blowing _ . The temperature is below zero. A. hardly B. loudly C. stronglyD. widely7. _ have you been in Nanjing? For about ten years.A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How long8. They all looked _ at the teacher when he told them the good news.A. sadly B. happily C. carefully D. angrily9. It is impossible for _ little children to do _ much work in a short time .A. so; so B. so; such C. such; such D. such; so10. Its raining _. We have to stay at home instead of going fishing.A. badly B. hardly C. heavily D. strongly11. Some physics problems in this book are _ for us to work out.A. so easy B. too easy C. so difficult D. too difficult 12. What do you think of Miss Lis teaching? Oh, no one teaches _. A. well B. better C. best D. good13. Theres _ snow and Its _ cold. A. too much; too much B. much too; much too C. too much; much too D. much too; too much14. _, he was late and missed the wonderful new film.A. Lucky B. Luckily C. Unlucky D. Unluckily15. We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing _ these years than ever before. A. quickly B. less quickly C. more quicklyD. the most quickly 16. Can you speak _ to a person in old clothes?A. kindB. kindlyC. polite D. friendly17. Which of the twins sings _? They are neck and neck, I think.A. wellB. betterC. bestD. the best 18. Pass my glasses to me, Jack, I can _ read the word in the newspaper.A. hardly B. really C. ratherD. almost19. The two friends were _ pleased to see each other that they talking on and on happily in the park . A. too B. so C. quiteD. much20. What is the main cause of the accident? Driving _. A. carefully B. careful C. careless D. carelessly21. Do you enjoy traveling by air? No, its _ expensive A. too much B. more much C. muchD. much too22. Tom sings _ than Jack, but he doesnt sing _ Mike. A. better, as well as B. better, better C. as well, better D. better, as well23. Lin Tao is good at all subjects at school, _ English. A. really B. especially C. mostly D. exactly24. What about going hiking this weekend? But the weather report says its going to rain. Why not play chess at home _? A. instead B. instead of C. though D. then25. Sorry, I cant work out this problem. Try again, please. Its only _ difficult. A. a bit B. a lot C. very D. much too26. I dont like the story, _. A. too B. either C. also D. neither27. What sport do you like _? Football is my favorites. A. well B. better C. best D. most28. Im not sure if Im going to Tims party; I may go to the concert _. A. only B. instead C. early D. late29. What a_ cough! You seem _ ill. A. terrible; terribly B. terribly; terrible C. terrible; terrible D. terribly; terribly30. This box is _ heavy_ I cant carry it. A. too; to B. so; that C. very; that D. too; that31. Which do you like _, tea, orange or water? A. good B. well C. best D. better 32. Does Liu Hua ever guess the meanings of new words? He _ guess the meanings of new words. He uses his dictionary all the time. A. usually B. always C. neverD. sometimes33.Who did it better, Billy or Henry? I think Bill did just _ Henry.A. as well asB. as good asC. as better asD. more badly than 34. _ do you write to your pen friend? Once a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How farD. How often35. Can you imagine that _little ants can carry _ many big worms? A. so, soB. such, such C. such, soD. so, such36. If want to learn English well, you must use it as _ as possible. A. oftenB. longC. hardD. soon(一)用所给词的正确形式填空1. The Greens are _(happy) to live in this _(noise) street. They have decided to move to another place.2. The panda has been _ (die) for about two months.3. I like her dress. It looks very_ (beauty).4. Dont fee _ (worry) about your child. The whole class would be _ (friend) to the new classmate.5. The _ (finally) exams usually take place at the end of June.6. Its _ (possible) for an ordinary plane to fly to the moon.7. Its a _ (please) trip for all of us.8. The children in China are living a _ (color) life.9. It was an _ (amaze) match. It amazed us.10.He felt very _(sleep) and fell _ (sleep) soon when he lay in bed.11.We all had a very _ (enjoy) time at the party.(二)选择最佳答案( )1. These oranges taste_.A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well( )2. I cant pay _ as he asked for.A. a as high priceB.as a high priceC.as high priceD.as high a price( )3. - We are going to see a film this evening . Why not go with us ?- I have to do many things this evening . Im _, you see .A. free B. glad C. sorry D. busy( )4. -Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening.-OK. Lets give him_ to eat.A. something different B. different anythingC. anything different D. different something( )5.The _ person is talking with the doctor.A. ill B. sick C. illness D. sickness( ) 6. The day is bright and _ . Lets go for a walk .A. sunny B. dark C. cloudy D. windy( ) 7. Look ! _ beautiful that lake is !A. What B. How C. How a D. What a( ) 8. -I wont go to the Great Wall tomorrow.- I wont, _.A. neither B. either C. too D. also( ) 9. He likes to do some reading in the morning, I like it, _.A. too B. either C. neither D. also( ) 10.That maths problem is _ difficult _ nobody can work it out.A. too; to B. very; that C. so; that D. very; but( ) 11. -Whats on the desk?-Its _ .A. a new green bag B. new green bag C. a green mew bag D. a bag new green( ) 12. The night was very _, so he had to take off his shoes _.A. quiet; quietly B. quite; quickly C. late; quick D. quite; quietly( ) 13. He_ to school to clean his classroom.A. always comes early B. comes always earlyC. always early comes D. come always earlier( ) 14. I got up_today.A. later B. more lately C. lately D. late( ) 15. Alice_goes to school at seven.A. usual B. usually C. hard D. a little1.The turcky tastes _ the chicken.A, as better as B, much better than C, as well as D, the best to2.I like Chinese because it sounds _.A, wonder B, wondering C, wonderful D, wonderfully3.E-mailing is much _ than long distance calling.A, cheap B, cheaper C, cheapest D, the cheapest4.Your advice sounds _. Well all take your advice.A, well B, carefully C, wonderful D, correctly5.Nick didnt do very _ in the final exam, but his scores are _ than last yearsA, good, better B, bad, worse C, well, worse D, well, better6.The sand-storm from the north yesterday seem


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