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中考模拟(四)Woody Allen is famous for the way he changed comedy films in the 1970s. He not only directed many movies but also _ in many of them. He did very well in those movies. Allen won great fame with the success of Annie Hall. Annie Hall won four Academy Awards, _ a Best Director Oscar for Woody Allen. His other films include Anything Else and Hollywood Ending. James Cameron has directed many films, and Titanic is one of the most famous. Titanic _of those award, including Best Picture, Best Score, Best Costume, Best Song. Cameron himself who three Academy Awards for Titanic for director, producer and editor. George Cukor has a wonderful ability to direct strong female characters. Cukor directed Katharine Hepburn in her first film, A Bill of Divorcement. Other _female characters that George Cukor directed include Judy Garland in A Star is Born and Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady. George Cukors other excellent _include Little Women and The Philadelphia Story. 中考模拟(五)At a busy crossing, what controls traffic? Of course, the traffic lights do. They show us when to stop and when to go. But it seems that some people dont pay to them. They always cross the road while the lights are red. How can we solve this problem? We can try using lights that “speak”.People in some places have tried using such traffic lights. Above the lights, there is a speaker. When the lights _ color, the speaker tells the people what to do. For example, when the yellow lights turn green, you will hear “Go on, please”. While the yellow lights turn youll be told to stop. People say that this kind of traffic light is good for both drivers and the people who are walking. Even if they dont see the lights, they can them. The blind are the happiest users of this new invention. In the past, it was difficult for them to cross the street. Now they can cross safely without other peoples help. Some even say the bling may become more confident because of this kind of light. 中考模拟(六)One day, a man called Mark Cooper went walking in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the United States with his , Zorro. As they were going along a narrow path, Mark tripped and fell into stream. On the way down, he knocked his head and lost consciousness. He feel anything when he lay in the stream, but as he woke up, he realized that Zorro was pulling him out of the stream, finally, he was away from the water. Them Zorro lay with him to keep him .After some time, someone saw Mark and hurried away to help. A helicopter arrived the next day. Soon Mark was lifted the helicopter and flew to the safe place. It wasnt until later that Mark realized that Zorro had been forgotten! He had been left in the mountains. A search was organized and Zorro was soon , still sitting beside Marks backpack. For his great love to his master, Zorro was awarded the title “Dog Hero of the Year” and given a medal. 中考模拟(七)Fire is widely used in our lives. We can use fire in many ways. At home, we use fire to cook food and boil water. In factories, we use fire to melt metals. In the wild, we use fire to keep warm. Anyway, we live without fire. But how was fire first made?When the world was very young, people lived only in warm places. They didnt live in cold places because they could not keep warm there. At the time fire was very important for three . It kept people warm and frightened away wild animals. Moreover, people also used fire to cook food, making it much better.But at first men didnt know how to make a fire. Sometimes trees were hit by lightning and set on fire. Then people took some of the fire to their homes. Once they had a fire, they wouldnt let it stop burning. If it went out, they couldnt _ it again. They had to wait for lightning to start another fire, sometimes they had to wait for years. Later, they learned how to build a fire. But still it was not to make something bun at first. Fortunately now we have matches. We can carry them in our pockets and make a fire easily when we want to. 中考模拟(八)A long time ago there was a king. He was a hard-working king. He wanted to learn all the wisdom in the world. But he was very busy, so it was impossible for him to go everywhere in the world. So he asked some of his ministers to help him collected a lot of wisdom. They _ all over the world and collected a lot of wisdom. Then they compiled(编写) the wisdom into books. Ten years later, they came back and showed thousands of books to the king. However, the king was too busy to read so many books. The ministers had to spend another ten years condensing(压缩)these books into _ of books. But the king was still very busy, and whats more, he was much _ than twenty years before. He didnt have enough energy to read these books. This time, his ministers tried their best to condense these books into booklets, which had only several pieces of paper each. It _ them more than ten years. Unfortunately, by the time they showed them to the king, the king was dying. He was so weak that he _ even hold a booklet. The king died without getting any of the wisdom. 中考模拟(九)There are more and more people keeping dogs as pets. It is dangerous to leave your dog alone or allow him to run freely. Many _ may happen if you allow him to run around. He could bite or injure someone, or a car could hit him. When going out for a walk, you _ keep him on a short rope. And pay attention to him at any time, in addition, in order to _ him running around, please regularly check the chain, the door, and so on. Are you going out for a walk with your dog? Arent you _ anything? Dog owners must clean up their dogs feces(粪便) in order not to cause problems for other people. So please, do not forget to clean it up. It is very _ to understand your dogs habits and train him. If you do not train him, he may do things like barking for noting, biting things and people, pulling objects, and disturbing the neighbours. 中考模拟(十)Being blind, deaf, unable to walk or use your hands easily is something that most people cant imagine. But there are many people who face these difficulties, and I am one of them. Because I _ use my arms or legs well, it is difficult for me to do normal things like answering the telephone, opening or _ doors, or carrying things. Then one day last year, a friend of mine said that she would like to help me get a specially trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I told her that I love _ , and that Id love to have a dog. After six-month training with a dog at “Animal Helpers”, I was able to take him _. My dogs name is “Lucky” a good name for him because I feel very _ to have him. For example, I say, “Lucky! Fetch my book.” And he will do it at once. He is very clever, and he can understand many English words, even some difficult ones like “upstairs”. Lucky is an amazing dog. I really like him. 中考模拟(十一)Air is all around us. From the time when we were _, air is around us on every side. When we walk and play, air is around us. When we sit down, air is around us. When we are asleep, air is also around us. We live in air. Everything that is alive needs air. We can live without food or water for a few days but without air we can only live for no more than a few _. When we work or run, we need more air. When we are asleep, we need _ air. We live in air but we cant see it. We can only _ it. We can feel it when its moving. _ air is called wind. How can you make air move? Here is one simple way. Hold an open book in front of your face. Close it quickly what you feel is air. 中考模拟(十二)David was very happy living with his wife in a small town during the first month after wedding. But things changed after his wifes mother came to live with them.David found it not _ to live with her. She was always complaining and never seemed to stop talking. David never said any bad _ of his mother-in-law because he loved his wife, though the old lady was bringing him more and more trouble.As time _ by, things became worse and worse. His mother-in-law complained day and night. David was very unhappy. He thought, “I must find a way to stop her talking.”One day the old lady was ill, so David sent her to see a doctor. She complained to the doctor that she was cold, her head hurt, and she _ fall asleep. The doctor examined her and took her temperature. He put a thermometer in her mouth. He asked her to sit quietly and not to _ her mouth. For the first time David did not hear her complaint. He was so surprised and happy to look at the thermometer and he thought he found the way to solve his problem. He decided to buy one for her mother-in-law. 中考模拟(十三)School Trip DayOn Friday, June 1, our class will go on a school trip to North Park Zoo. Many _ we have been learning about will be there for is to have a close examination. Our class will be divided into four teams.What You Need to KnowAll students should wear a blue shirt. Make sure to wear _ shoes because we will walk all day. Please bring a packed lunch and a drink. We will have a picnic in the zoo. When you are in the zoo, stay with your team. Do not leave the _ without the team leaders permission.Feed the AnimalsThe ONLY animals that students are allowed to feed are those in the Childrens Zoo. Special food is _ in the zoo for 25cents. Do not feed your lunch to them. It is not good for the animals. Other InformationThe cost is $1.00 for each student to enter the zoo. We will leave the school at 9:00 am and _ at 2:30 pm. 中考模拟(十四)Energy is an important part of our daily life. We can use it to produce electricity, make lights shine and cook dinner. So it is _ for us to know about energy. There are many different kinds of energy, like water, wind, and so on.Falling water is a sort of mechanical(机械的)energy. The force of _ water can turn the turbine(涡轮) and give us electricity.Heat is another kind of energy. We burn fuels to get _ and then use it to produce electricity. Electricity is also a sort of energy. It does many kinds of work for us. It _ trains go and causes machines to run.There are still other kinds of energy, such as light, sound, and atomic(原子的)energy.According to the Law of Energy Conservation(守恒), energy can be _ created nor destroyed. It can only be changed from one form into another for different purposes. 中考模拟(十五)The Spring Festivals tradition of setting off fireworks is falling out of favor.Sun Ruoran believed the Spring Festival of _ be quieter than most. She is a 13-year-old girl, living in Beijing. She said she had also lost enthusiasm(热情) for the tradition of _ the Lunar New Years arrival with fireworks.“Mum asked if I wanted some fireworks, but Im not as interested in them as I used to be,” she said.“They are _ and scary, though there are moments of brightness.”Her family live in a 16-storey building near the Asian Sports Village on the Northern Fourth Ring Road. She recalled(回忆起)that her neighbors drove to nearby counties to buy a lot of fireworks in .“Almost all our neighbors were out setting off fireworks, or at least watching, but fireworks were set off just _ midnight on Lunar New Years Eve,” she said.This year, Sun stayed at home and made e-cards online, while her mother and grandparents were watching the Spring Festival TV Gala(春节联欢晚会)。Her neighbor, who _ fireworks in , did not set any off, either, because the family now believes fireworks are “expensive and dangerous” and they pollute the environment.“Children grow up,” Suns mother said.” And they have many other ways of celebrating the New Year. 冲刺模拟一 The telescope was invented at the beginning of the 17th century. Since that time, it has _ the way we get to know our universe. Before the use of the telescope people thought that the Earth lay inside a glass ball and that the stars were simply holes in that ball and light from the heaven could pass through these _ . This belief came to an _ in1610. In that year, a scientist by the name of Galileo first saw the stars through his small home-made telescope. He saw lots of stars. Some were very far while some were _ . He also discovered moons around Jupiter, and many other things that people didnt know before. Since then humans have raced to build bigger and better telescopes. The bigger a telescope is the more _ it shows the far away objects, and thus the more we can learn about them. 冲刺模拟二 My life has changed a lot since I started high school. I remember that when I was young, I used to have much time. I used to spend plenty of time playing funny games with some of my friends, which _ me a lot of happiness. In the evening, I used to sit on the sofa and watch TV or talk with my grandmother. She often told me wonderful _ in the past. My father used to take me to concerts because he knew that music is my _. My mother used to buy many comics for me because I liked reading them. But now Im too _ to do such activities again. In the morning, I have to get up early and stay in school all day. After school, I go right home and do my homework, then I eat dinner. I almost spend all my _ on studying. So I dont have time to play with my friends or listen to my grandmothers stories any more. My father doesnt take me to the concert and my mother doesnt buy any comics for me, either. How I miss the old days! 冲刺模拟三 In Europe, bikes, as a kind of transportation, are quite important. Bikes were most often used in China some years ago. But now, in many big cities, more and more people say “No” to the question “Do you ride your bike?” With the development of the economy(经济),many people have bought their own . Some people thing a car is a symbol of status(身份). It is enjoyable to work or travel in a car. Cars are much than bikes. This is true. But at the same time, the gases from these cars do harm to our environment. And cars make the traffic busier. There are traffic happening every day.In many developed countries, however, bikes are more and more . In Europe, bikes have been a very important part of the whole transportation. In London, 350 roadways have been for people to ride bikes. In Berlin, eleven percent of the city transportation is bikes. Nine hundred streets for bikes form 12ways around the city. Its quite safe for people to ride along them.In order to make our environment clean and the city traffic smooth, we should be happy to use bikes. And riding itself is very good for our bodies.冲刺模拟四 Now more and more people are beginning to learn English, but whats the best way to learn it well? The following is some advice.Firstly, know the importance of learning English. English is one of the most useful tools to communicate with the outside world. Of course, learning it will a lot of effort, but never give up.Secondly, find the main in learning it and try your best to overcome(克服) them. As the saying goes: practice makes perfect. is the most important thing to do. If you want to learn English well, read more listen more and speak more. In your spare time, read English newspapers, magazines or watch CCTV-9,and try to speak like the hosts. Maybe you cant catch every word when you watch TV, but you can the meaning by the pictures and the body language. Lastly, have the courage and confidence to talk with other in English. Talk with foreigners and think in English whenever possible. Confidence will help you make in learning English.As long as you keep trying, you will succeed sooner or later.冲刺模拟五 Jaylin Fleming is only five feet tall, but theres nothing little about his game. Many people in the basketball world regard him as the countrys best 10-year-old player.“This is a boy is good at playing basketball trainer who has worked with college and NBA players. Jaylin plays point guard(后卫). Hes the player on his team of 11 and 12-year-olds.“I stay in the gym and work hard every time I step on the floor,” Jaylin said. “I work very hard because I know that of I work hard, I will get better. If I working, I wont achieve my goals(目的). I think I can play basketball all my and become an excellent player.”Jaylins father knew his son was special at birth. “All the doctors and I noticed that he had very large ,” said John Fleming. “Hes got basketball hands.”“Jaylin is the best basketball player of his age that Ive even seen. I think he may be a good future NBA player,” Knicks, the head trainer, said.Now, many colleges an high schools have invited him to games and to practice with them.冲刺模拟六 Nowadays, more and more families start to realize the importance of childrens independence. Many parents love their children so much that they dont let them do anything, not even wash their clothes. It is not to look after children well. It is also the parents job to foster(培养)their independence. You can try the following things.l Teach children to themselves. Put the clothes near them in the morning and help them to make it easier.l Make them clean their own room. Maybe it is hard to clean their room at first, but as long as they try, that will be a good beginning.l Encourage them to help with the . By doing this, they will think they are important to the family and should do something for the family.l Ask them to think about things by . This will widen their imagination and develop their independent thought.l Children. Give children praise when they work or play independently. It is necessary for parents to listen to what their children dont want to do.l Make your children happy when they are bored. Let their boredom lead them to discover new ways of playing and help them foster their independence.冲刺模拟七 won award/prize becoming warm tells The black- and- white film, the Artist, was the big winner at Sundays 84th Oscars, taking best movie and major awards for its director and lead actor. Frenchman, Jean Dujardin, the Oscar for Best Actor for his role in the film, while Michel Hazanavicius got the Best Director award.Meryl Streep won her third Oscar, taking the for Best Actress for her acting(演绎)of the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, in The Iron Lady.Christopher Plummer made history by the oldest actor to win an Oscar. The 82-year-old won the Best Supporting Actor award for his role in Beginners as an elderly lonely man who accepts the way he is.Octavia Spencer received a welcome when she won the award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in The Help. She was one of two actresses nominated(提名的)in the category from the film, which tells the story of African American servant girl in the southern United States of the 1960s.Another big winner was Hugo, which won five awards, including art direction and sound editing.In the best foreign language film category, the prize went as expected to Irans A separation. Directed by Asghar Farhadi, it the story of the difficult lives of a couple who have a bad relationship. It has already won many awards this year.冲刺模拟八 Most children in the United States have a summer holiday of almost three months. This tradition started mostly because it was to have classed in the hot summer weather. American schools began to change this in the early 1900s. Some people thought children should go to school all year round. But the idea did not become popular until about twenty-five year


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