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会计学1第一页,共84页。ReadingEducation for all 第1页/共84页第二页,共84页。第2页/共84页第三页,共84页。C.desks and chairs D.blackboards and brushesE.teachers and workersF.a lot of other thingsA.buildings as classrooms and offices B.a playground for the students In order to run a school,we need第3页/共84页第四页,共84页。Choose the best heading for each paragraph _ Education for all children worldwide will be difficult to achieve_ Solving the problem of teaching quality in remote areas_ Compulsory education for all Chinese children _ Problems of number and location_ Encouraging people in rural areas to accept education_ Meeting the cost_ Education for All-an international targetABCDEFG第4页/共84页第五页,共84页。China,the USA,AustraliaChina,Turks and Caicos IslandsChina,Lesotho,developing countries,least developed nations in Africa and AsiaChinaWhich countries use the following methods to help them provide education?第5页/共84页第六页,共84页。Careful reading1.Why did the Chinese government introduce a law stating that by the year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of compulsory education?Because in China,the government realises that the future welfare of its citizens is closely linked to education.In Para.B第6页/共84页第七页,共84页。2.Do all girls and boys in China share the same opportunity to accept education?Why(not)?No.In some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rather than girls.In Para.C第7页/共84页第八页,共84页。3.Whats your understanding of the title“Education for all”?Complete,free and compulsory primary education of good quality for all children by 2015In Para.B第8页/共84页第九页,共84页。1.By the year 2000 every Chinese child had had nine 1.By the year 2000 every Chinese child had had nine years of compulsory education.years of compulsory education.2.In 2000,there were 113 million children not in 2.In 2000,there were 113 million children not in school.school.3.The UNESCO made a goal called 3.The UNESCO made a goal called“Education for Education for All All”.4.It is important to create a positive attitude in 4.It is important to create a positive attitude in agriculture areas,because it is not easy to change agriculture areas,because it is not easy to change traditional ideas there.traditional ideas there.5.How people are distributed can not affect the 5.How people are distributed can not affect the education system.education system.FTTTFTrue or False第9页/共84页第十页,共84页。9.Distance learning is only used in Australia.10.In the least developed nations of Africa,“Education for All”will be a huge task.F T F F T第10页/共84页第十一页,共84页。12345第11页/共84页第十二页,共84页。1.Negative attitude(less importance,traditional ideas)23451.To create a positive attitude第12页/共84页第十三页,共84页。2.Large population,large class sizes13452.Nine years of compulsory education第13页/共84页第十四页,共84页。3.Shortage of teachers12453.Distance learning(television lessons,computerised teaching network)第14页/共84页第十五页,共84页。4.Lack of money12354.Aid from other countries,international organisations,particular programmes第15页/共84页第十六页,共84页。5.Small population mixed grade class12345.The Hope Project第16页/共84页第十七页,共84页。1.Negative attitude(less importance,traditional ideas)2.Large population,large class sizes3.Shortage of teachers4.Lack of money5.Small population mixed grade class1.To create a positive attitude2.Nine years of compulsory education3.Distance learning(television lessons,computerised teaching network)4.Aid from other countries,international organisations,particular programmes5.The Hope Project第17页/共84页第十八页,共84页。1.2.3.第18页/共84页第十九页,共84页。1.Large areas and long distance2.3.1.Distance learning(two way radio,mail)第19页/共84页第二十页,共84页。2.Not the same quality of teaching.1.3.2.Computer software第20页/共84页第二十一页,共84页。3.Providing a full curriculum is difficult.1.2.3.E-mail and video conferencing第21页/共84页第二十二页,共84页。1.Large areas and long distance2.Not the same quality of teaching.3.Providing a full curriculum is difficult.1.Distance learning(two way radio,mail)2.Computer software3.E-mail and video conferencing第22页/共84页第二十三页,共84页。Discussion Are there any ways in which education in our area could be improved?第23页/共84页第二十四页,共84页。第24页/共84页第二十五页,共84页。Possible Answers:1.I think the government of our town should organize more activities to improve the students health and abilities to solve practical problems.2 We should make the best of Internet to study.3.More libraries should be built in order to encourage more people to read and write.4.Contests and competitions of doing practical activities can be held to promote peoples abilities.5.The poor should not be charged,otherwise they can not go to school.6.Give us more free time,that is,stop giving lessons on Saturdays or Sundays.第25页/共84页第二十六页,共84页。Read and Guess1.In 1986,the Chinese government introduced a law stating that by the year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of compulsory education.A.important B.necessaryC.absolutely D.significant2.The members countries made a commitment to provide“complete,free and compulsory primary education of good quality for all children by 2015.A.agreement B.decision C.Promise D.introduction第26页/共84页第二十七页,共84页。3.In this areas,people do not attach importance to education,and parents are sceptical of anything that takes children away from their work on the farm.A.are doubtful about B.are clear aboutC.are in favour of D.are against4.China and other countries found that in the countryside when children do start school,they have a tendency to be absent and drop out later.A.leave school B.graduate from schoolC.finish middle school D.stay at school第27页/共84页第二十八页,共84页。5.Both the World Bank and save the Children have helped China with schools in less developed provinces.Corporations and private citizens also donate money through the Hope Project.A.lend B.borrow C.give D.take6.One in three students in the United States lives in the countryside,and providing them with a full curriculum is difficult.A.most subjects B.all subjectsC.some subjects D.not enough subjects第28页/共84页第二十九页,共84页。切联系切联系7)spread out 7)spread out 义务义务教育教育8)distance learning 8)distance learning 少于少于9)a full curriculum 9)a full curriculum 不愿不愿意做意做10)overcome problems 10)overcome problems 发挥重发挥重要要(zhngyo)(zhngyo)作用作用第29页/共84页第三十页,共84页。1.出台一部法律2.九年义务教育3.达到目标4.学龄儿童5.上小学6.与密切联系7.承诺,许诺8.与相同9.首先10.重视11.怀疑(huiy)12.使脱离 2.nine years of compulsory education3.reach the target4.school-age children5.attend primary school6.be closely linked to7.make a commitment8.be similar to9.to begin with10.attach importance to11.be sceptical of12.take sb.away from1.introduce a law第30页/共84页第三十一页,共84页。13.改变传统观念14 有倾向15.辍学16.吸收,接纳(jin)17.结果,导致18.展开19.远程学习19.希望工程20.三分之一21.向提供完成目标13.have a tendency to14.drop out15.take in16.result in(cause/lead to)17.spread out18.distance learning19.the Hope Project20.one in/out of three21.provide sb.with sth.22.accomplish the goal12.change traditional ideas第31页/共84页第三十二页,共84页。distance learning and so on.distance learning and so on.第32页/共84页第三十三页,共84页。Analysis of some long and difficult sentences1.In 1986,the Chinese government introduced a law stating that by the year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of compulsory education.(Para.A)()第33页/共84页第三十四页,共84页。2.It is reported that 99%of school-age children in China attended primary school by 2004.(Para.A)我们期待(qdi)孩子们能继承我们家族的传统。e.g.It is hoped that the children will carry on our family traditions.It is reported(said,thought,hoped and etc)that 句型结构,通常表达“据报道(据说,人们认为,人们希望等)”,其中句首的it是形式(xngsh)主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句内容。第34页/共84页第三十五页,共84页。4.In areas where agriculture plays an important role,people do not attach primary importance to education,and parents are sceptical of anything that takes children away from their work on the farm.sceptical:adj.unwilling to believe something,doubtfulWe are sceptical of the teams chances of winning.I am sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.声称(shngchng)的;所谓的 attach.to.(加于之上)(Para.C)第35页/共84页第三十六页,共84页。5.In the Turks and Caicos Islands,where there are less than 20,000 people,the number of students in some schools is so low that students of several different grades are taught in the same classroom.()()(在特克斯和凯科斯群岛,人口不足两万,有些学校里的学生人数(rn sh)很少,以至于几个不同年级的学生在同一间教室上课(Para.D)第36页/共84页第三十七页,共84页。6.To solve this,Australia uses“distance learning”methods,(where the students have lessons by two way radio and mail.)句中where引导的是非限定性定语从句,修饰说明methods;此类定语从句比较特别,因为(yn wi)其中的引导词并非表示地点的名词,类似的名词还有case,situation,condition等。你能想出一个使用(shyng)这个成语的情况吗?Can you think of a situation where this idiom can be used?(Para.D)第37页/共84页第三十八页,共84页。7.In these countries(where some people do not even have fresh water or basic health care,)reaching the target of“Education for All”will be a huge task,despite help from the international community.Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.尽管天气不好,我们(w men)的假期仍 过得很愉快。Prep.不管(bgun),尽管,不论第38页/共84页第三十九页,共84页。Languagepoints第39页/共84页第四十页,共84页。1.load n.负荷,载重,装载量;喻负担;重任,工作量The truck was carrying a load of bananas.pl.许多,大量,一大堆 loads of friends/money 大批朋友=a load of vt/vi(常与up,with连用)装,装满,载满We loaded the truck with bananas.我们把香蕉装上卡车。Load the bananas into the van/lorry.I was loaded down with the heavy luggage.这件大行李把我压得挺不起腰来。Dont move!The gun is loaded.load a camera(with film)把胶卷(jiojun)装入照相机cast lay the load on upon 把责任推给.take a load off ones mind 消除思想负担第40页/共84页第四十一页,共84页。pulsory adj.强迫的,强制的,义务的;必修的compulsory education 义务教育 compulsory measures 强迫手段 compulsory subjects 必修科目 compulsory service system 义务兵役制Which subjects are compulsory in your school?在你们学校里,哪些课程是必修的?mit vt.犯罪He must have committed a crime.把委托于,交付(jiof),把投入They committed the patient to the mental hospital.He was committed to mit suicide 自杀第41页/共84页第四十二页,共84页。She didnt want to commit herself on that matter.对.表态He committed himself to the antiwar movement.委身于,专心致志于 mitment 委托,监禁,收容;犯罪;承诺;保证;4.to begin with 首先;第一点(理由);起初To begin with,we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly.首先,我们必须全面地考虑(kol)全体员工的素质。We cant go.To begin with,its too cold,and besides,we have no money我们不能去。首先,天太冷了。第42页/共84页第四十三页,共84页。5.sceptical =skeptical adj.怀疑论的;不可知论的;怀疑的 sceptic 怀疑论者 scepticism 怀疑论,怀疑主义 cf.suspect 嫌疑犯/suspicious 可疑(ky)的,怀疑的 /suspicion 猜疑,怀疑He was skeptical about the announcement by the government.l have a suspicion that she is not telling the truth.suspicious actions可疑(ky)的行为The ignorant are suspicious.无知者多疑。be feel suspicious of about对.怀疑I am suspicious of that woman-I think she may have stolen sth.from our shop.第43页/共84页第四十四页,共84页。6.tendencyhave/show a tendency to towards 有.的倾向His health shows a tendency to improve.There is a tendency towards simpler administration.有一个精简机构的趋势7.drop out 辍学(chuxu),掉队,退出Teenagers who drop out of high school have troublefind jobs.高中辍学(chuxu)的年轻人很难找到工作。Peter dropped out before completing one lap of the track.还没跑完一圈就掉队了。第44页/共84页第四十五页,共84页。drop out:leave school/university without finishing ones coursese.g.She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out later.He had to drop out of the match.他不得不中途退出(tuch)比赛她得到(d do)了剑桥大学的奖学金,但后来退学了第45页/共84页第四十六页,共84页。8.expand v.扩大,膨胀,增强,伸展(shnzhn)Metal expands when heated.加热,金属就会膨胀。The citys population is expanding.The small business has expanded into a large multinational company.发展成为一家很大的跨国公司。expansion n.扩充,开展,膨胀,辽阔,浩瀚expansive(ly)adj.扩张(性)的,浩瀚的,广泛的9.distribute vt.分配;分给;分类;分布;散布distribute.over.把.配给到分配到,散布于.distribute sth.to 把某物分配,发给.distribute sth.among sb.把某物分配,发给.distribute books among the students 把书分给学生第46页/共84页第四十七页,共84页。be distributed into three classes分为三类distribute seeds over a field在田间播种 cf.distribution n.分配,分发,销售,分布状态,区分the distribution of wealth 财富的分配the distribution of profits 利润的分配the distribution of insects 昆虫分类distributive adj.分发的,分配的,分布的10.donate vt.捐赠,赠予(contribute)donate blood to a blood bank向血库献血 donate 1,000 dollars to school给一所学校捐赠1,000美元(miyun)11 aspect n.样子,外表,神态;方面;情况,状况;第47页/共84页第四十八页,共84页。the aspect of the whole area 全地区的面貌consider other aspects of the matter考虑事情的其它方面from legal aspects 从法律的观点discuss a subject in all aspects12.profession n.职业,工作(多指具有某种专业知识的工作)I think Jack should take up some other profession.我认为(rnwi)杰克应该从事这一职业。She intends to make teaching her profession.她打算从事教学这一职业。by profession 以为职业,做工作Im a carpenter by profession.我的职业是木匠。第48页/共84页第四十九页,共84页。professional adj.职业(性)的,业务(yw)的,专业的professional knowledge 专业知识professional men 专家;专业人员,内行13.alongside prep.在旁边,与一起The dog ran alongside me all the way.那狗一路上跟在我旁边跑。He parked his car alongside the fence.cf.alongside of 沿着,并排,一起The cars were parked alongside of each other.那些车并排停放。第49页/共84页第五十页,共84页。14.advocate vt.拥护,支持;提倡;主张;建议;辩护Our premier advocates higher salaries for teachers.我们的总理主张提高教师的工资。cf.n.辩护者;律师;拥护者;倡导者;替人说情者 an advocate of peace拥护或提倡和平的人15.obtain vt.(经计划,努力等)得到,获得He finally obtained what he had always wanted.他终于(zhngy)得到了他一直想要的东西。Knowledge can be obtained through study.知识可由学习获得。She obtained her Ph.D degree in 1996.vt.使获得(名声,地位等)常用于obtain sb.sth.或 obtain sth.for sb.第50页/共84页第五十一页,共84页。The play obtained him great fame.那出戏使他声名大噪。16.evident adj.明白的,明显的Its evident to all that he is wrong.evident/obvious/apparent 意思都含“明显的”。evident多用于推理及抽象的事,指“明显的”,如:Its evident that the plan is impracticable.很明显这计划(jhu)是不能实现的。obvious 指“容易知道或发现,无须解释或证明的”,如:Its obvious that a man isnt strong enough to lift an elephant.很明显,一个人是不能举起大象的。apparent 含“一目了然的”的意思,还可指“思想上容 易理解的”,如:第51页/共84页第五十二页,共84页。Its apparent that you cant be trusted.很显然,你是不可(bk)信赖的。cf.evidence n.明显,显著,迹象,根据,证据,证物17.restriction n.限制,约束The park is open to the public without restriction.该公园无任何限制对公众开放。He dislikes their restriction of his freedom of choice.The government placed restriction on the number of foreign cars that could be imported.政府限制进口外国轿车。cf.restrict vt.限制,限定The sale of alcohol is restricted in Britain.在英国,酒的销量是受限制的。第52页/共84页第五十三页,共84页。cf.restrictto 把 限制(xinzh)在 内We restrict membership of the club to schoolboys.我们俱乐部的会员仅限于中学生。He was restricted to(smoking)three cigarettes a day.他受到限制(xinzh),每天只能抽三根烟。18.schedule n.计划表,日程安排表a schedule of postal charges 邮资一览表a sailing schedule 航运时刻表 a train schedule 火车行车时刻表a production schedule 生产进度计划表Whats your schedule for tomorrow?你明天的日程安排如何?according to schedule 按时间表;按照原定进度ahead of schedule 提前 第53页/共84页第五十四页,共84页。The task will be finished ahead of schedule if nothingprevents.behind schedule 落后于计划或进度;迟于预定时间on schedule 按时间表,准时make a study schedule/plan 19.presentation n.赠送;礼物;授予式 提出;呈递;(正式)介绍,引见(ynjin);上演,演出 呈现There is a presentation of a new play tonight.今晚有一场新戏演出。present adj.现在的,当目前的,现存的;出席的,at the present time 在目前;现在 the present price 现价 the present case本案 第54页/共84页第五十五页,共84页。n.现在,目前;n.礼物,礼品,赠送物 at present a birthday present 生日礼物 vt.赠送,给予;呈献 提出;呈递(chngd),呈现出Allow me to present Mr.Black to you.请允许我向您介绍布莱克先生They presented flowers to their teacher.他们献花给老师。The theatre company is presenting“Romeo and Julia”by Shakespeare next week.剧团下星期将演出莎剧罗密欧和朱丽叶。20.take in 接收,收容;接受,接待,吸收,理解,欺骗 take it all in 注意倾听;全部听进They took her in for a week.他们收留了他一星期。第55页/共84页第五十六页,共84页。He ran rather than walked.They were determined to die rather than surrender.他们(t men)宁死不屈。第56页/共84页第五十七页,共84页。第57页/共84页第五十八页,共84页。第58页/共84页第五十九页,共84页。Integrating skills第59页/共84页第六十页,共84页。How we learn第60页/共84页第六十一页,共84页。Learning Styles Self-assessment QuestionaireThe following learning styles assessment will give you a better idea of your own learning style.Directions:1 2 第61页/共84页第六十二页,共84页。第62页/共84页第六十三页,共84页。第63页/共84页第六十四页,共84页。第64页/共84页第六十五页,共84页。第65页/共84页第六十六页,共84页。第66页/共84页第六十七页,共84页。Results of your self-assessmentBelow 55 You are honest.Take a close look at yourself and find the way to improve yourself.55-69 You have got some basis but need to improve.Better consult a teacher to find methods that suit your situation.70-84 You are doing fine.You will do better if you take it easy.85-94 Excellent you will be on the way to success unless you get too proud.95-100 You are a genius!Keep up the good work.第67页/共84页第六十八页,共84页。own learning and study more effectively.第68页/共84页第六十九页,共84页。Read the passage carefully and decide which type the following study tips are suited for.第69页/共84页第七十页,共84页。A.Learning through seeingC.Learning through doingB.Learning through listening第70页/共84页第七十一页,共84页。1.Organize a study schedule to include frequent breaks.2.Study in a quiet place where you cant hear people talking.3.Remembering things will be easier if you put the words to music and makea little”memory song”.A B C 第71页/共84页第七十二页,共84页。4.Take part in class discussions and debates.5.Draw charts,graphs,diagrams,flowcharts,or pictures to organize information when taking notes.6.If possible use a computer and DVDs to help you study.7.Make presentations to classmates or discuss ideas with your classmates.A B A&BB&C第72页/共84页第七十三页,共84页。8.Concentrate on similarities and differences you can observe.9.Silent reading.10.Study written instructions.11.Listen to and remember funny stories and background information.12.Create maps,build models or draw and design things.13.Take part in art projects.14.Write about the things you have to learn.A A B A&C ccC第73页/共84页第七十四页,共84页。1.In Para 1,the students are different in the following except_.A.personalitiesB.abilitiesC.learning stylesD.physical appearanceE.Ages and nationalityE第74页/共84页第七十五页,共84页。2.In Para 2,it is evident thatHere“evident”means_.A.possibleB.necessaryC.ImportantD.apparentD第75页/共84页第七十六页,共84页。3.These learners tend to sit at the front of the classroom.Which phrase can take the place of the underlined part?第76页/共84页第七十七页,共84页。4.What is the advantage of reading aloud?_.A.Help the students memorize more words.B.Draw their attention to the materials and the way things are described.C.Correct their pronunciation errors.D.Improve their reading results.B第77页/共84页第七十八页,共84页。5.Of the following statements about learning through doing,which one is wrong?_.A.It requires their personal experience.B.They rely on practical methods,experiments and surveys.C.Students with this style find it easy to fix their attention D.They are unwilling to sit still for long.C第78页/共84页第七十九页,共84页。Discussion:1.What strategies will you adopt in learning English?2.What measures do you think are effective and worth trying?第79页/共84页第八十页,共84页。6.In Para 6,What does the word suit”mean in line two?be suitable for第80页/共84页第八十一页,共84页。Writing假定你的一个朋友李明正在美国留学(li xu),他在语言方面遇到了很大的障碍,请依据你自身的经验给他写一封信,给他一些如何学好英语的建议。字数100左右。信的开头已经给出,Dear Liming,How is everything going?._第81页/共84页第八十二页,共84页。第82页/共84页第八十三页,共84页。第83页/共84页第八十四页,共84页。


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