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Unit6 Colours 一、 教学目标1.Learn the words: red, yellow, green,orange,blue,white.2.能初步听懂What colour is? Its3.进一步巩固句型Look at和表达赞扬的话。4.培养学生听说读写的英语综合运用能力。二、教学重难点1、Words: red, yellow, green,orange,blue,white单词的读音。2、Sentens: What colour is? Its句式的应用。三、教学准备卡片,PPT等四、教学过程Step1 Warming-up1 Greetings2 Challenge yourself(选择一条题目挑战自己)难度系数 一颗星 Introduce yourself to us. 两颗星 Introduce your friends to us. 三颗星 Introduce your family to us.Step2 Presentation1 T: I have a new friend here today, can you guess, who is she? S: Is she Helen? T:No, she isnt. S: Is she YangLing? T: Yes,she is.2 (PPT显示杨玲)(1)Hello, boys and girls, Im YangLing. What colour is my skirt?Its orange.Learning tip:当我们想知道物品颜色的时候,我们可以说:“What colour is?(2)T: Now, you are YangLing,pratice this sentence with your deskmates.3 Before watching the cartoon,guess,杨玲的裙子会变成那些颜色。将单词引出,因为很多单词以前学过,所以只需要一带而过。4 Watch the cartoon , answer my questions and learn the text(1) How many colours did you hear?(2) How many times does YangLing change her skirt?(3)What colours are the three skirts?(三个问题层层递进,首先是听到哪些颜色,然后到杨玲裙子一共变化了多少次,再到这三次变化的颜色分别是什么)Learning tip:and 表示和的意思 red and yellow 红黄相间。5 Lets read一颗星:读音正确,声音响亮,读得流畅。两颗星:读音正确,声音响亮,读得流畅,语调准确。三颗星:读音正确,声音响亮,读得流畅,语调准确,动作表情到位。Step3 Consolidation1 出示各国国旗What colour.?Learning tip:当出现三种颜色的时候,我们可以说 a b and c.2 Promote yourselfA:Look,this is my. Look at his/her.B: Its nice!A: What colour is.?B: Its.A: Do you like.?B: Yes, I do./No, I dont.3 Watch some pictures zbout colours in our lifeThey work for usThey work for heartsBecause of them, our life become colourful.Step4 Homework1 Act the story wite your friends.2 Find the colours around you, and tell me nest class.


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