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Unit 2 Grammar and usage -MariaRevision 定语从句定语从句(attributive clauses)1.定义:定义:2.先行词先行词(antecedent)3.关系词关系词(relative words)关系词关系词 分类分类指人指人指物指物that which whosewho whom that whosewhen where why修饰主句中名词或代词的从句修饰主句中名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。叫做定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。叫做先行词。引导定语从句的词引导定语从句的词叫做关系词。叫做关系词。relative pronouns (关系代词)(关系代词)relative adverbs:(关系副词)(关系副词)关系词在定语从句中可以作:关系词在定语从句中可以作:主主语语 宾宾语语 表表语语 定定语语 状状语语1)Mary is a student who is 21 years old.2)The school where he studied is in Shenzhen.先行词先行词先行词先行词 关系代词关系代词关系副词关系副词定语从句定语从句主句主句 定语从句定语从句关系代词在定语从句中的使用关系代词在定语从句中的使用 先行词先行词SubjectObjectPossessive persons thingswho/thatwhich/that(whom/who/that)(which/that)whosewhose/of whichUse proper relative pronouns to complete the sentences.1.David is a kind person _always helps others.2.The book _ I borrowed from the library is very interesting.3.He cant find the book_is borrowed from the library.4.The girl _ you have just seen is very good at English.5.He is a great boy _name will be remembered.(which/that)which/that(who/whom/that)whosewho/that定语从句中,关系代词常用that的情况:1.当先行词是 all,everything,nothing,anything,none,little,much,the one等不定代词时,常用that引导定语从句。1)There is nothing(that)I can do.2)This is all that is left.3)Have you got anything that belongs to me?特殊用法特殊用法 2.当先行词被 all,any,every,no,some,little,much,very,the only 等词修饰时,常用that引导定语从句。1)I have read all the books(that)you gave me.2)You may take home any of these books that you like.3)The only thing that we can do is to wait.3.当先行词是序数词形容词最高级或被序数词(the first,the last等)形容词最高级修饰时,常用that引导定语从句。1)The first(thing)that should be done is to get the book.2)This is the best novel(that)I have ever read.4.当先行词是两个或两个以上既有人又有物时,常用that引导定语从句。1)He talked about the teachers and schools that they knew.5.5.当当关系代词关系代词在定语从句中作在定语从句中作表语表语时,无论先行词是人还是时,无论先行词是人还是物,常用物,常用thatthat引导定语从句。引导定语从句。1 1)He is no longer He is no longer the manthe man thatthat he used to he used to bebe.1.This is the second book_I have ever written.A.when B.that C.which D as2.The fire destroyed all_was in the building.A what B which C that D who3.This is the only answer _right.A which we think is B that we think it is C that we think is D which we think it is4.Tom is not the man_he once was.A who B whom C which D thatB CCDFill in the blanks with relative pronouns.1.This is the story _ we wrote for our storytelling contest.2.He likes the birthday gifts _ his friends gave him.3.I dont know the name of the teacher_ I met in the computer room.(which/that)(which/that)(who/whom/that)Conclusion:The relative pronouns serve as the objects of the _.verbsFill in the blanks with relative pronouns.4.Daniel is the person _ I want to make friends with.5.Art is the subject _ I know little about.6.The topic _ Eric is interested in is Physics.(who/whom/that)(which/that)(which/that)Conclusion:The relative pronouns serve as the objects of the _.prepositionsJoin the sentences with an attributive clause:1.You were to buy dog food with the money.2.The money is gone.The money(which/that)you were to buy dog food with is gone.The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone.Conclusion:当关系代词作当关系代词作介词介词的的宾语宾语时时,我们通常我们通常把介词放在关系代词之前来引导定语从句把介词放在关系代词之前来引导定语从句,就是用就是用介词介词+which/whom来引导。来引导。注意:注意:1)这时关系代词这时关系代词 which 或或 whom不能不能用用 that 或或 who来代替。来代替。2)which 或或 whom 也不能省略。也不能省略。Rewrite the following sentences4.Daniel is the person with whom I want to make friends.5.Art is the subject about which I know little.6.The topic in which Eric is interested is Physics.Fill in the blanks with“prep.+which/whom”:1.Are you interested in any songs _ _ youve listened.2.Tomorrow is a particular day _ _ his daughter will get whichon whichFill in the blanks with relative pronouns:4.Daniel is the person(who/whom/that)I want to make friends with.5.Art is the subject(which/that)I know little about.6.The topic(which/that)Eric is interested in is Physics.3.This is the knife _ _ I usually cut bread.4.We cant live without the sun _ _ we get heat and light.5.The subject _ _ Eric is interested is physics.6.This is the good car _ _ I spent all my money.7.She is the teacher _ _all his students show respect.with whichfrom whichin whichon whichto/for whom8.Do you know the girl _ _ our head teacher is shaking hands?9.I cant find my dictionary _ _ I paid over$100.10.The teacher _ _ you have been waiting is coming in a minute.with whomfor whichfor whichConclusion:介词介词+whom/which结构结构 中介词的选择主要看两点:中介词的选择主要看两点:1.与先行词的搭配与先行词的搭配 2.与定语从句中动词或动词短语的搭配与定语从句中动词或动词短语的搭配 你有没有看到那座房子?它的屋顶是红的。你有没有看到那座房子?它的屋顶是红的。Do you see the house?Its roof is red.Do you see the house whose roof is red?Do you see the house the roof of which is red?Do you see the house of which the roof is red?roofthe roofConclusion:关系代词关系代词 whose 可以用可以用 of which来替换来替换,但要注意但要注意它的形式和位置。它的形式和位置。the roofExercises:1.I was given three books on cooking,the first _ I really enjoyed.(06浙江浙江)A.of that B.of which C.that D.which Tip:the first of the three booksExercises:2.Last week,only two people came to look at the house,_ wanted to buy it.(07安徽安徽)A.none of them B.both of them C.none of whom D.neither of whom Tip:neither of the two peopleExercises:3.We shouldnt spent our money testing so many people,most of _are healthy.(07北京北京)A.that B.which C.what D.whom Tip:most of the peopleExercises:4.The man pulled out a gold watch,_ were made of small diamonds.(08陕西陕西)A.the hands of whom B.whom the hands of C.which the hands of D.the hands of which Tip:the hands of the watchHomework Finish the exercises given out after class.


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