Unit 1 The written word 否定词与否定表述

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Unit 1 The written word 否定词与否定表述_第1页
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Unit 1 The written word 否定词与否定表述_第3页
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认词与否认表述(习题稳固练 习)Unit 1 The written word否认词与否认表述稳固练习I.选词填空。从方格中所给单词或短语中选择能填入空白 处的词,并用其正确形式填空。if only, few, hardly, lack,let alone, rather than,out of the question, in no case1. Now shehad strength to open thecarriage door.2. Unfortunately, very people haveplayed in this space.3. Because I confidence, I failed atfirst attempt.4. you had followed my advice.5. Well have the meeting in the classroom in the auditorium.6. will I give in to you.7. We cant afford a bicycle,a car.8. I have so much work to do that a holiday forme this year is.II.单项选择。1. I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me? orry, Ithe piano for years.A. dont play B. wasnt playing C. havent played D. hadnt played2. Days later, my brother called to say he was allright, butsay where he was.A. mustnt B shouldnt C. wouldnt D. mightnt3. Dont handle the vase as if itmadeof steel.A. is B. were C. has been D. had been4. I knew that would ever discouragehim; he would never give up wanting to be a director.A. somethingB. anythingC.everything D. nothing5. Would you like tea or coffee?, thank you. Ive just had some water.A. EitherB. BothC. AnyD. Neither6. The girl had hardly rung the bellthe door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her.A. before B. untilC. asD.since7. I wont call you, somethingunexpected happens.A. unless B. whetherC. becauseD. while8. Do you know Annas telephone number?. As a matter of f act, I dont know any Anna, either.A. I think soB. Im afraid notC. Ihope so D Id rather not9. I agree with most of what you said, but I dontagree with.A. everythingB. anything C.something D. nothing10. Both teams were in hard training;was willing to lose the game.A. eitherB. neitherC. anotherD. the other11. It waslate to catch a bus after theparty; therefore we called a taxi.A. too very B. much too C. too much D. far12. the English examination, I wouldhave gone to the concert last Sunday.A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for13. I canbe a teacher. I am not a verypatient person.A. never B. ever C. seldom D. always14. in my life impressed me so deeplyas my first visit to the Palace Museum.A. AnythingB. NothingC.Everything D. Something15. There are eight tips in Dr. Rogers lecture onsleep, and one of them is:to bedearly unless you think it is necessary.A. doesnt go B. not to go C. to goingD. dont go16. Yoube hungry already_you hadlunch only two hours ago!A. wouldntB. cant C. mustntD. neednt17. Which driver was to blame?Why,! It was the childs fault,clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.A. both B. eachC. either D.neither18. I thought there would be many students inthe hall, but when I got in, I found.A. noneB. no oneC. nobodyD. nothing19. I am new in the school and Iknowhere.The kids are very kind and I think you will make friends with them soon.A somebodyB anybodyC. nobodyD everybody20. John, when shall we meet again, Thursdayor Friday? Ill be off to London then.A. EitherB NeitherC. BothD. None21. His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV, butA. a little did he hear B little did he hearC. little heard he D. a little heard he22. The old man wouldnt stay at home for arest even if it rained.:. He would feel sick if he stayedhome for one day.A. So would my grandpaB. Sowouldnt my grandpaC. Neither would my grandpaD. Norwouldnt my grandpa23. By no means to our plan for thetrip.A. will she agree B. she will agree C. agrees she D. will agree she24. During the war,but also he lost hiswife and his child.A. not was his job in the lab taken away B. not only was his job in the lab taken awayC not merely his job in the lab was taken away D. not just was taken away his job in the lab皿.翻译句子。1. 他未能恪守诺言。fail2. 土地太干无法长庄稼。too3. 我宁愿把钱扔海里,也不借给汤姆。would rather.than)4.他宁愿徒步旅行,也不愿去看电影。(prefer.to)5.不是所有的学生都能通过考试。(all)6不做这件工作是不可能的。impossible)7. 要不是你帮助,我们不会及时完工。(but for)8. 体育锻炼的重要性,我们无论怎样强调都不 过分。(not. too)9. 不要为我的病担忧,我只要稍微休息几天就 会好的。nothing but)10. 他父亲很生气,因为他的解释一点也不令人 满意。(far from)11. 我还没来得及答复,他就跑出了房间。(before)12.除非努力否那么你不会成功。(unless)答案与解析:I 选词填空。1. hardly2. few3. lacked4. If only5. rather than6. In no case7. let alone8. out of thequestionII.单项选择。1. C。考查时态。句意:“我记得在大学时,你 是一位极有天赋的钢琴手。你能为我们弹 奏钢琴吗?“对不起,我已经多年不弹 钢琴了。由句意可知,选现在完成时。 现在完成时表示一个过去开始一直延续 到现在,且对现在有影响的动作。2. C。考查情态动词。句意:几天后,我哥哥打 说他一切都好,但不愿意说他在哪儿。mustnt表示“禁止shouldnt 意为“不应该;wouldnt在此意为“不愿意; mightnt意为“或许不。3. B。考查虚拟语气。句意:不要那样拿那个花 瓶,好似它是钢制的一样。as if表示“似乎,好似引导的从句通常用虚拟语气, 再结合主句的时态可知是对现在事实的 虚拟,所以用一般过去时were。4. D。考查代词。句意:我知道没有什么能阻止他。他是不会放弃当导演的想法的。 nothing意为没有什么,符合句意。5. D。考查代词用法。句意:“你想要茶还是咖啡? “都不要,谢谢。我刚喝过一些 水。根据答句中的“ Ive just had somewater.可知此处表示两者都不要,故用 neither o6. A。根据句中前后的时态判断,had hardly rung为过去完成时,was opened为一般过去 时,故前者动作应该发生在后者动作之 前,可以判断用“before。另外,从意 义判断,before意为“在之前;来不 及,应选Ao句意:小女孩还没来得及 按门铃,门就突然开了,并且她的朋友冲 出来问候她。7. Ao句意:我不会给你打的,除非有意外的事情发生。unless,“除非,如果不,相 当于 if . noto8. Bo句意:“你知道安娜的 号码吗? “恐怕 不知道,事实上,我也不认识任何叫安娜 的人。此题中用Im afraid not表示对 对方询问的委婉否认。A、C两项表肯定, 与语意不合,故排除。D项意为“我宁愿 不知道,也与语意不符,故排除。所以 选B项。9. A。句意:我同意你说的大局部,但我并非同 意全部。根据句意可知应用局部否认,如选B项那么是完全否认。10. B。句意:两队都在刻苦训练,谁也不愿输掉比赛。表示“两者都不应用neither。11. B。句意:聚会之后,天太晚了,我们坐不上公交车,所以我们打的了。too . to .表 示“太 而不能,符合句意,是否认 意义的一种表达方式,其中much为程度 副词,修饰too。12. B。句意:如果不是因为英语考试,上周日我就去欣赏那场音乐会了。题干为含蓄条件 句,短语介词but for引出含蓄条件,表示“如果不是,如果没有,在此是否认 意义的一种表示方式。13. A。考査副词的用法。句意:我可能永远当不了老师了,因为我不是一个很有耐心的 人。根据句意可知,此处要用never表示 少;always“总是。“永远不。ever曾经seldom“ 很14. B。考查不定代词的用法。nothing用于句中 表示否认意义,而其他三个词那么表示肯 定意义。句意:我一生中什么都没有我第 一次参观故宫给我的印象更深刻。15D。祈使句的否认形式是在句首加dont。16. B。句意:你不可能饿了,你两个小时之前才 吃的午饭! cant指“不可能;must表 猜想时,不能用于否认句;neednt指“没 有必要。17D。句意:“哪个司机该承当责任?“什么? 谁也不该!显而易见,是那个小孩的过错。 他突然出现在两辆停着的汽车之间。 both, each 和 either 表示肯定;neither“两 个都不,表示否认,符合语境。18. A。句意:我原以为大厅里会有很多学生,但进去后却发现没有一个学生。no one只能 指人,后不能接of短语,且表示泛指概 念。none既可指人亦可指物,表示特指 概念。此处none意为none of the students(没有一个学生),是特指;或许 大厅里有老师,所以不能用no one。19. C。考查否认的不定代词。句意:“我是学校里的新生,我在这儿谁都不认识。“孩 子们非常善良,我想不久你就会和他们成 为朋友的。somebody某个人; anybody“任何人;nobody“没有人;everybody“每个人。20. B。考查代词的用法。根据该空后面的“Ill beoff to London then.可知,周四、周五 这两天都不行,应选neither o21. Bo具有否认意义的副词如:little, seldom,never, hardly, scarcely, rarely等位于句首 时,句子的主谓局部倒装。22. Co Neither would my grandpa=My grandpawouldnt stay at home for a rest, either否 认副词neither, nor提前到句首,句子用 局部倒装。23. A。表示否认意义的介词短语在句中作状语置于句首时,句子的主谓局部倒装。这样的 介词短语有:by no means, at no time, in no way, not in the least 等。24. Bo not only.but also连接两个并列分句,且not only位于句首时,该分句主谓局部倒 装。皿.翻译句子1. He failed to keep his promise.2. The earth is too dry for crops to grow.3. I would rather throw money into the sea thanlend it to Tom.4. He prefers hiking to going to the cinema.5. Not all the students can pass the exam.6 It is impossible not to do the work.7. But for your help we should not have finished in time.8. We cannot emphasize the importance of physical exercise too much.9. Dont worry about my illness; what I need is nothing but a few days rest.10. His father was very angry because his explanation was far from satisfactory.11. He ran out of the room before I could answer.12. You will not succeed unless you work hard.


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