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Im more outgoing than my sister.Unit 3Section Atalltaller1.88m2.26mYao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang.vThe black pig is fatter than the green pig.fatfatterfunnyFunnier Zhao Benshan is funnier than Li Yong.Lucy more outgoing outgoingLily Lucy and Lily are twins.Lucy is outgoing,but Lily is more outgoing.3,800,0003,200,000The white car is The white car is moremore expensive thanexpensive than the red car.the red car.The redThe red car is car is cheapcheaper er than than the white the white car.car.形容词形容词/副词比较副词比较级的级的 构成规则构成规则1.直接在形容词后加直接在形容词后加-er。2.以以e结尾的形容词直接在其后加结尾的形容词直接在其后加-r。tallnice3.以重读闭音节结尾并且末尾只有一个辅音字以重读闭音节结尾并且末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加-er.bigshortsmallshorterlarge whiterwhitethinfatterfatsmallerthinnerlargertallernicerbigger形容词比较级的形容词比较级的 构成规则构成规则4.以以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾的,先改结尾的,先改“y”为为“i”,再加再加-er。happy5.多音节和部分双音节形容词在其前面加多音节和部分双音节形容词在其前面加more。loudlyheavierheavyeasiereasymore beautifulbeautifulmore interestinginterestinghappiermore loudlyquietly-more quietly1.88m2.26mYao Ming is_ than Liu Xiang.Liu Xiang is_ than Yao Ming.tallershorterBobJackJack is _ than Bob.Bob is _ than Jack.heavierthinnerZhou Xingchi is _ than Jay.Jay is_than zhoufunniercoolerPairwork A:I amB:I amthan you.And you arethan me.Gao Yuanyuan is as _(漂亮漂亮)as Sun Li.Sun Li works as _(努力努力)as Gao Yuanyuan.hardbeautifulPairwork 1.I am asas you.2.I study/work/play asas you.1b1bListen and number the pair of twins 1-3 in the picture.123反义,附加疑问句反义,附加疑问句 通常是,前一部分用陈述形式,后一部分是附着在前一通常是,前一部分用陈述形式,后一部分是附着在前一部分的一个问句,用以确认。形式是前肯后否部分的一个问句,用以确认。形式是前肯后否,前否后肯,前否后肯,时态一致。时态一致。She is a teacher,isnt she?Yes,she is.You are going to Yan Tai,arent you?Yes,I am.如果第一部分为否定句,英语回答和汉语回答是不一样的。如果第一部分为否定句,英语回答和汉语回答是不一样的。They didnt finish the work,did they?Yes,they did.不不 他们做完了。他们做完了。vYou arent going to play,are you?vNo,Im not.是的我今天不出去。v在反义疑问句中,如果陈述部分出现no,never,little few hardly等词,陈述部分就算是否定,附加部分用肯定。vYou have no classes tomorrow,()you?vNo,I dont.是的没有。vThere is little meat in the fridge,()there?v前后坠构成的派生词不影响其原有结构。vHe dislike milk,()he?2a-er/-iermorefriendlyoutgoingfunny,smart,lazy,fast,high,hard,earlyhard-working2bTina is more outgoing than Tara.Tara works as hard as Tina.is friendlier and funnier than Tara.can run faster and jump higher.is smarterIs laziergets up earlier than TinaTom Nick SamTomsmarttallrun fastget up late thinFunnyhard-workingfriendlye.g.Is Tom smarter than Sam?2c.Pairwork 完成句子完成句子1.他长得什么样子?他很高。他长得什么样子?他很高。What does he _ _?He is tall.2.他比我高。他比我高。He is _(tall)than me.look liketaller 3.他的头发比我的短。他的头发比我的短。His hair is _(short)than mine.4.我来的比你晚。我来的比你晚。I come _(late)than you.shorterlater6.刘昂比我胖。刘昂比我胖。Liu Ang is _(fat)than me.7.我比我的哥哥外向。我比我的哥哥外向。I am _(outgoing)than my brother.8.文斯比我活跃。文斯比我活跃。Vince is _(athletic)than me.fattermore outgoing more athletic 5.特得比凯有意思。特得比凯有意思。Ted is _(funny)than Kay.funnierThink of yourself three years ago.Write about how you are different.(50words)You can write like this:Three years ago,I was,I am taller nowHomework:特殊用法特殊用法more and more 越来越越来越 Your English is getting better and better.the morethe more越越越越 The more your give,the more your get.as形容词原级形容词原级 as 比较的双方相同比较的双方相同杰克和汤姆一样聪明杰克和汤姆一样聪明not as/so 形容词原级形容词原级 as 一方不及另一方一方不及另一方判断判断 he is more cleverer than his father.china is larger than any country in Asia.the population of Shanghai is large than Qingdao.vDo exercise:v1.athletic(写出比较级)_v2.beautiful(写出比较级)_v3.calm(写出反义词)_v4.更开朗_v5.更严肃_v6.我比我姐姐更文静_v7.吉姆比露西更胖_v8.我的毛衣比你的毛衣更漂亮.v._v9.This book is_ (比那本书更有用)v10.My pen is _(比露西的更昂贵)得朋友难,失朋友易得朋友难,失朋友易


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