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Teaching Plan for WritingBetter Your Writing授课者:邱会有(广州市美华中学) 时间:2012年6月7日执教班级:初二(3)班 地点:广州市美华中学地理室教 学 目 标知识与技能让学生掌握写作时常用的过渡词;学生会在文章中找出过渡词、好词、好句,养成为写作积累素材的习惯。学生会分析文章的架构,了解写作的技巧和步骤,懂得用过渡词写一封e-mail。学生清楚写作的评分标准,会自改、互改作文。过程与方法本节课是写作课,一开始用几个问题来导入新课,引起学生的共鸣,自然地引出Mary写给Mr Know 的信。然后采用竞赛的形式找出信中的过渡词、好词、好句。复习有关写作的过渡词,然后用过渡词完成Mr Know 写给Mary的回信。接着让学生了解写作的步骤和技巧,讨论写作题目的难处,之后学生写一封e-mail。接着全班一起讲评学生作文并找出文中的过渡词、好词、好句。最后归纳总结和布置作业。 情感态度与价值观通过真实的情景问答和阅读来信,使学生知道遇到苦恼和困扰时应怎么办。通过竞赛、写作前先讨论等使学生的合作精神和创造性思维得到体现,并在轻松愉快的学习气氛中体验到运用过渡词进行写作的乐趣。教 学 重、难点重 点让学生学会在文章中找出过渡词、好词、好句,会分析文章的架构,懂得用过渡词写e-mail。难 点帮助学生掌握如何用过渡词写作,提高写作的连贯性和流畅性。教 材 分 析 本节课是为初二下学期期末写作复习而准备的写作课。学 情 分 析 经过初一、初二两年的学习,学生已有了一定的写作基础,写作时能写齐要点,但文章的准确性特别是流畅性还是较差,学生写文章不注意审题、构思、列要点等,喜欢直译给出的内容,不懂如何开头、如何适当增加细节、如何结尾、如何过渡等,文章的结构比较松散,过渡很不连贯流畅,为此,特意开设了此节写作课,目的是让学生能掌握写作的步骤和技巧,会用过渡词进行写作,从而使文章更连贯和流畅。同时也想通过本节课的引导,让学生养成平日积累好词、好句的习惯,为写作积累素材,提高写作水平。教 学 准 备教学PPT,学案。教 学 过 程步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Leading-in Step2 First ReadingStep 3Second ReadingStep 4Conclude the connection words Step 5Exercise Step 6Step by stepStep 7WritingStep 8 Correct the compositionStep 9 ConclusionStep 10HomeworkAsk Ss some questions:1、Are you interested in English?2、Do you think it is difficult to learn English well? 3、Do you have problems in English study? If you have problems in learning English, what will you do? Will you ask for help from others? Get the Ss read the letter quickly and analysis the structure of the letter.Guide the Ss to find out the good words, sentences and connection words in the passage. Get the Ss to conclude the connection words.Let the Ss complete the letter with the connection words. Guide the Ss to conclude the writing skills and e-mail pattern.Get the Ss to write an e-mail with connection words.Guide the Ss to correct the composition together, find out the connection words, good words and good sentences.Guide the Ss to conclude what have learned today.Arrange the homework.Answer the teachers questions.Read the letter quickly and analysis the structure of the letter.Find out the good words, sentences and connection words in the passage.Ss try to conclude the connection words.Ss try to complete the letter with the connection words.The Ss try to conclude the writing skills and e-mail pattern.Try to write an e-mail with connection words.Try to correct the composition and find out the connection words, good words and good sentences.Try to conclude what they have learned today.Try to finish the homework.Lead in the topic problems.Know the structure of the letter.Learn how to find out the good words, sentences and connection words in a passage.Let the Ss master the connection words.Let the Ss know how to complete the letter with the connection words.Let the Ss master the writing skills and e-mail pattern.Let the Ss know how to write an e-mail with connection words.Let the Ss know the standard of correcting the composition and how to correct it.Recall what have learnt today.Consolidate what have learnt.板 书 设 计 Difficulties . G1 G2 The winner is : _G_ . 3


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