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装 备 制 造 学 院讲 稿系 室 复合材料工程系 课程名称 复合材料专业英语 课程编号 C 授课对象 复材1101,1102 主讲教师 武春霞 职 称 助教 教材名称 材料专业英语 二一 四 年 三 月授课题目绪论、专业英语的特点授学时间.03.10讲 稿 内 容备 注课堂引言1. 理解复合材料专业英语这门课程的课程性质,学习专业英语的意义,措施2. 掌握专业英语的四个特点,以便能将专业文献读懂并精确地翻译出来。一、专业英语的特点1.1 绪论1.2 引言1.3 专业英语的特点1.3.1 专业英语的词汇特点1) 大量使用技术词词义较窄,往往仅限于某一专业中浮现 Example: bandwidth(频带);flip-flop(触发器);diode(二极管);triode(三极管);capacitor(电容) 2) 大量使用半技术词与在一般英语中的含义不同,可以当作是从一般英语中借用过来的,并赋予不同的含义,因此又称为转译词。 Example: conductor在平常生活中指售货员、乐队指挥,在电学中指引体; 类似的尚有 lead(导线);series(串联);relay(继电器);power(功率) 等。3) 缩略词由每个词的首字母构成 Example:ROM-Read only Memory,IEEE-the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer4) 组合词两个或两个以上的词结合成一种新词,涉及有连字符和无连字符两种形式。 Example: feedback 反馈 (vt.+adv.);zero-input response 零输入响应 ;copper end rings 铜端环 (n.+n.) ;alternating current 交流电 (ing 分词+n.);printed circuit 印刷电路 (ed分词+n.);forward-bias 正向偏置 (adj.+n.)5) 派生词词根加上前缀或后缀构成新词。1.3.2 专业英语的语法特点1) 多使用目前时和被动语态 2) 多使用长句:阅读科技文体时,往往会遇到一种句子长达七八行,甚至整个一段文章是由一种英语长句构成的现象。 3) 虚拟语调和祈使语调4) 名词化倾向1.3.3 专业英语的修辞特点1) 广泛使用一般目前时2) 较多地使用图、表和公式3) 逻辑语法使用多1.3.4总结1.3.5课后作业熟悉并掌握常用词根、前缀、后缀的含义,并体会被动语态等语法的应用。 授课题目专业英语翻译授学时间.03.12讲 稿 内 容备 注课堂引言1 掌握专业英语翻译的原则,环节,措施2 理解材料科学与基本中的某些基本概念3 掌握专业英语的翻译技巧一:词义选择和引申及数词的用法一、专业英语的翻译1.1 英汉两种语言的对比1) 句子构造的差别(略)2) 词汇上的差别(第三节讲)3) 主句和从句的顺序不同(略)1.2 专业英语翻译的原则1) 信、达、雅2) 专业英语的翻译应坚持如下两条原则: 第一、译文应当忠实于原文,应精确而完整地体现原文的思想内容,这是对专业英语翻译的首要的也是最起码的规定。 第二、译文语言必须规范化,应使用本民族的、科学的大众的语言。3) 专业英语的翻译特别应当强调明确、通顺和简炼。1.3 翻译的过程1) 原文理解阶段2) 汉语体现阶段:注意体现的规范性;注意体现的逻辑性3) 译文校对阶段1.3.1 Introduction of Materials Science and Engineering1) Definition of material2) Development of Materials Science3) Classification of Materials4) The future of Materials1.3.2 专业英语翻译的措施与技巧一:词义的引申与选择1) 词义的选择u 单纯的专业技术词汇u 英语的词义与汉语的词义部分相应。characteristic,property,performance,behavior:特性furnace:鼓风炉(高炉)、热解决炉、坩埚炉、甚至家用燃气炉,煤炉u 一种英语词所体现的意义与几种具有不同的词义甚至词性的汉语词分别相应Metal:名词:金属、合金、五金、涂、成分、轴承、碎石料动词:用金属包镀、覆以金属、用碎石铺路面cast:锻造、浇注、灌溉、熔炼、投射、筹划、预测、安排、分类整顿u 词的搭配上的不同英语heavy一词作为形容词,它的基本词义是沉重的、重型的、重的、大量的等。当与下列不同的名词搭配使用时,按照汉语的搭配习惯,则应有不同的译法u 根据词类,辨明词义light metal轻金属 light casting薄小铸件light光 light指引u 辨别场合,拟定词义u 按照习惯,搭配词义u .联系上下文,活用词义2) 词义的引伸u 技术性引伸u 修辞性引伸u 具体化引伸1.3.3 专业英语翻译的措施与技巧一:数词1) 复数形式数的翻译 tens 数十个 dozens 几十 hundreds 几百个 thousands 几千个 millions 千千万万2) 数量相似:由“as+形容词(或者副词)原级+as”构成“相似限度”比较句3) 倍数的增长:u “n+times+as+adj/adv原级+as”, “A是B的n倍”u “n+times+adj/adv比较级+than”, “A比B大、重n-1倍,或A是B的n倍”u “n+times+n(尺寸、长度、重量、体积等)of ”, “A是B的n倍,或A比B大、长、重n-1倍”u “n+fold increase ”或者“increase类动词+倍数 ”, “增长n-1倍,或增长到n倍”4) 倍数的减少:decreased/reduced to/by1.3.4总结1.3.5课后作业翻译materials and materials science:Materials were predominantly used for tools, weapons, utensils, shelter, and self-expression, that is, for creating decorations or jewelry. The increased usage and development of ever more sophisticated materials were paralleled by a rise of the consciousness of mankind. In other words, it seems to be that advanced civilizations generally invented and used more elaborate materials. This observation is probably still true in present days. 授课题目专业英语翻译(二)授学时间.03.17讲 稿 内 容备 注课堂引言1 理解陶瓷材料的某些基本知识和有关术语2 理解陶瓷材料的最新研究进展3 掌握专业英语翻译的措施与技巧多功能词as和it的用法一、Introduction of Ceramic1.1 Ceramic and Ceramic History1) Definition of ceramics2) Types of ceramics3) Properties of Ceramics4) Ceramic History1.2 Ceramics Processing1) Processing of raw materials2) Forming a desired shape3) Heat treatment4) Special treatment1.3 Traditional Ceramics1.4 Advanced Ceramics1) Ceramic non-stick cookware2) Ceramic engine1.5 Translation skills(as的用法)1) 肯定形式“asas”或否认形式“not asas”2) as引导让步状语从句3) as引导定语从句4) “such as” = for example/instance = like.5) “as soon as” = once6) 作为简朴介词“+as”, act as,serve as, ect.7) “被动语态+as”, defined as, known as, ect. 1.6 Translation skills(it的用法)1) it作人称代词,译为“它”或所指代的名词2) 作批示代词时,译为“这”或“这件事”3) 作无人称代词,如表达自然现象,时间,距离等,可省略4) it作形式主语,译出实际替代主语5) it作形式宾语时,无实际意义,不必译出6) it is not until.一般译为“直到。才。”7) it在强调句中,一般译为“正是”“就是”“只是”等1.7总结1.8课后作业翻译1 However, the same type of notch does not give the same results on large section test pieces as are obtained on small sections.2 As soon as the current has reached a constant value, the induced e.m.f. disperses. 3 In crystalline substances, the atoms occur in a regular three dimensional pattern known as a space lattice. 4 Argon is approximately one and one-third times as heavy as air and ten times as heavy as helium. 5 To get the same equivalent shielding effectiveness, the flow of helium will have to be two to three times that of argon.6 It was this engineer who improved the molding technology.7 We are always interested in how the material behaves when it is exposed to sudden intense impact.授课题目专业英语翻译(三)授学时间.03.19讲 稿 内 容备 注课堂引言1 理解高分子材料的某些基本知识和有关术语2 理解高分子材料的最新研究进展3 掌握专业英语翻译的措施与技巧关联词的用法及并列句和复合句一、Introduction of Polymer Materials1.1 what are Polymers1) Definition of Polymers2) Classification of Polymers3) Applications of Polymers1.2 Methods for Synthesis of Polymers1) Chain polymerization:InitiationPropagationTermination2) Stepwise polymerization1.3 Processing of Polymers1) Melt processing of polymers2) Injection molding3) Processing of polymers from solution1.4 Innovation Research on Polymers1) Polymer light-emitting diode (PLED) 2) How to choose the mobile power batteries1.5 Translation skills(关联词的用法)1) what引导的句型翻译技巧2) which引导的句型翻译技巧3) when引导的句型翻译技巧4) where引导的句型翻译技巧5) how引导的句型翻译技巧 1.6 Translation skills(并列句和复合句)1) 并列句:由两个或两个以上互相独立互相平等的简朴句构成。2) 复合句:由一种主句和一种或多种从句构成,涉及两个或多种主谓构造u 宾语从句u 状语从句u 定语从句u 表语从句3) 句子的倒装u 简朴句的倒装u 复合句的倒装4) 否认句的译法u 所有否认u 部分否认u 双重否认u 意义上的否认1.7总结1.8课后作业熟悉并掌握关联词的用法及并列句和复合句的翻译技巧,并预习翻译的技巧四长句和复杂句的翻译措施授课题目专业英语翻译(四)授学时间.03.24讲 稿 内 容备 注课堂引言1 理解复合材料的某些基本知识和有关术语2 理解复合材料的最新研究进展3 掌握专业英语翻译的措施与技巧长难句和复杂句一、Introduction of Composites1.1 Outline of Composite Materials1) Definition of composite materials2) Natural composite materials3) History of composite materials4) Classification of composites1.2 Metal Composites1) Definition2) Manufacturing of metal composites3) Application of metal composites1.3 Ceramic-based Composite Materials1) Classification for ceramics-based composite materials2) Microstructure of Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Materials3) Crystal whisker reinforced ceramics4) Particle Strengthening Ceramic5) Sandwich-structure Ceramic Composite6) Application of ceramic composite materials7) Advanced Composite Materials-Functionally graded materials (FGM)1.4 Cement-based Composite Materials1) Concrete 2) Main composition of concrete3) Reinforced Concrete4) Engineered cementitious composites1.5 Translation skills(长难句和复杂句)1) 核心在于两点:一是对原文的精确理解,二是恰如其分的体现。2) 理解阶段可分为3个环节:1.扼要拟出全句的重要轮廓;2.辨清该句的主从构造,并根据上下文领略全句的要旨;3.找出句与句之间的附属关系,理清每句原文的意思。3) 体现可分为2个环节进行:1.试将每个划开的单句逐个翻译;2.将译出的句子进行调节、组合,对译文作加工润色。4) 最常用的长句解决措施是化整为零,分散解决。此外,尚有拆译法、插入标点法、重组法等。5) 切分法:将英语长句按意群切分为若干小句再逐句翻译 6) 拆译法:将原文中的某一部分(如单词、短语或从句)提取出来单独解决,或放在译文句首,或放在译文句末。7) 插入标点法:指插入原文中所没有的标点符号,如破折号、括号、冒号等。用这种措施可保持原文的连贯性。1.6 专业英语阅读基本与技巧1) 快读:测览重点(Highlight)迅速断句 抓住核心字2) 慢读3) 选读1.7总结1.8课后作业翻译1 This plant does not always make such machine tools.2 Every design made by her is impossible of execution.3 The blast furnace can operate without being repairing for several months.4 In welding where the workpiece is the positive pole and the electrode is negative, the hookup is referred to as being straight polarity. On the other hand, the detained decomposition gas might become the cause of reducing the purity of the metal oxide coating adhered to the ribbon glass in the case the aforementioned decomposition gas is not thoroughly removed from the spraying locale.授课题目材料专业英语文献选读授学时间.03.26讲 稿 内 容备 注课堂引言1 理解纳米材料的某些基本知识和有关术语2 理解纳米材料的最新研究进展3 掌握专业英语文献的阅读技巧一、Introduction of Nanotechnology and Nano Materials1.1 What are Nano Materials1) Definition of nano materials2) Characteristics of nano materials3) Commercial products of nano materials1.2 What is Nanotechnology1) Definition of nanotechnology2) Imaging at nano scale3) Measuring at nano scale4) Modeling at nano scale5) Manipulating matter at nano scale1.3 Properties of Nano Materials8) Electrical properties of nano materials9) Mechanical properties of nano materials10) Chemical properties of nano materials11) Magnetic properties of nano materials1.4 Application of Nanotechnology1) Energy storage2) Structural composites3) Reinforced fibers4) Catalyst5) Air, water and gas filtrations 1.5 专业英语文献选读一1.6 专业英语文献选读二1.7总结1.8课后作业阅读一篇文献,下次课进行解说授课题目专业英语写作技巧授学时间.03.31讲 稿 内 容备 注课堂引言1 理解学术论文的定义、分类及总体构造2 掌握学术论文的各构成部分的具体内容及语言特点3 掌握学术论文摘要的写作措施和技巧一、学术论文的写作1.1 学术论文的定义、分类1) 什么是学术论文2) 学术论文的分类1.2 学术论文的总体构造及各构成部分的具体内容及语言特点1) 题目(Title)2) 作者(Authors)姓名及单位(Affiliation)3) 摘要(Abstract)(单独ppt)4) 核心词(Keywords)5) 简介(Introduction)6) 实验(Experimental Section)7) 成果与讨论(Results and Discussion)8) 结论(Conclusions)9) 道谢(Acknowledgement)10) 参照文献(References)1.3 专业论文英语摘要写作1) 摘要及摘要的类型2) 摘要的基本内容、规定与质量原则3) 摘要的写作措施4) 摘要中的常用句型与写作实例1.4总结1.5课后作业学生自己根据毕业设计内容写篇摘要授课题目国际学术会议论文的投稿与刊登授学时间.04.02讲 稿 内 容备 注课堂引言1 理解学术论文投稿杂志的选择及论文出版程序2 掌握学术论文刊登的注意事项一、学术论文的投稿与刊登1.1 投稿须知1.1.1杂志(journal)的选择1) 有关文献的出处2) 符合各杂志的特点风格和爱好3) 考虑杂志的影响因子IF1.1.2论文出版程序1) 投草稿2) 网上投稿1.2 论文刊登注意事项1) 论文的内容注意事项2) 论文的修改、审稿人问题的回答1.3 学术论文的模拟投稿1.4总结1.5课后作业复习本节课所讲内容,并纯熟掌握学术论文投稿的措施。授课题目专业英语的考试授学时间.04.09讲 稿 内 容备 注课堂引言1 对本学期所学知识总结,并进行开卷考试2 考试内容: 翻译In a thermoplastic material the long chain-like molecules are held together by relatively weak Van der Waals forces. A useful image of the structure is a mass of randomly distributed long strands of sticky wool. When the material is heated the intermolecular forces are weakened so that is becomes soft and flexible and eventually, at high temperatures, it is a viscous melt. When the material is allowed to cool it solidifies again. This cycle of softening by heat and solidifying when cooled can be repeated more or less indefinitely and is a definite advantage in that it is the basis of most processing methods for these materials. It does have its drawbacks, however, because it means that the properties of thermoplastics are heat sensitive. A useful analogy which is often used to describe these materials is that like candle wax they can be repeatedly softened by heat and will solidify when cooled. Examples of thermoplastics are polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, nylon, cellulose acetate, acetal, polycarbonate, polymethyl methacrylate and polypropylene. 有关任意一种材料的任何方面的描述,中英文对照。字数:不小于200个字


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