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7B Unit2 Welcome to Sunshine Town课案Teaching & Studying Plan学校: 海安县紫石中学 设计者:朱晓梅 时间:201007Title(课题)CheckoutType(课型)New(新授课)Period(课时)8理论支撑A.任务型教学(Task-based Language Teaching)是指教师通过引导语言学习者在课堂上完成任务来进行的教学。其优点是:1. 完成多种多样的任务活动,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣。2. 在完成任务的过程中,将语言知识和语言技能结合起来,有助于培养学生综合的语言运用能力。3. 促进学生积极参与语言交流活动,启发想像力和创造性思维,有利于发挥学生的主体性作用。4. 在任务型教学中有大量的小组或双人活动,每个人都有自己的任务要完成,可以更好地面向全体学生进行教学。5. 活动内容涉及面广,信息量大,有助于拓宽学生的知识面。6. 在活动中学习知识,培养人际交往、思考、决策和应变能力,有利于学生的全面发展。7. 在任务型教学活动中,在教师的启发下,每个学生都有独立思考、积极参与的机会,易于保持学习的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。B. 情境教学法(Situational Teaching Method )是指在教学过程中,教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解教材,并使学生的心理机能能得到发展的教学方法。情境教学法的核心在于激发学生的情感。情境教学中的特定情境,提供了调动人的原有认知结构的某些线索,经过思维的内部整合作用,人就会顿悟或产生新的认知结构。情境所提供的线索起到一种唤醒或启迪智慧的作用。比如正处于某种问题情境中的人,会因为某句提醒或碰到某些事物而受到启发,从而顺利地解决问题。Aims and demands(教学目标)A: Knowledge (语言知识) 1.to review “How much” and “How many” to talk about quantities.2.to review Noun+s to show that something belongs to someone.3.to review Possesive adjectives and pronouns;4. to review the definite article the Language skill (语言技能)1. Learn to ask questions about quantities with How much and How many.2. Be able to use Noun+s correctly3. Identify Possesive adjectives and pronouns4. Master The definite article theC: Feeling (情感态度)To develop the students good personal qualities and learn to talk with others more freely and fluently.Key points and difficulties(教学重、难点)1.Complete the sentences How many +countable nouns(pl.) How much + uncountable nouns 四会内容词汇:must词组:send a post card to, buy sb. sth., buy sth.for sb. :句型:1.Shall we buy some postcards for the exchange students? 2. There is a purse on the floor.3. It must be Mrs. Zhaos.2.Complete s to a singular noun and to a plural noun.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Task-based teaching approach Situational Teaching Method Aids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)some pictures, some exercises and some conversations教 学 设 计课前延伸1. Preview the new words of this part and try to master the usage of them.2. Finish off the Exercise on page 41让学生通过课前自学,小组内的团结合作解决预习中的一些问题,为上课做准备Teaching Plan(授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)Aims(设计意图)课内探究学Step One Warm up1.Check the words in groups.2.Give a brief preview of the grammar of this unit.复习热身, 通过检查预习情况,激发学生兴趣,复习巩固新课的语法。Step Two PresentationA. Present a video of Sunshine Town.1. Review Reading.2.Complete the passage of Reading.3. Review some important phrases and sentences in Reading.由录像复习本单元课文,生动形象,容易记住。导Step Three Practice1. Do some exercises.训练学生通过合作解决问题的能力,适时进行过程性评价。通过当堂练习与反馈,对学生进行适当的解题方法及技巧的指导。练Step Four Production 1. Write an article about your hometown.给学生一个话题,根据自己的观察和体会写一篇关于自己家乡的短文,培养学生的热爱家乡的感情及用英语说出句子和一段语篇的能力。课后提升Step Five Assignment1. Finish off Exercise Book Period 9.2. Do some exercises.利用配套练习复习巩固所学语法知识,并且能够在课外做一些练习对所学知识拓展延伸。Blackboard design (板书设计)Sunshine Town is a _ town in Beijing. Its only 40 minutes from _ Beijing by . There is air pollution in Sunshine Town in other areas of Beijing. of us live in tall buildings. We like it because we are_ our friends. We dont go far if we want help _our homework. Star Shopping Mall is our Shopping Mall. You can shop ten oclock _ in it. If you like eating Chinese food, you can choose food you like here. If you dont like Chinese food, there are lots of restaurants, too! Do you enjoy Beijing Opera? Why visit our local with us? You can enjoy Beijing Opera here.


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