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本科毕业论文论文题目(中文):论中西方家庭教育对孩子的影响论文题目(英文):The Influence of Family Education on Children between China and Western Countries 院 系 专 业 年 级 学 号 学 生 指引教师 结稿日期 5月10日填论中西方家庭教育对孩子的影响摘要:如今家庭教育越来越重要,社会需要高素质人才,国家需要发展,而好的家庭教育正是成功的核心。但是在抚育小朋友或少年时,我们应当本着什么样的目的?我们应当盼望她们获得什么样的成就、人格、理智或其她什么东西。这仍是个问题。中国与西方家庭教育因社会系统不同而不同,她们对小朋友所产生的影响也有差别,孩子是家庭的但愿,社会的将来,但是时代变化,人们价值观随之变化,家庭教育的支柱正在倒塌,其中过去以道德为核心的价值观遭到破坏,重智轻德成为家庭教育的普遍趋向,导致的严重问题亟待引起注重。尽管家庭教育目前已经获得相应注重,但仍有许多问题潜伏。该文对中西方不同家庭教育方针进行论述,对不同影响进行比较分析,以盼望找到并解决问题,对发现一种适合孩童的科学家庭教育措施有所协助。核心词:家庭教育;孩子;发展;中西方;影响The Influence of Family Education on Children between China and Western CountriesAbstractToday the family education has been more and more important, because society needs high qualified talents and countries need to be developed. Good family education is the key to it. But what purpose should we keep when we bring up a kid? And what achievement or personality or intellect or something else should we expect for them? Its still a question. There is such a difference between Chinese and Western family education because of the social system, so does the influence on their children. In a lifetime, family is the first school, in which parents are the first teachers for the children. Children are the hopes of a nation, and family education is the elementary education for children. There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture. But peoples values have been changing in the transformative period,and the mainstay of family education is collapsing,which destroys the core of ethical value,leading to a situation that value intelligence instead of despising morality in family education. Thats why the family education becomes such time limit. Although family education now attracts social circles attention, especially educational circles attention, Chinese family education still has a lot of problems,and this can leave potential problems in childrens future lives. This paper introduces the classification in family education methods in belief, and the influence on the development of children, makes a comparison between Chinese and Western family education,and build a better science family education to children. Key words: family education; children; development;Chinese and Western; classification;influence; AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Yang, for his instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of his help in the completion of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Secondly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers in the International Business School, whose interesting and informative courses have benefited me a lot during my college years. The profit that I gained from their profound knowledge, remarkable expertise and intellectual ingenuity will be of everlasting significance to my future life and career.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.Contents中文摘要.iAbstract.iiAcknowledgements.iiiIntroduction.1I. Explanation of Family Education.2A. The Meaning of Family Education.2B. The Content of Family Education3C. The Goal of Family Education.5II. The Different Education Type to Children between Chinese and Western Family.6A. The Chinese Family Education Methods.6B. The Western Family Education Methods10III. Different Influence and Effort on Children.12A. The Children in Western Family.12B. The Children in Chinese family.14IV. Comparison and Analysis16A. Analysis of Western and Chinese Economic Culture.16B. Analysis of the Different Education Views.17Conclusion.20Notes22Bibliography.23The Influence of Family Education on Children between China and Western CountriesIntroductionFamily education has been followed closely from of old. Children education is systemic, which includes family education, social education and school education, and all of them are interrelated, combining with each other. Family education is the foundation of them. Educationist Sukhomlinskii in former Soviet Union said: children are marble. If you want to sculpture them successfully, there need six sculptors, who are family, school, collective, themselves, and books. In fact, we can see that family is the first, so its necessary for parents to know how important family education is. Nowadays, as the foundation of society, Family is the first place where children receive education and the first unit children get in touch with the society as one of the hottest spot. Education is a highly complicated process which is connected with families, schools and society throughout ones whole life. A modern society whether it can present its special education function or cant, has already been the base of power to push the society and creation of family happiness. Today family education contents become various. It includes not only family life education, family relation education, family morality education, but also children education, parents education and so on. The people know from animal because they can express logically, as the same to family education, it has go-aheadism, and the influence on children is logical,too. For this reason, we must learn the basic responsibility and method of family education,approach to the result, development and enhance of our education level, which is the point we talk about.I. Explanation of Family EducationA. The Meaning of Family EducationLet us make a general survey of human history,and we can easily find family education is the restriction and guidance from parents to children. For building a better personality, everyone needs a long time, even last until the old die. But as time goes on, more schools have been founded, educational system has been more perfect, and children can get better education, so many parents consider they have not much to teach. In fact, that is wrong, because family education is extended, so is the influence. Family education is different from school teaching, because its based on kindness, and training on free. No matter it has lectured or not, it belongs to family education, like injunction and urge from parents, which is a natural quality of family education. As traditional conception, family education is the children accept education from their parents at home. As modern conception, the definition of family education has been expanded,there are two basic notions:1.The influence of family members;2.Hire a teacher who specialize in family education, we called tutor. B. The Content of Family Education.To make children grow healthy, parents should abolish unconscious development in children education, and build a scientific way for teaching, The main point is the need of society and self-development. The responsibility and volunteer of parents is cooperative with country to train their child a successor who will carry on the cause of proletarian revolution.Children need to be educated according to their own characters and conditions,the content of family education have following points: Firstly, education of benevolence, includes loving the country, loving the people, loving the collective and so on; Children can learn it from daily life,through the people and matter around them, so parent should guide a way for children, show them how to love.Secondly, education of decorum. Manner is outward manifestation of a man with accomplishment and moral, many countries treat decorum as the most important thing in national education,if everyone keep civilized,the life will be more health and enjoyable, the country will develop more smoothly. We should teach children how to be manner when they are young, 1.speak gently 2.the politesse of dealing with people 3.the rules of civilized behavior.Thirdly, labor education. It is important because only through working,children can realize the meaning of labor,and know the hard of harvest by ones working. From this chasten childrens basis,train their responsibility and make them work hard and practice economy. To this end we have to do the following, 1.take care of themselves,begin with the self-service;2.house working,for turning out responsibility;3.take part in labor for public good,tell children there has collective,not only you.Fourthly, good character. Honest, brave, enterprise, and some other quality is indispensable through a mans life. Franklin make a great contribution to electricity,he drew up a plan when he was a teenage,called “plans to achieve moral bravely and difficultly”. And he wrote a pamphlet,recorded every virtue a page,read them every night,and if there was a defect against the recording,he would draw a dark spot in the appropriate spaces,and this lead Franklins moral as bright as his career,honor the whole life.Except for these,there are discipline education,sympathy education and public morality education in family education.C. The Goal of Family Education.“The central assignment of education is training students to be a moral autonomy person; it needs rely on different condition. First of all,students must possess some kind of ability,intellect or temperament.” Family education is culturing the total program and target to a child,and the substance is what kind of person the child will be,and its the threshold and end-result of family education guiding theory,witch has outness. Parents should realize that no matter their words and deeds conscious or not,it can affect children,then conquer the field. Family education is limited in the profit of a family,the thought of parents,the cultural quality,the social environment and a good many factors, other way around,family education is one of the most important organic component parts of education system, the goal must obey the goal of country.Most of western mode of thinking is “controlling”, they suit the remedy to the case,and direct their children by getting knowledge,the target what western plan to children is training their independence and intellectual. There is one singer who married a western,from the baby born,her husband let the child slept in bed alone,if the child waken and cried,they would not acknowledge him in 20 minutes,this is incredible to Chinese parents. In china, TCM theory lead the thought,its systemic. And so, Chinese educate children base on personality,like caring,kindness or something,and parents believe this can be the steering wheel,lead their children to success.“Education is the process of changing behavioral pattern. it includes change mind,emotion and overt behavior,if so,the goal obviously delegate kinds of behavioral changing which are produced by knowledge factory.”From all of these, we can find different but also identical,the same assignment is training children independent personality,enhance the ability of getting knowledge and using knowledge,this is what family education should do. And we can find many talents benefit from early family education,like Dumas, Dumas Fils; Three Caos(Cao Cao and his two son Cao Pei, Cao Zhi) and Johann Strauss Jr,Johann Strauss Sny.;of course their brother or parents set them an good example, but the most important thing is they are given a good family education.II. The Different Type of Education to Children between Chinese and Western FamilyAThe Chinese Family Education MethodsThe different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive different education. In China, many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future, a good job, a good life or not. Based on these expectations, the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future.China has a long history,that make her conclude many traditional education ingredient. Chinese family education has been the dominant for thousands years in feudal phyla,one character in the education is Confucian culture, which means emphasize society is important than oneself,social benefit is higher than personal,character two is simple and clear concise, easily to hold by learner. Character three,basic on moral human relations, not only have family rules, but also have family influence,children must obey their parents unconditionally,to be loyal to the emperor, then to be a good boy, this is the symbol of the disintegration of the feudal system,which has history and reason deeply inside, but now its over the hill. Today,our education own the foundation of theory and inherit traditional method, Now lets see the form of expression by Chinese family education.1. Lecturing children like designing a drama,look down the activity of practice, and the only request is reading, reading and reading. We can find that many students have other lessons after school, which their parents sign up for them. There were are various kinds of lessons, like piano course, calligraphy class, dance class and so on without any housework,which lead a situation that our children get a high grade in exam but a low capacity in life, for example, one of our college students even cant eat egg,because he dont know how to peel it; 2.Less field sport. Chinese students have endless homework to do,they usually write from day to night,and the time for themselves is little,so what they can do is keeping doing;3.Children have no right to speak,there is a generation gap between children and parents in most Chinese families,when their son or daughter say something,they will veto most of them and say some justification,so children think they are misunderstood and mistranslation. For a long time,they become more and more uncommunicative, this is a bad tradition,when authoritarian education turn into a bound,childrens creativity will be suppressed; 4.Overprotection,Chinese parents protect the children to excess in social activities . Many children are prevented from exposure to the outer world because their parents worry about childrens being affected by bad things ,they afraid children would burn their fingers, when something bad or quarry happen between their boys and others,parents usually help their own kids accuse the opposition,even give rise to a dispute,this make a negative effect to children; 5.Taking away their children elses work,to make their kid be sacred from grievance,parents take responsibility for the basic necessities of life for their children,and do anything they can to please them,without a little housework,especially the only child; 6. Light-heeled economy,not only rich family,but also poor family,they will fasten waist belt to satisfy what their childrens request and lust,they care about kids physiological need,but despise their psychological goal,ignore culturing the health personality and chastening the mind,this make our children with lower psychological withstanding ability, and even a small knock can make them sad or confuse,and all of these are cause by ourselves, we must dope it out. Chinese parents want children do what they want them to do, no matter they like it or not,which produces a great impact on childrens future. Almost every Chinese parents expect their children to be outstanding, so they would like to spare their no efforts to provide children with a more favorable growing environmentfor they believe it is worth if children get a better future. And during this process of giving, parents usually make a example, then tell their children “this is what you should be,if you dont do, you will not improve and unsuccessful”. At the same time, they sacrifice their childrens imagination to build extraordinary abilities. Thats why Chinese parents pay more attention to class lessons than learning in life. The method in China is often no more than the mode of “Teaching by holding his hand”. Parents prefer to directly telling children the results, rather than show the process. Over time, they will suffer from psychological dependence, ignoring the importance of self-exploration. And thats why most Chinese students lack of creativity. In China, a promising future, a good job, a good life of their children is the most important thing parents only care. Based on these expectations, the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future. In short, they prepare what they can to ensure their children have a better life. In Chinese family, affected by Chinese traditional culture, parents educate children by “control” and “seal” type. To sum up, we can get some enlightenment from the organization of Chinese and western family education. We should encourage our children to finger things out by themselves,and believe they can research alone,manipulate alone,make a tolerant environment for them,build a more beneficial atmosphere to create. Kidss quest usually with proactive and certain attitude,so what we need to do is not prevent them,but allow them to explore the world,change the world. In the film Gua Sha Treatment, there is a scene that Datong ordered his son to apologize to his bosss son when his saw his son was fighting with his bosss son . Whats more, he slapped his son in the face when his son refused to apologize, which gave his boss quite a shock . His boss became confused why the father would show the regret by striking his son. This scene and the bosss confusion reflect the different concepts between the two countries. Traditional Chinese family education emphasize kindheartedness and obedience, so we can say that Chinese parents like Datong in the film always want to model their children . On the contrary, America children have more rights of autonomy because their parents emphasis on justice and freedom in the process of family education.B. The Western Family Education MethodsIn western countries, parents pay attention to train childrens self-care ability and self-reliance, because the mental health is important to them. They like communicating with children, to observe their emotional change, and to take care of childrens need, here by to make sure them with go-ahead spirit,all-round development and can be a person who earned his own living. Most American parents emphasize more to train their childrens ability of independence once they are born because they think that children should form a self-supporting will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood. And the capacity comes from the training in the early age What do western parents insist on their children all the way is to let them learn how to survive and how to adapt to different environment. There is one slogan among them,thats “if you want to spend money earn it yourself.” Parents always give children confidence and inspiration,emphasize person


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